535 Repositories
PHP magento-2-extension-free Libraries
Magento 2 custom extension to add custom attributes(longitude, latitude) to customer address
Magento 2 custom extension to add custom attributes(longitude, latitude) to customer address. Then save them to quote model and copy them from quote address to order address on bakend, frontend, rest api
LatitudePay & Genoapay Integrations for Magento 2
magento2-bnpl Description LatitudePay & Genoapay Payment Modules for Magento 2. Compatible with Magento 2.3.5 onwards. Tested up to: Magento 2.4.3. Ta
ExpressionEngine is a mature, flexible, secure, free open-source content management system.
ExpressionEngine is a flexible, feature-rich, free open-source content management platform that empowers hundreds of thousands of individuals and organizations around the world to easily manage their web site.
Allows you to process logs using any PSR-3 compatible logger such as Monolog
Yii 2 PSR Log Target Allows you to process logs using any PSR-3 compatible logger such as Monolog
Buster: Captcha Solver for Humans
Buster: Captcha Solver for Humans Supporting the Project The continued development of Buster is made possible thanks to the support of awesome backers
Magento 2 Message Queue OS AMQP Broker Implementation
Magento 2 Message Queue AMQP Backend AMQP message queue backend implementation for Rcason_Mq. Installation Require the module via Composer $ composer
🎨 Free custom elements for the WordPress plugin Oxygen Builder.
🎨 Custom Elements for Oxygen Builder Free custom elements for the WordPress plugin Oxygen Builder. If you find the elements useful, click on the star
❄️ Magento 2 Snowflake module allow you to add snow and even more on your site and make winter fun.
❄️ Magento 2 Snowflake module allow you to add snow and even more on your site and make winter fun.
Composer Registrar Composer Plugin for Magento 2
This module add a global registration.php that replace the default glob search performed for each request to discover the components not installed from composer.
Import/Export configuration data in Magento 2 via CLI.
ConfigImportExport This module provides new CLI commands for Magento 2 to import/export data in/from core_config_data. This module is inspired by the
Smile ElasticSuite - Magento 2 merchandising and search engine built on ElasticSearch
Smile ElasticSuite - Magento 2 merchandising and search engine built on ElasticSearch
Tensor: Scientific Computing for PHP
A library and extension that provides objects for scientific computing in PHP.
Magento Project Mess Detector
Magento Project Mess Detector Author: Fabrizio Branca (fbrnc.net / @fbrnc) Some additional commands for the excellent n98-magerun Magento command-line
A WordPress plugin that displays proxied war news from the free world to Russian IP address visitors with option to block further access.
A WordPress plugin that displays proxied war news from the free world to Russian IP address visitors with option to block further access.
It is an open-source and free project, which is faced with the drawing lovers, providing a free and simple Gallery service
It is an open-source and free project, which is faced with the drawing lovers, providing a free and simple Gallery service
Laragon MultiPHP per App + PECL Module + Extension manager + Ini Manager
LMPA Laragon MultiPHP per App This tools allow you to run multiple PHP version per app with Laragon, so you can have multiple site running different p
Yii2 extension for format inputs based on AutoNumeric.js
Yii2 extension for format inputs based on AutoNumeric.js
php-vips is a binding for libvips 8.7 and later that runs on PHP 7.4 and later
PHP binding for libvips php-vips is a binding for libvips 8.7 and later that runs on PHP 7.4 and later. libvips is fast and needs little memory. The v
A developer-friendly way to handle backend work in Magento 2
A dev-friendly approach to handle background jobs in Magento 2 Overview 💭 Now and then we need to create processes that can take some time to execute
Free Functions To Connect To The Database ( Mysql ) For Php Programmers
Update 🔥 The biggest update ever DB-php Free Functions To Connect To The Database ( Mysql ) For Php Programmers This Version : 2.0 connect to databas
A free and open-source accounting and production system for businesses and non-profits with support for multiple users and varied integrations
A free and open-source accounting and production system for businesses and non-profits with support for multiple users and varied integrations.
A free and open-source Automatic Account Creator (AAC) written in PHP
MyAAC MyAAC é um Automatic Account Creator (AAC) gratuito e de código aberto escrito em PHP. É uma bifurcação do projeto Gesior. Ele suporta apenas ba
Extension to use built-in PHP server on Behat tests
Extension to use built-in PHP server on Behat tests Instalation composer require libresign/behat-builtin-extension Configuration Add the extension to
This extension provides a view renderer for Pug templates for Yii framework 2.0 applications.
This extension provides a view renderer for Pug templates for Yii framework 2.0 applications.
A simple extension that adds the a CMS Edit link to an element that is inline-editable
SilverStripe Elemental Advanced Edit A simple extension that adds the a CMS Edit link to an element that is inline-editable. Created as work-around to
A tool that allows to quickly export data from Magento 1 and Magento 2 store and import it back into Magento 2
Simple Import / Export tool A tool that allows to quickly export data from Magento 1 and Magento 2 store and import it back into Magento 2. Table data
Magento 2 SMTP Extension helps the owner of store simply install SMTP server
Magento 2 SMTP Extension helps the owner of store simply install SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server which transmits the messages into codes or numbers.
KodExplorer is a file manager for web. It is also a web code editor, which allows you to develop websites directly within the web browser.
KodExplorer is a file manager for web. It is also a web code editor, which allows you to develop websites directly within the web browser.
Magento 2 extension. Solution for set Url of Category without Parent path.
Magento 2 extension. Solution for set Url of Category without Parent path.
Magento 2 Preview/Visit Catalog allows the store owner to quickly preview the catalog (product & category) pages from the admin panel.
Magento 2 Preview/Visit Catalog Overview Magento 2 Preview/Visit Catalog allows the store owner to quickly preview the catalog (product & category) pa
Magento 2 extension. Strekoza_GoogleCategory. Add Category Attribute (field) - "Google Category"
Magento 2 extension. Strekoza_GoogleCategory Magento 2 extension. Add Category Attribute (field) - "Google Category" This exstension will add Category
A Magento 2 module to integrate Relay.
Magento Relay Installation First, install Relay as a PHP extension for your CLI and FPM environments. Next, install the Magento module: composer requi
Twig extensions for common navigation widgets for symfony.
Twig Navigation Extension This bundle provides a Twig extensions for common navigation widgets. Installation composer require m2mtech/twig-navigation-
Caching extension for the Intervention Image Class
Intervention Image Cache extends the Intervention Image Class package to be capable of image caching functionality.
An extension library to add Selenium 3 features to Appium.
Appium PHP Client An extension library to add Selenium 3 features to Appium. The library is installable using the Composer dependency manager. Just ad
Luma support for Snowdog Menu for Magento 2
Seamlessly integrate the popular Snowdog Menu for Magento 2 with the Luma theme templates. No custom templates or CSS required.
A Redis-based session handler for Magento with optimistic locking.
Cm_RedisSession A Redis-based session handler for Magento with optimistic locking. Features: Falls back to mysql handler if it can't connect to Redis.
Server side analytics for Magento 2
Server Side Analytics for Magento 2 This extension aims to solve the problem of discrepancies between Magento revenue reports and the revenue reports
Sentrifugo is a FREE and powerful Human Resource Management System (HRMS) that can be easily configured to meet your organizational needs.
Sentrifugo Sentrifugo is a free and powerful new-age Human Resource Management System that can be easily configured to adapt to your organizational pr
Admidio is a free open source user management system for websites of organizations and groups. The system has a flexible role model so that it’s possible to reflect the structure and permissions of your organization.
Admidio Admidio is a free open source user management system for websites of organizations and groups. The system has a flexible role model so that it
A PHP wrapper around the OpenSSL extension that provides a user-friendly interface for dealing with OpenSSL.
php-openssl-proxy About A PHP wrapper around the OpenSSL extension that provides a user-friendly interface for dealing with OpenSSL. What's up with th
Security issues for Magento have left a big question mark in the community of online stores
Magento 2 Security extension FREE. Security extension gives store owners the ability to detect the IP addresses that are intentionally attacking their store at any given time. Therefore, they have timely measures to prevent this issue such as blocking those IP addresses or sending warning emails to store owners.
A PHP replacement layer for the C intl extension that also provides access to the localization data of the ICU library.
A PHP replacement layer for the C intl extension that also provides access to the localization data of the ICU library.
Magento 2 Email Catcher or Email Logger Module.
Magento 2 Module Experius email catcher / - logger
This component changes the way Magento 2 generates Interceptor classes
ABOUT This component changes the way Magento 2 generates Interceptor classes (a mechanism that allows plugins to work together). Instead of generating
The main scope of this extension is to help phpstan to detect the type of object after the Assert\Assertion validation.
PHPStan beberlei/assert extension PHPStan beberlei/assert Description The main scope of this extension is to help phpstan to detect the type of object
The MX_PhinxMigrations module integrates Phinx database migrations into Magento 2
MX Phinx Migrations About The MX_PhinxMigrations module integrates Phinx database migrations into Magento 2 as a replacement for the built-in setup:up
Magento 2 SMTP - AVADA Email Marketing Integration
SMTP Extension for Magento 2 allows the owner offer a Magento 2 store to custom SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server which transmits email messages. Through the SMTP server, messages will be delivered directly and automatically to the chosen customers. It offers flexible configurations with 21 different SMTP servers such as Gmail, Hotmail, O2 Mail, Office365, Mail.com, Send In Blue, AOL Mail Orange, GMX, Outlook, Yahoo, Comcast, or Custom SMTP - for your own SMTP server, etc.
Twig cache extension
Twig cache extension This extension moved to the Twig organization. Check out the repository over there instead: https://github.com/twigphp/twig-cache
This library provides an object-oriented wrapper of the PHP cURL extension
PHP Curl Class This library provides an object-oriented wrapper of the PHP cURL extension. If you have questions or problems with installation or usag
Magento 2 Module: OrderConfirmationEmailStatus
Magento 2 Module: OrderConfirmationEmailStatus Main Functionalities Installation Main Functionalities This module adds a column in the sales order gri
xhprof for PHP7
xhprof for PHP7 XHProf is a function-level hierarchical profiler for PHP and has a simple HTML based navigational interface. The raw data collection c
Magento 2 Product PDF/File Attachment FREE Extension
Overview: Magento 2 Product Attachment extension allows attaching additional information such as manuals, warranty, recipes, etc. in different formats
Akaunting is a free, open source and online accounting software designed for small businesses and freelancers
Akaunting is a free, open source and online accounting software designed for small businesses and freelancers
With the phpBB extension "Hide for Guest" you can hidden selected areas for guests and bots.
phpBB-Hide for Guest Description With "Hide for guest" selected areas are hidden for guests and bots. Requirements php 7.3 or higher phpBB 3.2.0 or hi
This is a free Billing System for Resellme clients.
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Ip2region is a offline IP location library with accuracy rate of 99.9% and 0.0x millseconds searching performance. DB file is ONLY a few megabytes with all IP address stored. binding for Java,PHP,C,Python,Nodejs,Golang,C#,lua. Binary,B-tree,Memory searching algorithm
Ip2region是什么? ip2region - 准确率99.9%的离线IP地址定位库,0.0x毫秒级查询,ip2region.db数据库只有数MB,提供了java,php,c,python,nodejs,golang,c#等查询绑定和Binary,B树,内存三种查询算法。 Ip2region特性
An effective,fast,stable log extension for PHP
SeasLog An effective,fast,stable log extension for PHP @author Chitao.Gao [neeke@php.net] Documentation On php.net 中文文档 Synopsis Why use seaslog What
🚀 PHP Extension for creating and reader XLSX files.
Why use xlswriter Please refer to the image below. PHPExcel has been unable to work properly for memory reasons at 40,000 and 100000 points, but it ca
Production-ready, stable Kafka client for PHP
PHP Kafka client - php-rdkafka PHP-rdkafka is a stable, production-ready, long term support, and fast Kafka client for PHP based on librdkafka. It sup
Laravel eCommerce Pre Order Extension allows the customers and guest users to pre-order the upcoming product and out of stock products.
Introduction Bagisto Pre-order add-on allows the customer to pre-order products which are not yet available at the online store. With the help of Bagi
The Laravel eCommerce Image Gallery allows the admin to add/manage images into various galleries and galleries into various groups according to requirements.
The Laravel eCommerce Image Gallery allows the admin to add/manage images into various galleries and galleries into various groups according to requirements.
A fast, lock-free, shared memory user data cache for PHP
Yac is a shared and lockless memory user data cache for PHP.
This Repository contains a custom Workflow for Alfred which provides the function to instantly search in the Magento 2 DevDocs
Introduction Add the custom search to your Alfred Workflow and have a quicker access to the Magento 2 DevDocs. Installation Just download the alfredwo
Search faster into Magento DevDocs and Magento StackExchange! 🔍⚡️
VS Code - Magento DevSearch Search faster into Magento DevDocs and Magento StackExchange! 🔍 ⚡️ Magento DevSearch is a VS Code extension that allows y
A collection of command line scripts for Magento 2 code generation, and a PHP module system for organizing command line scripts.
What is Pestle? Pestle is A PHP Framework for creating and organizing command line programs An experiment in implementing python style module imports
Code generator for Magento 2
Magento 2 Code Generator Tool Installation Option1: Downloading .phar wget https://github.com/staempfli/magento2-code-generator/releases/download/ver
Magento Chrome Toolbar for MSP_DevTools
Magento Chrome Toolbar for MSP DevTools Magento Chrome Toolbar is a chrome extension to be used with MSP_DevTools for Magento 1 or Magento 2. This ext
Magento Data Migration Tool
Overview We're pleased you're considering moving from the world's #1 eCommerce platform—Magento 1.x—to the eCommerce platform for the future, Magento
Magento Quickorder module, enables bulk order creation by inputting SKUs & quantities.
Extension User Guide This extension was developed to enable merchants to allow customers to place multiple orders of various quanities quickly, in an
Magento 2 - Cron Scheduler by KiwiCommerce
We're not maintaining this extension, if you need any support please contact us at hello@kiwicommerce.co.uk Magento 2 - Cron Scheduler by KiwiCommerce
OSX/Linux Docker containers installer for Magento 2
Magento 2 OSX/Linux Docker Requirements MacOS: Docker, docker-sync, Git Linux: Docker, Docker-compose, Git on Debian based OS (Example: Ubuntu, Linux
Mark Shust's Docker Configuration for Magento
markshust/docker-magento Mark Shust's Docker Configuration for Magento Table of contents Docker Hub Free Course Usage Prerequisites Setup Updates Cust
Warden is a CLI utility for orchestrating Docker based developer environments
Warden Warden is a CLI utility for orchestrating Docker based developer environments, and enables multiple local environments to run simultaneously wi
Helper script to aid upgrading magento 2 websites by detecting overrides. Now supports third party module detections
ampersand-magento2-upgrade-patch-helper Helper scripts to aid upgrading magento 2 websites, or when upgrading a magento module This tool looks for fil
PHPStorm Plugin for Magento 2
PhpStorm Magento 2 Plugin Installation Go to Settings Preferences in the PhpStorm IDE Navigate to Plugins Click the Browse repositories... button an
This Repo is a storage of Postman collections for Magento
Magento Postman repository This Repository is a storage of Postman collections for Magento. If you have what to share, you are welcome to contribute a
Faker-driven, configuration-based, platform-agnostic, locale-compatible data faker tool
Masquerade Faker-driven, platform-agnostic, locale-compatible data faker tool Point Masquerade to a database, give it a rule-set defined in YAML and M
Universal extension installer for Magento 2, see introductory blog post here
ExtDN Installer for Magento 2 modules The installation of extensions for Magento 2 has a few scenarios to cover depending on your starting position (M
Mage2click toolset to create and manage the Magento Docker development environment with mutagen.io file-sync for macOS and native filesystem mounts on Linux.
Mage2click - Magento Docker Toolset Mage2click toolset is a system-wide command-line tool for creating and managing simultaneously running Magento Doc
Migration Tool for Magento Commerce (EE) to Magento OpenSource (CE)
Migration Tool for Magento Commerce to Magento OpenSource Also known as Magento Enterprise (EE) to Magento Community (CE). This migrating tool allows
Import/Export configuration data in Magento 2 via CLI.
ConfigImportExport This module provides new CLI commands for Magento 2 to import/export data in/from core_config_data. This module is inspired by the
Magento Coding Standard
Magento Coding Standard A set of Magento rules for PHP_CodeSniffer tool. Installation within a Magento 2 site To use within your Magento 2 project you
A faster drop in replacement for bin/magento cache:clean with file watcher
"You know, hope is a mistake. If you can't fix what's broken, you'll, uh... you'll go insane." - Max Rockatansky Magento 2 Cache Clean A faster drop i
Mgt DeveloperToolbar for Magento 2
MGT Developer Toolbar for Magento 2 The MGT Developer Toolbar is a must-have for Magento 2 developers and frontend guys. The toolbar shows you all imp
H&O Magento 2 Advanced Template Hints module
H&O Magento 2 Advanced Template Hints module Ho_Templatehints extends the default Magento template hints. Easily accessible with muscle memory ?ath=1.
PHPStorm Live template preferences for Magento 2 Projects
Magento 2 PHPStorm Preferences This project is intended to setup useful PHPStorm Templates for Magento 2 Projects. Disclaimer This project overrides t
Composer package for dockerizing Magento 2
Dockerize Magento 2 A composer package for dockerizing Magento 2 The composer package arvatoscm/dockerize-magento2 deploys docker infrastructure defin
Simple Magento 2 Vagrant Box
Magento2 Vagrant Box A simple way to get magento2 up and running. It consists of a Debian Wheezy box provised via Puppet. The provider is Virtual Box.
Set of front-end tools for Magento 2 based on Gulp.js
Magento 2 Frontools Set of front-end tools for Magento 2 Requirements Unix-like OS (please, do not ask about Windows support) Node.js LTS version. We
Magento 2 module for displaying additional information in configuration
AvS_ScopeHint for Magento 2 Displays a hint when a configuration value is overwritten on a lower scope (website or store view). Facts version: 1.0.0-b
bin/magento command to display configured preferences for classes or interfaces
bin/magento command to display configured preferences for classes or interfaces A bin/magento command that will show you the configured preferences fo
Magento 2 Bash Install/Restore Script
Magento 2 Bash Install/Restore Script This script is designed to simplify the installation process of Magento 2 and rapid deployment of merchant code
Magento 2 Configurator
Magento 2 Configurator A Magento module initially created by CTI Digital to create and maintain database variables using files. This module aims to br
A Polymer e-commerce element for Magento 2
magento-collect Master branch | Develop branch --- | --- | --- | Note: this element is still in progress, watch it to follow the progress. This is lik
Magento 2 module to automatically flush the cache whenever you save something in the System Configuration
Yireo AutoFlushCache Magento 2 module to automatically flush the cache whenever you save something in the System Configuration. Do NOT use this in pro
PHPStorm Magento 2 File Templates
phpstorm-m2-filetemplates PHPStorm Magento 2 File Templates Useful file templates for working with Magento 2. To install, place the files directly in
Composer Repository Manager for selling Magento 2 extension and offering composer installation for ordered packages.
Magento 2 Composer Repository Credits We got inspired by https://github.com/Genmato. Composer Repository for Magento 2 This extension works as a Magen
List of Magento extensions with known security issues.
Magento Vulnerability Database List of Magento 1 and 2 integrations with known security issues. Objective: easily identify insecure 3rd party software
A dockerized magento 2 community environment ready for development or production.
Painless Magento 2 & 1 A dockerized magento 2 community environment ready for development or production. It supports magento 1.9.x for development Ins