Documentation on clean coding and demonstration of studied clean coding principals with PHP.



Documentation on clean coding and demonstration of studied clean coding principals with PHP. The document contained in this repo are summarized from sources:,

1. General Rules (can skip this section)

DRY: Don't Repeat Yourself - write repeated codes inside functions.
KISS: Keep It Simple Stupid - go for the simplest solution first (try linear search before binary search).

1.1 Variable Naming Rules:

  • descriptive, easy to search, easy to pronounce.
  • don't add type information, avoid encodings.
  • replace magic numbers with constants.


  • The code is the best documentation.
  • Use only to clarify code.

1.3 Functions:

  • Place functions in the downward direction.
  • keep it simple and short, do only one thing inside a function. Rule of thumb: whole function should fits in your monitor.
    • keep number of parameters small (<=3),
    • avoid passing booleans (are you trying to do more than one thing?).
    • use language provided library functions (sorting, searching, data structures etc.)
  • AVOID SIDE EFFECTS (changing variables passed by reference)

1.4 Class:

  • use public, private, protected keywords.
  • keep small, and only for single purpose.
  • small number of instance variables.
  • super class should know nothing of it's sub classes.
  • keep utility variables and methods private.
  • avoid redundancy by inheriting from classes.

1.5 Tests:

  • fast to execute.
  • should not depend on other tests.
  • one assert per test.
  • TEST DRIVEN DEVELOPMENT - writing unit tests while you are writing the code (or before writing new code).

2. Variables

2.1 Make variable names clear, searchable. don't encode or minify.

$currTmptr = 24; // bad
$currentTemparature = 24; // good

2.2 Use constants/enums instead of magic hardcoded numbers.


class User{

    public $type = 'employee'; // what is a 'employee', what are other types??


class UserType{
// dedicated class to keep constant values of employee types

    public const ADMIN_USER = 'admin';
    public const EMPLOYEE_USER = 'employee';
    public const MANAGER_USER = 'manager';

class User{

    public $type = UserType::ADMIN_USER;

3. Functions

3.1 Return as early as possible.


function fooFunc($fooFlag){

    $returnValue = null;

    if(!$fooFlag) $returnValue = 0;

	// very long and complex code...
        $returnValue = 100;

    return $returnValue;


function fooFunc($fooFlag){

    $returnValue = null;

    if(!$fooFlag) return 0;

    // very long and complex code...    
    $returnValue = 100;

    return $returnValue;

3.2 Avoid deep nesting.


function isVacation($day, $week){
// weekend is Sundays every week and Saturdays on every alternating week

        if($day == 'Sunday' || $day == 'Saturday') return true;
        else return false;

        if($day == 'Sunday') return true;
        else return false;


function isVacation($day, $week){
// weekend is Sundays every week and Saturdays on every alternating week

    $weekendDays = ['Sunday'];
    $alternateWeekendDays = ['Sunday', 'Saturday'];

    if($week%2==0) return in_array($day, $weekendDays);
    else return in_array($day, $alternateWeekendDays);

3.3 Avoid functional side effects.


class FooClass{
    public $fooVar=2;

    public function __construct($fooVar) {
        $this->fooVar = $fooVar;

function fooFunc($fooObj) {
    $fooObj->a = 5; // changes the value of the original '$fooObj' passed by reference


class FooClass{
    public $fooVar=2;

    public function __construct($fooVar) {
        $this->fooVar = $fooVar;

function fooFunc($fooObj) {
    // create a clone to avoid changing the original object
    // which was passed by reference
    $fooObj = clone $fooObj;

    $fooObj->a = 5;

3.4 Avoid passing flags as function arguments, functions should do only one thing.


function processYear($year, $isYearLeap) {

        // process leap year
        // process not leap year


function processLeapYear($year) {
    // process leap year

function processNotLeapYear($year) {
    // process not leap year

3.5 Do only ONE thing inside a function.


// the functions 'addAndMultiply()' and 'substractAndDivide()' were too much complicated 
// to forcefully fit the implementation of 'applyFormula()' functions

function addAndMultiply(int $x, int $y, int $z) {

    $result = $x + $y;
    $result = $result*$z;
    return $result;

function substractAndDivide(int $x, int $y, int $z) {

    $result = $x - $y;
    $result = $result/$z;
    return $result;

function applyFormula(int $x, int $y, int $z){
// apply formula (x+y)*z + (x-y)/z
    return addAndMultiply($x, $y, $z) + substractAndDivide($x, $y, $z);


// instead create generalized functions to do one task only.

function add(int $x, int $y){
    return $x+$y;
function substract(int $x, int $y){
    return $x-$y;
function multiply(int $x, int $y){
    return $x*$y;
function divide(int $x, int $y){
    return $x/$y;

function applyFormula(int $x, int $y, int $z){
// apply formula (x+y)*z + (x-y)/z

        $sumPart1 = multiply(add($x, $y), $z); // calculate (x+y)*z
        $sumPart2 = divide(substract($x, $y), $z); // calculate (x+y)*z
        $result = add($sumPart1, $sumPart2);
        return $result;

3.6 Specify function arguments variable types and/or return type.


function add($x, $y) {

    if (! is_numeric($x) || ! is_numeric($y)){
        throw new Exception('Must be a Number');

    return $x + $y;


function add(int $x, int $y): int {
    return $x + $y;

4. OOP

4.1 Use polymorphism instead of type cheking


class Authentication{
    public $auth_type;

    public function __construct($auth_type){
        $this->auth_type = $auth_type;

    public function googleAuthentication() {
        // logic for google authentication
        return true;

    public function githubAuthentication() {
        // logic for google authentication
        return true;

$user_authenticator = new Authentication('github');

// making call to authentication function based on '$user_authentication->type' variable
    case 'google':

    case 'github':

        throw new Exception('unknon auth type='.$user_authenticator->auth_type);


abstract class Authentication{

    abstract function authenticate();

class GoogleAuthentication extends Authentication{
    public function authenticate(){
        return true;

class GithubAuthentication extends Authentication{
    public function authenticate(){
        return true;

Authentication $user_auth = new GoogleAuthentication();  // for Google Authentication
// for Github authentication we would initialize it as 'new GithubAuthentication()' 
// and no changes would be required in the rest of the code


4.2 Always enforce encapsulation


class Result{
    public $mark;
$result = new Result();
$result->mark -= 10; // penalize 10 marks for cheating


class Result{

    private static $MAX_MARK = 100;
    private static $MIN_MARK = 0;

    private $mark;

    public function __construct($mark){
        $this->mark = $mark;
    public function penalize($penalizeMarks){
    // method to access the instance variable $mark
    // and decrease it to non-negative
        $this->mark = max(Result::$MIN_MARK, $this->mark);
    public function reward($bonusMarks){
    // method to access the instance variable $mark
    // and increase it within a fixed limit
        $this->mark = min(Result::$MAX_MARK, $this->mark);

$result = new Result(85);
$result->penalize(5); // penalize 5 marks for cheating


S: Single Responsibility

One class should be responsible for ONE and ONLY ONE thing.


// Character class stores information of a character and also codes regarding actions made by the character
class Character{
    private string $name;
    private float $healthPoints;
    private int $positionX, $positionY;

    public function __construct(
            $this->name = $name;
            $this->healthPoints = $healthPoints;
            $this->positionX = $positionX;
            $this->positionY = $positionY;   
    public function fly() {

    public function sleep() {


// 'Character' class only holds information 
// and a separate 'CharacterAction' class holds implementions of action by the character

class Character{
    private string $name;
    private float $healthPoints;
    private int $positionX, $positionY;

    public function __construct(
        $this->name = $name;
        $this->healthPoints = $healthPoints;
        $this->positionX = $positionX;
        $this->positionY = $positionY;   

class CharacterAction{

    public function fly(Character $character) : Character
        return $character;

    public function sleep(Character $character) : Character
        return $character;

O: Open-Closed Principal

Open for extension, closed for modification. Make update by extending existing classes and not by modifying them by adding new instance variables and/or method.


// everytime we implement 'insert()' for a new database source we need to add new method to the Database class

class Database{

    public function insertToFirebase(){
        // implementation
    public function insertToMysql(){
        // implementation


// everytime we implement 'insert()' for a new database source we need to just extend the Database class and add the implementation.

abstract class Database{

    abstract function insert();

class FirebaseDatabase extends Database{
    // overriden method
    function insert(){
        // implementation

class MySqlDatabase extends Database{
    // overriden method
    function insert(){
        // implementation

L: Liskov Substitution Principal

All super class instances should be completely replacable by their subclasses. Generally, this can be achieved through an additional level of abstraction (addding another higher level interface/abstract class) see the traditional "Rectangle-Square" example:

I: Interface Segragation

Keep interfaces short and meaningful, don't force the implementing classes to override irrelevant methods.


// characters who are only supposed to farm or attack or heal would be forced to override the other methods
interface Action{
    function farm();
    function attack();
    function heal();


// character classes can implement corresponding interfaces based on their defined abbilities
interface VillagerAction{
    function farm();

interface AttackerAction{
    function attack();

interface HealerAction{
    function heal();

D: Dependency Inversion

  • high-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions.
  • abstractions should not depend upon details. Details should depend on abstractions.

The coding example below only contains demo for point (ii)


abstract class Insect{

    protected int $positionX, $positionY, $positionZ;

    abstract function crawl();
    abstract function fly();

class Cockroach extends Insect{

    function crawl(){
        // code for crawling

    function fly(){
        // code for flying

class Scorpion extends Insect{
    function crawl(){
        // code for crawling

    // scorpions can't fly!
    // abstract class Insect contains too much details about insects (that they can crawl and fly)
    function fly(){
        // code for flying

good (maybe...):

abstract class Insect{

    protected int $positionX, $positionY, $positionZ;

interface Flyable{
    function fly();

interface Crawlable{
    function crawl();

class Cockroach extends Insect implements Flyable, Crawlable{

    function crawl(){
        // code for crawling

    function fly(){
        // code for flying

class Scorpion extends Insect implements Crawlable{

    function crawl(){
        // code for crawling
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