Dynamic Photo
Dynamic Photo is a package to assist in integration with CKEditor, a powerful WYSIWYG. With the package it is possible to send photos dynamically to the server and display them.
Installing Dynamic Photo
this package is exclusive for Framework Laravel, So you will also need Composer.
composer require michaelfrank/dynamicphoto
...Then publish the provider package.
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=config
Instalando CDN CKEditor
In your VIEW in the script file, paste!
<script src="https://cdn.ckeditor.com/ckeditor5/16.0.0/classic/ckeditor.js">script>
👇🏼 Now paste the code below
in uploadUrl, just modify your route url if you create a different route.
👇🏼 With that, just create a div with the id = "editor" that will be initialized!