Library JGU is a website created for a university library system information. Made with PHP & TailwindCSS.


Library JGU

Library JGU is a website created for a university library system information. Made with PHP & TailwindCSS.

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Key FeaturesHow To UseRelatedLicense


Key Features

  • Dashboard admin - Manage data
    • Instantly view book, member, and borrowing data.
  • Dashboard member - View data
    • Can view loan data and borrowing history.
  • Dark/Light mode
  • Save the DataTables as PDF
  • Cross platform
    • Windows, macOS and Linux ready.
  • Responsive - Mobile friendly

How To Use

To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer. From your command line:

# Clone this repository
$ git clone

# Create database
- turn on the apache web server and phpmyadmin
- go to localhost/phpmyadmin, then create a database named libraryjgu
- import the sql file which is in database/libraryjgu.sql

if you want to change the name of the database, please also change it in the admin/functions.php and member/functions.php files

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This repository is under MIT License.  ·  GitHub @azkazikna  ·  Twitter @azkazikna3

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