Testing your OpenApi documentation and your code easily.

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Raven - How to test your API documentation and behavior.

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This library was written to allow testing OpenAPI documentation easily. It also allows verifying that your code implementation is compatible with that documentation.

Why creating such tool ?

We work a lot on API related projects. Sometimes we create API, sometimes we consume them. The OpenAPI description format is now well known and used in a lot of different contexts.

Our concern is that it's hard to ensure that the written documentation is representing the current API behavior. We wanted to track the implementation difference between the doc and the code.

We searched the ecosystem and found that it exists different tools to mock APIs or to perform requests to them. However we can't find a tool that allows performing HTTP requests that use fixtures and are able to perform specific validation on the responses.

So we started working on Raven!

It relies on PSRs to be easily integrated in any project and is composed of two different parts:

  • An HTTP request factory to define the input,
  • An executor that'll be responsible to actually validate Requests and Responses.

Raven, isn't it a bird ?

Nope, we use here the human name of the X-Men character Mystique. She's able to transform and adapt to any situation which is that tool goal. We need to adapt to any API to trigger valid requests and analyze responses.

Install it

Using Composer:

composer require chstudio/raven

To use Raven you might need to also install:

Of course you can also write your own. The only constraint is to be compatible with PSRs interfaces.


Execute Request / Response validation

This library defines its own interfaces for request validation. It comes with an adapter to the league/openapi-psr7-validator package which define a complete validation logic.


use CHStudio\Raven\Bridge\LeagueOpenAPIValidation\Factory;
use CHStudio\Raven\Validator\Expectation\ExpectationCollection;

// Load OpenAPI description file
$factory = Factory::fromYamlFile('specific/path/to/openapi.yaml');

$executor = new Executor(
    /** Your own HTTP client implementation */,


Generate requests easily based on configuration

Writing RequestInterface objects manually might not be the simplest way to define your test cases. We created a RequestFactory to help building those objects. It rely on PSR17 HTTP factories.

Here is an example which use the nyholm/psr7.


use CHStudio\Raven\Http\Factory\RequestFactory;
use Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory;

$psrFactory = new Psr17Factory();
$requestFactory = new RequestFactory($psrFactory, $psrFactory);

$request = $requestFactory->fromArray([
    'uri' => 'http://myhost.com/api/users/me',
    'method' => 'POST',
    'headers' => [
        'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
        'Authorization' => 'Bearer token'
    'body' => '{"aSimple": "objectDefinition", "yep": true}'

If the body is given as an array, it will be encoded based on the Content-Type header:

  • application/json, no header or unsupported header will be transformed to JSON,
  • multipart/form-data, will use http_build_query.

Enrich your request body with resolver

Most of the time having static request bodies will not be powerful enough. We need identifiers and other details extracted from our fixtures. A specific layer can be added around the RequestFactory to resolve body dynamically.

You can combine different Resolver and let the configured body pass through all the methods and be enriched. This library come with a specific Faker resolver to generate data easily with providers (see Faker doc).

You can build your own resolvers using the ValueResolverInterface.


use CHStudio\Raven\Http\Factory\Resolver\ArrayValueResolver;
use CHStudio\Raven\Http\Factory\Resolver\FakerValueResolver;
use CHStudio\Raven\Http\Factory\Resolver\PassThroughValueResolver;

//Configure your own faker generator, maybe with some `addProvider` calls.
$generator = \Faker\Factory::create();

//Configure specific resolver logic.
$valueResolver = new ArrayValueResolver(
    new FakerValueResolver(
        new PassThroughValueResolver()

//Apply it on the request factory built in the previous section.
$requestFactory = new RequestUriParametersResolver(
    new RequestBodyResolver(

$request = $requestFactory->fromArray([
    'uri' => [
        'base' => 'http://myhost.com/api/users/{id}',
        'parameters' => [
            //This value will be resolved by `RequestUriParametersResolver`
            '{id}' => '<userId()>'
    'method' => 'POST',
    'body' => [
        'scalar' => [
            'bool' => true,
            'int' => 23456,
            'float' => 18.06
        //Built in Faker provider resolved by `RequestBodyResolver`
        'faker' => [
            'name' => '<name()>',
            'creationDate' => '<date("Y-m-d")>',
        //Specific provider to query database
        'institution' => '<institutionId("Massachusetts General Hospital")>'

 * This will generate an URL like this: http://myhost.com/api/users/a5098711-b6b2-4acb-96ea-f8baf496c700
 * This will generate the following body:
 * {
 *     "scalar": {
 *         "bool": true,
 *         "int": 23456,
 *         "float": 18.06
 *     },
 *     "faker": {
 *         "name": "John Doe",
 *         "creationDate": "2022-10-03"
 *     },
 *     "institution": "bf91c434-dcf3-3a4c-b49a-12e0944ef1e2"
 * }

Custom expectations

Validating that the request and the response are respecting the documentation is nice but we might need to add some user defined expectations. Will this request trigger a 401 response ? Is the body containing the correct value ?

Expectation can be built using request definition data. Based on some properties, they will be added dynamically. The expectation collection can be passed to the Executor::execute method.

If one of the expectation fails, the response validation will fail and you'll get the details through a ExpectationFailedException error.


use CHStudio\Raven\Validator\Expectation\ExpectationFactory;

$requestData = [
    'uri' => 'http://myhost.com/api/users/me',
    'method' => 'GET',
    'statusCode' => 403

$expectations = (new ExpectationFactory())->fromArray($requestData);
$request = $requestFactory->fromArray($requestData);

$executor->execute($request, $expectations);

This library come with built in expectations: StatusCode. You can easily build your own using the ResponseExpectationInterface.


This package is released under the Apache-2 license.


If you wish to contribute to the project, please read the CONTRIBUTING notes.

  • Allow oldest versions for some lib

    Allow oldest versions for some lib

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I'm always frustrated when I try to install Raven and my others dependency are not compatible

    Describe the solution you'd like The library should be compatible with league/openapi-psr7-validator:0.17.0 psr/log:^1|^2

    Describe alternatives you've considered Allow psr/log:^1|^2

    Additional context My project uses graylog2/gelf-php which is compatible with psr/log: ^1|^2. So, when I want to install Raven with composer, it makes errors because Raven needs psr/log:3

    opened by emyrtille 1
  • Capture invalid query arguments error arised from LeagueOpenApiValidator

    Capture invalid query arguments error arised from LeagueOpenApiValidator

    Before the missing required arguments were silented because the inner LeagueOpenApiValidator exception wasn't mapped correctly.

    Now, whenever an "InvalidQueryArgs" error arise, we keep it instead of the final leaf of the exception chain.

    opened by shulard 0
  • Better capture

    Better capture "invalid body" errors in the Request or the Response.

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

    Today it's really hard to find where an invalid body error occurs. We must be able to expose the corresponding body to diagnose the issue. Today we got a simple:

    Something went wrong: JSON parsing failed with "Syntax error" for Request

    Describe the solution you'd like

    Attaching the message which has a failed body to the exception so we might use it to display relevant details to the user.

    opened by shulard 0
  • Faker parameter resolution: Allow to resolve nested parameter definition

    Faker parameter resolution: Allow to resolve nested parameter definition

    Describe the bug

    When you define a "faker resolvable" property, you can't have more than one level of faker resolution.

    For example with somethink link that: '<storageIdFromAet(<dicomAet("WS-PARIS")>)>', dicomAet will not be called.

    To Reproduce

    A sample YAML configuration to generate a request with that kind of issue:

        base: /api/uri?parameter={storage}
          '{storage}': '<storageIdFromAet(<dicomAet("WS-PARIS")>)>'

    Expected behavior

    We might allow to resolve nested faker definition.

    bug good first issue 
    opened by shulard 0
  • Allow to execute sequences of Requests for a single text execution.

    Allow to execute sequences of Requests for a single text execution.

    Sometimes when working with APIs, you want to perform a sequence of calls then analyze the result. It can be useful to create resources before verifying the API can access it…

    The logic will be the same, every request will be tested, with expectations but the goal is just to run a sequence of calls synchronously.

    opened by shulard 0
  • Allow to define new Resolver and new Expectation easily.

    Allow to define new Resolver and new Expectation easily.

    Today Raven defines Resolver objects that will be used to enrich the Request body and parameters.

    There are built in definition that can be used easily. However if you define some inside a specific project, it’s not really easy to add them. Of course it’s possible but not easy.

    We might consider allowing external object that implement the corresponding interface to be registered easily.

    That can also allow the ability to create raven plugins more easily.

    opened by shulard 0
  • Allow to generate Request object based on documented examples

    Allow to generate Request object based on documented examples

    It’s possible to add examples inside the OpenAPI documentation. Since Raven is able to generate requests to be validated I think that it’ll be awesome to retrieve documented examples and build requests with the values…

    Today, raven isn’t able to parse the OpenAPI documentation by itself. It also doesn’t provide any interface to be implemented about the parsing logic. We might consider being compatible with the well known parsers ?

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by shulard 0
  • v0.2.0(Oct 29, 2022)

    Thanks to @emyrtille, we have now a more valid dependencies constraint definition. Having strict constraints on a lib is not really helpful because it blocks installing the tool on a lot of different projects.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.0(Oct 6, 2022)

    This release introduces a new object in the CHStudio\Raven\Http\Factory namespace named: RequestUriParametersResolver.

    Its goal is to allow resolving URI parameters value using a ValueResolverInterface object. You can use Faker or your own logic to resolve your params ^^

    Check the updated README to know how to use it.

    Also the BodyResolverInterface was renamed ValueResolverInterface to be more convenient with the logic. It will be used on different kind of things, not just the Body.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.0.0(Oct 4, 2022)

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