Electrik is a full-featured, open-source, starter-kit to help you build you your SaaS application.



Electrik is a full-featured and open-source stater-kit for for your next SaaS application. It's built on top of Laravel, Livewire, neerajsohal/slate, Tailwind.

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Electrik supports:

  • Teams
  • Subscription Billing via Stripe
  • User Management
  • User profiles
  • Bare-bones Dashboard
  • much more.

Why another Starter kit?

It's true that there are a lot of starter kits available for SaaS applications. They all have great features. What saperates Electrik from any other start-kit out there is that its 100% open source. Electrik does not have tired pricing or pro features like almost every other start-kit out there provides and then asks for a premium for this. Electrik will always stay open source and free. Even for commerial usage.

What's the catch?

There is no catch :)

How to use Electrik?

Electrik is meant to be used on a fresh laravel installation. It does not support integration with existing laravel applications.

To install electrik to your project, use the following steps:

  1. Create a fresh laravel application
composer create-project laravel/laravel <awesome-saas-project> --prefer-dist
  1. Requiire Electrik via composer
composer require electrik/electrik
  1. Install Electrik
php artisan electrik:install
  1. Start Artisan
php artisan serve

That's all! Now goto https://localhost:8000/dashboard and enjoy!


Electrik would not have been possible without our generous sponsors:

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  • Problem Running Migrations. (Cannot declare class TeamworkSetupTables, because the name is already in use)

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    I can't run migrations because apparently some of the files have the same class name. database/migrations/2023_01_07_203947_teamwork_setup_tables.php:6 and database/migrations/2023_01_07_203242_teamwork_setup_tables.php

    opened by MusheAbdulHakim 2
  • great but there are some issues

    great but there are some issues


    This is a great starter for building a SaaS with Laravel, however I've found some issues:

    • There are a lot of hardcoded mentions of India vs. US for subscriptions, this doesn't scale well, specifically around the TAX RATES where if you select US and don't update the tax rates in the .env, there are errors.
    • Maybe detail which .env variables are required (STRIPE keys are required prior to registration/login, tax rates must be defined or it errors when you subscribe)
    • logout route is missing
    • if you have select a free plan with 0 trial days, it still asks for a credit card to register
    • postal code is labeled as "pincode" in the registration, I think this is incorrect?
    • on /teams/roles, it references display_name in the roles table, but this column doesn't exist
    • on /teams/members you see all users as part of one team, even though they have separate teams. You probably need to add filters() to the Livewire Datatable
    • all subscriptions are labeled as "sprrw", no idea why? This is also hardcoded into the views @if(!auth()->user()->currentTeam->subscribed('sprrw'))

    This is all I found on the first pass, but it's a start :)

    opened by idealerror 0
  • Change dependency to new repo

    Change dependency to new repo

    Currently package depends on neerajsohal/slate. Which is now abandoned and have been merged with Electrik. Need to change that dependency to electrik/slate.

    opened by neerajsohal 0
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