A based PSR-15 microframework that also sets maximum flexibility with minimum complexity and easy replaceability of the individual components, but also of the framework.



CI Coverage Status Infection MSI Latest Stable Version Total Downloads Monthly Downloads

bugs code_smells coverage duplicated_lines_density ncloc sqale_rating alert_status reliability_rating security_rating sqale_index vulnerabilities


A based PSR-15 microframework that also sets maximum flexibility with minimum complexity and easy replaceability of the individual components, but also of the framework. It's currently one of the fastest PSR-15 based framework (php-fpm) on the market.

Application workflow




Any Router which implements Chubbyphp\Framework\Router\RouterInterface can be used.

PSR 7 / PSR 17


Through Composer as chubbyphp/chubbyphp-framework.

composer require chubbyphp/chubbyphp-framework "^3.4" \
    chubbyphp/chubbyphp-framework-router-fastroute "^1.1" \
    slim/psr7 "^1.3"




namespace App;

use Chubbyphp\Framework\Application;
use Chubbyphp\Framework\Middleware\ExceptionMiddleware;
use Chubbyphp\Framework\Middleware\RouterMiddleware;
use Chubbyphp\Framework\RequestHandler\CallbackRequestHandler;
use Chubbyphp\Framework\Router\FastRoute\Router;
use Chubbyphp\Framework\Router\Route;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Slim\Psr7\Factory\ResponseFactory;
use Slim\Psr7\Factory\ServerRequestFactory;

require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

$responseFactory = new ResponseFactory();

$app = new Application([
    new ExceptionMiddleware($responseFactory, true),
    new RouterMiddleware(new Router([
        Route::get('/hello/{name:[a-z]+}', 'hello', new CallbackRequestHandler(
            static function (ServerRequestInterface $request) use ($responseFactory) {
                $response = $responseFactory->createResponse();
                $response->getBody()->write(sprintf('Hello, %s', $request->getAttribute('name')));

                return $response;
    ]), $responseFactory),

$app->emit($app->handle((new ServerRequestFactory())->createFromGlobals()));









Dominik Zogg 2021

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