A while ago I visited @beberlei at the offices of his company @tideways. Their solution for PHP application performance monitoring is the best I have seen so far and you should definitely check it out if you have not done so already.
It should come as no surprise that @tideways is committed to Open Source, @beberlei was the project lead for @doctrine2 after all. Their new tideways_xhprof extension, which started as a fork of Facebook's XHProf extension, provides a modern solution for profiling PHP applications.
An interesting topic that came up in our discussion was DbUnit. Back in 2007, @mlively ported JUnit's DbUnit extension to PHP and PHPUnit. This extension for PHPUnit provides ready-to-be-used implementations of best practices for testing database interactions. It helps with fixture management and loading test data into the database as well as cleaning it up between tests. And the assertions it provides help with verifying the state of the database after INSERT
@beberlei shared that, from his experience, it is usually easier to implement a custom, project-specific solution for database fixture management than to use the generic solution provided by DbUnit. The effort to build such a custom solution is usually quite low, resulting in less than two hundred lines of code in a trait that is used by the database test case classes. He continued that when the application under test uses Doctrine then that aforementioned trait requires even less code thanks to functionality provided by the Connection
At first, I was surprised that @beberlei does not use DbUnit. But then I realized that over the last couple of years I suggested the use of DbUnit less and less, for the most part because of the same reasons that @beberlei mentioned. In my experience, too, fixture management is usually much easier to maintain over time when it is implemented with the project's specifics in mind.
@mlively stopped maintaining DbUnit years ago. After a while, @elazar took over the maintenance of DbUnit but he, too, is no longer active. In recent years, I made the changes required to keep DbUnit compatible with newer versions of PHPUnit. Occasionally I merge pull request to fix bugs. These pull requests, along with a bug report now and then, are the only signs I see that DbUnit is actually being used.
A big concern that I have with DbUnit is the implementation of its assertions. For instance, the output they provide in case of a failure is frequently hard to read.
(Somehow the above reads like it should have been a blog post.)
Given that I neither use nor recommend the use of DbUnit, I am no longer motivated to perform even the minimal maintainenance work I have done these past few years. I will neither cut a release that will be compatible with next year's PHPUnit 8 nor will I clean up and refactor the codebase to leverage modern PHPUnit extension points.
I will eventually archive this repository (no later than February 2019). Feel free to fork it in case you want to maintain DbUnit in the future.