An easy to use Fractal wrapper built for Laravel and Lumen applications


An easy to use Fractal wrapper built for Laravel and Lumen applications

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The package provides a nice and easy wrapper around Fractal for use in your Laravel applications. If you don't know what Fractal does, take a peek at their intro. Shortly said, Fractal is very useful to transform data before using it in an API.

Using Fractal data can be transformed like this:

use League\Fractal\Manager;
use League\Fractal\Resource\Collection;

$books = [
   ['id'=>1, 'title'=>'Hogfather', 'characters' => [...]],
   ['id'=>2, 'title'=>'Game Of Kill Everyone', 'characters' => [...]]

$manager = new Manager();

$resource = new Collection($books, new BookTransformer());



This package makes that process a tad easier:

   ->transformWith(new BookTransformer())

Lovers of facades will be glad to know that a facade is provided:

Fractal::collection($books)->transformWith(new BookTransformer())->toArray();

There's also a very short syntax available to quickly transform data:

fractal($books, new BookTransformer())->toArray();

You can transform directly from a Laravel collection as well:

collect($books)->transformWith(new BookTransformer());

Transforming right from a Laravel collection is particularly useful for Eloquent results:

Users::all()->transformWith(new UserTransformer())->toArray();

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Installation in Laravel 5.5 and up

You can pull in the package via composer:

composer require spatie/laravel-fractal

The package will automatically register itself.

If you want to change the default serializer, the default paginator, or the default fractal class Spatie\Fractal\Fractal you must publish the config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\Fractal\FractalServiceProvider"

If you're upgrading to Laravel 5.5, the existing config file should be renamed from laravel-fractal.php to fractal.php

This is the contents of the published file:

return [
     * The default serializer to be used when performing a transformation. It
     * may be left empty to use Fractal's default one. This can either be a
     * string or a League\Fractal\Serializer\SerializerAbstract subclass.
    'default_serializer' => '',

    /* The default paginator to be used when performing a transformation. It
     * may be left empty to use Fractal's default one. This can either be a
     * string or a League\Fractal\Paginator\PaginatorInterface subclass.*/
    'default_paginator' => '',

     * League\Fractal\Serializer\JsonApiSerializer will use this value to
     * as a prefix for generated links. Set to `null` to disable this.
    'base_url' => null,

     * If you wish to override or extend the default Spatie\Fractal\Fractal
     * instance provide the name of the class you want to use.
    'fractal_class' => Spatie\Fractal\Fractal::class,

    'auto_includes' => [

         * If enabled Fractal will automatically add the includes who's
         * names are present in the `include` request parameter.
        'enabled' => true,

         * The name of key in the request to where we should look for the includes to include.
        'request_key' => 'include',


Refer to the documentation of spatie/fractalistic to learn all the methods this package provides.

In all code examples you may use fractal() instead of Fractal::create().

Send a response with transformed data

To return a response with json data you can do this in a Laravel app.

$books = fractal($books, new BookTransformer())->toArray();

return response()->json($books);

The respond() method on the Fractal class can make this process a bit more streamlined.

return fractal($books, new BookTransformer())->respond();

You can pass a response code as the first parameter and optionally some headers as the second

return fractal($books, new BookTransformer())->respond(403, [
    'a-header' => 'a value',
    'another-header' => 'another value',

You can pass json encoding options as the third parameter:

return fractal($books, new BookTransformer())->respond(200, [], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

You can also set the status code and the headers using a callback:

use Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse;

return fractal($books, new BookTransformer())->respond(function(JsonResponse $response) {
        ->header('a-header', 'a value')
            'another-header' => 'another value',
            'yet-another-header' => 'yet another value',

You can add methods to the Fractal class using Laravel's Macroable trait. Imagine you want to add some stats to the metadata of your request, you can do so without cluttering your code:

use Spatie\Fractal\Fractal;

Fractal::macro('stats', function ($stats) {
    // transform the passed stats as necessary here
    return $this->appendMeta(['stats' => $stats]);

fractal($books, new BookTransformer())->stats(['runtime' => 100])->respond();

Quickly creating a transformer

You can run the make:transformer command to quickly generate a dummy transformer. By default it will be stored in the app\Transformers directory.


From v4 to v5

Rename your config file from laravel-fractal to fractal

From v2 to v3

v3 was introduced to swap out the league/fractal with spatie/fractalistic. Support for Lumen was dropped. You should be able to upgrade a Laravel application from v2 to v3 without any code changes.

From v1 to v2

In most cases you can just upgrade to v2 with making none or only minor changes to your code:

  • resourceName has been renamed to withResourceName.

The main reason why v2 of this package was tagged is because v0.14 of the underlying Fractal by the League contains breaking change. If you use the League\Fractal\Serializer\JsonApiSerializer in v2 the links key will contain self, first, next and last.


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


$ composer test


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

  • Upgrade to fractal 0.14.0 and added exclude functionallity at the same time.

    Upgrade to fractal 0.14.0 and added exclude functionallity at the same time.

    So sense no one else made a pr (with working tests) i went ahead and created the exclude functionallity at the same time i updated the fractal package itself.

    • Fix paginator test by just moving out the links array from the meta data.
    • Added exclude functionallity similar to include functionality.
    • upgraded to fractal 0.14.0
    opened by morloderex 7
  • Laravel 8.x Compatibility

    Laravel 8.x Compatibility

    This is an automated pull request from Shift to update your package code and dependencies to be compatible with Laravel 8.x.

    Before merging, you need to:

    • Checkout the l8-compatibility branch
    • Review all comments for additional changes
    • Thoroughly test your package

    If you do find an issue, please report it by commenting on this PR to help improve future automation.

    opened by laravel-shift 6
  • Update package to use Fractal 0.13.0 with JsonApiSerializer changes

    Update package to use Fractal 0.13.0 with JsonApiSerializer changes

    I was trying to use Fractal's JsonApiSerializer with this package, and it wasn't playing nicely with the 1.0 spec. Realized Fractal was updated 3 days ago, so I updated Fractal and the newly failing tests.

    Let me know if I need to change anything or do anything differently to contribute!

    opened by rupertjeff 6
  • Fractal response

    Fractal response

    As per this issue: I am making a PR with proposed changes.

    I am open to suggestions :)

    There may be a benefit in removing the \Spatie\Fractal\Response and using the Illuminate Response instead. We could also try to extend Illuminate Response by Fractal Response to preserve Laravel's native API, yet add our own methods.

    P.S. These have been my first unit tests ever. Please provide some feedback if something is not done 'the right' way. P.P.S. I am indeed terrible at naming things. Currently, public methods are:

    statusCode(); // get a status code
    code();       // set a status code
    getHeaders(); // get all headers
    header();     // set one header
    headers();    // set multiple headers

    I would also suggest adding those aliases: (some of them ofc)

    // adding status code
    // adding header/s
    opened by DCzajkowski 5
  • Improve consistency of config file

    Improve consistency of config file

    This updates the file to make it more consistent with other config files that are built-in with the framework. The comment itself also now features a laravelish Staircase-Like Effect™

    opened by miclf 5
  • auto includes

    auto includes

    This PR implements auto includes feature based on parseIncludes() method from the spatie/fractalistic package:

    • include includes "/books?include=author,publishers.somethingelse"
    • exclude includes "/books?exclude=author,publishers"
    • include parametrs "/books?include=comments:limit(5|1):order(created_at|desc)"

    parseIncludes() and parseExcludes() methods are well tested, no test included.

    opened by chelout 4
  • Backporting auto includes feature to 5.4 target

    Backporting auto includes feature to 5.4 target

    The PR for auto includes only targeted 5.5 branch. This simply backports the same PR to 5.4 target.

    Original PR

    opened by andrewmclagan 3
  • fixes behaviour for passing empty values to parseIncludes

    fixes behaviour for passing empty values to parseIncludes

    I got:

    ErrorException in Fractal.php line 163:
    array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an array

    after doing:

    Fractal::collection($data, new $transformerClass, $transformerClass::TYPE)->parseIncludes(Input::get('expand'))->toJson();

    I think that this is so common that the method should account for null or anything other than array and string.

    opened by countless-integers 3
  • Update version constraints to allow Laravel 6.0

    Update version constraints to allow Laravel 6.0


    This PR will add ^6.0 to the list of compatible versions of Laravel.

    By preemtively adding the new version, it will allow us to give this fractalistic package a spin, before the final release of Laravel 6.0.

    In the case that you don't feel comfortable merging/tagging this change before the official release, I'll just continue working off of my fork. :relaxed: :v:

    opened by jstoone 2
  • Extend TransformerAbstract class to easily include relations in transformers

    Extend TransformerAbstract class to easily include relations in transformers

    When building up APIs with fractal I found myself repeating the same code to include relations on my Eloquent models:

    // BookTransformer.php
    protected $availableIncludes = [
    public function includeAuthor(Book $book) {
         return $this->item($book->author, new AuthorTransformer);
    public function includeCharacters(Book $book) {
        return $this->collection($book->characters, new CharacterTransformer);

    This PR enables you to express the above code more succinctly as:

    // BookTransformer.php
    protected $itemIncludes = [
        'author' => AuthorTransformer::class,
    protected $collectionIncludes = [
        'characters' => CharacterTransformer::class,

    Tests and docs included.

    opened by rdarcy1 2
  • Allow specifying the Fractal class to be used (#129)

    Allow specifying the Fractal class to be used (#129)

    As proposed in #129 ;) The default value of fractal_class is Spatie\Fractal\Fractal but if you prefer to have it set to null the code will keep working using the default Spatie\Fractal\Fractal class

    PS: sorry for the horrible commit message

    opened by ghunti 2
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