Magento-Functions - A Resource of Magento Functions



A Resource of Magento Functions

Table of Contents

  1. Category
  2. Product
  3. User
  4. Cart
  5. Checkout
  6. General
  7. Account
  8. [Working w/ URL's] (#urls)



Fetch Product Collection

$collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')
              ->addAttributeToSort('name', 'DESC')
              ->setOrder('name', 'ASC');

Magento Load Products

Individual Product Helper
$_helper = $this->helper('catalog/output');
$_product = $this->getProduct();

Load Product from Collection
// Load by name
$_product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->loadByAttribute('name', 'product_name');

// Load by SKU
$_product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->loadByAttribute('sku', '234SKU93');

//Load by ID (just load):
$_product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productID);

Fetch Default Product Info

echo $_product->getShortDescription(); //product's short description
echo $_product->getDescription(); // product's long description
echo $_product->getName(); //product name
echo $_product->getSku(); //product Sku
echo $_product->getPrice(); //product's regular Price
echo $_product->getSpecialPrice(); //product's special Price
echo $_product->getProductUrl(); //product url
echo $_product->getImageUrl(); //product's image url
echo $_product->getSmallImageUrl(); //product's small image url
echo $_product->getThumbnailUrl(); //product's thumbnail image url
echo $_product->getAvailability(); //product's thumbnail image url     

Custom Product Attributes

For drop-down Product Attributes use the following code 
 echo $_product->getAttributeText('attribute_name') ?>

For all other Product Attribute types
 echo $_product->getAttributeName() ?>


 echo $_product['attribute_name'];?>

Display Product Attributes Globally
 if($product->getResource()->getAttribute('ATTRIBUTE_CODE_HERE')->getFrontend()->getValue($product)) : ?> 

  echo 'Attribute Title: '.$product->getResource()->getAttribute('ATTRIBUTE_CODE_HERE')->getFrontend()->getValue($product); ?>  

 endif; ?>

Product Stock Count

$stock_count = (int) Mage::getModel(’cataloginventory/stock_item’)->loadByProduct($this->getProduct())->getQty(); 
echo $stock_count;


/* Check if the customer is logged in or not */
if (Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->isLoggedIn()) {
    /* Get the customer data */
    $customer = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getCustomer();
    /* Get the customer's full name */
    $fullname = $customer->getName();
    /* Get the customer's first name */
    $firstname = $customer->getFirstname();
    /* Get the customer's last name */
    $lastname = $customer->getLastname();
    /* Get the customer's email address */
    $email = $customer->getEmail();


/* Get all the items in the cart */
$cartItems = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->getQuote()->getAllItems();
/* Iterate through the items */
foreach ($cartItems as $item) {
 /* Load the product and get the custom attribute */



Retrive Shipping Method from Quote
$rate = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->getQuote()->getShippingAddress()->getShippingRatesCollection();

$rate->getCarrier(); // This will provide you with the carrier code
$rate->getCarrierTitle(); // This will give you the carrier title
$rate->getCode(); // This will give you **current shipping method** code
$rate->getMethod(); // This will provide you with the **shipping method** code
$rate->getMethodTitle(); // This will tell you current shipping method title
$rate->getMethodDescription(); // And this is the description of the current shipping method and **it could be NULL**


Working with Blocks

xxxxxx Step 4: Navigate your way to the template folder (app > design > frontend > default > your_theme > template) Open the file that you would like the block to appear in and insert the following code in the appropriate position where xxxxxx is the ‘Identifier’ you set earlier when creating your block. getChildHtml('xxxxxx') ?> Render Block within .phtml getLayout()->createBlock('cms/block')->setBlockId('my-new-block')->toHtml() ?>">
Step 1:
Create your static block
Step 2:
Open the file that references the page you intend to put the block into IE‘page.xml’.
Step 3:
Add this to the appropriate place in the XML file


Step 4:
Navigate your way to the template folder (app > design > frontend > default > your_theme > template) Open the file that you would like the block to appear in and insert the following code in the appropriate position where xxxxxx is the ‘Identifier’ you set earlier when creating your block.
getChildHtml('xxxxxx') ?>
Render Block within .phtml
getLayout()->createBlock('cms/block')->setBlockId('my-new-block')->toHtml() ?>

####Passing Data Through Blocks

getData('product'); ?>">

getChild('block_name')->setData("product", $_product); ?>

getData('product'); ?>


Navigation Links

Removing Navigation Links

In local.xml add the following

recurring_profiles billing_agreements reviews downloadable_products OAuth Customer Tokens account account_edit address_book orders tags wishlist newsletter ">

       OAuth Customer Tokens



Adding Navigation Links

In local.xml add the following

my_new_section module/index/index <_secure>true ">




To Retrieve URL path in STATIC BLOCK
{{skin url='images/sampleimage.jpg'}}
To get Media URL
{{media url='/sampleimage.jpg'}}
To get Store URL
{{store url='mypage.html'}}
To get Base URL
{{base url='yourstore/mypage.html'}}
TO Retrieve URL path in PHTML
Not secure Skin URL:
 echo $this->getSkinUrl('images/sampleimage.jpg') ?>
Secure Skin URL
 echo $this->getSkinUrl('images/ sampleimage.gif', array('_secure'=>true)) ?>
Get  Current URL
$current_url = Mage::helper('core/url')->getCurrentUrl();
Get Home URL
$home_url = Mage::helper('core/url')->getHomeUrl();
Get Magento Media Url
Get Magento Media Url
Get Magento Skin Url
Get Magento Store Url
Get Magento Js Url

Mage::getBaseUrl() => Gets base url path e.g.

Mage::getBaseUrl('media') => Gets MEDIA folder path e.g.

Mage::getBaseUrl('js') => Gets JS folder path e.g.

Mage::getBaseUrl('skin') => Gets SKIN folder path e.g.

Get DIRECTORY paths (physical location of your folders on the server) – Relative URL Path

Mage::getBaseDir() => Gives you your Magento installation folder / root folder e.g. /home/kalpesh/workspace/magento

Mage::getBaseDir('app') => Gives you your Magento's APP directory file location e.g. /home/kalpesh/workspace/magento/app

Mage::getBaseDir('design') => Gives you your Magento's DESIGN directory file location e.g. /home/kalpesh/workspace/magento/design

Mage::getBaseDir('media') => Gives MEDIA directory file path

Mage::getBaseDir('code') => Gives CODE directory file path

Mage::getBaseDir('lib') => Gives LIB directory file path


base Mage::getBaseDir()

Mage::getBaseDir('base') /var/www/magento/

app Mage::getBaseDir('app') /var/www/magento/app/

code Mage::getBaseDir('code') /var/www/magento/app/code

design Mage::getBaseDir('design') /var/www/magento/app/design/

etc Mage::getBaseDir('etc') /var/www/magento/app/etc

lib Mage::getBaseDir('lib') /var/www/magento/lib

locale Mage::getBaseDir('locale') /var/www/magento/app/locale

media Mage::getBaseDir('media') /var/www/magento/media/

skin Mage::getBaseDir('skin') /var/www/magento/skin/

var Mage::getBaseDir('var') /var/www/magento/var/

tmp Mage::getBaseDir('tmp') /var/www/magento/var/tmp

cache Mage::getBaseDir('cache') /var/www/magento/var/cache

log Mage::getBaseDir('log') /var/www/magento/var/log

session Mage::getBaseDir('session') /var/www/magento/var/session

upload Mage::getBaseDir('upload') /var/www/magento/media/upload

export Mage::getBaseDir('export') /var/www/magento/var/export
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