A university system that creates a timetable programm for subjects,classes and teachers which is used to create a programm for each semester. All this served as a website.



A university system that creates a timetable programm for subjects,classes and teachers which is used to create a programm for each semester. All this served as a website.

In the login form there is an option where the teachers can login with their credentials, there is an admin login form where someone like the secretaries can login and make all the changes and there is a view option where each student can see the programm of each semester.

In the first page admin is prompt to add a teachers ID and the teachers name ,after that the admin adds a subject and puts some more clues about the lesson like the title , if it is lab or theory, the semester, Then the admin adds a class which is about a physical classroum. At the end in the allotment page the admin selects what subject each teacher teaches and in what class and at the generate timetable the programm is ceated.

For this Project i used HTML, CSS , PHP, Javascript and MySQL

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