Inventory and Sales System of Biosys Medical Trading
This system will provide an organize and up to date inventory to the company. This will allow the company to make transaction smooth and easy.
Features This system is utilizing the CRUD functions to display, read and update the data.
- The user can view the product, client and supplier lists in a tabular form
- The user can add new product, client and supplier to the list.
- The user can update the details of the products.
- The user can delete a record from the list.
- The user can create a sales and purchase orders, dynamically.
- The user can view the details of the order.
- The user can update the status of order.
- The user can delete a record from the sales and purchase orders.
- When user creates sales order, the quantity of products will be subtracted to the existing inventory.
- When user creates purchase order, the quantity in the products will also add.
Built With - HTML
- Javascript
- JQuery
Getting Started To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
Before the installation process, you need to download and install the software
- IDE (Visual Studio)
Start Apache and MySQL in XAMPP Control Panel
Clone the repo inside the htdocs folder
git clone
Set up the database
- Make sure the phpmyadmin credential is default (username is root and there is no password)
- If the credential is not default, change the value inside the database/db.php
- Open phpmyadmin, then import this sql file (download the file first): biosysbd.sql
- The default username and password of BiosysMD Website is admin
You can now run the project in your local machine
Contribution If you want to contribute to this project, fork it and make your own pull request. Please report any issues you find with this project on the issue page. Thank you.
Appreciation Please share this project with others and don't forget to give it a star if you find it useful.