A dynamic Laravel Livewire component for tab forms


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A dynamic Laravel Livewire component for tab forms.

Tabs form


You can install the package via composer:

composer require vildanbina/livewire-tabs


The base modal is made with TailwindCSS. If you use a different CSS framework I recommend that you publish the modal template and change the markup to include the required classes for your CSS framework.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=livewire-tabs-views


Creating a Tab Container

You can create livewire component php artisan make:livewire UserTab to make the initial Livewire component. Open your component class and make sure it extends the TabsComponent class:

namespace App\Http\Livewire;

use Vildanbina\LivewireTabs\TabsComponent;
use App\Models\User;

class UserTab extends TabsComponent
    // My custom class property
    public $userId;
     * Will return App\Models\User instance or will create empty User (based on $userId parameter) 
    public function model()
        return User::findOrNew($this->userId);

When you need to display tabs form, based on above example we need to pass $userId value and to display tabs form:

<livewire:user-tabs user-id="3"/>

Or when you want to create new user, let blank user-id attribute, or don't put that.

When you want to have current tab instance. You can use:


When you want to go to specific tab. You can use:


You can customize tab footer buttons, create some view and put that view to method:

public function tabFooter()
    return view('livewire-tabs::tabs-footer');

Creating a Tab Item

You can create tabs form tab. Open or create your tab class (at App\Tabs folder) and make sure it extends the Tab class:

namespace App\Tabs;

use Vildanbina\LivewireTabs\Components\Tab;
use Illuminate\Validation\Rule;

class General extends Tab
    // Tab view located at resources/views/tabs/general.blade.php 
    protected string $view = 'tabs.general';

     * Initialize tab fields
    public function mount()
            'name'                  => $this->model->name,
            'email'                 => $this->model->email,
    * Tab icon 
    public function icon()
        return view('icons.home');

     * When Tabs Form has submitted
    public function save($state)
        $user = $this->model;

        $user->name     = $state['name'];
        $user->email    = $state['email'];

     * Tab Validation
    public function validate()
        return [
                'state.name'     => ['required', Rule::unique('users', 'name')->ignoreModel($this->model)],
                'state.email'    => ['required', Rule::unique('users', 'email')->ignoreModel($this->model)],
                'state.name'     => __('Name'),
                'state.email'    => __('Email'),

     * Tab Title
    public function title(): string
        return __('General');

In Tab class, you can use livewire hooks example:

use Vildanbina\LivewireTabs\Components\Tab;

class General extends Tab
    public function onTabIn($name, $value)
        // Something you want

    public function onTabOut($name, $value)
        // Something you want

    public function updating($name, $value)
        // Something you want

    public function updatingState($name, $value)
        // Something you want
    public function updated($name, $value)
        // Something you want

    public function updatedState($name, $value)
        // Something you want

Each tab need to have view, you can pass view path in $view property.

After create tab class, you need to put that tab to tabs form:

namespace App\Http\Livewire;

use App\Tabs\General;
use Vildanbina\LivewireTabs\TabsComponent;

class UserTab extends TabsComponent
    public array $tabs = [
        // Other tabs...

Building Tailwind CSS for production

Because some classes are dynamically build and to compile js you should add some classes to the purge safelist so your tailwind.config.js should look something like this:

module.exports = {
    content: [



Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please e-mail [email protected] to report any security vulnerabilities instead of the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

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