Code generator for Magento 2


Magento 2 Code Generator Tool

Project Status: Abandoned – Initial development has started, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release; the project has been abandoned and the author(s) do not intend on continuing development. License Version Code Climate Total Downloads


Option1: Downloading .phar

chmod +x ./mg2-codegen.phar
# use the command globally on your system
sudo mv ./mg2-codegen.phar /usr/local/bin/mg2-codegen

Option2: Using Composer

Install globally on your system with the following command:

composer global require "staempfli/magento2-code-generator"

Just make sure you have the composer bin dir in your $PATH. The default value is ~/.composer/vendor/bin/

Note: if you have dependency problems with other projects installed globally, we recommend you to use consolidation/cgr


  1. List all templates: mg2-codegen template:list

  2. Generate template: mg2-codegen template:generate <template>


  • template:generate command must be executed on the module root folder where the registration.php file is. You can also use option --root-dir to specify this path, if you execute it from a different location.

  • When creating a new module, you must create first the module parent folder and execute the command from there.


Video Demo

You can also watch a more detailed video demos on Youtube:

Available Templates


More Templates

Create new Templates

Clone and Install Project

For that you cannot use the .phar binary, so you need to install the project:

Contribute with new Templates

Private Templates

If current templates do not fill your needs, you can easily create your own templates. Just follow the manual:


  • PHP >= 5.6.*




(c) 2016 Staempfli AG

  • Unable to run without sudo when installed globally

    Unable to run without sudo when installed globally

    mg2-codegen is part of a local development toolbox I maintain, but I'm not using it daily or familiar with it much, so please forgive my ignorance.

    I noticed mg2-codegen won't run as a regular user when installed globally (/usr/local/bin). It invokes a self-update process, which attempts to write to /usr/local/bin/ and fails.


    sudo curl -sSL -o /usr/local/bin/mg2-codegen
    sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/mg2-codegen

    Running as a regular user

    mg2-codegen --version
    Fatal error: Uncaught Humbug\SelfUpdate\Exception\FilesystemException: The current phar file is not writeable and cannot be replaced: /usr/local/bin/mg2-codegen. in phar:///usr/local/bin/mg2-codegen/vendor/padraic/phar-updater/src/Updater.php:430
    Stack trace:
    #0 phar:///usr/local/bin/mg2-codegen/vendor/padraic/phar-updater/src/Updater.php(101): Humbug\SelfUpdate\Updater->setLocalPharFile('/usr/local/bin/...')
    #1 phar:///usr/local/bin/mg2-codegen/src/Staempfli/Mg2CodeGenerator/Command/SelfUpdateCommand.php(35): Humbug\SelfUpdate\Updater->__construct(NULL, false, 'github')
    #2 phar:///usr/local/bin/mg2-codegen/vendor/staempfli/universal-code-generator/src/Staempfli/UniversalGenerator/Application.php(57): Staempfli\Mg2CodeGenerator\Command\SelfUpdateCommand->__construct('self-update')
    #3 phar:///usr/local/bin/mg2-codegen/vendor/staempfli/universal-code-generator/src/Staempfli/UniversalGenerator/Application.php(68): Staempfli\UniversalGenerator\Application->loadGeneratorCommands()
    #4 phar:///usr/local/bin/mg2-codegen/bin/mg2-c in phar:///usr/local/bin/mg2-codegen/vendor/padraic/phar-updater/src/Updater.php on line 430

    Running with sudo

    sudo mg2-codegen --version
    mg2-codegen 1.10.1

    Expected results

    Be able to run mg2-codegen (installed globally) as a regular users (without sudo).

    opened by lmakarov 8
  • Crud - Not registered handle Error

    Crud - Not registered handle Error

    Just installed your generator and created a new crud.

    When I go to index page I get the error message

    Not registered handle neei_module_type_listing_data_source

    I've tried twice just in case I've missed something. Any idea?

    opened by nei 5
  • [CrudEAV]

    [CrudEAV] "Fatal Error: Class not found" after generation, but class exists and namespace correct

    I got this fatal error after generating a custom EAV Model :

    Fatal error: Method Magento\Ui\TemplateEngine\Xhtml\Result::__toString() must not throw an exception, caught Error: Class 'VehicleCompany\Cars\Model\ResourceModel\Car\Grid\Collection' not found in /<magento_root_dir>/vendor/magento/module-ui/Component/Wrapper/UiComponent.php on line 0

    But this class exists, and its namespace is correct (no typos).

    Please, how to fix this issue ? I've been searching for several hours, but i didn't manage to find a solution.

    Files :

    • <magento_root_dir>/app/code/VehicleCompany/Cars/Model/ResourceModel/Car/Grid/Collection.php :
     * Collection.php
     * @copyright Copyright © 2017 Vehicle Company. All rights reserved.
     * @author    [email protected]
    namespace VehicleCompany\Cars\Model\ResourceModel\Car\Grid;
    use Magento\Framework\Api\Search\AggregationInterface;
    use Magento\Framework\Api\Search\SearchResultInterface;
    use Magento\Framework\Api\SearchCriteriaInterface;
    use Magento\Eav\Model\Config;
    use Magento\Eav\Model\EntityFactory as EavEntityFactory;
    use Magento\Eav\Model\ResourceModel\Helper;
    use Magento\Framework\App\ResourceConnection;
    use Magento\Framework\Data\Collection\Db\FetchStrategyInterface;
    use Magento\Framework\Data\Collection\EntityFactory;
    use Magento\Framework\DB\Adapter\AdapterInterface;
    use Magento\Framework\Event\ManagerInterface;
    use Magento\Framework\Validator\UniversalFactory;
    use Magento\Store\Model\StoreManagerInterface;
    use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
     * Class Collection
     * Collection for displaying grid
    class Collection extends \VehicleCompany\Cars\Model\ResourceModel\Car\Collection implements SearchResultInterface
         * @var AggregationInterface
        protected $aggregations;
         * Collection constructor.
         * @param EntityFactory $entityFactory
         * @param LoggerInterface $logger
         * @param FetchStrategyInterface $fetchStrategy
         * @param ManagerInterface $eventManager
         * @param Config $eavConfig
         * @param ResourceConnection $resource
         * @param EavEntityFactory $eavEntityFactory
         * @param Helper $resourceHelper
         * @param UniversalFactory $universalFactory
         * @param StoreManagerInterface $eventPrefix
         * @param $eventObject
         * @param $resourceModel
         * @param string $model
         * @param StoreManagerInterface $storeManager
         * @param AdapterInterface|null $connection
         * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExcessiveParameterList)
        public function __construct(
            EntityFactory $entityFactory,
            LoggerInterface $logger,
            FetchStrategyInterface $fetchStrategy,
            ManagerInterface $eventManager,
            Config $eavConfig,
            ResourceConnection $resource,
            EavEntityFactory $eavEntityFactory,
            Helper $resourceHelper,
            UniversalFactory $universalFactory,
            StoreManagerInterface $storeManager,
            $model = 'VehicleCompany\Cars\Ui\Component\Listing\DataProvider\Document',
            AdapterInterface $connection = null
            parent::__construct($entityFactory, $logger, $fetchStrategy, $eventManager, $eavConfig, $resource, $eavEntityFactory, $resourceHelper, $universalFactory, $storeManager, $connection);
            $this->_eventPrefix = $eventPrefix;
            $this->_eventObject = $eventObject;
            $this->_init($model, $resourceModel);
         * @return AggregationInterface
        public function getAggregations()
            return $this->aggregations;
         * @param AggregationInterface $aggregations
         * @return $this
        public function setAggregations($aggregations)
            $this->aggregations = $aggregations;
         * Retrieve all ids for collection
         * Backward compatibility with EAV collection
         * @param int $limit
         * @param int $offset
         * @return array
        public function getAllIds($limit = null, $offset = null)
            return $this->getConnection()->fetchCol($this->_getAllIdsSelect($limit, $offset), $this->_bindParams);
         * Get search criteria.
         * @return SearchCriteriaInterface|null
        public function getSearchCriteria()
            return null;
         * Set search criteria.
         * @param SearchCriteriaInterface $searchCriteria
         * @return $this
         * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.UnusedFormalParameter)
        public function setSearchCriteria(SearchCriteriaInterface $searchCriteria = null)
            return $this;
         * Get total count.
         * @return int
        public function getTotalCount()
            return $this->getSize();
         * Set total count.
         * @param int $totalCount
         * @return $this
         * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.UnusedFormalParameter)
        public function setTotalCount($totalCount)
            return $this;
         * Set items list.
         * @param \Magento\Framework\Api\ExtensibleDataInterface[] $items
         * @return $this
         * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.UnusedFormalParameter)
        public function setItems(array $items = null)
            return $this;

    Configuration :

    • Magento 2.1.5
    • PHP 7.0.17 (installed via Homebrew)
    • Apache 2.4.18
    • OSX Sierra
    opened by thomasdom 5
  • Error on edit if identifier not set

    Error on edit if identifier not set

    Hi Guys,

    First of all, nice project and thank you for all suport!

    If you not set identifier on create a register, you will get an error on edit this register. My suggestion is on VENDOR\MODULE\Controller\Adminhtml\ENTITY*Save.php* before you save, make an validation and if the identifier is null make same random.

    Some thing like that:

                if($objectInstance->getData('identifier') == null) {
    opened by gfernandes410 4
  • Magento 2.2.1+: DataProvider constructor PHPDoc is missing string type

    Magento 2.2.1+: DataProvider constructor PHPDoc is missing string type

    Hello, When creating a crud template, the PHPDoc of the DataProvider __construct does not specify the string type.

    Actual constructor:

         * DataProvider constructor.
         * @param $name
         * @param $primaryFieldName
         * @param $requestFieldName
         * @param Collection $collection
         * @param FilterPool $filterPool
         * @param array $meta
         * @param array $data
        public function __construct(
            Collection $collection,
            FilterPool $filterPool,
            array $meta = [],
            array $data = []
        ) {
            parent::__construct($name, $primaryFieldName, $requestFieldName, $meta, $data);
            $this->collection = $collection;
            $this->filterPool = $filterPool;


         * DataProvider constructor.
         * @param string $name
         * @param string $primaryFieldName
         * @param string $requestFieldName
         * @param Collection $collection
         * @param FilterPool $filterPool
         * @param array $meta
         * @param array $data
        public function __construct(
            Collection $collection,
            FilterPool $filterPool,
            array $meta = [],
            array $data = []
        ) {
            parent::__construct($name, $primaryFieldName, $requestFieldName, $meta, $data);
            $this->collection = $collection;
            $this->filterPool = $filterPool;

    From Magento 2.2.1, the DI is looking at the constructor comments and compilation fails if it does'nt have the types with the error Incompatible argument type: Required type: string. Actual type: \Vendor\Module\Ui\Component\Form\Entity\name;

    opened by VincentMarmiesse 4
  • Phar file?

    Phar file?

    Can we download phar file directly from repo using link to master? (cant find the version)

    Also is this compatible and according to M2.3.1.standards?


    opened by seansan 2
  • Undefined Index Notice While Generating Module

    Undefined Index Notice While Generating Module

    Why i'm getting this ???

    mg2-codegen t:g module

    PHP Notice: Undefined index: HOME in C:\Users\S.P Zakir\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\staempfli\universal-code-generator\src\Staempfli\UniversalGenerator\Helper\Files\ApplicationFilesHelper.php on line 58

    Notice: Undefined index: HOME in C:\Users\S.P Zakir\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\staempfli\universal-code-generator\src\Staempfli\UniversalGenerator\Helper\Files\ApplicationFilesHelper.php on line 58 Template Generate: module PHP Notice: Undefined index: HOME in C:\Users\S.P Zakir\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\staempfli\universal-code-generator\src\Staempfli\UniversalGenerator\Helper\Files\ApplicationFilesHelper.php on line 58

    Notice: Undefined index: HOME in C:\Users\S.P Zakir\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\staempfli\universal-code-generator\src\Staempfli\UniversalGenerator\Helper\Files\ApplicationFilesHelper.php on line 58

    opened by Partabsaifzakir 2
  • Error during installation via composer

    Error during installation via composer

    Hey there, I got the error when I was trying install package by Option2: Using Composer.

    dchizhov@macbook:~$ composer global require "staempfli/magento2-code-generator"
    Changed current directory to /Users/dchizhov/.composer
    Using version ^1.11 for staempfli/magento2-code-generator
    ./composer.json has been updated
    Loading composer repositories with package information
    Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
    Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
      Problem 1
        - Installation request for staempfli/magento2-code-generator ^1.11 -> satisfiable by staempfli/magento2-code-generator[1.11.0].
        - Conclusion: remove symfony/console v4.2.3
        - Conclusion: don't install symfony/console v4.2.3
        - staempfli/magento2-code-generator 1.11.0 requires staempfli/universal-code-generator ^1.2 -> satisfiable by staempfli/universal-code-generator[1.2, 1.2.1].
        - staempfli/universal-code-generator 1.2 requires symfony/console ~3.0|~2.7 -> satisfiable by symfony/console[v2.7.0, v2.7.1, v2.7.10, v2.7.11, v2.7.12, v2.7.13, v2.7.14, v2.7.15, v2.7.16, v2.7.17, v2.7.18, v2.7.19, v2.7.2, v2.7.20, v2.7.21, v2.7.22, v2.7.23, v2.7.24, v2.7.25, v2.7.26, v2.7.27, v2.7.28, v2.7.29, v2.7.3, v2.7.30, v2.7.31, v2.7.32, v2.7.33, v2.7.34, v2.7.35, v2.7.36, v2.7.37, v2.7.38, v2.7.39, v2.7.4, v2.7.40, v2.7.41, v2.7.42, v2.7.43, v2.7.44, v2.7.45, v2.7.46, v2.7.47, v2.7.48, v2.7.49, v2.7.5, v2.7.50, v2.7.6, v2.7.7, v2.7.8, v2.7.9, v2.8.0, v2.8.1, v2.8.10, v2.8.11, v2.8.12, v2.8.13, v2.8.14, v2.8.15, v2.8.16, v2.8.17, v2.8.18, v2.8.19, v2.8.2, v2.8.20, v2.8.21, v2.8.22, v2.8.23, v2.8.24, v2.8.25, v2.8.26, v2.8.27, v2.8.28, v2.8.29, v2.8.3, v2.8.30, v2.8.31, v2.8.32, v2.8.33, v2.8.34, v2.8.35, v2.8.36, v2.8.37, v2.8.38, v2.8.39, v2.8.4, v2.8.40, v2.8.41, v2.8.42, v2.8.43, v2.8.44, v2.8.45, v2.8.46, v2.8.47, v2.8.48, v2.8.49, v2.8.5, v2.8.6, v2.8.7, v2.8.8, v2.8.9, v3.0.0, v3.0.1, v3.0.2, v3.0.3, v3.0.4, v3.0.5, v3.0.6, v3.0.7, v3.0.8, v3.0.9, v3.1.0, v3.1.1, v3.1.10, v3.1.2, v3.1.3, v3.1.4, v3.1.5, v3.1.6, v3.1.7, v3.1.8, v3.1.9, v3.2.0, v3.2.1, v3.2.10, v3.2.11, v3.2.12, v3.2.13, v3.2.14, v3.2.2, v3.2.3, v3.2.4, v3.2.5, v3.2.6, v3.2.7, v3.2.8, v3.2.9, v3.3.0, v3.3.1, v3.3.10, v3.3.11, v3.3.12, v3.3.13, v3.3.14, v3.3.15, v3.3.16, v3.3.17, v3.3.18, v3.3.2, v3.3.3, v3.3.4, v3.3.5, v3.3.6, v3.3.7, v3.3.8, v3.3.9, v3.4.0, v3.4.1, v3.4.10, v3.4.11, v3.4.12, v3.4.13, v3.4.14, v3.4.15, v3.4.16, v3.4.17, v3.4.18, v3.4.19, v3.4.2, v3.4.20, v3.4.21, v3.4.22, v3.4.3, v3.4.4, v3.4.5, v3.4.6, v3.4.7, v3.4.8, v3.4.9].
        - staempfli/universal-code-generator 1.2.1 requires symfony/console ~3.0|~2.7 -> satisfiable by symfony/console[v2.7.0, v2.7.1, v2.7.10, v2.7.11, v2.7.12, v2.7.13, v2.7.14, v2.7.15, v2.7.16, v2.7.17, v2.7.18, v2.7.19, v2.7.2, v2.7.20, v2.7.21, v2.7.22, v2.7.23, v2.7.24, v2.7.25, v2.7.26, v2.7.27, v2.7.28, v2.7.29, v2.7.3, v2.7.30, v2.7.31, v2.7.32, v2.7.33, v2.7.34, v2.7.35, v2.7.36, v2.7.37, v2.7.38, v2.7.39, v2.7.4, v2.7.40, v2.7.41, v2.7.42, v2.7.43, v2.7.44, v2.7.45, v2.7.46, v2.7.47, v2.7.48, v2.7.49, v2.7.5, v2.7.50, v2.7.6, v2.7.7, v2.7.8, v2.7.9, v2.8.0, v2.8.1, v2.8.10, v2.8.11, v2.8.12, v2.8.13, v2.8.14, v2.8.15, v2.8.16, v2.8.17, v2.8.18, v2.8.19, v2.8.2, v2.8.20, v2.8.21, v2.8.22, v2.8.23, v2.8.24, v2.8.25, v2.8.26, v2.8.27, v2.8.28, v2.8.29, v2.8.3, v2.8.30, v2.8.31, v2.8.32, v2.8.33, v2.8.34, v2.8.35, v2.8.36, v2.8.37, v2.8.38, v2.8.39, v2.8.4, v2.8.40, v2.8.41, v2.8.42, v2.8.43, v2.8.44, v2.8.45, v2.8.46, v2.8.47, v2.8.48, v2.8.49, v2.8.5, v2.8.6, v2.8.7, v2.8.8, v2.8.9, v3.0.0, v3.0.1, v3.0.2, v3.0.3, v3.0.4, v3.0.5, v3.0.6, v3.0.7, v3.0.8, v3.0.9, v3.1.0, v3.1.1, v3.1.10, v3.1.2, v3.1.3, v3.1.4, v3.1.5, v3.1.6, v3.1.7, v3.1.8, v3.1.9, v3.2.0, v3.2.1, v3.2.10, v3.2.11, v3.2.12, v3.2.13, v3.2.14, v3.2.2, v3.2.3, v3.2.4, v3.2.5, v3.2.6, v3.2.7, v3.2.8, v3.2.9, v3.3.0, v3.3.1, v3.3.10, v3.3.11, v3.3.12, v3.3.13, v3.3.14, v3.3.15, v3.3.16, v3.3.17, v3.3.18, v3.3.2, v3.3.3, v3.3.4, v3.3.5, v3.3.6, v3.3.7, v3.3.8, v3.3.9, v3.4.0, v3.4.1, v3.4.10, v3.4.11, v3.4.12, v3.4.13, v3.4.14, v3.4.15, v3.4.16, v3.4.17, v3.4.18, v3.4.19, v3.4.2, v3.4.20, v3.4.21, v3.4.22, v3.4.3, v3.4.4, v3.4.5, v3.4.6, v3.4.7, v3.4.8, v3.4.9].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.0, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.1, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.10, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.11, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.12, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.13, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.14, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.15, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.16, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.17, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.18, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.19, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.2, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.20, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.21, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.22, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.23, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.24, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.25, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.26, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.27, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.28, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.29, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.3, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.30, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.31, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.32, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.33, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.34, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.35, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.36, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.37, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.38, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.39, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.4, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.40, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.41, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.42, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.43, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.44, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.45, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.46, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.47, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.48, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.49, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.5, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.50, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.6, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.7, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.8, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.7.9, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.0, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.1, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.10, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.11, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.12, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.13, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.14, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.15, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.16, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.17, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.18, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.19, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.2, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.20, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.21, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.22, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.23, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.24, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.25, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.26, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.27, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.28, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.29, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.3, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.30, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.31, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.32, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.33, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.34, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.35, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.36, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.37, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.38, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.39, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.4, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.40, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.41, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.42, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.43, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.44, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.45, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.46, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.47, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.48, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.49, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.5, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.6, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.7, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.8, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v2.8.9, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.0.0, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.0.1, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.0.2, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.0.3, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.0.4, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.0.5, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.0.6, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.0.7, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.0.8, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.0.9, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.1.0, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.1.1, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.1.10, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.1.2, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.1.3, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.1.4, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.1.5, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.1.6, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.1.7, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.1.8, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.1.9, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.2.0, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.2.1, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.2.10, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.2.11, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.2.12, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.2.13, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.2.14, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.2.2, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.2.3, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.2.4, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.2.5, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.2.6, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.2.7, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.2.8, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.2.9, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.3.0, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.3.1, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.3.10, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.3.11, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.3.12, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.3.13, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.3.14, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.3.15, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.3.16, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.3.17, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.3.18, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.3.2, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.3.3, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.3.4, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.3.5, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.3.6, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.3.7, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.3.8, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.3.9, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.4.0, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.4.1, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.4.10, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.4.11, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.4.12, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.4.13, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.4.14, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.4.15, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.4.16, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.4.17, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.4.18, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.4.19, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.4.2, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.4.20, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.4.21, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.4.22, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.4.3, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.4.4, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.4.5, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.4.6, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.4.7, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.4.8, v4.2.3].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/console[v3.4.9, v4.2.3].
        - Installation request for symfony/console (locked at v4.2.3) -> satisfiable by symfony/console[v4.2.3].
    Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json to its original content.
    opened by chizhov13 2
  • mg2-codepen command not found

    mg2-codepen command not found

    I have installed codepen via composer made sure my path was correct. Now no matter what folder I run this any mg2 commands from i get the mg2-codepen command not found.

    Kinda unsure what to do! Any help would be greatly appreciated

    opened by birdman002 2
  • [Perhaps not an issue] can't display info in DB

    [Perhaps not an issue] can't display info in DB

    Hi, I use your magic module to make and EAV crud. Everything is working well. but I expererience something strange. I create an item

    In the grid my field "title" is empty capture d ecran 2018-07-04 a 13 27 04

    If i search for the title, it's displayed on the grid

    capture d ecran 2018-07-04 a 15 31 10

    But on my edit page, I got all my data (and it's fine in DB).

    capture d ecran 2018-07-04 a 13 27 29

    Do you know or have a hint on what I may doing wrong ?


    opened by julienanquetil 2
  • Need to correct typo mistake in 2magento add column

    Need to correct typo mistake in 2magento add column

    Can you please fix the type of length when we use 2magento add column ? This is what I am getting:

                    'type' => Table::TYPE_,
                    'lenght' => null,
                    'nullable' => true,
                    'default' => '',
                    'comment' => '',
    opened by rltsquare 2
  • crudEAV cannot handle

    crudEAV cannot handle "Use Default Value"

    I've created an EAV entity with this template, and added a custom attribute with store view scope.


            $attributes = [];
            $attributes['name'] = [
                'type' => 'varchar',
                'label' => 'Name',
                'input' => 'text',
                'required' => true, //true/false
                'sort_order' => 10,
                'global' => ScopedAttributeInterface::SCOPE_STORE,
                'group' => 'General',
            foreach($attributes as $attributeCode => $attributeData){
                $this->eavSetup->addAttribute(CookieSetup::ENTITY_TYPE_CODE, $attributeCode, $attributeData);

    My problem here is when trying to save the object in the backend for a different store view other than default, I'm unable to reset the value to use default.


    I've tried modifying the ui form component to add the "Use Default Value" checkbox to test, but it's totally ignored


            <field name="name" formElement="input" sortOrder="20" >
                <argument name="data" xsi:type="array">
                    <item name="config" xsi:type="array">
                        <item name="service" xsi:type="array">
                            <item name="template" xsi:type="string">ui/form/element/helper/service</item>
                    <label translate="true">Name</label>
                        <rule name="required-entry" xsi:type="boolean">true</rule>


    And after saving the value still remains. It's never deleted for the current store view.

    I'm assuming something is missing from the resourceModel to handle the "Use Default Value"?

    opened by ioweb-gr 1
  • mg2-codegen.phar attached to the 1.11.2 release tag is wrong version

    mg2-codegen.phar attached to the 1.11.2 release tag is wrong version

    The binary attached to the 1.11.2 release reports version 1.11.1

    docker@a265668cc290:/var/www$ curl -LO
      % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                     Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
    100   622  100   622    0     0   1429      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  1429
    100 2857k  100 2857k    0     0  1674k      0  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:-- 2840k
    docker@a265668cc290:/var/www$ chmod +x ./mg2-codegen.phar 
    docker@a265668cc290:/var/www$ ./mg2-codegen.phar --version
    mg2-codegen.phar 1.11.1
    opened by lmakarov 0
  • Bump phpseclib/phpseclib from 2.0.4 to 2.0.31

    Bump phpseclib/phpseclib from 2.0.4 to 2.0.31

    Bumps phpseclib/phpseclib from 2.0.4 to 2.0.31.

    Release notes

    Sourced from phpseclib/phpseclib's releases.


    • X509: always parse the first cert of a bundle (#1568)
    • SSH2: behave like putty with broken publickey auth (#1572)
    • SSH2: don't close channel on unexpected response to channel request (#1631)
    • RSA: support keys with PSS algorithm identifier (#1584)
    • RSA: cleanup RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 signature verification (CVE-2021-30130)
    • SFTP/Stream: make it so you can write past the end of a file (#1618)
    • SFTP: fix undefined index notice in stream touch() (#1615)
    • SFTP: digit only filenames were converted to integers by php (#1623)
    • BigInteger: fix issue with toBits on 32-bit PHP 8 installs
    • Crypt: use a custom error handler for mcrypt to avoid deprecation errors


    • X509: don't attempt to parse multi-cert PEMs (#1542)
    • SFTP: add stream to get method (#1546)
    • SFTP: progress callback should report actual downloaded bytes (#1543)
    • SSH2: end connection faster for algorithm mismatch
    • SSH2: add setKeepAlive() method (#1529)
    • ANSI: fix PHP8 compatibility issues

    Download PHP Secure Communications Library


    • SFTP: add enableDatePreservation() / disableDatePreservation() (#1496)
    • SFTP: uploads on low speed networks could get in infinite loop (#1507)
    • SSH2: when building algo list look at if crypto engine is set (#1500)
    • X509: really looong base64 encoded strings broke extractBER() (#1486)

    Download PHP Secure Communications Library


    • SFTP: realpath('') produced an error (#1474)
    • SFTP: if /path/to/file is a file then /path/to/file/whatever errors (#1475)
    • SFTP: speed up uploads (by changing SFTP upload packet size from 4KB to 32KB)
    • ANSI: fix "Number of elements can't be negative" error


    • SFTP: change the mode with a SETSTAT instead of MKDIR (#1463)
    • SFTP: make it so extending SFTP class doesn't cause a segfault (#1465)
    • Random::string didn't always return all the requested bytes (#1466)


    • SFTP: another attempt at speeding up uploads (#1455)
    • SSH2: try logging in with none as an auth method first (#1454)
    • ASN1: fix for malformed ASN1 strings (#1456)


    • SFTP: re-add buffering (#1455)


    ... (truncated)


    Sourced from phpseclib/phpseclib's changelog.

    2.0.31 - 2021-04-06

    • X509: always parse the first cert of a bundle (#1568)
    • SSH2: behave like putty with broken publickey auth (#1572)
    • SSH2: don't close channel on unexpected response to channel request (#1631)
    • RSA: support keys with PSS algorithm identifier (#1584)
    • RSA: cleanup RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 signature verification (CVE-2021-30130)
    • SFTP/Stream: make it so you can write past the end of a file (#1618)
    • SFTP: fix undefined index notice in stream touch() (#1615)
    • SFTP: digit only filenames were converted to integers by php (#1623)
    • BigInteger: fix issue with toBits on 32-bit PHP 8 installs
    • Crypt: use a custom error handler for mcrypt to avoid deprecation errors

    2.0.30 - 2020-12-16

    • X509: don't attempt to parse multi-cert PEMs (#1542)
    • SFTP: add stream to get method (#1546)
    • SFTP: progress callback should report actual downloaded bytes (#1543)
    • SSH2: end connection faster for algorithm mismatch
    • SSH2: add setKeepAlive() method (#1529)
    • ANSI: fix PHP8 compatibility issues

    2.0.29 - 2020-09-07

    • SFTP: add enableDatePreservation() / disableDatePreservation() (#1496)
    • SFTP: uploads on low speed networks could get in infinite loop (#1507)
    • SSH2: when building algo list look at if crypto engine is set (#1500)
    • X509: really looong base64 encoded strings broke extractBER() (#1486)

    2.0.28 - 2020-07-08

    • SFTP: realpath('') produced an error (#1474)
    • SFTP: if /path/to/file is a file then /path/to/file/whatever errors (#1475)
    • SFTP: speed up uploads (by changing SFTP upload packet size from 4KB to 32KB)
    • ANSI: fix "Number of elements can't be negative" error

    2.0.27 - 2020-05-22

    • SFTP: another attempt at speeding up uploads (#1455)
    • SSH2: try logging in with none as an auth method first (#1454)
    • ASN1: fix for malformed ASN1 strings (#1456)

    2.0.26 - 2020-03-22

    • SFTP: another attempt at speeding up uploads (#1455)
    • SSH2: try logging in with none as an auth method first (#1454)
    • ASN1: fix for malformed ASN1 strings (#1456)

    2.0.25 - 2020-02-25

    ... (truncated)

    • 233a920 CHANGELOG: add 2.0.31 release
    • 364704a Merge branch '1.0' into 2.0
    • 05550b9 Merge pull request #1635 from terrafrost/moosa-1.0
    • f95b039 Merge branch 'moosa-1.0' into moosa-2.0
    • 149b4d2 RSA: fix for PHP8
    • 74435e1 Merge branch 'moosa-1.0' into moosa-2.0
    • 8af4280 RSA: misc fixes for 'without NULL' PKCS1 signature validation
    • d70abb9 fix broken unit test
    • 43eeb85 Merge branch 'moosa-1.0' into moosa-2.0
    • 581fbdb CS adjustments
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot use these labels will set the current labels as the default for future PRs for this repo and language
    • @dependabot use these reviewers will set the current reviewers as the default for future PRs for this repo and language
    • @dependabot use these assignees will set the current assignees as the default for future PRs for this repo and language
    • @dependabot use this milestone will set the current milestone as the default for future PRs for this repo and language

    You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the Security Alerts page.

    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • question: how to generate multiple entities with crudEAV in the same module

    question: how to generate multiple entities with crudEAV in the same module

    While trying to execute

    • t:g generate with EntityName1
    • t:g generate with EntityName2

    Multiple files are going to the same paths, thus causing to overwrite the previously created data and breaking the previous entity.

    For example

    1. the collection and eav attribute

    • app/code/Vendor/Module/Model/ResourceModel/Attribute/Collection.php (this relies on the entity name)
    • app/code/Vendor/Module/Model/ResourceModel/Eav/Attribute.php (this relies on the entity name)

    Could these two be named based on the EntityName like EntityNameCollection and EntityNameAttribute ? They only seem to be used in the EntityNameSetup file.

    2. the resource model attribute

    • app/code/Vendor/Module/Model/ResourceModel/Attribute.php (this also uses internally the entity name )

    3. the configuration files which create a lot of data

    ├── etc │   ├── acl.xml │   ├── adminhtml │   │   ├── menu.xml │   │   └── routes.xml │   ├── di.xml

    4. the setup code.

    Setup/ ├── EavTablesSetup.php ├── EntityName1Setup.php ├── InstallData.php ├── InstallSchema.php ├── EntityName2Setup.php └── Uninstall.php

    I'm wondering if there's a way to make it merge the files or if not would it be possible to get a second option to append (maybe commented out) the code to the existing files instead of overwriting?

    That way it is going to be easier to repair the files that need to be adjusted. Pretty much copy paste the code in the relevant parts from the commented out areas

    opened by ioweb-gr 3
  • Errors with generated files of

    Errors with generated files of "crudEAVWithMultipleFiles "

    Magento 2.3.2 I tried the template crudEAVWithMultipleFiles

    Listing is not working with error message : Type Error occurred when creating object: Mycompany\Collec\Model\ResourceModel\Collec\Grid\Collection

    And when i try to add a new object, the ImageCollection does not exists. And indeed, the file does not exists.

    Any idea before i dig into it ?


    opened by pravalitera 3
  • mg2-codegen installed with Composer does not report its version

    mg2-codegen installed with Composer does not report its version

    When installing with Composer the version is reported as mg2-codegen @git-version@

    $ composer global require "staempfli/magento2-code-generator"
    $ mg2-codegen --version
    mg2-codegen @git-version@
    opened by lmakarov 1
Stämpfli AG
Web solutions for associations, small businesses and more.
Stämpfli AG
Code generator for Magento 2

Magento 2 Code Generator Tool Installation Option1: Downloading .phar wget<ver

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A tool that allows to quickly export data from Magento 1 and Magento 2 store and import it back into Magento 2

Simple Import / Export tool A tool that allows to quickly export data from Magento 1 and Magento 2 store and import it back into Magento 2. Table data

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[ONLY Magento 2.0.x Compatible] Code samples for Magento developers

Synopsis This project is a collection of samples to demonstrate technologies introduced in Magento 2. You will find the most simple extension along wi

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Magento Invoice PDF Generator Magento 2 Invoice PDF Generator - helps you to customize the pdf templates for Magento 2. If you have an enabled templat

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Contracts for Rule Doc Generator. Useful for production code with minimum dependencies.

Rule Doc Generator Contracts Contracts for Rule Doc Generator. Useful for production code with minimum dependencies. Install composer require symplify

null 19 Dec 22, 2022
Algerian code generator for invoices, quotes or any commercial documents

Algerian invoice code generator The library is useful to generate code for invoices, quotes or any commercial transaction document. Goal Is to provide

Hippone Consulting 7 Jul 19, 2021
Runtime Code Generator like Lombok for PocketMine-MP

PlumbokPM Runtime Code Generator like Lombok for PocketMine-MP. Code generation starts when additional autoloader detects class uses PlumbokPM annotat

OctoPush 4 Apr 18, 2022
A QR Code generator for PHP7.4+

chillerlan/php-qrcode A PHP 7.4+ QR Code library based on the implementation by Kazuhiko Arase, namespaced, cleaned up, improved and other stuff. Docu

chillerlan 1.2k Dec 30, 2022
This Magento 2 extension integrates EasyTranslate into Magento 2.

EasyTranslate Magento 2 Connector This Magento 2 extension integrates EasyTranslate into Magento 2. Mind that you need to have an account with EasyTra

Easytranslate ApS 0 Oct 7, 2022
Magento-Functions - A Resource of Magento Functions

Magento-Functions A Resource of Magento Functions Table of Contents Category Product User Cart Checkout General Account [Working w/ URL's] (#urls) Cat

Bryan Littlefield 28 Apr 19, 2021
Magento - Magento Community Editions

Magento Community Edition /// THIS REPOSITORY IS DEPREACTED /// will be the last version update. Please switch over to OpenMage! Either to the

FireGento e. V. 107 Oct 17, 2022
Magento-Vagrant-Puppet-Nginx - Installs magento and a nginx server

Magento-Vagrant-Puppet-Nginx Installs Magento MySQL PHP PHP-FPM Nginx n98-magerun Setup git submodule init git submodule update vagrant up Modify pupp

Christian Münch 61 Aug 10, 2022
Docker-magento - Docker image for Magento 1.6 to 1.9

Docker image for Magento 1.x This repo creates a Docker image for Magento 1.x. Please note The primary goal of this repo is to create Docker images fo

Fu Cheng 144 Nov 18, 2022
Magento-composer-installer - Composer installer for Magento modules

!!! support the maintainer of this project via Patreon: Magento Composer Installer The purpose of this project is t

null 213 Sep 24, 2022
Chef-magento - Installs and Configures a Magento project

Description Requirements Chef 0.10.0 or higher required (for Chef environment use). Platform Debian, Ubuntu CentOS, Red Hat, Fedora Your basebox must

Inviqa 3 Jun 30, 2020
Cookbook-magento - Collection of recipes to build app stack for the Magento deployments with Chef

Magento Cookbook Collection of recipes to build app stack for the Magento deployments with Chef Installation With Berkshelf echo "cookbook 'magento',

Yevhen Viktorov 37 Sep 26, 2020
Magento-bulk - Bulk Import/Export helper scripts and CLI utilities for Magento Commerce

Magento Bulk Bulk operations for Magento. Configuration Copy config.php.sample to config.php and edit it. Product Attribute Management List All Attrib

Bippo Indonesia 23 Dec 20, 2022
Phpcs-magento-rules - A set of PHPCS rules used by when hacking Magento PHPCS Magento Rules A set of PHPCS rules used by when hacking Magento. Pre-Requisites PHPCS Installation Short Version Clone this re Tech Team 26 Jun 3, 2020