OpenAPI(v3) Validators for Symfony http-foundation, using `league/openapi-psr7-validator` and `symfony/psr-http-message-bridge`.



OpenAPI(v3) Validators for Symfony http-foundation, using league/openapi-psr7-validator and symfony/psr-http-message-bridge.


  • PHP >= 7.4


composer require n1215/openapi-http-foundation-validator


1. install PSR-17 HTTP Factory implementation.

  • You can use any implementation of PSR-17 HTTP Factory.
    • ex. nyholm/psr7
composer require nyholm/psr7

2. create http message factory

$psr17Factory = new \Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory();
/** @var \Symfony\Bridge\PsrHttpMessage\HttpMessageFactoryInterface $httpMessageFactory */
$httpMessageFactory = new \Symfony\Bridge\PsrHttpMessage\Factory\PsrHttpFactory(
    serverRequestFactory: $psr17Factory,
    streamFactory: $psr17Factory,
    uploadedFileFactory: $psr17Factory,
    responseFactory: $psr17Factory

3. create validator builder

  • A builder can be created from YAML file, YAML string, JSON file, or JSON string.
  • You can use PSR-16 simple cache instead of PSR-6 Cache.


/** @var \N1215\OpenApiValidation\HttpFoundation\ValidatorBuilder $validatorBuilder */
$validatorBuilder = (new \N1215\OpenApiValidation\HttpFoundation\ValidatorBuilder($psr17Factory))
    ->setCache(new YourPsr6Cache(), 86400);


/** @var \N1215\OpenApiValidation\HttpFoundation\ValidatorBuilder $validatorBuilder */
$validatorBuilder = (new \N1215\OpenApiValidation\HttpFoundation\ValidatorBuilder($psr17Factory))
    ->setSimpleCache(new YourPsr16Cache(), 3600);

4. get validators from builder

/** @var \N1215\OpenApiValidation\HttpFoundation\Validators $validators */
$validators = $validatorBuilder->getValidators();

5. validate request

/** @var \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request */
/** @var \N1215\OpenApiValidation\HttpFoundation\RequestValidatorInterface $requestValidator */
$requestValidator = $validators->getRequestValidator();

6. validate response

/** @var \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response $response */
/** @var \N1215\OpenApiValidation\HttpFoundation\ResponseValidatorInterface $responseValidator */
$responseValidator = $validators->getResponseValidator();
    new \N1215\OpenApiValidation\OperationAddress('/path', 'GET'),

Usage for Laravel


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