A web based file manager,web IDE / browser based code editor



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KodExplorer is a file manager for web. It is also a web code editor, which allows you to develop websites directly within the web browser.You can run KodExplorer either online or locally,on Linux, Windows or Mac based platforms. The only requirement is to have PHP 5 available.

Demo [user: demo/demo]

Source code


  • Use experience like operating system, Rich context menu and toolbar, drag and drop, shortcut keys......
  • Available in more than 40 languages.
  • File Manage
    • All operations with files and folders on a remote server(copy,cut,paste,move,remove,upload,create folder/file,rename,etc.)
    • Multi-User support,custom role group.
    • Flexible configuration of access rights,file types restriction, user - interface and other
    • Clipboard: copy, cut, paste, clear
    • Selectable files & folders support (mouse click & Ctrl & Shift & words & Keyboard shortcuts)
    • Keyboard shortcuts: delete deletion, ctrl+A select, ctrl+C replication, ctrl+X splicing, up/down/left/right/home/end etc.
    • Multiple actions support for selected files & folders: move,copy,cute,remove,rename,open,archive,delete,download etc.
    • Double or single click setup to open files & folders
    • Filetree: allow to open and display multiple subfolders at a time
    • Implemented natural sorting on the client-side
    • List,Icons and Split view;
    • Move/Copy/Clone/Delete files with Drag & Drop
    • Share files or folder to others.
    • Add folder to your favorites
    • Calculate directory sizes
    • Thumbnails for image files
    • Normalizer:UTF-8 Normalizer of file-name and file-path etc.
    • Muti Charset support, in a variety of circumstances garbled solution;Sanitizer of file-name and file-path etc.
    • Multiple & chunked uploads support,
    • Background file upload with Drag & Drop HTML5 support;Folder upload with Chrome, Firefox and Edge
    • Upload form URL (or list)
    • Direct extraction to the current working directory (you do not want - to create a folder)
    • Search: search by filename & file contents
    • File exclusion based on name
    • Copy direct file URL
    • Archives create/extract/preview (zip, rar, 7z, tar, gzip, tgz)
    • Quicklook, preview for common file types; image file,text file,pdf,swf,document file etc.
    • Video and audio player relying on web browser capabilities
  • Editor
    • Syntax highlighting for over 120 languages
    • Multiple label, Drag & Drop the label.
    • Over 15 themes,Choose your favorite programming style
    • Web development: HTML/JS/CSS editor with Emmet integrated
    • Automatic indent and outdent;Line wrapping;Code folding
    • Multiple cursors and selections;(Middle key select;Ctrl+Command+G)
    • Autocomplete.
    • Fully customizable key bindings including vim and Emacs modes
    • Search and replace with regular expressions;Highlight matching parentheses
    • Toggle between soft tabs and real tabs
    • Displays hidden characters
    • Drag and drop text using the mouse
    • Live syntax checker (JavaScript/CoffeeScript/CSS/XQuery/HTML/PHP etc.)
    • Cut, copy, and paste functionality
    • Markdown support.(live preview;convert to html etc.)
    • Format: JavaScript/CSS/HTML/JSON/PHP etc.
    • Cross-platform, even on mobile devices
    • Easy to integrate with other systems
    • Developed by kod itself, this is a nice try.


1. Install from source

git clone https://github.com/kalcaddle/KODExplorer.git
chmod -Rf 777 ./KODExplorer/*

2. Install via download

wget https://github.com/kalcaddle/KODExplorer/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
chmod -Rf 777 ./*


  • Forget password

    Login page: see the "Forget password".

  • Upload with Drag & Drop

    Browser compatibility: Chrome, Firefox and Edge

  • How to make the system more secure?

    Make sure the administrator password is more complex.
    Open login verification code.
    Set the http server to not allow list the directory;
    PHP Security:Set the path for open_basedir.


file manage:

  • Overview Overview
  • File list Type (icon,list,split) File list Type
  • Archives create/extract/preview (zip, rar, 7z, tar, gzip, tgz) Archives create/extract/preview
  • Drag upload Drag upload
  • Player Player
  • Online Office view & Editor Online Office


  • Overview Overview
  • Live preview Live preview
  • Search folder Search folder
  • Markdown Markdown
  • Code style Code style


  • System role System role
  • Colorful Theme Colorful Theme
  • Custom Theme Custom Theme
  • Language Language

Software requirements

  • Server:
    • Windows,Linux,Mac ...
    • PHP 5.0+
    • Database: File system driver;sqlite;mysql;...
  • Browser compatibility:
    • Chrome
    • Firefox
    • Opera
    • IE8+

Tips: It can also run on a router, or your home NAS


kod is made possible by the following open source projects.


kodcloud is issued under GPLv3. license.License
Contact: warlee#kodcloud.com
Copyright (C) 2013 kodcloud.com


kodexplorer 使用 GPL v3 协议.

  • KodExplorer的用户文件安全问题


    重现方法 admin账户举例 1.在home目录中上传一个test.html的文件 2.然后退出登录 3.在浏览器中输入 你的网址/data/User/admin/home/test.html 可以直接访问到文件直接绕过登录 PS:url规则(你的网址/data/User/你的用户名/文件夹名/文件名.html)

    也就是说文件存储的data文件夹对任何人开放,而且没有任何登录验证,所以说任何人都可以通过这个规则过来抓取你的文件. 如果你对/data 路径禁止访问,那么文件预览功能就彻底没用了.

    将data 移动到非web目录解决

    opened by Coolkids 18
  • Problem uploading folder

    Problem uploading folder


    There is a serious bug on your library and I would like to help you reporting it.

    Open an empty directory on file explorer of KodExplorer and leave it open inside the browser. After that drag a folder with some subdirectories/files inside of it from the computer to the browser. The first I do that everything will work fine.

    But if I do that another time all kind of unexpected behaviour may happen. Instead of overwriting the files, KodExplorer creates several directories in the wrong places inside the already upload folder. It corrupts all the tree. It's very easy to reproduce.

    The expected behaviour should be this: if I overwrite a folder it should ovewrite every file/directory inside of it. But it's not what happens. If you need more info I will be glad to help you.

    NOTE: on previous version overwriting was never good but at this version it makes a mess when overwriting.

    opened by batata004 15


    Hi my friend,

    The bug with characters that I already reported 4 times is still happening. Every single time I report it you say you corrected it, so I install everything and realize the problem is still going. Upload the attached file to your server and use the latest version of koeplorer. Try to edit. index.txt

    When I try to edit it it shows:


    But it should show some special characters. ANY OTHER ONLINE EDITOR I use to edit files (like the one I attached you) work perfectly, wheter I use tinymce or any other major online editor. I have no idea why your code keeps crasching and having problems.

    opened by batata004 14
  • Please add feature: Online HTML Editor

    Please add feature: Online HTML Editor

    Hello Thank you very much for the very excellent script Please add feature: Online HTML Editor Such a site: https://html-online.com/ https://htmlg.com/html-editor/ http://htmleditor.tools/ HTML WYSIWYG editor program allows you edit your source code online It is very useful in editing the page directly without codes.

    This site is another idea: https://htmleditor.io/



    opened by eArabic 11
  • Bug with text encoding inside editor

    Bug with text encoding inside editor

    My dear friend,

    Again this bug is happening and now I will provide you the full descriptive way so you can reproduce it on your end and check it.

    1. Download the ziped file attached. Inside this file there is a file named "criacao-site.php". I am hosting this file in my webserver at https://www.quemfazsite.com.br/temp/criacao-site.php but you dont need to open it cause it's a PHP file BUT I am trying to edit exactly this file in this exactly server where all libraries are updated. criacao-site.zip

    2. Extract the .php file in your server. Install KODEXPLORER in the latest version and try to edit the file using the really nice file editor that you provide with your library;

    3. When you open the file you will see this:


    1. If you open the file in your local machine (using Dreamweaver or ANY text editor) you will see this:


    1. If you compare both screenshots you will realize that some characters at the beginning (close to the red arrow) are lost in the kodexplorer file editor.

    Ok, this is how you can reproduce this bug. BUT I will go further. Inside the file editor click in the COG item (in the menu bar) -> TOOLS -> FILE ENCODING ->ISO-8859-1. This is exactly the encoding being used in this file (it's the very common WESTERN EUROPEAN used A LOT here in ocident).

    If you do this the characters will STILL be corrupted. So clearly there is a problem here, even setting the exactly right encoding, the file editor still messes with the character map.

    If I was not clear enough I can certainly allow you access to my server so you can test this use case. But I think it's very easy to reproduce on your end.

    opened by batata004 9
  • 升级4版本后出现了几个问题


    服务器环境Debian8 with Apache2.4.10 and php5.6.30 安装就提示kodexplorer/data/session/不可写,于是将整个文件夹用chown变为www-data(执行用户),并且把权限由chmod整体777,创建session文件夹后仍有提示, 并且原来的没有,接着忽略,注册后变成了可道云.资源管理器,很ex有木有。接着登录提示 /var/www/(kodexplorer安装目录)/data/目录不可写,请将该目录及所有子目录设置为可读写后再试!, 可是这时整个文件夹都是777且为www-data的,无法进入,同样的问题在3.x就没有

    opened by ghost 8
  • /var/www/kod/data/session/下的sess_*文件数量不断增加


    版本:kodexplorer 4.40 最近突然发现服务器的CPU占用总是很高,然后检查发现是由于/var/www/kod/data/session/下的sess_*文件数量不断增长,而php定时去给这些文件设置权限导致了CPU占用高。 新增的sess_*文件的内容全是“kod|i:1;”。 发现的时候文件数量已经十几万了,全部删除以后,文件还是会不断的新增出来。 昨天到今天大概十六个小时新增了两千五百多个文件。 这个会是什么原因导致的?应该怎么解决呢? @kalcaddle

    opened by xuefy 7
  • 406 Error on a shared server

    406 Error on a shared server

    I am running KodExplorer on a shared Linux server hosted by Godaddy. I can open files just fine, but whenever I try to save them, I get a 406 file:

    Not Acceptable An appropriate representation of the requested resource /files/index.php could not be found on this server.

    Additionally, a 406 Not Acceptable error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

    Why is this happening?

    Update: I think the problem is caused by large files. Update 2: This doesn't happen on a localhost.

    opened by TricksfortheWeb 6
  • New error when i am upload 3.44 to 3.45

    New error when i am upload 3.44 to 3.45

    i delete the old 3.44 and download the 3.45 in github, reupload to my wdmycloud server then, here is the error message.

    警告 (Warning!) 您服务器开启了php缓存,文件更新尚未生效; 请关闭缓存,或稍后1分钟刷新页面再试! 了解详情

    anyone meet that issue?

    opened by simonlkch 6
  • Cant find the option to disable recycle

    Cant find the option to disable recycle

    Hi my friend! How can I disable moving files to recycle when the user deletes something? This was the default behaviour in the last version and it caused me lots of problems cause every deleted file was moved to a bin and it would make my server full of junk files. Is there an option to disable this behaviour or even better, disable bin?

    opened by batata004 6
  • Cannot use!!!

    Cannot use!!!

    When I open kodexplorer/index.php , it says:

    Warning: Unexpected character in input: ' in /Applications/AMPPS/www/kodexplorer/index.php on line 1

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_INCLUDE in /Applications/AMPPS/www/kodexplorer/index.php on line 2

    I didn't change my index.php and even config/config.php!


    opened by adan89lion 6
kodbox is a file manager for web. It is a newly designed product based on kodexplorer.

kodbox is a file manager for web. It is a newly designed product based on kodexplorer. It is also a web code editor, which allows you to develop websites directly within the web browser.You can run kodbox either online or locally,on Linux, Windows or Mac based platforms

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