Adds factory functions for WooCommerce to be used with wp-browser integration tests.



This library simplifies testing of WooCommerce themes and plugins with wp-browser. Several Unit Test Factories are added that allow you to quickly create WooCommerce products and orders within an integration test.

Getting started

Before getting started with wp-browser-woocommerce, make sure you read the excellent documentation for wp-browser first.


To install wp-browser-woocommerce you use composer. The library is published on packagist.

composer require --dev level-level/wp-browser-woocommerce

Your first WooCommerce test

Tests written with wp-browser-woocommerce are a lot like regular wp-browser integration tests. By extending from \LevelLevel\WPBrowserWooCommerce\WCTestCase instead of the regular \WPTestCase, you will get access to WooCommerce unit test factories.

<?php // ./tests/wpunit/ExampleTest.php

use LevelLevel\WPBrowserWooCommerce\WCTestCase;

class ExampleTest extends WCTestCase{
    public function test_something(){
        // Create a WooCommerce product.
        $product = $this->factory()->product->create_and_get(
				'name'          => 'test',
				'regular_price' => '12.12',

        // Create a WooCommerce order with two products.
		$order   = $this->factory()->order->create_and_get(
				'payment_method'       => 'bacs',
				'payment_method_title' => 'BACS',
				'set_paid'             => true,
				'line_items'           => array(
						'product_id' => $product->get_id(),
						'quantity'   => 2,

        // Make sure the order total price is correct.
        $this->assertEquals( 24.24, $order->get_total() );


The factories provide methods to allow for quick object creation. The factories are access with the $this->factory() method on a testcase.

In the background, the factories use the WooCommerce REST API methods to create and retrieve objects. These are not actual GET/POST requests, but rather internal calls to the methods that would process the regular requests to the API.

All factories extend from the WordPress default WP_UnitTest_Factory_For_Thing. All methods that are specified on this base class are available on the factories you will use in WooCommerce tests.

In this documentation you will only find the most used ones, refer to the base class or WordPress documentation for others.


You can access the order factory by using $this->factory()->order within a WooCommerce integration test.

The main method you'll use is create_and_get( $args ). The input you can give to an order are the same as you can give to the order creation API endpoint.

create_and_get($args) returns the result of wc_get_order() for the created object.



$order = $this->factory()->order->create_and_get(
        'payment_method'       => 'bacs',
        'payment_method_title' => 'BACS',
        'set_paid'             => true,
        'billing'              => array(
            'first_name'   => 'John',
            'last_name'    => 'Doe',
            'address_1'    => 'Market',
            'house_number' => '1',
            'address_2'    => '',
            'city'         => 'Rotterdam',
            'postcode'     => '3456AB',
            'country'      => 'NL',
            'email'        => '',
        'shipping'             => array(
            'first_name'   => 'John',
            'last_name'    => 'Doe',
            'address_1'    => 'Memory Lane',
            'house_number' => '1',
            'address_2'    => '',
            'city'         => 'Rotterdam',
            'postcode'     => '3456AB',
            'country'      => 'NL',
        'line_items'           => array(
                'product_id' => 1,
                'quantity'   => 1,
                'meta_data'  => array(
                        'key'   => 'made_by',
                        'value' => 'Level Level',
                        'key'   => 'with_love',
                        'value' => 'obviously'
        'shipping_lines': array(
                'method_id': 'flat_rate',
                'method_title': 'Flat Rate',
                'total': '10.00'


You can access the order factory by using $this->factory()->product within a WooCommerce integration test.

The main method you'll use is create_and_get( $args ). The input you can give to an order are the same as you can give to the product creation API endpoint.

create_and_get($args) returns the result of wc_get_product() for the created object.



        'name'            => 'test',
        'regular_price'   => '103.11',
        'weight'          => '14',
        'dimensions'      => array(
            'height' => '1',
        'reviews_allowed' => false,
        'manage_stock'    => true,
        'stock_status'    => 'onbackorder',
        'backorders'      => 'yes',
        'meta_data'       => array(
                'key'   => 'made_in',
                'value' => 'Rotterdam',

Tax rates

You can access the order factory by using $this->factory()->tax_rate within a WooCommerce integration test.

The main method you'll use is create_and_get( $args ). The input you can give to an order are the same as you can give to the product creation API endpoint.

create_and_get($args) returns an array, as tax rates have no data class/model within WooCommerce.



        'rate'=> '21',
        'name'=>'BTW hoog tarief',


You can access the coupon factory by using $this->factory()->coupon within a WooCommerce integration test.

The main method you'll use is create_and_get( $args ). The input you can give to a coupon are the same as you can give to the coupon creation API endpoint.

create_and_get($args) returns the result of new WC_Coupon( $coupon_id ) for the created object.



        'code'               => '25off',
        'discount_type'      => 'percent',
        'amount'             => '10',
        'individual_use'     => true,
        'exclude_sale_items' => true,
        'minimum_amount'     => '100.00',


The subscription factory can only be used when the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin is installed and activated.

You can access the subscription factory by using $this->factory()->subscription within a WooCommerce integration test.

The main method you'll use is create_and_get( $args ). The input you can give to a subscription are the same as you can give to the subscription creation API endpoint.

create_and_get($args) returns the result of wcs_get_subscription( $subscription_id ) for the created object.



        'customer_id' => 1,
        'parent_id' => 1,
        'status' => 'pending',
        'billing_period' => 'month',
        'billing_interval' => 1,
        'start_date' => ( new DateTime( 'now', wp_timezone() ) )->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ),
        'next_payment_date' => ( new DateTime( '+1 month', wp_timezone() ) )->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ),
        'payment_method' => '',
        'billing' => array(
            'first_name' => 'John',
            'last_name' => 'Doe',
            'address_1' => 'Market',
            'house_number' => '1',
            'address_2' => '',
            'city' => 'Rotterdam',
            'postcode' => '3456AB',
            'country' => 'NL',
            'email' => '',
        'shipping' => array(
            'first_name' => 'John',
            'last_name' => 'Doe',
            'address_1' => 'Memory Lane',
            'house_number' => '1',
            'address_2' => '',
            'city' => 'Rotterdam',
            'postcode' => '3456AB',
            'country' => 'NL',
        'line_items' => array(
                'product_id' => 1,
                'quantity' => 1,
                'subtotal' => '10.00',
                'total' => '10.00',


For most testcases you will want to use \LevelLevel\WPBrowserWooCommerce\WCTestCase

Ajax calls

For ajax calls, the regular \WPAjaxTestCase would be replaced with \LevelLevel\WPBrowserWooCommerce\WCAjaxTestCase


public function test_can_add_sample_to_cart() {

    $product = $this->factory()->product->create_and_get(
            'name'          => 'test',
            'regular_price' => '12.12',
    // ... testing logic ...
    try {
        $this->_handleAjax( 'woocommerce_add_to_cart' );
    } catch ( WPAjaxDieContinueException $e ) {
    $this->assertEmpty( wc_get_notices( 'error' ), 'There should be no error notices after making this ajax call.' );


wp-browser-woocommerce is actively being used at Level Level. The library will get new features as we need them for client projects.


The main focus is on implementing more factories for other WooCommerce objects such as customers, refunds and shipping methods.

After this, focus might shift to popular extensions for WooCommerce, such as Subscriptions or Bookings.


Feel free to open issues or create pull requests if you feel something is missing or working incorrectly.

  • Fix Getting and setting current user

    Fix Getting and setting current user

    Thanks for the handy addition to wp-browser.

    While using it, I noticed that the user is incorrectly backed up and restored - used functions expect the user ID, not the entire WP_User object.

    opened by matczar 2
  • add coupon factory

    add coupon factory


    Adds coupon factory for creating WooCommerce Coupons.

    How Has This Been Tested?

    I've created a coupon in one of our projects using the following code, which worked flawlessly.

    		$this->coupon = $this->factory()->coupon->create_and_get(
    				'code'               => '25off',
    				'discount_type'      => 'percent',
    				'amount'             => '25',
    				'individual_use'     => true,
    				'exclude_sale_items' => true,
    opened by menno-ll 1
  • Update set_zone_locations to return code

    Update set_zone_locations to return code

    According to, and debugging, the response from the PUT on the /locations endpoint will return a JSON string containing a "code" and a "type" property. ID does not exist, and this will break unit tests on PHP8+

    opened by Mike-Hermans 0
  • Implement ShippingZone and ShippingZoneMethods.

    Implement ShippingZone and ShippingZoneMethods.

    See And

    opened by NielsdeBlaauw 0
  • Remove duplicate api-call code.

    Remove duplicate api-call code.

    Every class has its own implementation of user switching and API call processing. Abstracting this logic to a trait removes a lot of duplicate code and simplifies new factory implementation.

    opened by NielsdeBlaauw 0
  • add subscriptions factory

    add subscriptions factory


    Adds subscription factory for woocommerce subscriptions. Uses the subscriptions rest api


    Has been tested using following code.

    		$address = array(
    			'first_name' => 'Firstname',
    			'last_name'  => 'Lastname',
    			'company'    => 'Company',
    			'address_1'  => 'Streetname 1',
    			'address_2'  => '',
    			'city'       => 'City',
    			'state'      => '',
    			'postcode'   => '1234AB',
    			'country'    => 'NL',
    			'email'      => '',
    		$this->subscription = $this->factory()->subscription->create_and_get(
    				'customer_id' => 1,
    				'parent_id' => $this->order->get_id(),
    				'status' => 'pending',
    				'billing_period' => 'month',
    				'billing_interval' => 1,
    				'start_date' => ( new DateTime( 'now', wp_timezone() ) )->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ),
    				'next_payment_date' => ( new DateTime( '+1 month', wp_timezone() ) )->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ),
    				'payment_method' => '',
    				'billing' => $address,
    				'shipping' => $address,
    				'line_items' => array(
    						'product_id' => $this->product->get_id(),
    						'quantity' => 1,
    						'subtotal' => '10.00',
    						'total' => '10.00',
    opened by menno-ll 0
  • 0.1.8(Dec 30, 2022)

  • 0.1.7(Dec 30, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Update set_zone_locations to return code by @Mike-Hermans in

    New Contributors

    • @Mike-Hermans made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.1.6(Sep 23, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Adds shipping zone locations support. by @NielsdeBlaauw in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.1.5(May 16, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Enhancement: Adds a trait for API-calls by @NielsdeBlaauw in
    • Feature: Adds Shipping factory methods by @NielsdeBlaauw in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.1.4(Aug 12, 2021)

  • 0.1.3(Jul 23, 2021)

    • Adds coupon factory (
    • Fixes Getting and setting current user (
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.1.2(Jun 24, 2021)

  • 0.1.0(Jun 15, 2021)

Level Level
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