#1.1 System Overview:
Our Project ‘Prison Management System’ was ideated from the thought that there is no thorough system that captures the real essence of a criminal sentence period in jail, thus we have kept our website simple and suffice as it concentrates on the essential features like Prisoner, criminal records, Jailor, Officer, Section etc..and many correctional facilities do not have proper systems to cater to the vast magnitudes of requirements of criminals, and rely on manual management of critical data.
#1.2 Objective & Motivation:
The Main Objective of our Prison Management is to forge an integrated information management system for criminals where all of the required needs and information are met through easy-to-use and intuitive data aggregation, where requests are automatically scaled and fulfilled according to the population of criminals, and their profiles are easily generated and archived. We also look to have real time access where updating to any part of the database, should mean the required change should happen in the other parts of the system. The Motivation for the Prison Management System is that we want to ensure a computerized organization management system that replaces the current manual management systems used to monitor the data of prisoners, and ensures that the management task is eased and its performance, security, efficiency and effectiveness is also catered to. We are looking to create and design a system that has appropriate methodology, strategy, easy-to-understand and easy-to-use, thus giving the people in charge of managing the criminals an opportunity to look at better results and reduce unnecessary overhead costs.
#1.3 Applications
Our Project ‘Prison Management System’ was ideated from the thought that there is no thorough system that captures the real essence of a criminal sentence period in jail, thus we have kept our website simple and suffice as it concentrates on the essential features like Prisoner, criminal records, Jailor, Officer, Section etc..and many correctional facilities do not have proper systems to cater to the vast magnitudes of requirements of criminals, and rely on manual management of critical data. Prison management system is the collection of register cases for each prisoner entering the prison for automated release diary generator. .In developed countries of the world, people are already fighting on how prisoners can gain access to the internet in their cell room or their common room