Cookbook-magento - Collection of recipes to build app stack for the Magento deployments with Chef


Magento Cookbook

Collection of recipes to build app stack for the Magento deployments with Chef


With Berkshelf

echo "cookbook 'magento', '~> 0.7'" >> Berksfile
berks install
berks upload # if using with Chef Server

With Chef Repository

Run the following commands with-in your Chef Repository:

knife cookbook site install magento
knife cookbook upload magento

Usage Examples

Single Rackspace Cloud Server Instance

Bootstrap Rackspace Cloud Servers instance with:

knife rackspace server create --run-list 'recipe[magento]' --server-name magebox --image 125 --flavor 3

Navigate to the node URL or IP in your browser to complete Magento installation. NOTE: you might need to skip base url validation.

Default Mysql Credentials:

  • database: magento
  • user: magentouser
  • password: randombly generated, see magento -> db attributes under Chef Server dashboard

See Launch Cloud Instances with Knife for the reference.


The project preconfigured with a helper tools for bootstraping cookbook in a sandboxed environment, i.e. VirtualBox


  • Bundler: gem install bundler
  • Berkshelf: bundle install
  • Vagrant 1.1.0 and greater
  • Berkshelf plugin for Vagrant: vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf
  • Omnibus plugin for Vagrant: vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus

Bootstrap VirtualBox

With Ubuntu 12.04

vagrant up

With CentOS 6.5

VMBOX='centos65' vagrant up


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request
  • Version differs github <--> opscode

    Version differs github <--> opscode

    The version available here does not contain latest fixes in the github. Can you release a new version, please?

    opened by MichaelSp 3
  • Move mysql to recipe; Add apache option

    Move mysql to recipe; Add apache option


    • Moved MySQL setup to it's own recipe. Setup is designed to allow for adding other backends (ie Percona)
    • Moved nginx to recipe, added apache2 recipe. Defining the web server to setup is controlled by the attribute node[:magento][:webserver], default is nginx
    • Added attributes for defining the site name, naming your self-signed cert, added a database attribute (mysql is the only currently valid option)
    • Added library to handle generation of self signed certs for use with web server
    • Added test suite to .kitchen.yml to test with apache2
    opened by brint 0
  • Add ability to adjust several nginx timeouts

    Add ability to adjust several nginx timeouts

    This gives the ability for a user to specify different timeouts for send_timeout and proxy_read_timeout. This is useful for situations where memcached or redis is involved and the cache needs to be manually rebuilt. The attribute values set are the default nginx values.

    opened by brint 0
  • Updates and fixes

    Updates and fixes

    Included commits from PR#3

    • Installs current version of community
    • Fix for nginx_site due to change here
    • Bumped php-fpm cookbook version to match new method for setting up pools
    • Updated Vagrant file to use newer version of centos and use ominbus to install newer version of chef
    opened by brint 0
  • Php fpm fix

    Php fpm fix

    Fix for version 0.6.3

    • New format of pool configuration addded, PLEASE REVIEW
    • Fixed nginx template for new datastruct.
    opened by computerlyrik 0
  • Add Kitchen testsupport to magento cookbook

    Add Kitchen testsupport to magento cookbook

    adds simple kitchen testsupport to magento cookbook

    • installs magento::default into a virtualbox
    • sets forwarding network ports 80 and 443 to 808x and `844x`` on host machine
    • sets mysql passwortds to test


    • sets set_unless[:magento][:db][:password] = "magento" in kitchen.yml
    opened by computerlyrik 0
  • Magento wizard installation not showing

    Magento wizard installation not showing


    When using this cookbook without data sample and I navigate to the URL to complete Magento installation, the wizard installation is not showing.

    If I modify the file local.xml as explained in below URL, I am able to install magento as usual visiting the page.

    opened by smartinm 0
  • Update dependencies to compatible versions

    Update dependencies to compatible versions

    I got some chef errors during vagrant up/provision. It seems ther have been some updates to the latest versions of mysql and php-fpm cookbooks which are incompatible with this cook book.

    I updated the dependency versions for this cook book to use the older versions of mysql and pnp-fpm to make it work.

    opened by anujbhatia 0
  • Magento cookbook in ubuntu14.04

    Magento cookbook in ubuntu14.04

    Hi, I have running magento cookbook for ubuntu14.04,it shows apc error that get resolved Again shows libmysql package not found,so remove that for this platform,since no need libmysql for this platform.When again running it shows failure in restarting a php5-fpm service.when i ping that ip in browser it shows magento page but with mcrypt php missing error.So i enable phpenmod mcrypt and restart a php5-fpm service.Working fine.So now my query is "where to add this phpenmod mcrypt in a cookbook? Shall i add in definition of a magento cookbook.

    Thanks, inhu

    opened by indraindu 0
  • Presumed apc.ini location is incorrect for Ubuntu 14.04

    Presumed apc.ini location is incorrect for Ubuntu 14.04

    When attempting to run this recipe on Ubuntu 14.04, I encountered an error regarding the location of the apc.ini file. The recipe installs PHP 5.5 (with which I do not believe Magento is even technically compatible). Part of the issue seems to be that PHP 5.5 uses the new Zend OpCache and APC is now replaced by APCu in the package php-apc. Thus, the location /etc/php5/conf.d being used in the recipe does not exist: The error was: No such file or directory - /etc/php5/conf.d.

    I think the possible fix here might be either specifying that PHP is installed with a specific version (that is less than 5.5) or fixing the portion of the recipe that deals with APC to search in the correct location, which appears to be /etc/php5/fpm/conf.d/20-apcu.ini. Any thoughts on this?

    opened by ltcdnunez 3
  • Cookbook 'nginx' does not contain a file (templates/default/nginx-site.erb) (+fix)

    Cookbook 'nginx' does not contain a file (templates/default/nginx-site.erb) (+fix)


    When using this cookbook with nginx as the web server, I encountered the following error:

    ==> magento: ================================================================================
    ==> magento: Error executing action `create` on resource 'template[/etc/nginx/sites-available/default]'
    ==> magento: ================================================================================
    ==> magento: 
    ==> magento: 
    ==> magento: Chef::Exceptions::FileNotFound
    ==> magento: ------------------------------
    ==> magento: Cookbook 'nginx' (2.7.4) does not contain a file at any of these locations:
    ==> magento:   templates/centos-6.5/nginx-site.erb
    ==> magento:   templates/centos/nginx-site.erb
    ==> magento:   templates/default/nginx-site.erb

    This is because the template defined on line 26 of the _web_nginx recipe is duplicating the template already defined within the nginx recipe at "#{node['nginx']['dir']}/sites-available/default" which installs the nginx default site, later to be deleted by this recipe.

    When a template is defined twice, the second definition inherits attributes from the first, including it seems the cookbook - meaning that when the magento recipe attempts to write this file from its own template, chef looks in the nginx cookbook for the file.

    A simple fix is adding cookbook "magento" to the template definition in _web_nginx. This forces chef to look for the resource in the magento recipe.

    I wasn't sure whether it would be something you'd want to include, or look at a different solution such as not installing the nginx default site in the first place... but thought I'd document since I'd figured it out. I can submit a PR with the change if you like.

    opened by samsworldofno 3
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