Easily run code asynchronously


Asynchronous and parallel PHP

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This library provides a small and easy wrapper around PHP's PCNTL extension. It allows running of different processes in parallel, with an easy-to-use API.

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We highly appreciate you sending us a postcard from your hometown, mentioning which of our package(s) you are using. You'll find our address on our contact page. We publish all received postcards on our virtual postcard wall.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require spatie/async


use Spatie\Async\Pool;

$pool = Pool::create();

foreach ($things as $thing) {
    $pool->add(function () use ($thing) {
        // Do a thing
    })->then(function ($output) {
        // Handle success
    })->catch(function (Throwable $exception) {
        // Handle exception


Event listeners

When creating asynchronous processes, you'll get an instance of ParallelProcess returned. You can add the following event hooks on a process.

    ->add(function () {
        // ...
    ->then(function ($output) {
        // On success, `$output` is returned by the process or callable you passed to the queue.
    ->catch(function ($exception) {
        // When an exception is thrown from within a process, it's caught and passed here.
    ->timeout(function () {
        // A process took too long to finish.

Functional API

Instead of using methods on the $pool object, you may also use the async and await helper functions.

use Spatie\Async\Pool;

$pool = Pool::create();

foreach (range(1, 5) as $i) {
    $pool[] = async(function () {
        usleep(random_int(10, 1000));

        return 2;
    })->then(function (int $output) {
        $this->counter += $output;


Error handling

If an Exception or Error is thrown from within a child process, it can be caught per process by specifying a callback in the ->catch() method.

    ->add(function () {
        // ...
    ->catch(function ($exception) {
        // Handle the thrown exception for this child process.

If there's no error handler added, the error will be thrown in the parent process when calling await() or $pool->wait().

If the child process would unexpectedly stop without throwing an Throwable, the output written to stderr will be wrapped and thrown as Spatie\Async\ParallelError in the parent process.

Catching exceptions by type

By type hinting the catch functions, you can provide multiple error handlers, each for individual types of errors.

    ->add(function () {
        throw new MyException('test');
    ->catch(function (MyException $e) {
        // Handle `MyException`
    ->catch(function (OtherException $e) {
        // Handle `OtherException`

Note that as soon as an exception is handled, it won't trigger any other handlers

    ->add(function () {
        throw new MyException('test');
    ->catch(function (MyException $e) {
        // This one is triggerd when `MyException` is thrown
    ->catch(function (Exception $e) {
        // This one is not triggerd, even though `MyException` extends `Exception`

Stopping a pool

If you need to stop a pool early, because the task it was performing has been completed by one of the child processes, you can use the $pool->stop() method. This will prevent the pool from starting any additional processes.

use Spatie\Async\Pool;

$pool = Pool::create();

// Generate 10k processes generating random numbers
for($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) {
    $pool->add(function() use ($i) {
        return rand(0, 100);
    })->then(function($output) use ($pool) {
        // If one of them randomly picks 100, end the pool early.
        if ($output === 100) {


Note that a pool will be rendered useless after being stopped, and a new pool should be created if needed.

Using another PHP binary

By default the pool will use php to execute its child processes. You can configure another binary like so:


Working with tasks

Besides using closures, you can also work with a Task. A Task is useful in situations where you need more setup work in the child process. Because a child process is always bootstrapped from nothing, chances are you'll want to initialise eg. the dependency container before executing the task. The Task class makes this easier to do.

use Spatie\Async\Task;

class MyTask extends Task
    public function configure()
        // Setup eg. dependency container, load config,...

    public function run()
        // Do the real work here.

// Add the task to the pool
$pool->add(new MyTask());

Simple tasks

If you want to encapsulate the logic of your task, but don't want to create a full blown Task object, you may also pass an invokable object to the Pool.

class InvokableClass
    // ...

    public function __invoke()
        // ...

$pool->add(new InvokableClass(/* ... */));

Pool configuration

You're free to create as many pools as you want, each pool has its own queue of processes it will handle.

A pool is configurable by the developer:

use Spatie\Async\Pool;

$pool = Pool::create()

// The maximum amount of processes which can run simultaneously.

// The maximum amount of time a process may take to finish in seconds
// (decimal places are supported for more granular timeouts).

// Configure which autoloader sub processes should use.
    ->autoload(__DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php')
// Configure how long the loop should sleep before re-checking the process statuses in microseconds.

Synchronous fallback

If the required extensions (pcntl and posix) are not installed in your current PHP runtime, the Pool will automatically fallback to synchronous execution of tasks.

The Pool class has a static method isSupported you can call to check whether your platform is able to run asynchronous processes.

If you're using a Task to run processes, only the run method of those tasks will be called when running in synchronous mode.

Behind the curtains

When using this package, you're probably wondering what's happening underneath the surface.

We're using the symfony/process component to create and manage child processes in PHP. By creating child processes on the fly, we're able to execute PHP scripts in parallel. This parallelism can improve performance significantly when dealing with multiple synchronous tasks, which don't really need to wait for each other. By giving these tasks a separate process to run on, the underlying operating system can take care of running them in parallel.

There's a caveat when dynamically spawning processes: you need to make sure that there won't be too many processes at once, or the application might crash. The Pool class provided by this package takes care of handling as many processes as you want by scheduling and running them when it's possible.

That's the part that async() or $pool->add() does. Now let's look at what await() or $pool->wait() does.

When multiple processes are spawned, each can have a separate time to completion. One process might eg. have to wait for a HTTP call, while the other has to process large amounts of data. Sometimes you also have points in your code which have to wait until the result of a process is returned.

This is why we have to wait at a certain point in time: for all processes on a pool to finish, so we can be sure it's safe to continue without accidentally killing the child processes which aren't done yet.

Waiting for all processes is done by using a while loop, which will wait until all processes are finished. Determining when a process is finished is done by using a listener on the SIGCHLD signal. This signal is emitted when a child process is finished by the OS kernel. As of PHP 7.1, there's much better support for listening and handling signals, making this approach more performant than eg. using process forks or sockets for communication. You can read more about it here.

When a process is finished, its success event is triggered, which you can hook into with the ->then() function. Likewise, when a process fails or times out, the loop will update that process' status and move on. When all processes are finished, the while loop will see that there's nothing more to wait for, and stop. This is the moment your parent process can continue to execute.

Comparison to other libraries

We've written a blog post containing more information about use cases for this package, as well as making comparisons to other asynchronous PHP libraries like ReactPHP and Amp: http://stitcher.io/blog/asynchronous-php.


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.


You're free to use this package, but if it makes it to your production environment we highly appreciate you sending us a postcard from your hometown, mentioning which of our package(s) you are using.

Our address is: Spatie, Kruikstraat 22, 2018 Antwerp, Belgium.

We publish all received postcards on our company website.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

  • Parallel error: Spatie\Async\Output\ParallelError

    Parallel error: Spatie\Async\Output\ParallelError

    Supported 1 Supported1 Supported1 Spatie\Async\Output\ParallelError in /home/el/Php Storm Projects/parallel/vendor/spatie/async/src/Output/ParallelError.php:11 Stack trace: #0 /home/el/Php Storm Projects/parallel/vendor/spatie/async/src/Process/ParallelProcess.php(126): Spatie\Async\Output\ParallelError::fromException('') #1 /home/el/Php Storm Projects/parallel/vendor/spatie/async/src/Process/ProcessCallbacks.php(51): Spatie\Async\Process\ParallelProcess->resolveErrorOutput() #2


    $pool = Pool::create(); $supported = Pool::isSupported(); echo "Supported"." ".$supported." "."
    "; echo "Supported".extension_loaded('posix')."
    "; echo "Supported".extension_loaded('pcntl')."

        ->add(function () {
            // ...
        ->then(function ($output) {
            // On success, `$output` is returned by the process or callable you passed to the queue.

    } catch (Exception $ex) { echo $ex; } return "succeded";

    opened by Elhellawy 14
  • Debugging errors

    Debugging errors

    My code:

            $pool = Pool::create();
        	foreach ($xmlNode->childNodes as $item) {
                $pool[] = async(function () use ($item) {
                         //do stuff
                         //do more stuff
                })->then(function ($output) {
                    //handle success
                })->catch(function ($ex) {
                    echo PHP_EOL . "something happened, exception. Error: ".$ex->getMessage();
                })->timeout(function () {
                    echo PHP_EOL . "timed out";


    something happened, exception. Error: something happened, exception. Error: something happened, exception. Error: something happened, exception. Error: something happened, exception. Error: something happened, exception. Error: something happened, exception. Error: something happened, exception. Error: something happened, exception. Error: something happened, exception. Error:

    How do I debug the issue? The exception message doesn't seem to be showing. If I just log the exception, instead of the message, I get:

    something happened, exception. Error: Spatie\Async\Output\ParallelError in /home/sayan/Documents/Programming/spatie_test/vendor/spatie/async/src/Output/ParallelError.php:11 Stack trace: #0 /home/sayan/Documents/Programming/spatie_test/vendor/spatie/async/src/Process/ParallelProcess.php(126): Spatie\Async\Output\ParallelError::fromException('') #1 /home/sayan/Documents/Programming/spatie_test/vendor/spatie/async/src/Process/ProcessCallbacks.php(51): Spatie\Async\Process\ParallelProcess->resolveErrorOutput() #2 /home/sayan/Documents/Programming/spatie_test/vendor/spatie/async/src/Pool.php(197): Spatie\Async\Process\ParallelProcess->triggerError() #3 /home/sayan/Documents/Programming/spatie_test/vendor/spatie/async/src/Pool.php(285): Spatie\Async\Pool->markAsFailed(Object(Spatie\Async\Process\ParallelProcess)) #4 /home/sayan/Documents/Programming/spatie_test/vendor/spatie/async/src/Runtime/ParentRuntime.php(70): Spatie\Async\Pool->Spatie\Async{closure}(17, Array) #5 /home/sayan/Documents/Programming/spatie_test/vendor/spatie/async/src/helpers.php(15): Spatie\Async\Runtime\ParentRuntime::createProcess(Object(Closure)) #6 /home/sayan/Documents/Programming/spatie_test/test.php(84): async(Object(Closure)) #7 /home/sayan/Documents/Programming/spatie_test/test.php(50): Test->getListings(Object(DOMElement)) #8 /home/sayan/Documents/Programming/spatie_test/test.php(221): Test->process() #9 {main}

    opened by sayanb 10
  • Add ability to stop a pool early

    Add ability to stop a pool early

    This PR provides the ability to stop a pool early via a $pool->stop() method. This is useful if a child processes completes a task that would make running the remaining processes unnecessary.

    opened by DivineOmega 9
  • Database connection can not be resolved

    Database connection can not be resolved

    I'm testing your package to see if it makes sense for us to use async DB inserts in order to improve performance and I'm running into the following problem when calling $dbModelObject->save() (I should mention that we're using Eloquent and specifically the mongodb extension for it (jenssegers/mongodb) but I'm suspecting that this is generic issue):

    PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to a member function connection() on null
    #0 /var/www/html/BoostFixes/vendor/illuminate/database/Eloquent/Model.php(1205): Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model::resolveConnection(NULL)
    #1 /var/www/html/BoostFixes/vendor/jenssegers/mongodb/src/Jenssegers/Mongodb/Eloquent/Model.php(412): Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model->getConnection()
    #2 /var/www/html/BoostFixes/vendor/illuminate/database/Eloquent/Model.php(950): Jenssegers\Mongodb\Eloquent\Model->newBaseQueryBuilder()
    #3 /var/www/html/BoostFixes/vendor/illuminate/database/Eloquent/Model.php(628): Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model->newModelQuery()
    #4 /var/www/html/BoostFixes/src/Model/BaseModel.php(395): Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model->save()
    #5 closure://function() use ($bet) { $bet->save (); }(2): Boost\Model\BaseModel->save()
    #6 /var/www/html/BoostFixes/vendor/spatie/async/src/Runtime/ChildRuntime.php(25): Opis\Closure\SerializableClosure->{closure}()
    #7 {main} in /var/www/html/BoostFixes/vendor/spatie/async/src/Output/Serializab in /var/www/html/BoostFixes/vendor/spatie/async/src/Output/SerializableException.php on line 28

    Just to be clear, the code works fine without using your package; it seems to be that somehow the DB context is not available in the child/async process. Could you please advise how/if it is possible to get this to work?

    opened by innobrig 9
  • Fatal error:  Uncaught Spatie\Async\Output\ParallelError

    Fatal error: Uncaught Spatie\Async\Output\ParallelError

    Hello. I'm trying to run my code asynchronously, but I'm recieving an unknown error. Could you please take a look into it?

    My environment: ubuntu 16.04, PHP 7.2.7 with PHP-FPM.

    My code:

    $pool = Pool::create();
    $pool->add(function() {
        error_log('Async snapshot called');
        $html = getSnapshotHTML($full_uri);
        $source_code = pg_escape_string($html['source_code']);
        $url_path = parse_url($full_uri, PHP_URL_PATH);
        if($html['status_code'] == 200) {
            $query = "UPDATE snapshots SET (html, inserted) = ('$source_code', '$now') WHERE pathname = '{$url_path}'";
            $result = pg_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . pg_last_error());   

    Stack trace:

    2018/07/03 21:53:07 [error] 22566#22566: *2 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Spatie\Async\Output\ParallelError in /var/www/production/engine/vendor/spatie/async/src/Output/ParallelError.php:11
    Stack trace:
    #0 /var/www/production/engine/vendor/spatie/async/src/Process/ParallelProcess.php(126): Spatie\Async\Output\ParallelError::fromException('')
    #1 /var/www/production/engine/vendor/spatie/async/src/Process/ProcessCallbacks.php(51): Spatie\Async\Process\ParallelProcess->resolveErrorOutput()
    #2 /var/www/production/engine/vendor/spatie/async/src/Pool.php(197): Spatie\Async\Process\ParallelProcess->triggerError()
    #3 /var/www/production/engine/vendor/spatie/async/src/Pool.php(285): Spatie\Async\Pool->markAsFailed(Object(Spatie\Async\Process\ParallelProcess))
    #4 /var/www/production/engine/vendor/symfony/process/Process.php(830): Spatie\Async\Pool->Spatie\Async\{closure}(17, Array)
    #5 /var/www/production/engine/vendor/symfony/process/Process.php(168): Symfony\Component\Process\Process->stop(0)
    #6 [internal function]: Symfony\Component\Process\Proces" while reading upstream
    opened by abriginets 8
  • Serialization of xy is not allowed while passing objects as callback values to use

    Serialization of xy is not allowed while passing objects as callback values to use

    Thank for this library. I'm eager to try out and see the speedup on @Rector, just came across one issue while running this code:

    $i = 0;
    $pool = Pool::create();
    /** @var SplFileInfo $fileInfo */
    foreach ($fileInfos as $fileInfo) {
        $pool->add(function () use ($fileInfo, $i) {  // <--------------- here is the issue
            // long-durring process
            $this->processFile($fileInfo, $i);
        })->then(function () {
            // success
        })->catch(function (Throwable $throwable) use ($fileInfo) {
            // fail
            throw new FileProcessingException(
                sprintf('Processing of "%s" file failed.', $fileInfo->getPathname()),

    I get this exception:

    In SerializableClosure.php line 156:
      Serialization of 'Symfony\Component\Finder\SplFileInfo' is not allowed 

    It's realated probably to object SplFileInfo serialization, which is one of arguments, by Opis\Closure\SerializableClosure. It's called in $pool->add()

    Do you have any suggesstion how to solve this?

    I cannot pass string, becase I work with the object further in the method.

    opened by TomasVotruba 8
  • Output/Echo debugging

    Output/Echo debugging

    1. in async function if i have any echo/var_dump whatever, the script just doesn't work. Any ideas? I've seen https://github.com/spatie/async/issues/120 but havent this been fixed? What I should change in library manually, to enable the output?

    2. is there any way (at this moment, without waiting to change the library) to catch somehow the fact that inside async task, there was some output, and thus script was exited. How can I reliable determine, if DoTask2() was not fired?

    $pool = Pool::create();
    foreach ($things as $thing) {
        $pool->add(function () use ($thing) {
            if ( rand() > 100)  echo "blabla";
        })->then(function ($output) {
        })->catch(function (Throwable $exception) {

    I couldnt catch such occurences, so what is the best way (without relying on return from async function) to detect such occurences?

    opened by ttodua 7
  • Add fallback to SerializableException to handle

    Add fallback to SerializableException to handle "complex" exceptions

    This package is great, but it has one major limitation. Not being able to properly serialize exceptions.

    Whenever a "complex" exception is thrown, the process fatals out with a message similar to this one:

    Too few arguments to function Illuminate\Database\QueryException::__construct(), 1 passed in /var/www/html/vendor/spatie/async/src/Output/SerializableException.php on line 28 and exactly 3 expected

    We can catch this ArgumentCountError and gracefully handle the failure, but we have no access to the message or trace of the initial exception. We are totally in the dark and have no clue what went wrong.

    This PR adds a fallback to the SerializableException to handle these kinds of situations where a "complex" exception can not be instantiated.

    Instead of throwing an ArgumentCountError, a basic PHP Exception is thrown containing the message and trace of the initial exception.

    With this solution, we still have to catch the Exception to gracefully handle the failure, but we at least now have access to the message and trace of the initial exception.

    try {
        /** @var Throwable $throwable */
        $throwable = new $this->class($this->message."\n\n".$this->trace);
    } catch (ArgumentCountError $exception) {
        $throwable = new \Exception($this->message."\n\n".$this->trace);
    opened by michielkempen 7
  • How to check my parent and child process executed in parrallel??

    How to check my parent and child process executed in parrallel??

    use Spatie\Async\Pool; public function save(){ //my parent function goes //my child process starts $pool[] = async(function () use($data) { sleep(3); })->then(function ($output) { })->catch(function ($exception) { }); await($pool); sleep(3); } To check I included sleep(3) in both parent and child process and it takes 6 seconds but i think this was not correct because if it was executed in parallel means it has to take only 3 seconds. Please guide me for this issue.

    opened by developeronboard 7
  • The serialized output may only be 10240 bytes long. - Is there a reason for this limit?

    The serialized output may only be 10240 bytes long. - Is there a reason for this limit?

    I want to get html responses from my callback, but this limit isn't allowing me to. Just wondering if there's a reason for this limit? Could be be something that's overridable?

    $pool[] = async(function () use ($url) {
        $response = parent::request('GET', $url);
        // ...
        return $response->getBody()->getContents();
    })->then(function ($response) use ($pool) {
        // ...

    This limit is set in vendor/spatie/async/src/Runtime/ChildRuntime.php:29 $outputLength = 1024 * 10;

    opened by modstore 7
  • Simple example not working

    Simple example not working

    [2018-11-30 16:47:58] local.DEBUG: The serialized closure is signed. Make sure you use a security provider for both serialization and unserialization.

    #0 [internal function]: Opis\Closure\SerializableClosure->unserialize('@{"closure":"a:...') #1 /home/vagrant/code/vendor/opis/closure/functions.php(34): unserialize('C:32:"Opis\Clos...') #2 /home/vagrant/code/vendor/spatie/async/src/Runtime/ParentRuntime.php(92): Opis\Closure\unserialize('C:32:"Opis\Clos...') #3 /home/vagrant/code/vendor/spatie/async/src/Runtime/ChildRuntime.php(23): Spatie\Async\Runtime\ParentRuntime::decodeTask('QzozMjoiT3Bpc1x...') #4 {main}

        $pool = \Spatie\Async\Pool::create();
        $json = '';
        $pool->add(function() {
            logger('rates test 1');
            return '{"id":"1","label":"test 1","cost":100}';
        })->then(function($out) use(&$json) {
            logger('rates test 2');
            if( $json ) $json .= ',';
            $json .= $out;
        })->catch(function(Throwable $e) {
        $pool->add(function() {
            return '{"id":"2","label":"test 2","cost":200}';
        })->then(function($out) use(&$json) {
            if( $json ) $json .= ',';
            $json .= $out;
        })->catch(function(Throwable $e) {
        $pool->add(function() {
            return '{"id":"3","label":"test 3","cost":300}';
        })->then(function($out) use(&$json) {
            if( $json ) $json .= ',';
            $json .= $out;
        })->catch(function(Throwable $e) {
        logger('rates test 3');
        echo '{"rates":[' . $json . ']}';

    The $json variable is blank

    opened by shrimpwagon 7
  • Add quality of life functions to Pool.

    Add quality of life functions to Pool.

    A couple of quality of life functions to keep track of pool status, though I would very much like https://github.com/spatie/async/pull/178 to be merged as well. :)

    opened by whataboutpereira 0
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