I aim to make a complete website that should have all the essential parts a website should have.
- Easy and effective UI for users
- Register with Email (Password Encrypted)
- Sign in with Email (Password Encrypted)
- Forgot password if password is not remembered. (Unique Login Code Everytime is mailed to the user). Login Code is valid for the current session of the user(No one and even Admins cannot use the Unique Login code).
- Sign in with Google button enabled. Users can sign in with google. [Check the button on Log In Page or Registation Page]
- Admin console which can see the no. of users Registerd and rated to the website. This Admin console only the admin can see.
- No Advertisements Except the Action And Arcade Page[embeded KBH Games Website].
- The passwords that you enter are encrypted[2 & 3] using password_hash() with PASSWORD_BCRYPT. It uses the CRYPT_BLOWFISH algorithm to create the hash. This will produce a standard crypt() compatible hash using the "$2y$" identifier. The result will always be a 60 character string, or false on failure.
released on 10-6-2022
Tools/Technologies used in this Project
- FrontEnd - HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- BackEnd - PHP - v8.0.7
- PHP resolver is 000webhostapp
- Database -000webhostapp inbuilt database (Passwords are encryted and no Malware Guaranteed)
- Mailing System - PHP Mailer (Mailed with mine Private Gmail Account)
and even more ........
Screencshots of the website