Signaler library that provide stack for signal listeners.


Stack Signaler.

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composer require kafkiansky/signaler


Simple example with \SIGINT signal.

use Kafkiansky\Signaler\SeldSignalFactory;
use Psr\Log\NullLogger;

$factory = new SeldSignalFactory(new NullLogger());

$signaler = $factory->subscribe([
    \SIGINT => function () use ($worker): void {

while ($signaler->isTriggered() === false) {

The main purpose of this library is to prevent the signal listener from being replaced by the pcntl_signal function if it was previously configured by vendor code. The library carefully saves previous signal listeners and will call them after yours.

In e.g.:

use Kafkiansky\Signaler\SeldSignalFactory;
use Psr\Log\NullLogger;

pcntl_signal(\SIGINT, function (): void {
    // This function will still be called after all your listeners.

$factory = new SeldSignalFactory(new NullLogger());

$signaler = $factory->subscribe([
    \SIGINT => function () use ($worker): void {

while ($signaler->isTriggered() === false) {


$ composer test


The MIT License (MIT). See License File for more information.

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