Detects file type by filename or content and generates correct mimetype.



Files type detector based on file name extension or file content (binary content).

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  1. Usage
  2. Installation
  3. Supported formats


File Type detection

  • Detection by file name: Detector::detectByFilename(...filename...): array|boolean
  • Detection by file content or stream content: Detector::detectByContent(...filename/resource...): array|boolean

Both functions will return an array with following elements in case of success:

  • [0] - Type of file (Detector::AUDIO and so on)
  • [1] - Format of file (Detector::MP3 and so on)
  • [2] - Mime type of file ('audio/mpeg' for example)

In case of failure it will return false.


$type = wapmorgan\FileTypeDetector\Detector::detectByFilename($filename);
// or
$type = wapmorgan\FileTypeDetector\Detector::detectByContent('file-without-extension');
// or
$type = wapmorgan\FileTypeDetector\Detector::detectByContent(fopen('http://somedomain/somepath', 'r'));

Mimetype generation

To get correct mimetype for file only there is getMimeType($file) function.

$mime = wapmorgan\FileTypeDetector\Detector::getMimeType($file);
// or
$mime = wapmorgan\FileTypeDetector\Detector::getMimeType(fopen('somefile', 'r'));


Install package via composer:

composer require wapmorgan/file-type-detector

Supported formats

Available to use types and their formats.

Application Archive Audio Database Disk_image Document Feed Font Image Presentation Scenario Spreadsheet Video
apk 7z aac accdb iso doc atom otf bmp odp reg csv 3gp
com arc amr mdb nrg docx rss ttf gif ppt ods asf
exe arj flac odb vhd html ico pptx tsv avi
xap bzip2 m3u sqlite json jpeg xls flv
cab midi markdown png xlsx m4v
dar mp3 odt psd mkv
gzip ogg pdf tiff mov
jar wav rtf mp4
lzma2 wma txt mpeg
rar xml swf
tar yaml vob
zip webm

Formats support status.

Format Extension Detection by content MimeType Signature
3gp 3gp + video/3gpp at [0]: (0x0001466747970336770)
7z 7z + application/x-7z-compressed at [0]: (0x377abcaf271c)
Aac aac + audio/x-aac at [0]: (0xfff1) / at [0]: (0xfff9)
Accdb accdb + application/x-msaccess at [0]: (0x01005374616e6461726420414345204442)
Amr amr + audio/amr at [0]: (0x2321414d52)
Apk apk + application/ at [0]: (0x504b34) & at [30]: ('AndroidManifest.xml')
Arc arc + application/x-freearc at [0]: (0x4172431)
Arj arj + application/arj at [0]: (0x60ea)
Asf asf - -
Atom atom + application/atom+xml at [0]: ('<?xml') & at [10]: (fuzzy search 'Atom')
Avi avi + video/x-msvideo at [0]: (0x52494646) & at [8]: (0x415649204c495354)
Bmp bmp + image/bmp at [0]: (0x424d)
Bzip2 bz2 + application/x-bzip2 at [0]: (0x425a68)
Cab cab + application/ at [0]: (0x4d534346)
Com com - application/x-msdownload
Csv csv - text/csv
Dar dar + application/x-dar at [0]: (0x0007b)
Doc doc + application/msword at [0]: (0xd0cf11e0a1b11ae1) & at [512]: (0xeca5c10)
Docx docx + application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document at [0]: (0x504b3414060) & at [-22]: (fuzzy search 'word/')
Exe exe + application/x-msdownload at [0]: (0x4d5a)
Flac flac + audio/x-flac at [0]: (0x664c614300022)
Flv flv + video/x-flv at [0]: (0x464c561)
Gif gif + image/gif at [0]: (0x474946383761) / at [0]: (0x474946383961)
Gzip gz + application/gzip at [0]: (0x1f8b)
Html html + text/html at [0]: ('<html')
Ico ico + image/x-icon at [0]: (0x0010)
Iso iso + application/x-iso9660-image at [0]: (0x4344303031)
Jar jar + application/java-archive at [0]: (0x504b341408080) / at [0]: (0x5f27a889)
Jpeg jpeg + image/jpeg at [0]: (0xffd8ffe0)
Json json - application/json
Lzma2 xz - application/x-xz
M3u m3u + audio/x-mpegurl at [0]: ('#EXTM3U')
M4v m4v + video/x-m4v at [0]: (0x00018667479706d703432)
Markdown md - text/markdown
Mdb mdb + application/x-msaccess at [0]: (0x01005374616e64617264204a6574204442)
Midi midi + audio/midi at [0]: (0x4d546864)
Mkv mkv + video/x-matroska at [0]: (0x1a45dfa3934282886d6174726f736b61)
Mov mov + video/quicktime at [4]: (0x6674797071742020) / at [4]: (0x6d6f6f76)
Mp3 mp3 + audio/mpeg at [0]: (0x494433)
Mp4 mp4 + video/mp4 at [4]: (0x6674797069736f6d) / at [4]: (0x6674797033677035) / at [4]: (0x667479704d534e56) / at [4]: (0x667479704d344120)
Mpeg mpeg + video/mpeg at [0]: (0x001) & at [-4]: (0x001b7)
Nrg nrg + - at [-8]: ('NERO') / at [-12]: ('NER5')
Odb odb + application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database at [0]: (0x504b34) & at [30]: ('mimetypeapplication/vnd.oasis.opendocument.') & at [73]: ('base')
Odp odp + application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation at [0]: (0x504b34) & at [30]: ('mimetypeapplication/vnd.oasis.opendocument.') & at [73]: ('presentation')
Ods ods + application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet at [0]: (0x504b34) & at [30]: ('mimetypeapplication/vnd.oasis.opendocument.') & at [73]: ('spreadsheet')
Odt odt + application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text at [0]: (0x504b34) & at [30]: ('mimetypeapplication/vnd.oasis.opendocument.') & at [73]: ('text')
Ogg ogg + audio/ogg at [0]: ('OggS')
Otf otf + application/x-font-otf at [0]: (0x4f54544f)
Pdf pdf + application/pdf at [0]: (0x25504446)
Png png + image/png at [0]: (0x89504e47da1aa)
Ppt ppt + application/ at [0]: (0xd0cf11e0a1b11ae1) & at [512]: (0xa0461df0) / at [0]: (0xd0cf11e0a1b11ae1) & at [512]: (0x06e1ef0) / at [0]: (0xd0cf11e0a1b11ae1) & at [512]: (0xf0e83)
Pptx pptx + application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation at [0]: (0x504b3414060) & at [-22]: (fuzzy search 'ppt/')
Psd psd + image/vnd.adobe.photoshop at [0]: (0x38425053)
Rar rar + application/x-rar-compressed at [0]: (0x526172211a70) / at [0]: (0x526172211a710)
Reg reg + text/plain at [0]: (0xfffe) / at [0]: (0x52454745444954)
Rss rss + application/rss+xml at [0]: ('<?xml') & at [10]: (fuzzy search '<rss')
Rtf rtf + application/rtf at [0]: (0x7b5c72746631)
Swf swf + application/x-shockwave-flash at [0]: (0x5a5753)
Tar tar + application/x-tar at [0]: (0x757374617203030) / at [0]: (0x757374617220200)
Tiff tiff + image/tiff at [0]: (0x492049) / at [0]: (0x49492a0) / at [0]: (0x4d4d02a) / at [0]: (0x4d4d02b)
Tsv tsv - text/tab-separated-values
Ttf ttf + application/x-font-ttf at [0]: (0x01000)
Txt txt - text/plain
Vhd vhd - -
Vob vob + video/x-ms-vob at [0]: (0x001ba) & at [-4]: (0x001b9)
Wav wav - audio/x-wav
Webm webm + video/webm at [0]: (0x1a45dfa3)
Wma wma - audio/x-ms-wma
Wmv wmv - video/x-ms-wmv
Xap xap - application/x-silverlight-app
Xls xls + application/ at [0]: (0xd0cf11e0a1b11ae1) & at [512]: (0x981000650)
Xlsx xlsx + application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet at [0]: (0x504b3414060) & at [-22]: (fuzzy search 'xl/')
Xml xml + application/xml at [0]: ('<?xml')
Yaml yaml - text/yaml
Zip zip + application/zip at [0]: (0x504b34) / at [0]: (0x504b56) / at [0]: (0x504b78)
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