A PSR-15 middleware adapter for react/http


A PSR-15 middleware adapter for react/http

CI status

Wraps PSR-15 middleware into coroutines using RecoilPHP making them usable within react/http as middleware.


To install via Composer, use the command below, it will automatically detect the latest version and bind it with ^.

composer require for/http-middleware-psr15-adapter


The following usage example uses middlewares/redirect adding one redirect, and using the callback to call several methods on the redirect middleware to change it's behavior:

$loop = Factory::create(); 
$server = new Server([
    /** Other middleware */
    new PSR15Middleware(
        $loop, // The react/event-loop (required) 
        Redirect::class, // String class name of the middleware (required)
        [ // Any constructor arguments (optional)
            ['/old-url' => '/new-url']
        function ($redirectMiddleware) {
            // This callback is optional, but when used it must return the
            // instance passed into it, or a clone of it.
            return $redirectMiddleware
                ->method(['GET', 'POST'])
    /** Other middleware */

Grouped Usage

When using more then one PSR-15 in a row the GroupedPSR15Middleware is more performing than using multiple PSR15Middleware. Consider the following example where we add middlewares/cache for expires headers:

$loop = Factory::create(); 
$server = new Server([
    /** Other middleware */
    (new GroupedPSR15Middleware($loop))->withMiddleware( 
            ['/old-url' => '/new-url']
        function ($redirectMiddleware) {
            return $redirectMiddleware
                ->method(['GET', 'POST'])
    /** Other middleware */


This adapter rewrites the code of the PSR-15 middleware during the constructor phase, wrapping all $delegate->process($request) calls into a yield (yield $delegate->process($request)). This should work for most middleware but cannot be guaranteed for all. In case you run into issues please open an issue with the middleware in question you're having problems with.

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  • Update example in readme

    Update example in readme

    The package has a dependency of "react/http": "^0.8.0", so we can simply pass an array of middleware to Server constructor. There is no need to explicitly create an instance of MiddlewareRunner.

    opened by seregazhuk 5
  • Error with Redirect middleware

    Error with Redirect middleware

    I've tried your example from Readme as it is. Here is the code:

    $loop = Factory::create();
    $server = new Server([
        new PSR15Middleware(
                ['/old-url' => '/new-url']
            function ($redirectMiddleware) {
                return $redirectMiddleware
                    ->method(['GET', 'POST']);
        function(\Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface $request){
            return new \React\Http\Response(200);
    $socket = new \React\Socket\Server('', $loop);
    echo 'Listening on ' . str_replace('tcp:', 'http:', $socket->getAddress()) . PHP_EOL;

    But when trying to request I receive 500, and the server script is running and reports nothing to the console. Also the same is true for GroupedPSR15Middleware. Can you suggest any ways to debug it?

    opened by seregazhuk 4
  • A release.

    A release.

    Readme installation fails.

    $ composer require for/http-middleware-psr15-adapter
      [InvalidArgumentException]  Could not find a matching version of package for/http-middleware-psr15-adapter. Check the package spelling, your version constraint and that the package is available in a stability which matches your minimum-stability (stable).
    opened by bweston92 3
  • Replace magic __DIR__ and __FILE__ constants with a string representing the original __DIR__ and __FILE__

    Replace magic __DIR__ and __FILE__ constants with a string representing the original __DIR__ and __FILE__

    Fixes / Closes #4

    Ran into this issue when using a middleware that relies on those magic constants. It couldn't find the file it was looking for because __DIR__ and __FILE__ where now the ones for YieldingMiddlewareFactory.

    opened by WyriHaximus 0
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