95 Repositories
PHP phpunit-tests Libraries
Awesome Set of Packages for Laravel
Awesome Set of Packages for Laravel The set provides best practices to make development more fun and classes/services that I found very useful while w
Fully covered with tests, documented by Swagger and dockerized API based on enterprise-level framework with optional queue worker.
symfony-api Fully covered with tests, documented by Swagger and dockerized API based on enterprise-level framework with optional queue worker. ⚙️ Depl
Simple HTTP smoke testing for your Symfony application
Shopsys HTTP Smoke Testing This package enables you to do simple HTTP smoke testing of your Symfony application. Basically, it generates a HTTP reques
Learn unit testing with PHPUnit.
PHPUnit Exercise Running PHPUnit ./vendor/bin/phpunit # with filter which tests to run ./vendor/bin/phpunit --filter pattern Running Pint ./vendor/
Persistent Fakes for Laravel Dusk
Laravel Dusk Fakes Support this package! ❤️ We proudly support the community by developing Laravel packages and giving them away for free. If this pac
Additional PHPUnit assertions and helper functions
Jasny PHPUnit extension Additional functionality for PHPUnit. Callback mock - assert that callback is called with correct arguments. Safe mocks - disa
Removes final keywords from source code on-the-fly and allows mocking of final methods and classes
Removes final keywords from source code on-the-fly and allows mocking of final methods and classes. It can be used together with any test tool such as PHPUnit or Mockery.
Comprehensive Plugin for composer to execute PHP Quality assurance Tools
NOT MAINTANED ANYMORE The development of composer-plugin-qa was dropped in favor of phpqa which is actively maintained. The project use docker and can
Dockerise Symfony Application (Symfony 6 + Clean Architecture+ DDD+ CQRS + Docker + Xdebug + PHPUnit + Doctrine ORM + JWT Auth + Static analysis)
Symfony Dockerise Symfony Application Install Docker Install Docker Compose Docker PHP & Nginx Create Symfony Application Debugging Install Xdebug Con
Essence is a very flexible BDD style assertion framework for PHP that fits into existing PHPUnit projects nicely
Essence 1.5.1 Essence is a very flexible BDD style assertion framework for PHP that fits into existing PHPUnit projects nicely. Installation composer
This package provides a trait to run your tests against a MinIO S3 server.
Laravel MinIO Testing Tools This package provides a trait to run your tests against a MinIO S3 server. 📝 Blog post: https://protone.media/en/blog/how
Set of polyfills for changed PHPUnit functionality to allow for creating PHPUnit cross-version compatible tests
PHPUnit Polyfills Set of polyfills for changed PHPUnit functionality to allow for creating PHPUnit cross-version compatible tests. Requirements Instal
PHP Test Generator - A CLI tool which generates unit tests
This project make usages of PHPStan and PHPParser to generate test cases for a given PHP File.
Prevent none-test output in your Pest tests.
Pest Plugin Silence Often, when writing tests, we echo and dump test code to debug and check everything is working correctly. It can be easy to forget
Satisfy the Type APIs for the WordPress schema when running PHPUnit tests
Satisfy the Type APIs for the WordPress schema when running PHPUnit tests
PHPStan PHPUnit extensions and rules
PHPStan PHPUnit extensions and rules PHPStan PHPUnit This extension provides following features: createMock(), getMockForAbstractClass() and getMockFr
Report high memory usage PHPUnit tests: Managed by opg-org-infra & Terraform
phpunit-memory-usage Report high memory usage PHPUnit tests: Managed by opg-org-infra & Terraform Configuration Add into the phpunit.xml extensions se
Example repo for writing tests in Drupal (using DDEV)
Drupal Test Writing This is a test D9 site which can be used for practicing test writing and running.
This plugin adds basic HTTP requests functionality to Pest tests, using minicli/curly
Curly Pest Plugin This plugin adds basic HTTP requests functionality to Pest tests, using minicli/curly. Installation composer require minicli/pest-pl
Enforce consistent styling for your Pest PHP tests
A set of PHP CS rules for formatting Pest PHP tests.
Extension to use built-in PHP server on Behat tests
Extension to use built-in PHP server on Behat tests Instalation composer require libresign/behat-builtin-extension Configuration Add the extension to
A tool to run migrations prior to running tests
cakephp-test-migrator A tool to run migrations prior to running tests The Migrator For CakePHP 3.x composer require --dev vierge-noire/cakephp-test-mi
🐘 🎯 Hexagonal Architecture, DDD & CQRS in PHP
🐘 🎯 Hexagonal Architecture, DDD & CQRS in PHP Example of a PHP application using Domain-Driven Design (DDD) and Command Query Responsibility Segrega
The objective of ParaTest is to support parallel testing in PHPUnit
The objective of ParaTest is to support parallel testing in PHPUnit. Provided you have well-written PHPUnit tests, you can drop paratest in your project and start using it with no additional bootstrap or configurations!
Mockery - Designed as a drop in alternative to PHPUnit's phpunit-mock-objects library
Mockery Mockery is a simple yet flexible PHP mock object framework for use in unit testing with PHPUnit, PHPSpec or any other testing framework. Its c
Testbench Component is the de-facto package that has been designed to help you write tests for your Laravel package
Laravel Testing Helper for Packages Development Testbench Component is the de-facto package that has been designed to help you write tests for your La
TestDummy makes the process of preparing factories (dummy data) for your integration tests as easy as possible
TestDummy TestDummy makes the process of preparing factories (dummy data) for your integration tests as easy as possible. As easy as... Build a Post m
Skeleton for creating a new Command Line Interface application with a minimum of dependencies.
Skeleton for creating a new Command Line Interface application with a minimum of dependencies.
Magento PHPUnit Integration
Magento PHPUnit Integration Magento is a quite complex platform without built in unit test suite, so the code is not oriented on running tests over it
Mock implementation of the Translation package, for testing with PHPUnit
PoP Translation - Mock Mock implementation of the Translation package, for testing with PHPUnit Install Via Composer composer require getpop/translati
Generator-hedley - Scaffold a headless Drupal backend, Angular app client, and Behat tests
generator-hedley Scaffold a headless Drupal backend, Angular app client, and Behat tests Hedley is a yeoman generator that scaffolds a headless Drupal
Laravel-veneer - A suite of mocked services to use in your Laravel tests.
Laravel Veneer A suite of fixture data and methods to help make mocking 3rd party services easier. Overview Laravel Veneer aims to solve two problems
Qase-phpunit - Qase TMS PHPUnit reporter.
Qase TMS PHPUnit reporter Publish results simple and easy. How to integrate composer require qase/phpunit-reporter Example of usage The PHPUnit report
Docker image that provides static analysis tools for PHP
Static Analysis Tools for PHP Docker image providing static analysis tools for PHP. The list of available tools and the installer are actually managed
Chrome extension to generate Laravel integration tests while using your app.
Laravel TestTools Check out the introduction post about the chrome extension. Installation git clone git@github.com:mpociot/laravel-testtools.git # i
Get a grip on your finances.
Budget Budget is an open-source web application that helps you keep track of your finances. You can use Budget by hosting it yourself, or using the in
Laravel package for a Game of Tests
Game of Tests laravel This package aims to enable a quick implementation of a Game of Tests in Laravel. Is uses the package swisnl/game-of-tests and g
PHP Mocking Framework
Phake Phake is a framework for PHP that aims to provide mock objects, test doubles and method stubs. Phake was inspired by a lack of flexibility and e
PHPUnit extension for database interaction testing.
This extension is no longer maintained DbUnit PHPUnit extension for database interaction testing. Installation Composer If you use Composer to manage
PHP libraries that makes Selenium WebDriver + PHPUnit functional testing easy and robust
Steward: easy and robust testing with Selenium WebDriver + PHPUnit Steward is a set of libraries made to simplify writing and running robust functiona
Phalcon Mooc an example API + Front End with automated tests
NovaMooc - a Phalcon project A Mooc project developed with Phalcon, a PHP framework. Key Features • How To Use • Contributing • Credits • License Key
Lumen rest api demo with Dingo/Api, JWT, CORS, PHPUNIT
lumen-api-demo 这是一个比较完整用 lumen 5.7 写的的 REST API 例子。使用了 dingo/api ,jwt 实现登录,功能上很简单,登录,注册,发帖,评论,单元测试(正在补充)。 lumen5.x 请看对应的分支 有需要随时联系我 lumen/laravel/rest
A Composer script to run a 'test' or 'spec' Composer script against multiple PHP versions.
composer-multitest composer-multitest is a Composer script that runs a test or spec Composer script against multiple PHP versions managed by PHPBrew o
Removes whitelisted unnecessary files (like tests/docs etc.) from vendor directory
Composer vendor cleanup This is a simple script for the Composer to remove unnecessary files (documentation/examples/tests etc.) from included vendor
Fully customizable and tests supported Laravel admin dashboard for developers.
Laravel Admin dashboard Like Laravel Jetstream but built with Hotwire Turbo + additional perks. Tools used: tailwindcomponents/dashboard Hotwire Turbo
Laravel 8 + Vue 2 + AdminLTE 3 based Curd Starter template
Laravel 8 + Vue 2 + AdminLTE 3 based Curd Starter template
Sample code for several design patterns in PHP 8
DesignPatternsPHP Read the Docs of DesignPatternsPHP or Download as PDF/Epub This is a collection of known design patterns and some sample codes on ho
Contains a few tools usefull for making your test-expectations agnostic to operating system specifics
PHPUnit Tools to ease cross operating system Testing make assertEquals* comparisons end-of-line (aka PHP_EOL) character agnostic Make use of EolAgnost
Provides generic data providers for use with phpunit/phpunit.
data-provider Installation Run composer require --dev ergebnis/data-provider Usage This package provides the following generic data providers: Ergebni
Allows the running of PHPUnit within ExpressionEngine
EE Unit Tests EE Unit Tests is an Add-on for ExpressionEngine that allows developers to execute unit tests from the Command Line. EE Unit Tests uses P
Perform Self-Diagnosis Tests On Your Laravel Application
Perform Self-Diagnosis Tests On Your Laravel Application This package allows you to run self-diagnosis tests on your Laravel application. It comes wit
A simple framework for running WordPress unit and integration tests.
Touchstone A modern wrapper around the official WordPress testsuite. It can be used to run both Unit and Integration tests. Installation Run the follo
Immanuel Vocational High School's assignments and tests of 'Pemrograman Lanjutan' lesson for 12th grade students.
school-laravel Immanuel Vocational High School's assignments and tests of 'Pemrograman Lanjutan' lesson for 12th grade students. Installation For Wind
Adds factory functions for WooCommerce to be used with wp-browser integration tests.
wp-browser-woocommerce This library simplifies testing of WooCommerce themes and plugins with wp-browser. Several Unit Test Factories are added that a
LaraBooks API - Simple API for iOS SwiftUI app tests.
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
The SOLID principles demonstrated in PHP as seen on Elaniin's SOLID Booster Session.
SOLID Principles SOLID is the mnemonic acronym that represents 5 design principles that aim to make software designs more understandable, flexible, an
WordPress core test suite function and class declaration stubs for static analysis by PHPStan
WordPress Core Test Suite Stubs This package provides stub declarations for the WordPress Core Test Suite functions, classes and interfaces. These stu
PHPUnit to Pest Converter
PestConverter PestConverter is a PHP library for converting PHPUnit tests to Pest tests. Before use Before using this converter, make sure your files
PHPUnit Application Architecture Test
PHPUnit Application Architecture Test Idea: write architecture tests as well as feature and unit tests Installation Install via composer composer requ
Showing what's new in PHP 8 with examples and tests
#PHP 8 what's new with examples Showing what's new in PHP 8 with examples and tests. I believe that reading about the changes is not enough, so grab t
Docker with PHP 7.4 fpm, Nginx, Composer, PhpUnit and MaridaDB
Clean Docker with PHP Docker with PHP 7.4 fpm, Nginx, Composer, PhpUnit and MariaDB Starting app docker-compose up -d Main page
Test a method against a list of XSS known.
php-xss-tests Test a method against a list of XSS known. How to run Just execute "run.sh", it will start a docker container to do all stuff. How I kno
To run time/IO related unit tests (e.g., sleep function calls, database queries, API calls, etc) faster using Swoole.
To run time/IO related unit tests (e.g., sleep function calls, database queries, API calls, etc) faster using Swoole.
Wraps your Pest suite in a Laravel application instance, allowing global use of the framework in tests.
Pest Larastrap Plugin This is currently a highly experimental project and is subject to large pre-release changes. Pest PHP is an awesome PHP testing
A sample RESTful API in Laravel with PHPunit test.
Laravel PHP Framework URL | URI | Action |
Magic Test allows you to write browser tests by simply clicking around on the application being tested, all without the slowness of constantly restarting the testing environment.
Magic Test for Laravel Magic Test allows you to write browser tests by simply clicking around on the application being tested, all without the slownes
Package to easily test crudable controllers for Laravel based API
Laravel Crudable Test This package is very usefull to easily test crudable controllers. Installation You can install package via composer. Add reposit
Behat Messenger Context
Behat Messenger Context Version Build Status Code Coverage master develop Installation Step 1: Install Context Open a command console, enter your proj
Real-world Project to learning about Unit Testing/TDD with Laravel for everybody
KivaNote - a Laravel TDD Sample Project Let me introduce you to KivaNote, a simple real-world application using Laravel to show you how the TDD & Unit
🚀WordPress Plugin Boilerplate using modern web techs like TypeScript, SASS, and so on... on top of a local development environment with Docker and predefined GitLab CI for continous integration and deployment!
WP React Starter: WordPress React Boilerplate DEPRECATED: WP React Starter was a "research project" of devowl.io for the development of our WordPress
Full stack shop app with Symfony
A progressive PHP framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications. Description A fullstack shop app with Symfony framework and
Unit testing tips by examples in PHP
Unit testing tips by examples in PHP Introduction In these times, the benefits of writing unit tests are huge. I think that most of the recently start
Add mocking capabilities to Pest or PHPUnit
This repository contains the Pest Plugin Mock. The Mocking API can be used in regular PHPUnit projects. For that, you just have to run the following c
A PHP library for mocking date and time in tests
ClockMock Slope s.r.l. ClockMock provides a way for mocking the current timestamp used by PHP for \DateTime(Immutable) objects and date/time related f
Some shorthand functions for skipping and focusing tests.
Pest Plugin: Shorthands This repository contains the Pest Plugin Shorthands. If you want to start testing your application with Pest, visit the main P
🧑🔬 The missing assertions for your views in your Laravel applications.
Laravel View Assertions The missing assertions for your views in your Laravel applications. Installation You'll have to follow a couple of simple step
API simples utilizando workerman(assincrono) usando TDD, DDD e boas praticas para escalonamento horizontal.
Motivos para usar workerman Além de mais rápido que o swoole, não necessita de libs externas, porém o ponto negativo é não possuir corrotinas, sendo n
Enables type-safe comparisons of objects in PHPUnit.
Strict PHPUnit Enables type-safe comparisons of objects in PHPUnit. Problem PHPUnit has a very powerful comparison system that helps you comparing obj
Rector upgrades rules for PHPUnit
Rector Rules for PHPUnit See available PHPUnit rules Install composer require rector/rector-phpunit Use Sets To add a set to your config, use Rector\P
:elephant: A Laravel 6 SPA boilerplate with a users CRUD using Vue.js 2.6, GraphQL, Bootstrap 4, TypeScript, Sass, and Pug.
Laravel Vue Boilerplate A Laravel 6 Single Page Application boilerplate using Vue.js 2.6, GraphQL, Bootstrap 4, TypeScript, Sass and Pug with: A users
InfyOm Laravel Generator - API, Scaffold, Tests, CRUD Laravel Generator
InfyOm Laravel Generator Generate Admin Panels CRUDs and APIs in Minutes with tons of other features and customizations with 3 different themes. Read
vfsStream is a stream wrapper for a virtual file system that may be helpful in unit tests to mock the real file system. It can be used with any unit test framework, like PHPUnit or SimpleTest.
vfsStream vfsStream is a stream wrapper for a virtual file system that may be helpful in unit tests to mock the real file system. It can be used with
The PHP Unit Testing framework.
PHPUnit PHPUnit is a programmer-oriented testing framework for PHP. It is an instance of the xUnit architecture for unit testing frameworks. Installat
:computer: Parallel testing for PHPUnit
ParaTest The objective of ParaTest is to support parallel testing in PHPUnit. Provided you have well-written PHPUnit tests, you can drop paratest in y
Mockery is a simple yet flexible PHP mock object framework for use in unit testing with PHPUnit, PHPSpec or any other testing framework. Its core goal is to offer a test double framework with a succinct API capable of clearly defining all possible object operations and interactions using a human readable Domain Specific Language (DSL).
Mockery Mockery is a simple yet flexible PHP mock object framework for use in unit testing with PHPUnit, PHPSpec or any other testing framework. Its c
Mock HTTP requests on the server side in your PHP unit tests
HTTP Mock for PHP Mock HTTP requests on the server side in your PHP unit tests. HTTP Mock for PHP mocks the server side of an HTTP request to allow in
Full-stack testing PHP framework
Codeception Modern PHP Testing for everyone Codeception is a modern full-stack testing framework for PHP. Inspired by BDD, it provides an absolutely n
The most powerful and flexible mocking framework for PHPUnit / Codeception.
AspectMock AspectMock is not an ordinary PHP mocking framework. With the power of Aspect Oriented programming and the awesome Go-AOP library, AspectMo
Supercharge your app or SDK with a testing library specifically for Guzzle
Full Documentation at guzzler.dev Supercharge your app or SDK with a testing library specifically for Guzzle. Guzzler covers the process of setting up
Record your test suite's HTTP interactions and replay them during future test runs for fast, deterministic, accurate tests.
This is a port of the VCR Ruby library to PHP. Record your test suite's HTTP interactions and replay them during future test runs for fast, determinis
PHPUnit assertions for testing ReactPHP promises
ReactPHP Promises Testing A library that provides a set of convenient assertions for testing ReactPHP promises. Under the hood uses clue/php-block-rea
A starter-kit for your PHP project.
PHP Noise A starter-kit for your PHP project. It includes frequently needed boilerplate setups (ci, badges, etc.) 📦 Installation To install this appl
sample code for several design patterns in PHP 8
DesignPatternsPHP Read the Docs of DesignPatternsPHP or Download as PDF/Epub This is a collection of known design patterns and some sample codes on ho
Behat extension for those who want to write acceptances tests for apis
Behapi Behat extension to help write describe features related to HTTP APIs. PHP 7.3, Behat 3.7 and a discoverable php-http client are required to mak