PHP Test Generator - A CLI tool which generates unit tests


PHP Test Generator

This project make usages of PHPStan and PHPParser to generate test cases for a given PHP File.


With static code analyzer it is possible to generate tests which where mostly forgotten. The target of the project is not to generate a whole test cases instead it should generate the most boilerplate code of the test case and tell which method for the class methods should be implemented.

So example if we have a method like the following:

public function setTitle(?string $title): void
    $this->title = $title;

public function getTitle(): void
    $this->title = $title;

If you are using code coverage you will get 100% when you are testing:

public function testSetTitle(): void
    $model = $this->createInstance();
    $this->assertSame('Test', $model->getTitle());

But as ?string can be seen as an union type of string|null the testcase for null type is missing:

public function testSetTitleNull(): void
    $model = $this->createInstance();

The project target is to already generate also the boilerplate for that test case.


composer require --dev schranz/test-generator


Create a new tests/generator-config.php file:

use Schranz\TestGenerator\Domain\Model\Config;

$config = new Config();
// add following hooks if you want to use `rector` or `php-cs-fixer` directly on the created test files
// $config->hooks[] = 'vendor/bin/rector process %s';
// $config->hooks[] = 'vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix %s';

return $config;

See Config.php for all options.


vendor/bin/test-generator src/YourNameSpace/YourFile.php
  • Fix default namespace replace with for Application

    Fix default namespace replace with for Application

    Currently all App appearenace was replaced with App\Tests\Unit which did end in a strange namespace like: App\Context\Application -> App\Tests\Unit\Context\App\Tests\Unitlication. This is now fixed via checking for \\ or direct match of the namespace.

    opened by alexander-schranz 0
  • Add basic getter test implementation

    Add basic getter test implementation

    This adds implementation for basic getter tests. Getter tests are test without a setter and need inject the parameter over constructor or manual adoption is required to set the value e.g.: using reflection. Currently the library will not provide a PrivatePropertyTrait to set getter value.

    opened by alexander-schranz 0
  • Add setter getter support for objects

    Add setter getter support for objects

    This will create a variable for setter getter tests when an object is used e.g.:

            $birthday = new DateTimeImmutable('2022-01-01');
            $this->assertSame($birthday, $model->getBirthday());
    opened by alexander-schranz 0
  • Add test for int and float arguments

    Add test for int and float arguments

    Add test cases for argument resolver creating also int and float types. Also make the test runs more user friendly by output the file path of the tested file.

    opened by alexander-schranz 0
  • Rewrite the workflow of parsing

    Rewrite the workflow of parsing

    The current implementation is just a prototype and is usable for basic model classes using common keywords like set, get, change and so on.

    This was used just as quick prototype to develop the generation. In future the parsing of the ast should return a object like the following for every method e.g.:

    class TestMethod {
        /** @var Property[] */
        public string $returnedProperties = [];
        /** @var Property[] */
        public string $modifiedProperties = [];
        /** @var TestMethod[] */
        public iterable $calledMethods = [];

    Step 1: Matching modifiedProperties to returnedProperties

    This way it should be possible that something like:

    public function changeFullname(string $firstname, string $lastName): void
        $this->firstname = $firstName;
        $this->lastName = $lastName;
    public function getFullname(): string
        return $this->firstname . ' ' . $this->lastName;

    we know that changeFullname will manipulate firstName and lastName and getFullname will return firstName and lastName are generated into following test case:

    public function testChangeFullname(): void
        $contact = $this->createInstance();
        $contact->changeFullname('FirstName', 'LastName');
        $this->assertSame('Firstname Lastname', $contact->getFullname());

    Step 2: Matching external modified calls and external return values

    The ideal case would also be that it also analyse when required the external calls if there are no internal matching possible so example test case would be that following is generating same test case as above:

    public function changeFullname(string $firstname, string $lastName): void
        $this->inner->changeFullname($firstName, $lastName);
    public function getFullname(): string
        return $this->inner->getFullname();

    Step 3: Find expected changes also from multple public methods

    To the above example is there is no return value for both firstName and lastName possible it should search for methods which return both so the test case for a class with:

    public function changeFullname(string $firstname, string $lastName): void
        $this->firstname = $firstName;
        $this->lastName = $lastName;
    public function getFirstname(): string
        return $this->firstname;
    public function getLastname(): string
        return $this->lastname;

    Should be:

    public function testChangeFullname(): void
        $contact = $this->createInstance();
        $contact->changeFullname('FirstName', 'LastName');
        $this->assertSame('Firstname', $contact->getFirstname());
        $this->assertSame('Lastname', $contact->getLastname());

    Step 4: Create condition tree and so multiple possibilities

    If there are condition in it e.g.:

    public function changeSomething($name, $bool = true): void
        if ($bool) {
            $this->firstName = $name;
        $this->lastName = $name;

    There should be a test case generated for every condition and we should parse it correctly so we know depending on bool firstname is changed or lastname is changed.

    opened by alexander-schranz 0
Alexander Schranz
Core Developer @sulu likes @php, @symfony, @elasticsearch, @redis, react js
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