A wrapper around symplify/config-transformer used to update recipes and using easy coding standard for generating readable config files.


Symfony Recipes Yaml to PHP Converter

This is a wrapper around the symplify/config-transformer used to convert Symfony core recipes which uses .yaml config files to .php config files.

It is used in:

To convert the official symfony recipes.

vendor/bin/yaml-to-php git@github.com:symfony/recipes.git
vendor/bin/yaml-to-php git@github.com:symfony/recipes-contrib.git

If you are not converting a recipes repository you should use the symplify/config-transformer directly instead of using this package.


There are currently also 2 skeletons shipped which can be used to create new symfony projects:

symfony/skeleton clone:


composer create-project schranz/symfony-php-skeleton

symfony/website-skeleton clone:


composer create-project schranz/symfony-php-website-skeleton

Using in exist projects

First convert your project with symplify/config-transformer from .yaml to .php configs after add the following to the composer extra.symfony.endpoint configuration:

    "extra": {
        "symfony": {
            "allow-contrib": false,
            "require": "6.1.*",
            "endpoint": [
  • Create a automatic update process

    Create a automatic update process

    The repositories need some script which update the current php recipes and regenerate all package from stretch:

    Something like

    vendor/bin/yaml-to-php git@github.com:symfony/recipes.git
    # later in the github CI it should push it
    git add .
    git commit 
    git push


    • [x] Move clone and update of yaml to php file into a converter (is now this repository)
    • [x] Create Github action to call the script
    • [x] Push changes to main branch of repositories
    help wanted recipes-repositories 
    opened by alexander-schranz 2
  • Fix existing CIs for pull request

    Fix existing CIs for pull request

    Currently the CI for pull requests does not work:

    • https://github.com/alexander-schranz/symfony-recipes-php/pull/2
    • https://github.com/alexander-schranz/symfony-recipes-php-contrib/pull/2/commits

    It seems some secrets are missing, but not sure what need to be configured here.

    help wanted 
    opened by alexander-schranz 1
  • Convert PHP Array Config to PHP ConfigBuilder

    Convert PHP Array Config to PHP ConfigBuilder

    Since Symfony 5.3 there exist a new way of configuring packages. The config builders:


    It would be great as we are currently having done the step from yaml to php configs. To do the next step from PHP array configs to PHP config builder configs.

    Not sure how easy possible without knowing the Builder class and only the array this is even possible.

    opened by alexander-schranz 5
  • Convert Comment examples

    Convert Comment examples

    Currently when converting yaml to php there are 2 types of comments:

    # text comments
    #   comments: []

    It would be great depending on # some vs #some convert also commented out yaml configuration into commented out php configuration.

    This is blocked by #1 before it can even be targetted we need first support comments in general.

    opened by alexander-schranz 0
  • Keep / Convert Yaml comments to PHP

    Keep / Convert Yaml comments to PHP

    Currently the config-transformer is using the symfony/yaml package. Instead we should use a package which is supporting to read comments from yaml files as they provide many usefull things like links to documentation.


    # Read the documentation at https://github.com/thephpleague/flysystem-bundle/blob/master/docs/1-getting-started.md
                adapter: 'local'
                    directory: '%kernel.project_dir%/%VAR_DIR%/storage/default'

    Expected PHP Result:

    use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator\ContainerConfigurator;
    return static function (ContainerConfigurator $containerConfigurator): void {
        // Read the documentation at https://github.com/thephpleague/flysystem-bundle/blob/master/docs/1-getting-started.md
        $containerConfigurator->extension('flysystem', [
            'storages' => [
                'default.storage' => [
                    'adapter' => 'local',
                    'options' => [
                        'directory' => '%kernel.project_dir%/%VAR_DIR%/storage/default',

    Currently the comment is missing which adds a lot of value.

    Related issues:

    • https://github.com/symplify/symplify/issues/4274
    • https://github.com/symfony/symfony/issues/22516
    bug help wanted 
    opened by alexander-schranz 1
Alexander Schranz
Core Developer @sulu likes @php, @symfony, @elasticsearch, @redis, react js
Alexander Schranz
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