Clean Architecture, DDD and CQRS using Symfony 6


Task manager system using Clean Architecture, DDD and CQRS. CI

Environment setup

  1. Install Docker
  2. Clone the project: git clone
  3. Run docker containers: docker-compose up -d --build
  4. Setup application: make setup. This step installs the composer dependency, generates JWT keys, creates databases, runs migrations, warms up the cache and reloads the supervisor.

Performing checks

  • make test - phpunit tests
  • make code-style - php-cs-fixer checks
  • make static-analysis - psalm checks
  • make check-all - all of the above

Application structure

The application contains 4 nodes:

Each node is a separate bound context, communication between them occurs only through the event bus.


All data is stored on one server in different databases, you can see the database structure via adminer

Repository structure

All source code is in app directory:

|-- config // Symfony configurations
|   |-- projections // Projection configurations
|   |-- projects // Project configurations
|   |-- shared // Common for all nodes
|   |-- tasks // Task configurations
|   `-- users // User configurations
|-- src // Application code
|   |-- Projections // Projection code
|   |-- Projects // Project code
|   |-- Shared // Common for all nodes
|   |-- Tasks // Task code
|   `-- Users // User code
|-- symfony // Symfony framework
`-- tests // Tests
    |-- Projections
    |-- Projects
    |-- Shared // Common for all nodes
    |-- Tasks
    |-- Users
    `-- bootstrap.php // Common for all nodes

After starting docker containers, local directories are mapped in the same way for all containers, for example for projects:

  • ./app/symfony:/var/www/symfony
  • ./logs/supervisor/projects:/var/log/supervisor
  • ./app/config/shared:/var/www/config/shared
  • ./app/config/projects:/var/www/config/app
  • ./app/src/Shared:/var/www/src/Shared
  • ./app/src/Projects:/var/www/src/Projects
  • ./app/tests/Shared:/var/www/tests/Shared
  • ./app/tests/Projects:/var/www/tests/Projects
  • ./app/tests/bootstrap.php:/var/www/tests/bootstrap.php

Code structure

|-- Projects // Code related to a specific bound context
|   |-- Application // Application layer depends only on Domain layer
|   |   |-- Command
|   |   |-- Handler // Command and query handlers
|   |   |-- Query
|   |   |-- Service // Application services
|   |   `-- Subscriber // Domain event subscribers
|   |-- Domain // Domain logic layer does not depend on other layers
|   |   |-- Collection
|   |   |-- Entity // Entities and aggregate roots
|   |   |-- Exception // Domain exceptions
|   |   |-- Repository // Repository interfaces
|   |   `-- ValueObject
|   `-- Infrastructure // Infrastructure layer depends on Domain and Application layers
|       |-- Controller // Symfony controllers
|       |-- Persistence // Migrations, entity mapping in database
|       `-- Repository // Repository realizations
`-- Shared // Common code for all bound contexts
    |-- Application
    |-- Domain
    |-- Infrastructure
    `-- SharedBoundedContext


Command and query buses are synchronous, implemented via the symfony messenger.

The event bus is asynchronous, implemented via the symfony messenger and RabbitMQ ( Events are received from RabbitMQ through the Symfony Messenger, which is launched using the supervisor.

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