vPOS Official Wordpres WooCommerce Plugin


vPOS - WooCommerce


The number #1 payment solution in Angola


This plugin currently works for the solutions listed below:

  • EMIS GPO (Multicaixa Express)

Installation and Configuration

To install and configure visit our wiki: vPOS Wiki

Have any doubts?

In case of any doubts, bugs, or the like, please leave an issue. We would love to help.


Copyright (C) 2021 vPOS

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

  • payment via callback

    payment via callback

    This PR contains a draft implementation that changes the mechanism which the plugin uses to confirm payments.

    In essence, the change helps move from a polling mechanism to a mechanism that uses webhooks and callbacks.

    This has the side effect of performing less requests to the backend server responsible for handling payments, in other words it uses fewer resources.

    documentation enhancement 
    opened by AlexJuca 2
  • after activation, move vpos-checkout file to current theme folder

    after activation, move vpos-checkout file to current theme folder

    This PR adds functionality that automatically copies the vpos-checkout.php file into the current activated themes directory.

    This essentially improves the experience of the installation process for the plugin, since, before the person performing installation had to manually copy the file to the current activated themes directory, which was tedious and error prone.

    opened by AlexJuca 1
  • Fix wordpress path issue

    Fix wordpress path issue

    This PR fixes the problem that caused a 404 when a customer tries to perform a payment.

    The problem occurs because all http requests are routed to handle.php which is in the vpos-woocommerce folder. Unfortunately the file vpos-checkout.php expects the location of the file to be inside a root folder called wordpress of the server running the wordpress application, which is not the usual place where wordpress is installed.

    Often times, wordpress is installed in /var/www/html and not /var/www/html/wordpress.

    How to fix?

    We change vpos-checkout.php to point to a more general wp-content inside the root folder instead, since most installations of wordpress follow this configuration.

    opened by AlexJuca 1
  • Update Version - 1.2

    Update Version - 1.2

    This pr updates the version to 1.2 with:

    • Changes the table name from wp_vpos_woocommerce_transacations to wp_vpos_woocommerce_transactions
    • Removes the sandbox checkbox at settings page
    • Validates sandbox numbers
    • Updates the documentation
    documentation enhancement 
    opened by smaziano 0
  • FIX: Transactions Failed

    FIX: Transactions Failed

    This pr resolves the problem that was not updating transactions when the order status is failed. When cart order was previously created and the status is failed the handle confirmation method was not updating the order status with the vPOS response because of a business logic error that was assuming failed orders could be reprocessed.

    bug enhancement 
    opened by smaziano 0
  • use controller for initial payment request

    use controller for initial payment request

    This PR offloads the initial payment request responsibility from the handle.php file to a fully fledged wordpress controller route which makes more sense.

    This makes it easier to find all web interfaces of the plugin are under the same logical unit, in this case the controller.

    This PR also contains refactors and code improvements.

    opened by AlexJuca 0
  • Add improvements

    Add improvements

    This PR contains the following changes:

    • improve order status functionality
    • improved code style
    • remove dead code from polling and checkout page
    • transaction endpoint now returns both status and status_reason.
    opened by AlexJuca 0
  • update order mechanism

    update order mechanism

    This PR changes the mechanism for updating an order.

    Instead of doing this is the handle.php we perform the update in the controllers handle_confirmation function, which is the best place to have this operation.

    opened by AlexJuca 0
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