Laravel package for a Game of Tests


Game of Tests laravel

Latest Stable Version License

This package aims to enable a quick implementation of a Game of Tests in Laravel. Is uses the package swisnl/game-of-tests and gives you a set of commands and basic templates to make your own Game of Tests.

This package serves as a way to search through git repositories and find PHP tests. I was inspired by the the Spotify testing game I ran in to.

The reason i wanted to my own implementation for PHP was to help gamify testing in the company and encourage testing in general in the teams.

How does it work?

The Game of Tests works by scanning Git repositories and scanning for known test files. It uses Git blame to attribute tests to developers. You can update through multiple artisan commands for Github, bare directories, or single repositories.

For now it supports PhpUnit, Codeception and Behat for PHP and Ava, Jasmine, Jest, Mocha, Tape and QUnit for JavaScript and True for SCSS. Feel free to contribute new parsers to swisnl/game-of-tests.


I made a demo available which uses this package and show the Game of Tests for the Laravel Github organisation at For in information on installing the demo locally, please check out swisnl/game-of-tests-laravel-demo.


Created by Björn Brala (@bbrala).


  1. Require this repository

composer require swisnl/game-of-tests-laravel

  1. Add the service provider to app.php
  1. Publish and run the migration
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="migrations"
php artisan migrate
  1. (optional) Publish the config and views
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="config"
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="views"

This published the config. See Configuration for the available options.

Available routes

Routes are based on the configuration of route-prefix. Default value is got.

URL Description
/got List ranking of all time
/got/score-for-month Ranking of the current month. Optionally you can add: ?monthsBack=[months] to go back any amount of months. For example to get the tests of last month: app.url/got/score-for-month?monthsBack=1.
/got/score-for-months-back Ranking of the last [months] months (default 1 month). You can add: ?monthsBack=[months] to go back any amount of months. For example to get the tests of last 3 months: app.url/got/score-for-month?monthsBack=3.
/got/{user} List of parsed tests of {user}. You can add: ?fromMonthsBack=[months] to go back any amount of months. For example to get the tests of last 3 months: app.url/got/bjorn-brala?fromMonthsBack=3, or you can add ?monthsBack=[months] to show results for [months] back. For example to get the tests of last month: app.url/got/bjorn-brala?monthsBack=1.


You have a few commands available to update your data.


Inspect a directory with bare resposities.

  got:inspect-directory [options] [--] <directory>


      --skippast[=SKIPPAST]  Skip all before (and including) this
      --modified[=MODIFIED]  Repository modified since (uses strtotime)
      --only[=ONLY]          Skip every directory except this one
      --dry-run              Only inspect, do not insert into the database


Inspect a github organisation.

  got:inspect-github [options] [--] <organisation>


      --modified[=MODIFIED]  Repository modified since (uses strtotime)
      --dry-run              Only inspect, do not insert into the database


Inspect a Git url.

  got:inspect [options] [--] <repositoryUrl>


      --dry-run   Only inspect, do not insert into the database


Normalize author names based on the config setting.




normalize-names : array

Normalize the names in the array to one single result. Sometimes people are bad with their git name. This will normalize names of committees to the array key.


'Björn Brala' => ['bjorn', 'bbrala']


route-prefix : string

Prefix for Game of Tests routes.


'route-prefix' => 'got'


excluded-remotes : array

What remote should not be included in the statistics. This is database LIKE argument.


'excluded-remotes' => [


excluded-filenames : array

What filename should not be included in the statistics. This is database LIKE argument.


'excluded-filenames' => [


excluded-authors : array

What authors should not be included in the statistics. This is database LIKE argument.


cache : boolean (default true)

Enable caching for GitHub requests so rate limiting is not a problem.


'excluded-authors' => [
    'Automated Commiter',
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