This package should help you with creating and managing a Laravel DDD Application


Laravel Beyond

This package should help you with creating and managing a Laravel DDD Application. This package is heavily inspired by "Laravel beyond CRUD" from Spatie.


Install laravel-beyond with composer

composer require --dev regnerisch/laravel-beyond


You can easily set up a DDD application with php artisan beyond:setup after installation. You should only run this command on a freshly installed Laravel app, as it will delete files and rename things. After the setup has finished you need to run composer dump-autoload.

You can 'make' Controllers, Commands, Models as you know it from Laravels' php artisan make:... with the beyond:make:... command. For application commands e.g. php artisan beyond:make:controller you need to enter the following schema: {App}/{Module}/{Class}:

php artisan beyond:make:controller Admin/Users/UserController

For domain commands e.g. php artisan beyond:make:action you need to enter the following schema: {Domain}/{Class}:

php artisan beyond:make:action Users/CreateUserAction

Making commands (with php artisan beyond:make:command) will automatically force them to the Command application, so you only need to enter the command name: php artisan beyond:make:command SyncUsersCommand.


php artisan beyond:make:action Users/CreateUserAction
php artisan beyond:make:collection Users/UserCollection
php artisan beyond:make:command UpdateUsersCommand
php artisan beyond:make:controller Admin/Users/UserController
php artisan beyond:make:dto Users/UserData # required spatie/data-transfer-object
php artisan beyond:make:job Admin/Users/SyncUsersJob
php artisan beyond:make:model Users/User
php artisan beyond:make:policy Users/UserPolicy
php artisan beyond:make:query-builder Users/UserQueryBuilder
php artisan beyond:make:query Admin/Users/UserIndexQuery # requires spatie/laravel-query-builder
php artisan beyond:make:request Admin/Users/CreateUserRequest
php artisan beyond:make:resource Admin/Users/UserResource
php artisan beyond:make:route Users
php artisan beyond:setup


  • tbc.




  • Remove old method fromRequest() from DTO stub

    Remove old method fromRequest() from DTO stub

    From v3 of Spatie DTO package seem that fromRequest() it's not anymore the way to be used.

    I checked readme of v2 and I found it, but in v3 it's not anymore there.

    opened by thewebartisan7 13
  • add trait command

    add trait command

    As requested, I have created beyond:make:trait command.

    The trait is created in Domain\XXX\Traits namespace by default. You can add --support flag to create the trait in Support\Packages\Laravel\Traits namespace.

    opened by dimzeta 6
  • DTO Factory flag

    DTO Factory flag

    As discussed here this PR add a new optional flag --factory in DTO command. When added will be create a new class in App for DTO Factory.


    # Will ask Domain, Class name and App
    beyond:make:dto --factory
    # Will ask App and create the factory in 
    # `src/App/Web/User/DataFactories/UserDataFactory.php` (Supposely App provided is "Web")
    beyond:make:dto User/UserData --factory

    A DTO like this:

    namespace Domain\Users\DataTransferObjects;
    use Spatie\DataTransferObject\DataTransferObject;
    class MyData extends DataTransferObject
        // Add properties here

    Will create a DTO Factory:

    namespace App\Admin\Users\DataFactories;
    use Illuminate\Http\Request;
    use Domain\Users\DataTransferObjects\MyData;
    class MyDataFactory
        public static function fromRequest(Request $request): MyData
            return new MyData($request->all());
    opened by thewebartisan7 5
  • [3.x] Alternative way to execute commands

    [3.x] Alternative way to execute commands

    Currently commands are restricted to beyond:make:command {schema}. We should provide an alternative way since not everybody is used to "Laravel Beyond CRUD" and may not know the schema.

    • php artisan beyond:make:model should ask for Domain and Class Name and creates a class based on these information
    opened by alexgaal 5
  • Setup needs manual adding of code

    Setup needs manual adding of code


    when setting up the project I get the prompt to add something to the boot method of my AppServiceProvider.

    1. Which exact namespace is this Factory? There are multiple ones provided by Laravel.
    2. Why is this not automatically added?


    opened by Wulfheart 4
  • Extend the default base controller of Laravel

    Extend the default base controller of Laravel

    Instead of adding for each controller the default Laravel traits for controller, would be better to keep the default Laravel controller as Base controller and then extend it.

    So the controller.stub would be:

    namespace App\{{ namespace }}\Controllers;
    use Support\Packages\Laravel\Controllers\Controller;
    class {{ className }} extends Controller
        // Methods here...

    And we can add the base controller for example inside Support/Packages/Laravel/Controller with default content:

    namespace Support\Packages\Laravel\Controllers;
    use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\Access\AuthorizesRequests;
    use Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\DispatchesJobs;
    use Illuminate\Foundation\Validation\ValidatesRequests;
    use Illuminate\Routing\Controller as BaseController;
    class Controller extends BaseController
        use AuthorizesRequests, DispatchesJobs, ValidatesRequests;
    opened by thewebartisan7 4
  • Laravel action queueable package

    Laravel action queueable package

    Would you be interested in adding this package for action:

    As replacement for current MakeActionCommand, or as a new one.

    Command signature would be:

    beyond:make:qa {name?} {--overwrite} {--queueable}

    or in case as replacement for current Action:

    beyond:make:action {name?} {--overwrite} {--queueable}

    I am tempted also by this package but maybe it's too much, even if can be cherry pick what you want from it,

    Also not sure how if this can be even combined with DDD.

    What you think?

    opened by thewebartisan7 4
  • More info regarding Support/Packages/Laravel

    More info regarding Support/Packages/Laravel

    I read only the free blog of laravel beyond, so maybe this is explained in the paid book.

    I see that we can use flag --support for middleware and rule, and this add them inside Support/Packages/Laravel.

    For example if I create a middleware with --support this is created in:


    Why inside "Laravel" folder and not in Support/Middleware?

    Also there is already a folder Support/Packages/Laravel/Middlewares (with final "s"), while our middleware is created inside Support/Packages/Laravel/Middleware (without "s").

    As I can read about Support namespace in the blog article "as the dumping ground for all little helpers that don't belong anywhere". So not sure why everything it's under "Support/Packages/Laravel" and not directly inside "Support/Middleware", etc..

    Not sure if for questions like this there is another place.


    opened by thewebartisan7 4
  • Support for Builders

    Support for Builders

    Laravel Beyond Crud has the concept of Builders. They aren’t yet implemented I think as the query command of this package is for another things, isn’t it?

    opened by Wulfheart 4
  • Commands are not automatically registered

    Commands are not automatically registered

    Hi, thank you for this package, this is what I wanted for so long!

    I created a new Command: php artisan beyond:make:command CreateUserTokenCommand

    This command does not appear automatically when I do php artisan list.

    Maybe i'm wrong but after some research, it seems because load($paths) into Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel tries to remove a part of the file path with app_path():

    $command = $namespace.str_replace(
        ['/', '.php'],
        ['\\', ''],
        Str::after($command->getRealPath(), realpath(app_path()).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)

    But it doesn't work, because app_path returns /Users/dimzeta/Sites/laravel/app while the real app path should be /Users/dimzeta/Sites/laravel/src (Is it correct ?)


    As soon as I use base_path('src/App') instead of app_path() it's working well. But maybe this is not the right way, because we still have a wrong path using app_path() ?

    opened by dimzeta 3
  • Update


    Hi, Currently, there is an error when we copy and paste the given code block to AppServiceProvider. This will fix the following errors:

    1. syntax error, unexpected identifier "Factory", expecting ";" at src/App/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php:27
    2. Class "App\Providers\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\Factory" not found at src/App/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php:26 Thanks
    opened by krishnahimself 2
  • Deptrac integration

    Deptrac integration

    Just like #37 based on Ryutu Hamasakis talk at Laracon Online Winter 2022 ( -> link now with different timestamp than before): To seperate the domain boundaries we could use deptrac and maybe add this to the default template. What do you think?

    opened by Wulfheart 4
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