A great looking and easy-to-use photo-management-system you can run on your server, to manage and share photos.



A great looking and easy-to-use photo-management-system.

Since the 1st of April 2018 this project has moved to it's own Organisation (https://github.com/LycheeOrg) where people are able to submit their fixes to it. We, the Organisation owners, want to thank electerious (Tobias Reich) for the opportunity to make this project live on.

Lychee Lychee

Lychee is a free photo-management tool, which runs on your server or web-space. Installing is a matter of seconds. Upload, manage and share photos like from a native application. Lychee comes with everything you need and all your photos are stored securely. Read more on our website.


To run Lychee, everything you need is a web-server with PHP 5.5 or later and a MySQL-Database. Follow the instructions to install Lychee on your server. Installation »

How to use

You can use Lychee right after the installation. Here are some advanced features to get the most out of it.


Sign in and click the gear in the top left corner to change your settings. If you want to edit them manually: MySQL details are stored in data/config.php. Other options and hidden settings are stored directly in the database. Settings »


Updating is as easy as it should be. Update »


Lychee is ready to use, right out of the box. If you want to contribute and edit CSS or JS files, you need to rebuild Lychee. Build »

Keyboard Shortcuts

These shortcuts will help you to use Lychee even faster. Keyboard Shortcuts »

Dropbox import

In order to use the Dropbox import from your server, you need a valid drop-ins app key from their website. Lychee will ask you for this key, the first time you try to use the import. Want to change your code? Take a look at the settings of Lychee.

Twitter Cards

Lychee supports Twitter Cards and Open Graph for shared images (not albums). In order to use Twitter Cards you need to request an approval for your domain. Simply share an image with Lychee, copy its link and paste it in Twitters Card Validator.


Lychee uses Imagick when installed on your server. In this case you will benefit from a faster processing of your uploads, better looking thumbnails and intermediate sized images for small screen devices. You can disable the usage of Imagick in the settings.


Browse the Docker Hub Registry for various automated Lychee-Docker builds. We recommend using lychee-docker by kdelfour.

Plugins and Extensions

The plugin-system of Lychee allows you to execute scripts when a certain action fires. Plugins are hooks, which are injected directly into Lychee. Plugin documentation »

It's also possible to build extensions upon Lychee. The way to do so isn't documented and can change every time. We recommend using the plugin-system, when possible.

Here's a list of all available Plugins and Extensions:

Name Description
lycheesync Sync Lychee with any directory containing photos More »
lycheeupload Upload photos to Lychee via SSH More »
Jekyll Liquid tag for Jekyll sites that allows embedding Lychee albums More »
lychee-redirect Redirect from an album-name to a Lychee-album More »
lychee-watermark Adds a second watermarked photo when uploading images More »
lychee-rss Creates a RSS-Feed out of your photos More »
lychee-FlashAir Import from a Toshiba FlashAir WiFi SD card More »
lychee-webroot Controls photos accessibility and keeps Lychee files hidden More »
lychee-create-medium Generate missing medium size photos More »


Take a look at the FAQ if you have problems. Discovered a bug? Please create an issue here on GitHub!

  • Added support for selecting photos/albums individually

    Added support for selecting photos/albums individually

    Note that the commit is on top of the "Better highlighting of selected items", because it uses two functions that were introduced there. Apart from that, they are independent.

    opened by hrniels 18
  • Fix the position of contextMenu for button_add button for mobile device

    Fix the position of contextMenu for button_add button for mobile device

    This pull request fixes the position of context menu for button_add on mobile device which should be shown on the top right like desktop version. The root cause is touchend event will return no pageX and pageY, and thus we need to capture pageX and pageY from orignalEvent.

    It is ok to show the context menu on the top left, but I think we should give the user least surprised. I am not sure if this change will have some side effects. Please help review if this change is ok.

    Before change: 2014-10-10 12 40 31

    After change: 2014-10-10 12 43 57

    By the way, the wierd white shadow on the context menu can only be reproduced on my Nexus 4 with latest Chrome. It seems like the "border-radius and box-shadow" make this, because when I disable one of them, the white shadow is gone. But I have tried many devices:

    • iPod touch 5 with Safari and Chrome
    • Nexus 5 with Chrome
    • LG G Tablet 8.3 with Chrome

    The issue is not happened.

    So I am not sure if this is only happened on specific devices and don't know what's the root cause. Maybe we can track this issue if other people also have the same issue.

    opened by powentan 18
  • Various fixes for php 32bits and long albums/photos ids

    Various fixes for php 32bits and long albums/photos ids

    (love your project btw) The ids have to be integers as this is what the javascript part expect. (When creating an album for instance.)

    edit: Just realized it breaks staring photos. "0"s & "1"s are passed through json to javascript. I'll look into it soon.

    edit2: On an other topic, using "prerender" instead of "prefetch" decrease considerably the time needed to show the next/previous photo.

    opened by karlak 13
  • Table prefix

    Table prefix

    This was a lot of work, but finally I got it. When installing you can now choose an optional table prefix for your lychee installation.

    This fixes issue #196

    opened by cternes 12
  • Docker Integration

    Docker Integration

    This pull request allows users to deploy Lychee through docker using the codebase itself, rather than some third party wrapper such as kdelfour/lychee-docker.

    This youtube video demonstrates the code in action.

    Resons for Development

    It looks like the Lychee used to support building through docker, but then using kdelfour/lychee-docker became the official way, but the problem with this is that the third party wrapper may get out of sync with the codebase. For example, if a new branch needs a new package, then its easier for that branch to just edit the Dockerfile here for when it is ready to be merged into master.

    Also, it looks like the kdelfour image is not being kept up-to-date. The last time an image was pushed was 8 months ago.

    Another factor is that the kdelfour image uses php 5.5 instead of this integration which uses 5.6. Php 5.5 isn't supported anymore, and 5.6 only has security updates. It would be good to upgrade to 7.0 or 7.1 which this should make somewhat easier (ties into my first point).

    Lastly, the kdelfour image works based on using an internal MySQL server. As somebody else has pointed out, it's much better practice to keep the database outside the application container, either by using another container, or by just running your own MySQL server. In this case you can do either, and just pass the details in using environment variables.

    opened by programster 11
  • Allowed Albums with only Sub albums to show a thumbnail

    Allowed Albums with only Sub albums to show a thumbnail

    This allows an album with no pictures that contains subalbums with pictures to still have a thumbnail.


    1. Album.php functions getSubAlbums and addSubAlbumIds to static to allow better access from Albums.php.
    2. The thumbnail query has been changed to get the output of AddSubAlbumIds and use it in an "IN" SQL function


    In a structure as follows:

    • Main Album
      • Sub1
        • Sub2
          • Pic2.jpg
        • Pic1.jpg

    Main Album will have Pic1 and Pic2 in its thumbs list as will Sub1. Sub2 will only have Pic2.

    opened by patmagauran 10
  • A couple of features and bug fixes

    A couple of features and bug fixes

    Hello there, I have been testing out Lychee fixing bugs and adding minor features in progress. Here is a list of the changes I have introduced so far.

    • Faster photo browsing thanks to caching.
    • Default sort order of albums is changed from new to old.
    • Preserves scroll position when changing from albums to album and vice versa
    • Better Unicode support for values read from the database

    Hopefully these are of use to you. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.

    Cheers, Roman

    opened by r0x0r 8
  • Added feature to move files before processing in Import.php for server

    Added feature to move files before processing in Import.php for server

    This will move folders then files for a server import job to the LYCHEE_DATA/HASH/ folder. File processing will then be operated on that specified HASH dir.

    opened by djdallmann 8
  • Add video support

    Add video support

    This PR adds video support, see electerious/Lychee#63

    It uses MediaElement.js to provide Cross-Browser video support with a Flash Fallback and currently allows mp4, flv, webm and ogv.

    To Do:

    • [x] Support WMV (video/x-ms-wmv)
    • [x] Allow upload of unsupported video types for direct download (avi, mov, mkv, ...)
    • [x] Use AddType for supported video types in .htaccess to set correct headers in Apache
    • [ ] Add/Set Thumbnail for video
    • [ ] Add default Thumbnail (Maybe something using the Iconic "video" Icon)
    • [ ] Upload from browser (only Import from Server at the moment)
    • [ ] Build MediaElement.js JavaScript and CSS with Gulp into dist/* files (I added them to paths.main but it didn't work)
    • [ ] Add Database Schema change
    • [ ] Fix "janky" CSS transitions on switch from default to .full
    • [ ] Change Actions

    Folder / Database Changes:

    • Adds uploads/video folder and corresponding constants
    • Adds media_type VARCHAR(10) DEFAULT 'photo' to lychee_photos
    opened by rhurling 7
  • Docker Improvements

    Docker Improvements

    This PR includes all of the remaining improvements for Docker requested in #237. This includes:

    • Install ImageMagick
      • ImageMagick is now installed during the RUN command for installing dependences. I wasn't sure of a way to test and see if Lychee was actually using it, but I'm assuming that if it's installed and enabled in Lychee's settings it will work.
    • Updated values in php.ini
      • A RUN command now configures settings in php.ini to the recommended values.
    • Use data volumes
      • I figured out everything that was necessary to launch the application and maintain persistent data using volumes (see below).

    As requested, here are the instructions for installing Lychee using Docker. Feel free to include any parts of this throughout Lychee's documentation where appropriate.

    Installation Using Docker

    Note: pre-installation of the latest version of Git and Docker is required to deploy Lychee using Docker.

    First, you should clone the latest version of Lychee and build it using the Dockerfile included in the repository.

    git clone https://github.com/electerious/Lychee.git
    cd Lychee
    sudo docker build -t lychee .

    Once this is finished, remember to set the proper permissions on the uploads and data directories so the container can mount these directories as volumes.

    chmod -R 777 uploads/ data/

    Now you can use the docker run command to run your Lychee container.

    sudo docker run -v /var/lib/mysql --name lychee_data \
                    -v $(pwd)/data:/app/data \
                    -v $(pwd)/uploads:/app/uploads \
                    -i -t -d -p 8000:80 lychee

    Browse to localhost:8000 (the port can be specified via the -p flag) and you will see Lychee's configuration page. The default database username is root with no password (you can manage MySQL users by running docker exec -i -t <container_id> mysql). After submitting your database configuration, you can sign in and create a new username and password and start using Lychee.

    Note: if you are deploying on a server, you might want to forward your container to port 80 instead of 8000 so it'll be publicly accessible.

    Managing Data

    Running the container with the above options mounts three Docker data volumes. The first is a named data volume used to store the MySQL database. The last two will mount the /data and /uploads from the container to your host Lychee directory. If you would like to upgrade or redeploy Lychee while preserving your data, you can kill the container and the volumes will persist. Just rebuild your new container and run it using a similar command:

    sudo docker run --volumes-from lychee_data \
                    -v $(pwd)/data:/app/data \
                    -v $(pwd)/uploads:/app/uploads \
                    -i -t -d -p 8000:80 lychee
    opened by renfredxh 7
  • Better EXIF extraction

    Better EXIF extraction

    Small rewrite of EXIF extraction and a few improvements.

    • No need to create temp variable to check if array element exists
    • No error suppression #515
    • Import photo tags (works with Lightroom, maybe also with others softwares) #514
    • Converting GPS coordinates to float number of degrees #494

    Tested with a few photos, without bugs.

    opened by qligier 6
  • v3.1.6(Mar 20, 2017)

  • v3.1.5(Oct 25, 2016)

  • v3.1.4(Aug 28, 2016)

    • Fixed Search stopped working because of an undefined index error (#605)
    • Fixed Better next/previous photo check to prevent an error when opening an album with only one photo
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.1.3(Aug 22, 2016)

    • Improved Rotate and flip images with GD based on EXIF orientation (Thanks @qligier, #600)
    • Improved Enter/leave fullscreen-mode by (not) moving the mouse for one second (Thanks @hrniels, #583)
    • Improved Prefetch the medium photo instead of the big one (Thanks @Bramas, #446)
    • Improved Added "session" to required extensions (#579)
    • Improved Added warning if Imagick is not installed/enabled (Thanks @hrniels, #590)
    • Fixed Don't assume that gd_info exists when running diagnostics (Thanks @hrniels, #589 #565)
    • Fixed Sidebar showing up in smart albums when navigating back from the photo-view
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v3.1.2(Jun 12, 2016)

    • Improved Added indexes to SQL fields to improve query execution time (Thanks @qligier, #533)
    • Improved Protocol-relative URLs for open graph metadata (#546)
    • Improved Remove metadata from medium-sized images and thumbnails (Imagick only) (#556)
    • Improved Reduce quality of medium-sized images (Imagick only) (#556)
    • Improved orientation-handling with Imagick (#556)
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v3.1.1(Apr 30, 2016)

    • New share button when logged out (#473)
    • New Import of IPTC photo tags (Thanks @qligier, #514)
    • New Added reset username and password to FAQ (#500 #128)
    • Improved Removed will-change from the main image to improve the image rendering in Chrome (#501)
    • Improved scroll and rendering performance by removing will-change
    • Improved Open Facebook and Twitter sharing sheet in new window
    • Improved EXIF and IPTC extraction (Thanks @qligier, #518)
    • Fixed broken URL in Update.md (#516)
    • Fixed error 500 on database connect error (Thanks @tribut, #530)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.1.0(Mar 29, 2016)

    Warning: It's no longer possible to update from Lychee versions older than 2.7.

    Warning: Plugins which use the plugin API of Lychee must be updated to work with the new back-end.

    Notice: It's no longer possible to edit the thumb quality in the database.

    Notice: It's no longer possible to disable the creation of medium-sized photos when Imagick is installed on the system.

    This updates includes a huge rewrite of the back-end. We are now using namespaces and the singleton pattern for Settings::get(), Database::get() and Plugins::get(). Everything is way better documented thanks to PHPDoc comments. Ugly # comments have been replaced with the more known //. Unused functions are gone and returns are more strict. We also added a handy module to output messages. Failed database updates and invalid queries will be saved to the log.

    • New Empty titles for albums
    • New Share albums as hidden so they are only viewable with a direct link (#27)
    • New Log failed and successful login attempts (Thanks @qligier, #382 #246)
    • Improved error messages and log output
    • Improved The search shows albums above photos (#434)
    • Improved Album id now based on the current microtime (#27)
    • Improved Back-end modules and plugins
    • Improved Database connect function and update mechanism
    • Improved Default photo title now "Untitled"
    • Improved Move to next photo after after moving a picture (#437)
    • Improved Return to album overview when canceling album password input
    • Improved URL import now accepts photo URLs containing "?" and ":" (Thanks @qligier, #482)
    • Improved Replaced date by strftime to simplify date translations (Thanks @qligier, #461)
    • Fixed Missing icons in Safari 9.1
    • Fixed duplicate uploads (Thanks @qligier, #433)
    • Fixed incorrect escaping when using backslashes
    • Fixed session_start() after sending headers (#433)
    • Fixed error when deleting last open photo in album
    • Fixed Photo sometimes not loading when visiting directly
    • Fixed Move album, merge album and switch album/photo menus no longer show empty titles for untitled albums/photos
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v3.0.9(Jan 10, 2016)

    • Improved Disabled dragging for thumbnails
    • Improved Avoided unnecessary devicePixelRatio checks by using srcset for all thumbnails
    • Improved Avoided devicePixelRatio check by using srcset for the imageview image
    • Improved Don't show log and system information when logged out (Thanks @Bramas, #421)
    • Fixed Swipe-gestures on mobile devices
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v3.0.8(Dec 20, 2015)

    • Improved Lychee update site now with SSL (#317)
    • Improved Set undefined vars, remove unused vars and code that cannot be reached (Thanks @mattsches, #435)
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v3.0.7(Nov 15, 2015)

  • v3.0.6(Sep 13, 2015)

    • Improved Share photo now shares view.php link (#392)
    • Fixed Incorrect error messages for failed uploads (#393)
    • Fixed XSS issues and escaping problems
    • Fixed Broken "Download album" when album has an ampersand in the password (#356)
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v3.0.5(Aug 9, 2015)

  • v3.0.4(Jul 17, 2015)

    • Improved Removed bower and updated basicModal & basicContext
    • Improved Small interface performance improvements
    • Improved Updated all JS-files to take advantage of ES2015
    • Improved Better error-handling for the Dropbox-, URL- and Server-Import
    • Improved Added skipDuplicates- and identifier-check to the diagnostics
    • Fixed error when using "Merge All" with one selected album
    • Fixed error when saving username and password after the initial setup
    • Fixed Clicks not recognized when using a mouse on a touchscreen-device (#345)
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v3.0.3(Jun 28, 2015)

  • v3.0.2(Jun 13, 2015)

    • Improved Permission errors are now easier to understand (#351)
    • Improved Escape data from database before inserting into view.php
    • Fixed PHP-version-check now requires PHP >= 5.3 like written in the docs
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v3.0.1(May 26, 2015)

    • New Album Sorting (Thanks @ophian, #98)
    • New Identifier to prevent login of multiple Lychee-instances (#344)
    • Improved Albums and photos now can have a title with up to 50 chars (#332)
    • Fixed Removing last Tag from photo not possible in Firefox (#269)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.0.0(May 6, 2015)

    Warning: You need to enter a new username and password when upgrading from a previous version. Your installation is accessible for everyone till you enter a new login by visiting your Lychee. Both fields are now stored in a secure way. Legacy md5 code has been removed.

    Warning: Upgrading from a previous version will set all public albums to private. Passwords are now stored in a secure way. Legacy md5 code has been removed.

    Warning: We recommend to backup your database and photos before upgrading to the newest version.

    Deprecated: Photos uploaded with Lychee v1.1 or older aren't supported anymore. Thumbnails fail to load on high-res screens.

    • New Redesigned interface, icons and symbols
    • New Rewritten Front-End
    • New Dialog system now based on basicModal
    • New Context-menus now based on basicContext
    • New Edit the sharing options of a public album
    • New Quickly switch between albums and photos by clicking the title in the header
    • New Renamed API functions
    • New Merge albums (Thanks @rhurling, #340, #341, #166)
    • New iPhone 6 Homescreen icon
    • Improved Performance of animations
    • Improved Prevent download of deleted albums/photos
    • Improved Opening a private photo when logged out now shows an error
    • Improved Reduced attribute changes to improve performance
    • Improved Interact with the content while the sidebar stays open
    • Improved Username and password now stored in a safer way
    • Improved Album passwords now stored in a safer way
    • Improved Don't refresh albums when password-input canceled by user
    • Improved Additional Open Graph Metadata (#299)
    • Improved Check allow_url_fopen (#302)
    • Fixed Prevent ctrl+a from selecting the sidebar (#230)
    • Fixed Removed unused scrolling bars in FF (#316, #289)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.0.0-beta.1(Apr 18, 2015)

    This is a pre-release of Lychee v3.0. Software may contain bugs.

    Warning: You need to enter a new username and password when upgrading from a previous version. Your installation is accessible for everyone till you enter a new login by visiting your Lychee. Both fields are now stored in a secure way. Legacy md5 code has been removed.

    Warning: Upgrading from a previous version will set all public albums to private. Passwords are now stored in a secure way. Legacy md5 code has been removed.

    Warning: We recommend to backup your database and photos before upgrading to the newest version.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.7.2(Apr 13, 2015)

    • Fixed Prevented remote code execution of photos imported using "Import from URL" (Thanks Segment S.r.l)
    • Fixed Stopped view.php from returning data of private photos
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v2.7.1(Jan 26, 2015)

    • Improved auto-login after first installation
    • Fixed Disabled import of the medium-folder
    • Fixed error when using apostrophes in text #290
    • Fixed $medium is now a tinyint like defined in the database structure
    • Fixed incorrect height calculation for photos
    • Fixed creation of test db #295
    • Fixed a warning caused by set_charset #291
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v2.7.0(Dec 6, 2014)

    • New Intermediate sized images for small screen devices #67
    • New Added Docker help (@renfredxh, #252)
    • New Move-Photo context shows album previews
    • Improved Upload shows server-errors
    • Improved Improved thumb creation
    • Improved Docker (@renfredxh, #252)
    • Improved CSS has been rewritten partly
    • Improved Front-end has been rewritten partly #245
    • Improved Folder- and code-structure has been updated
    • Improved Context-menu now based on basicContext #245
    • Fixed OpenGraph image too big for some sites #69
    • Fixed Wrong sizes after EXIF rotation
    • Fixed Returning to 'Albums' after searching failed
    • Fixed Move-Photo not scrollable #215
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v2.6.3(Oct 10, 2014)

    • New Caching for albums (Thanks @r0x0r, #232)
    • New Save scroll position of albums (Thanks @r0x0r, #232)
    • New Added Dockerfile (@renfredxh, #236)
    • Improved Newest album on the top (Thanks @r0x0r, #232)
    • Fixed Login in private mode (Safari)
    • Fixed Drag & Drop with open photo
    • Fixed Wrong modified date of the photo files
    • Fixed Search function always returned all photos (Thanks @powentan, #234)
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v2.6.2(Sep 12, 2014)

    • New Select all albums/photos with cmd+a or ctrl+a
    • New Detect duplicates and only save one file (#48)
    • New Duplicate photos (#186)
    • New Added contributing guide
    • New Database table prefix for multiple Lychee installations (#196)
    • Improved Use IPTC Title when Headline not available (#216)
    • Improved Diagnostics are showing system information
    • Improved Harden against SQL injection attacks (#38)
    • Fixed a problem with htmlentities and older PHP versions (#212)
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v2.6.1(Aug 22, 2014)

    • New Support for IE >= 11 (#148)
    • New Choose if public album is downloadable or not (#191)
    • Improved Albums gradient overlay is less harsh (#200)
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v2.6(Aug 16, 2014)

    • New Rewritten and redesigned Uploader (#101)
    • New Custom server-import directory (#187)
    • New Plugin documentation
    • Improved Database and installation process (#202 #195)
    • Improved "No public albums" now easier to read (#205)
    • Fixed Don't show EXIF info when not available (#194)
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v2.5.6(Jul 25, 2014)

    • New Choose if album should be listed public (#177)
    • New Gulp instead of Grunt with autoprefixer
    • Improved Slightly better performance when opening big albums
    • Improved Checksum with sha1 instead of md5 (#179)
    • Fixed Missing public badge on public albums
    • Fixed Wrong path for public photos in view.php
    • Fixed Wrong link to thumbs when searching
    • Fixed Wrong date in album view when takestamp was null
    • Fixed It wasn't possible to rename albums while searching
    • Fixed It was possible to right-click on SmartAlbums after searching
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v2.5.5(Jul 5, 2014)

    • New Smart Album "Recent"
    • New Checksum of photo in database (#48)
    • New Show takedate in photo-overlay (when available)
    • Improved Permission check when running with the same UID (#174)
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v2.5(Jun 26, 2014)

    • New Swipe gestures on mobile devices
    • New Plugin-System
    • New Rewritten Back-End
    • New Support for ImageMagick (thanks @bb-Ricardo)
    • New Logging-System
    • New Blowfish hash instead of MD5 for all new passwords (thanks @bb-Ricardo)
    • New Compile Lychee using Grunt (with npm and bower)
    • New Open full photo without making the photo public
    • Improved Shortcuts
    • Improved Album share dialog
    • Improved Database update mechanism
    • Improved Download photos with correct title (thanks @bb-Ricardo)
    • Improved EXIF parsing
    • Improved URL and Server import (thanks @djdallmann)
    • Improved Check permissions on upload
    • Fixed Wrong capture date in Infobox
    • Fixed Sorting by takedate
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v2.1.1(Mar 20, 2014)

    • New Delete albums with cmd + backspace
    • New Using iOS 7.1 minimal-ui
    • Improved Faster loading of single photos
    • Improved Faster and snappier animations
    • Improved Better dialog when clearing Unsorted
    • Fixed Warning when uploading images without EXIF-Data
    • Fixed Close upload on error
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v2.1(Mar 4, 2014)

    Important: You need to reenter your database credentials and set the correct rights for data/, when updating from a previous version.

    • New Multi-select (#32)
    • New Multi-folder import from server (#47)
    • New Tagging (#5)
    • New Import of original image name (#39)
    • New Makefile
    • Improved Upload-process
    • Improved Documentation
    • Improved Overlay for photos
    • Fixed Dropbox import (#84)
    • Fixed Wrong login or password annotation (#71)
    • Fixed Escaping issue (#89)
    • Moved Config now located in data/
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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Artha Nugraha Jonar 34 Sep 17, 2022
A simple, not so bad looking Minecraft Server's website template

Minecraft Server 官网模板 本仓库为 Minecraft 服务器官网模板,主要通过 Bootstrap 和 Argon 组件库实现 本项目基于 https://github.com/nyancatda/mcserverweb 二开 config.json参数说明 参数 说明 备注 s

GBCLStudio 邱晨晟曦 2 Mar 4, 2022
Powerful, yet easy to use, open-source online ordering, table reservation and management system for restaurants

TastyIgniter provides a professional and reliable platform for restaurants wanting to offer online food ordering and table reservation to their custom

TastyIgniter 2.4k Dec 27, 2022
A flexible, elegant, fast and easy-to-use content management system written in PHP

Textpattern CMS A flexible, elegant, fast and easy-to-use content management system written in PHP. Textpattern is free and open source software.

Textpattern CMS 702 Jan 6, 2023
Laravel-Library-Management-system is nice to management library system...

About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie

Eng Hasan Hajjar 2 Sep 30, 2022
Server manager is a open source project made for people so that they can add the servers to one single place irrespective of their provider and manage it through one location.

Server Manager Are you sick of having to log into hundreads of different website just to access your server? Well we got you, Server manager is a open

null 8 Aug 9, 2022
This is a Task Manager system for managing your task. You can categorize your tasks and upload music to the project And a whole host of other features

taskManager Login and register Each user can have their own task Categorize tasks by creating folders Edit and Delete Folders Search for Tasks Show nu

masoudharooni 11 May 22, 2022
A dumb sharing site for photos and videos, made by me, using a bit of borrowed code.

ShitShare A dumb sharing site for photos and videos, made by me, using a bit of borrowed code. Information This was made on Windows, so when video upl

null 1 Dec 14, 2022
BicBucStriim streams books, digital books. It fills a gap in the functionality of current NAS devices that provide access to music, videos and photos

BicBucStriim streams books, digital books. It fills a gap in the functionality of current NAS devices that provide access to music, videos and photos -- but not books. BicBucStriim fills this gap and provides web-based access to your e-book collection.

Rainer Volz 392 Dec 31, 2022
MOFHY Lite is a free web hosting management system to manage MOFH hosting accounts and SSL certificates.

MOFHY Lite is a free of cost MOFH clientarea for account management and support services with free ssl service. It have easy to use feature

Mahtab Hassan 17 Dec 8, 2022
MOFHY Lite is a free web hosting management system to manage MOFH hosting accounts and SSL certificates.

MOFHY Lite MOFHY LITE is a priceless MyOwnFreeHost Client Area for account management, ticket support system and a free ssl service. It has easy to us

Santiago Rodríguez 6 Dec 28, 2021
Dynamic photo package for blog posts and other features, integrating CKEditor Smart WYSIWYG

Dynamic Photo Dynamic Photo is a package to assist in integration with CKEditor, a powerful WYSIWYG. With the package it is possible to send photos dy

Michael Frank 7 Jul 18, 2022
Modern, simple and fresh looking glass based on Bootstrap 5 and PHP 7

Modern, simple and fresh looking glass based on Bootstrap 5 and PHP 7. A looking glass is a network utility which is made user-friendly for everyone to use. It allows you to execute network related commands within a remote network, usually that of an ISP.

Hybula 77 Jan 1, 2023
AdoteUm.Dev has the proposal to connect people who are looking for developers for their projects

AdoteUm.Dev has the proposal to connect people who are looking for developers for their projects. AdoteUmDev is a web application, developed in PHP language and the Laravel Framework.

Beer And Code 101 Oct 19, 2022
NamelessMC is a free, easy to use & powerful website software for your Minecraft server

NamelessMC - v2 pre-release 10 NamelessMC is a free, easy to use & powerful website software for your Minecraft server, which includes a large range o

NamelessMC 520 Jan 1, 2023
A simple tool that I share with you. This tool serves to make conversions from text to audio Google Translate.

A simple tool that I share with you. This tool serves to make conversions from text to audio Google Translate. You can download this conversion 100% for free. Good luck.

Afid Arifin 1 Oct 25, 2021
Rinvex Bookable is a generic resource booking system for Laravel, with the required tools to run your SAAS like services efficiently

Rinvex Bookings is a generic resource booking system for Laravel, with the required tools to run your SAAS like services efficiently. It has a simple architecture, with powerful underlying to afford solid platform for your business.

Rinvex 435 Jan 5, 2023
While BotMan itself is framework agnostic, BotMan is also available as a bundle with the great Laravel PHP framework.

BotMan Studio About BotMan Studio While BotMan itself is framework agnostic, BotMan is also available as a bundle with the great Laravel PHP framework

BotMan 322 Dec 26, 2022