PHP Lightweight Message Bus supporting CQRS.


Prooph Service Bus

PHP 7.1+ lightweight message bus supporting CQRS and Micro Services

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This library will receive support until December 31, 2019 and will then be deprecated.

For further information see the official announcement here:

Messaging API

prooph/service-bus is a lightweight messaging facade. It allows you to define the API of your model with the help of messages.

  1. Command messages describe actions your model can handle.
  2. Event messages describe things that happened while your model handled a command.
  3. Query messages describe available information that can be fetched from your (read) model.

prooph/service-bus shields your model. Data input and output ports become irrelevant and no longer influence business logic. We're looking at you Hexagonal Architecture.

prooph/service-bus decouples your model from any framework. You can use a web framework like Zend, Symfony, Laravel and co. to handle http requests and pass them via prooph/service-bus to your model but you can also receive the same messages via CLI or from a messaging system like RabbitMQ or Beanstalkd.

It is also a perfect fit for microservices architecture as it provides an abstraction layer for message-based inter-service communication.



You can install prooph/service-bus via composer by running composer require prooph/service-bus, which will install the latest version as requirement to your composer.json.

Quick Start


use Prooph\ServiceBus\CommandBus;
use Prooph\ServiceBus\Example\Command\EchoText;
use Prooph\ServiceBus\Plugin\Router\CommandRouter;

$commandBus = new CommandBus();

$router = new CommandRouter();

//Register a callback as CommandHandler for the EchoText command
    ->to(function (EchoText $aCommand): void {
        echo $aCommand->getText();

//Expand command bus with the router plugin

//We create a new Command
$echoText = new EchoText('It works');

//... and dispatch it

//Output should be: It works

Live Coding Introduction

Prooph Service Bus v6


Documentation is in the docs tree, and can be compiled using bookdown.

$ php ./vendor/bin/bookdown docs/bookdown.json
$ php -S -t docs/html/

Then browse to http://localhost:8080/



Please feel free to fork and extend existing or add new features and send a pull request with your changes! To establish a consistent code quality, please provide unit tests for all your changes and may adapt the documentation.


Released under the New BSD License.

  • Proposal: Add interfaces for classes when using an InvokeStrategy

    Proposal: Add interfaces for classes when using an InvokeStrategy

    If we have a EventRouter with a mapping e.g.


    and we use for example the OnEventStrategy wants to call the onEvent() method, even if the class just uses __invoke() as callable.

    So currently it is not possible to use more than one InvokeStrategy. If we use a specific InvokeStrategy we are bound to this InvokeStrategy

    I propose to provide an interface for each InvokeStrategy (for the given methods e.g.)

    interface UseHandleCommandStrategy {
        public interface handle(Message $message) : void;
    interface UseOnEventStrategy {
        public interface onEvent(Message $message) : void;
    interface UseFinderInvokeStrategy {
        public interface find(Message $message, $deferred) : void;

    So we can build in a check if the handler wants to use a specific strategy:

    foreach ($handlers as $handler) {
        if ($handler instanceof UseOnEventStrategy) {

    Handler not implementing the interface will just be skipped, so multiple strategies are possible then.

    BC break 
    opened by lunetics 24
  • Add an AsyncSwitchMessageRouter

    Add an AsyncSwitchMessageRouter

    Use case taken from the chat:

    first round: http request -> command bus -> custom router checks if command should be handled async (marker interface) and has no "handled-by-queue" metadata set -> route to bernard -> bernard producer add command to queue second round: bernard consumer -> $command->withAddedMetadata('handled-by-queue', $queueName); -> command bus -> custom router sees the metadata key and now routes to command handler instead of bernard -> command handler -> ...

    Idea: the AsyncSwitchMessageRouter can decorate a "standard router plugin" configured with the in-process message routes. The router should check either a specific message metadata key or if message implements an AsyncMessage marker interface (tbd) and route the message to a configured message producer. In the draft from the chat the consumer adds a metadata key to tell the router that the message was consumed from a queue. But the router should add such a metada key BEFORE it routes the message to a producer. So the router can check its own metadata key when it receives the message a second time. If the metadata key is present the AsyncSwitchMessageRouter delegates routing to its inner (decorated) router.

    opened by codeliner 17
  • `Prooph\ServiceBus\Plugin`ServiceLocatorPlugin` is not compatible with the `EventBus`

    `Prooph\ServiceBus\Plugin`ServiceLocatorPlugin` is not compatible with the `EventBus`

    Prooph\ServiceBus\Plugin\ServiceLocatorPlugin relies onProoph\ServiceBus\MessageBus::EVENT_PARAM_MESSAGE_HANDLER, but the Prooph\ServiceBus\EventBus has its own EVENT_PARAM_EVENT_LISTENERS

    This means that registering a ServiceLocatorPlugin against an EventBus is not causing any effect, as no events are intercepted.

    opened by Ocramius 12
  • Bugfix: exception is not resettable with finalize event

    Bugfix: exception is not resettable with finalize event

    This PR provides a bugfix for not resettable exceptions with finalize event.

    • [x] add unit test which would fail without this PR
    • [x] fix the bug

    /cc @prolic please confirm this as a bug

    opened by oqq 10
  • What the sense in ReactPHP  and it is Promises if QueryBus works synchronously?

    What the sense in ReactPHP and it is Promises if QueryBus works synchronously?

    I have tested 2 queries

    `$this->queryBus->dispatch(new GetUserList( ))->then(
                    dump($result); // some result
            $this->queryBus->dispatch( new GetUserList( ))->then(
                function($result)  {
                    dump($result); // empty should be

    for first one handler i put sleep for 5 seconds, and here results are

    //first - should be last, coz results + sleep
    Paginator {#3327 ▼
    //second, should be first, because no sleep + empty results

    Maybe i missed something, please tell me please.

    opened by BonBonSlick 9
  • QueryBus testing

    QueryBus testing


    I am currently finding my way around with QueryBus. And I got confused with testing it. I created an empty project, pulled up just a few things:

    "require": {
            "prooph/service-bus": "^6.0",
            "react/promise": "^2.5"
        "require-dev": {
            "phpunit/phpunit": "^6.1"

    and then run this test:

    use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
    use Prooph\ServiceBus\QueryBus;
    final class QueryTest extends TestCase
        function test_query() {
            $queryBus = new QueryBus();
                //will not get there anyway
            }, function(Throwable $e){
                // Does nothing

    And it is green. I get control in second callable, but PHPUnit did not respect the fail() call at all.

    Do you have any suggestions on how to test queries / how to fix that test?

    P.s. I browsed through the proophessor-do but did not find query tests there.

    opened by lezhnev74 9
  • update factories to interop-config 1.0, add static factory support

    update factories to interop-config 1.0, add static factory support

    This PR adds support for interop-config 1.0 and adds a new feature called static factories. Also dependencies are updated to latest versions and Composer scripts were added.

    If this is ok, I will update the other packages in the same manner. /cc @codeliner

    Note: We have some BC breaks of the factory methods because the interface of interop-config has changed. I think we should also mark the factories as final, because the config id (container id) is now configurable. What do you think?

    enhancement BC break 
    opened by sandrokeil 8
  • exchange PromiseInterface for ExtendedPromiseInterface

    exchange PromiseInterface for ExtendedPromiseInterface

    Could we exchange \React\Promise\PromiseInterface for \React\Promise\ExtendedPromiseInterface which simply extends PromiseInterface but has the done method? see

    until #147 anyway

    BC break 
    opened by basz 7
  • bus factory async option

    bus factory async option

    @prolic can you take over the release when everything is merged to develop?

    Won't have much time the next days and then I'm off for 3 weeks.

    /cc @guyradford

    opened by codeliner 7
  • Resolve #107 - Correctly detect event name in OnEventStrategy

    Resolve #107 - Correctly detect event name in OnEventStrategy

    This change fixes an issue with OnEventStrategy not correctly determining the event name if a custom event returns a message name other than its own class name through the messageName() method.

    opened by robertlemke 7
  • Use LazyPromise?

    Use LazyPromise?

    public function __invoke(Message $message, Deferred $deferred = null):?Promise
        $needReply = (bool) $deferred;
        // stripped code. 
        if ($needReply) { 
            return new LazyPromise(function() use ($deferred, $reply) {
                $value = JSON::decode($reply->receive($this->replyTimeout)->getBody());
                try {
                } catch (TimeoutException $e) {

    But this is a BC an can only be done with a new major release.

    enhancement question BC break 
    opened by prolic 6
  • Improve message producer documentation

    Improve message producer documentation

    Provide better explanation and examples of async message routing.

    See chat discussion for the why?

    Guy Radford @guyradford 22:08 ... I have managed to get the router to put the ActionEvent out through Bernard... but the router then try to route the message internally... I have trued to get$actionEvent->stopPropagation(true); and $actionEvent->setParam(MessageBus::EVENT_PARAM_MESSAGE_HANDLED, true); but neither works.

    Alexander Miertsch @codeliner 22:27 ... Your router invokes BernardMessageProducer directly? If so, this is the problem. The router should route your command to the BernardMessageProducer only. All message producers are callable so they can be used as (or better replace) command handlers. We should make that more clear in the docs. For now take a look at the proophessor-do snapshot tutorial. In the last paragraph you can see how the TakeSnapshot command is routed to zeromq-message-producer instead of a in-process-command-handler (see the route config example). You just need to do the same in your application. You don't even need a specific router for the task.

    opened by codeliner 1
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