FilterGuard is a simple PHP library for sanitizing data. It provides methods to sanitize strings, integers, floats, booleans, arrays, and objects. The library helps protect against common security vulnerabilities such as XSS and SQL injection.



FilterGuard is a simple PHP library for data sanitization. It provides methods to sanitize strings, integers, floats, boolean values, arrays, and objects. The library helps protect against common security vulnerabilities such as XSS and SQL injection attacks.


Include FilterGuard in your PHP project by including the main library file FilterGuard.php. You can then use various methods of the FilterGuard class to sanitize data.


// Including FilterGuard library
require_once 'FilterGuard.php';

// Sanitizing a string
$dirtyString = '<script>alert("XSS attack!");</script>';
$cleanString = FilterGuard::string($dirtyString);

// Sanitizing an integer
$dirtyInteger = '123abc';
$cleanInteger = FilterGuard::integer($dirtyInteger);

// Sanitizing a float
$dirtyFloat = '12.34xyz';
$cleanFloat = FilterGuard::float($dirtyFloat);

// Sanitizing a boolean value
$dirtyBool = true;
$cleanBool = FilterGuard::bool($dirtyBool);

// Sanitizing an array
$dirtyArray = ['<script>alert("XSS attack!");</script>', '123abc', '12.34xyz'];
$cleanArray = FilterGuard::array($dirtyArray);

// Sanitizing an object
$dirtyObject = (object) ['dirtyString' => '<script>alert("XSS attack!");</script>'];
$cleanObject = FilterGuard::object($dirtyObject);

// Sanitizing an auto
$dirtyValue = '<script>alert("XSS attack!");</script>';
$cleanValue = FilterGuard::auto($dirtyValue);


Feel free to contribute to the development of the FilterGuard library by cloning this repository, making changes, and submitting a pull request. You can also report issues or suggest new features through the Issues section.


Author: Dobren Dragojević


This library is released under the MIT License. Please refer to the LICENSE file for more information about the license.

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  • v1.0.0(Jun 10, 2023)

    Release 1.0.0

    The current release of FilterGuard, version 1.0.0, represents a stable and complete version of the library ready for production use.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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