ExpressionEngine is a flexible, feature-rich, free open-source content management platform that empowers hundreds of thousands of individuals and organizations around the world to easily manage their web site.


ExpressionEngine Logo

ExpressionEngine CMS

ExpressionEngine is a mature, flexible, secure, free open-source content management system. It is beloved by designers for giving them complete control of all output, and by content authors for enabling reusable, high-performing content. With ExpressionEngine, you can build full-featured websites, create a web app, or serve content to mobile applications. All without requiring complex programming skills.

Visit to see what it's all about or, if you prefer, download a ZIP and jump right in!

System Requirements

ExpressionEngine requires a web server running PHP & MySQL. We recommend:

  • PHP 7 or newer
  • MySQL 5.6 or newer

ExpressionEngine can run on PHP 5.6+ and MySQL 5.5.3+. For full details and a server compatibility wizard, please visit the system requirements in the User Guide.

How To Install

If downloading from

  1. Create a database
  2. Unzip download and upload the files to your site's root directory
  3. Verify file permissions
  4. Point your browser to /admin.php and run the Installation Wizard.

Read Installing ExpressionEngine in the User Guide for full instructions, tips, and post-install best practices.

If you're installing from the repository:

  1. Create a database
  2. Clone repo into your site's root directory or clone locally and upload files.
  3. Verify file permissions
  4. add an empty config file, e.g. touch system/user/config/config.php
  5. route requests to the installer app instead of the main app by changing EE_INSTALL_MODE to TRUE in .env.php. You can change this back when you're done.
  6. Point your browser to /admin.php and run the Installation Wizard.

Finding Previous Versions

To install/download previous versions of ExpressionEngine navigate to Releases and download the Source Code (.zip or .tar.gz) from the from the release you wish to download.

Note: You may need to follow the instructions above, "If you're installing from the repository", after downloading.

How to Get Started

ExpressionEngine separates your content from your design, enabling you to make small or large changes to your website with ease. Your content is stored in Channels, and your design is kept in Templates, both of which are entirely under your control. ExpressionEngine bends to your needs, not the other way around like many other CMSes.

If you're new to ExpressionEngine, check out:

How to Contribute

There are many ways you get get involved and contribute to the ExpressionEngine application and it's amazing community. Check out in the root of this repository to get started!

Copyright / License Notice

The ExpressionEngine project is copyright (c) 2003-2020 Packet Tide, LLC ( and is licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0. This project contains subcomponents with separate copyright and license terms, all of which are fully FOSS and compatible with Apache-2.0.

Complete license terms and copyright information can be found in LICENSE.txt in the root of this repository.

"ExpressionEngine" is a registered trademark of Packet Tide, LLC. in the United States and around the world. Refer to ExpressionEngines's Trademark Use Policy for access to logos and acceptable use.


The community powered EE CONF is coming to Philadelphia October 8-9. Join the ExpressionEngine community in a completely new and improved 2-day β€œsummit” style conference in expert-led round table discussions to tackle your most challenging web development projects and business headaches. For more information visit

  • Patch/search bad queries

    Patch/search bad queries


    Fix performance issues on Search Module

    Resolves #1403.

    Nature of This Change

    • [x] πŸ› Fixes a bug
    • [ ] πŸš€ Implements a new feature
    • [ ] πŸ› Refactors existing code
    • [ ] πŸ’… Fixes coding style
    • [ ] βœ… Adds tests
    • [ ] πŸ‘½ Adds new dependency
    • [ ] πŸ”₯ Removes unused files / code
    • [ ] πŸ”’ Improves security

    Is this backwards compatible?

    • [x] Yes
    • [ ] No
    opened by robsonsobral 41
  • New Loading... gif doesn't let you upload images

    New Loading... gif doesn't let you upload images

    I upgraded to latest 5.1.3 and now when trying to create a new entry with file uploads, the "loading...." gif displays and never stops. It doesn't let me choose an image to upload either. This happens for regular file/image field as well as grid.

    If I edit an existing entry and already have an image in there, it shows image but loading gif still displays and never stops.



    Bug: Unconfirmed 
    opened by pelluche 34
  • CSS templates are synchronized only when visiting CP -> Templates

    CSS templates are synchronized only when visiting CP -> Templates

    Summary: If I edit the style.css in the template folder ("/templates/default_site/mydirectory/de/style.css") remotely via FTP/SFTP, the changes are no longer transmitted/displayed after a (hard) reload .

    When I load the "style.css" file from the template folder with my CSS editor "Nova" and make changes, the browser does not accept these changes. It doesn't matter whether I work on my provider's server or with my local web server (MAMP).

    But if I open the CSS file in the EE backend with the template editor (only open it, don't even save it), then I see the changes and suddenly the browser also shows them (this applies to Chrome, Firefox, Safari and the caches I had deactivated, template caching is also deactivated).

    Another note: I have upgraded to EE 6.3.2 for two customers and the problem occurs there too. I changed the style.css via editor for a customer with EE 6.2.7. The changes were immediately visible online in the "page source code" of the browser. After that I updated this website to EE 6.3.2. After that I had the same problem: ExpressionEngine doesn't propagate the CSS changes to the browser. Even if I use a different editor, a different Mac computer or a different IP.

    Now I have no choice but to reference the CSS file directly from another directory in the root (so not from "user/templates/etc"). Then everything works as usual again.

    PHP 7.4 MySQL 5.7.37 EE 6.3.2 and 6.3.3 Editor: Nova from Panic

    Bug: Accepted 
    opened by bytebaby 28
  • exp_channel_data_field_xyz no longer exists

    exp_channel_data_field_xyz no longer exists


    I am using an external add-on to delete channel data. I now get an error that a certain exp_channel_data_field_xyz does not exists. The field with that number xyz however does exist. When i explore the SQL manager, it seems most exp_channel_data_field_ have disappeared. Moreover, the exp_channel_data table is overloaded and produces and memory size error when I try to view the contents.

    With an almost identical website I have no such errors.

    I am running EE 6.0.6.

    I hope you have a solution.


    Fred Geiger

    opened by Fred2341 26
  • CP JavaScript blocked by server

    CP JavaScript blocked by server

    ExpressionEngine 6.1.5 PHP v 7.4.24 MySQL 5.6.41 Percona Server (GPL), Release 84.1

    When adding a new Fluid fieldset, the fieldsets appear in the entry of the control panel as linked buttons however nothing happens when the buttons are clicked. I also noticed that when a fluid fieldset is active on an entry, the grid fieldsets break. When I remove the fluid fieldset from an entry, then the grid fieldsets work fine. fluid-field

    Bug: Unconfirmed 
    opened by lewyincs 22
  • Feature/script tag

    Feature/script tag


    It implements:

    • {script="group/template"}
    • {stylesheet="site:group/template"}

    Resolves #1246. Addresses #1220.

    Nature of This Change

    • [ ] πŸ› Fixes a bug
    • [x] πŸš€ Implements a new feature
    • [x] πŸ› Refactors existing code
    • [ ] πŸ’… Fixes coding style
    • [ ] βœ… Adds tests
    • [ ] πŸ‘½ Adds new dependency
    • [ ] πŸ”₯ Removes unused files / code
    • [ ] πŸ”’ Improves security

    Is this backwards compatible?

    • [x] Yes
    • [ ] No


    User Guide Pull Request:

    opened by robsonsobral 22
  • Setting cookie_secure to y in site confirm generates no cookies.

    Setting cookie_secure to y in site confirm generates no cookies.

    Debugging more, it appears the reason this may be failing as that no cookies are being set.

    When the option is set as per the configuration:

     $assign_to_config['cookie_secure'] = 'y';

    No cookie appears. Even if we assume that option can't be set per site, like it can for cookie_sameside or cookie_prefix, setting globally also causes the issue.

    I have removed all cookies for the site when that was not enabled (i.e insecure). Reloaded the page and nothing is generated. I set back to n (by removing the line) and cookies immediately appear.

    Nginx, EE 6.0.6 (although happened before), PHP 7.4, MariaDB 10, Ubuntu 18.

    Bug: Accepted EE6 
    opened by iammattmartin 20
  • πŸš€ Gathering Feedback - Cloning Entries

    πŸš€ Gathering Feedback - Cloning Entries

    There have been many requests to add a Clone Entries feature to ExpressionEngine. Unfortunately, adding the ability to do this and have it work with many 3rd party add-ons is not a simple solution. However, due to the popularity of this request, the ExpressionEngine team really wants to get feedback from the community as to use cases and how you see a Clone Entries feature being implemented.


    enhancement under review 
    opened by ops-andy 20
  • Cannot delete category when editing entry

    Cannot delete category when editing entry

    Description of the problem Logged out of the system when trying to delete a category while editing an entry

    How To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Edit entry
    2. Go to Categoiry tab
    3. Turn on Manage Categories
    4. Click on delete icon for category
    5. Confirm removal

    Error Messages

    Front end: "Your administration access session has timed out. Please use the form below to log back into your control panel."

    Error log: "POST /admin.php?/cp/categories/remove-single/ HTTP/2.0" 500

    Environment Details:

    • Version: 5.2.3
    • PHP Version: 7.2.19
    • MySQL Version: MariaDB 10.1.40
    • OS: Windows
    • Web Server: Apache
    Bug: Accepted 
    opened by gabrudan 19
  • Categories do not save with new entries

    Categories do not save with new entries

    Description of the problem When I create new entries on the site and select a category for the entry, Expression Engine does not save the category selection. After saving the entry and returning to the Categories tab, nothing is selected.

    How To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Create new entry
    2. Click Calories tab
    3. Select a category
    4. Save the entry
    5. Click on the categories tab again - no category is selected.

    Error Messages None

    Screenshots / Videos / Template Code

    Environment Details:

    • Version: 5.2.3
    • PHP Version 5.6.40
    • MySQL Version [e.g. 5.7]
    • OS: Linux
    • Web Server: Apache

    Possible Solution

    Additional context The only thing I can think of that may be influencing this is that this site was separated out from a MSM configuring to a stand-alone site. That being said, everything else works correctly on the site. All category information be breakout is saved with the entries.

    Bug: Unconfirmed 
    opened by rouviere 19
  • grid_save hook is not called if all Grid rows are removed

    grid_save hook is not called if all Grid rows are removed

    Description of the problem I thought this was a problem with Publisher, but after debugging it, I'm pretty sure it's an EE issue. When deleting existing rows from a Grid field, thus leaving no rows, then saving, the grid_save() hook is not called. The issue seems to be in ContentModel.php line 218 if ($this->isDirty($name)), which is not evaluating to true. Looking at it more closely it appears that the Grid field name, in my case field_id_24 is not in the _clean_backups array. Entity.php line 688 return array_key_exists($name, $this->_clean_backups);

    How To Reproduce Create a Grid field, add a row, then save the entry. Delete the row, then save again. Notice that the grid_save hook is never called.

    Environment Details:

    • Version: 5.2.2
    • PHP Version: 7.2

    Possible Solution No idea. The internals of the models are a confusing place. To EE everything seems fine b/c it does delete the Grid rows, but add-ons using the hook can't do their thing.

    opened by litzinger 19
  • Adding variable declaration

    Adding variable declaration


    Adds early parsing of variable

    Resolves #2571.

    Nature of This Change

    • [X] πŸ› Fixes a bug
    • [ ] πŸš€ Implements a new feature
    • [ ] πŸ› Refactors existing code
    • [ ] πŸ’… Fixes coding style
    • [ ] βœ… Adds tests
    • [ ] πŸ‘½ Adds new dependency
    • [ ] πŸ”₯ Removes unused files / code
    • [ ] πŸ”’ Improves security

    Is this backwards compatible?

    • [X] Yes
    • [ ] No
    opened by dougblackjr 0
  • Bump json5, @vue/cli-plugin-babel, @vue/cli-plugin-eslint, @vue/cli-plugin-unit-jest and @vue/cli-service in /frontedit

    Bump json5, @vue/cli-plugin-babel, @vue/cli-plugin-eslint, @vue/cli-plugin-unit-jest and @vue/cli-service in /frontedit

    Bumps json5 to 2.2.3 and updates ancestor dependencies json5, @vue/cli-plugin-babel, @vue/cli-plugin-eslint, @vue/cli-plugin-unit-jest and @vue/cli-service. These dependencies need to be updated together.

    Updates json5 from 2.2.0 to 2.2.3

    Release notes

    Sourced from json5's releases.



    • Fix: Properties with the name __proto__ are added to objects and arrays. (#199) This also fixes a prototype pollution vulnerability reported by Jonathan Gregson! (#295).


    • Fix: Removed dependence on minimist to patch CVE-2021-44906. (#266)

    Sourced from json5's changelog.

    v2.2.3 [code, diff]

    v2.2.2 [code, diff]

    • Fix: Properties with the name __proto__ are added to objects and arrays. (#199) This also fixes a prototype pollution vulnerability reported by Jonathan Gregson! (#295).

    v2.2.1 [code, diff]

    • Fix: Removed dependence on minimist to patch CVE-2021-44906. (#266)
    • c3a7524 2.2.3
    • 94fd06d docs: update CHANGELOG for v2.2.3
    • 3b8cebf docs(security): use GitHub security advisories
    • f0fd9e1 docs: publish a security policy
    • 6a91a05 docs(template): bug -> bug report
    • 14f8cb1 2.2.2
    • 10cc7ca docs: update CHANGELOG for v2.2.2
    • 7774c10 fix: add proto to objects and arrays
    • edde30a Readme: slight tweak to intro
    • 97286f8 Improve example in readme
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Updates @vue/cli-plugin-babel from 4.5.11 to 5.0.8

    Release notes

    Sourced from @​vue/cli-plugin-babel's releases.


    :bug: Bug Fix


    • @vue/cli-service
    • @vue/cli-ui
      • #7210 chore: upgrade to apollo-server-express 3.x

    Committers: 2


    Fix compatibility with the upcoming Vue 2.7 (currently in alpha) and Vue Loader 15.10 (currently in beta).

    In Vue 2.7, vue-template-compiler is no longer a required peer dependency. Rather, there's a new export under the main package as vue/compiler-sfc.


    :bug: Bug Fix

    • @vue/cli
      • #7167 fix(upgrade): prevent changing the structure of package.json file during upgrade (@​blzsaa)
    • @vue/cli-service
    • @vue/cli-plugin-e2e-cypress
      • [697bb44] fix: should correctly resolve cypress bin path for Cypress 10 (Note that the project is still created with Cypress 9 by default, but you can upgrade to Cypress 10 on your own now)

    Committers: 3


    :bug: Bug Fix

    • @vue/cli-service
    • @vue/cli-shared-utils, @vue/cli-ui
      • 75826d6 fix: replace node-ipc with @achrinza/node-ipc to further secure the dependency chain

    Committers: 1


    ... (truncated)


    Sourced from @​vue/cli-plugin-babel's changelog.

    5.0.7 (2022-07-05)

    • @vue/cli-service
    • @vue/cli-ui
      • #7210 chore: upgrade to apollo-server-express 3.x

    Committers: 2

    5.0.6 (2022-06-16)

    Fix compatibility with the upcoming Vue 2.7 (currently in alpha) and Vue Loader 15.10 (currently in beta).

    In Vue 2.7, vue-template-compiler is no longer a required peer dependency. Rather, there's a new export under the main package as vue/compiler-sfc.

    5.0.5 (2022-06-16)

    :bug: Bug Fix

    Committers: 3

    5.0.4 (2022-03-22)

    :bug: Bug Fix

    • @vue/cli-service
    • @vue/cli-shared-utils, @vue/cli-ui
      • 75826d6 fix: replace node-ipc with @achrinza/node-ipc to further secure the dependency chain

    Committers: 1

    ... (truncated)


    Updates @vue/cli-plugin-eslint from 4.5.11 to 5.0.8

    Release notes

    Sourced from @​vue/cli-plugin-eslint's releases.


    :bug: Bug Fix


    • @vue/cli-service
    • @vue/cli-ui
      • #7210 chore: upgrade to apollo-server-express 3.x

    Committers: 2


    Fix compatibility with the upcoming Vue 2.7 (currently in alpha) and Vue Loader 15.10 (currently in beta).

    In Vue 2.7, vue-template-compiler is no longer a required peer dependency. Rather, there's a new export under the main package as vue/compiler-sfc.


    :bug: Bug Fix

    • @vue/cli
      • #7167 fix(upgrade): prevent changing the structure of package.json file during upgrade (@​blzsaa)
    • @vue/cli-service
    • @vue/cli-plugin-e2e-cypress
      • [697bb44] fix: should correctly resolve cypress bin path for Cypress 10 (Note that the project is still created with Cypress 9 by default, but you can upgrade to Cypress 10 on your own now)

    Committers: 3


    :bug: Bug Fix

    • @vue/cli-service
    • @vue/cli-shared-utils, @vue/cli-ui
      • 75826d6 fix: replace node-ipc with @achrinza/node-ipc to further secure the dependency chain

    Committers: 1


    ... (truncated)


    Sourced from @​vue/cli-plugin-eslint's changelog.

    5.0.7 (2022-07-05)

    • @vue/cli-service
    • @vue/cli-ui
      • #7210 chore: upgrade to apollo-server-express 3.x

    Committers: 2

    5.0.6 (2022-06-16)

    Fix compatibility with the upcoming Vue 2.7 (currently in alpha) and Vue Loader 15.10 (currently in beta).

    In Vue 2.7, vue-template-compiler is no longer a required peer dependency. Rather, there's a new export under the main package as vue/compiler-sfc.

    5.0.5 (2022-06-16)

    :bug: Bug Fix

    Committers: 3

    5.0.4 (2022-03-22)

    :bug: Bug Fix

    • @vue/cli-service
    • @vue/cli-shared-utils, @vue/cli-ui
      • 75826d6 fix: replace node-ipc with @achrinza/node-ipc to further secure the dependency chain

    Committers: 1

    ... (truncated)


    Updates @vue/cli-plugin-unit-jest from 4.5.11 to 5.0.8

    Release notes

    Sourced from @​vue/cli-plugin-unit-jest's releases.


    :bug: Bug Fix


    • @vue/cli-service
    • @vue/cli-ui
      • #7210 chore: upgrade to apollo-server-express 3.x

    Committers: 2


    Fix compatibility with the upcoming Vue 2.7 (currently in alpha) and Vue Loader 15.10 (currently in beta).

    In Vue 2.7, vue-template-compiler is no longer a required peer dependency. Rather, there's a new export under the main package as vue/compiler-sfc.


    :bug: Bug Fix

    • @vue/cli
      • #7167 fix(upgrade): prevent changing the structure of package.json file during upgrade (@​blzsaa)
    • @vue/cli-service
    • @vue/cli-plugin-e2e-cypress
      • [697bb44] fix: should correctly resolve cypress bin path for Cypress 10 (Note that the project is still created with Cypress 9 by default, but you can upgrade to Cypress 10 on your own now)

    Committers: 3


    :bug: Bug Fix

    • @vue/cli-service
    • @vue/cli-shared-utils, @vue/cli-ui
      • 75826d6 fix: replace node-ipc with @achrinza/node-ipc to further secure the dependency chain

    Committers: 1


    ... (truncated)


    Sourced from @​vue/cli-plugin-unit-jest's changelog.

    5.0.7 (2022-07-05)

    • @vue/cli-service
    • @vue/cli-ui
      • #7210 chore: upgrade to apollo-server-express 3.x

    Committers: 2

    5.0.6 (2022-06-16)

    Fix compatibility with the upcoming Vue 2.7 (currently in alpha) and Vue Loader 15.10 (currently in beta).

    In Vue 2.7, vue-template-compiler is no longer a required peer dependency. Rather, there's a new export under the main package as vue/compiler-sfc.

    5.0.5 (2022-06-16)

    :bug: Bug Fix

    Committers: 3

    5.0.4 (2022-03-22)

    :bug: Bug Fix

    • @vue/cli-service
    • @vue/cli-shared-utils, @vue/cli-ui
      • 75826d6 fix: replace node-ipc with @achrinza/node-ipc to further secure the dependency chain

    Committers: 1

    ... (truncated)


    Updates @vue/cli-service from 4.5.11 to 5.0.8

    Release notes

    Sourced from @​vue/cli-service's releases.


    :bug: Bug Fix


    • @vue/cli-service
    • @vue/cli-ui
      • #7210 chore: upgrade to apollo-server-express 3.x

    Committers: 2


    Fix compatibility with the upcoming Vue 2.7 (currently in alpha) and Vue Loader 15.10 (currently in beta).

    In Vue 2.7, vue-template-compiler is no longer a required peer dependency. Rather, there's a new export under the main package as vue/compiler-sfc.


    :bug: Bug Fix

    • @vue/cli
      • #7167 fix(upgrade): prevent changing the structure of package.json file during upgrade (@​blzsaa)
    • @vue/cli-service
    • @vue/cli-plugin-e2e-cypress
      • [697bb44] fix: should correctly resolve cypress bin path for Cypress 10 (Note that the project is still created with Cypress 9 by default, but you can upgrade to Cypress 10 on your own now)

    Committers: 3


    :bug: Bug Fix

    • @vue/cli-service
    • @vue/cli-shared-utils, @vue/cli-ui
      • 75826d6 fix: replace node-ipc with @achrinza/node-ipc to further secure the dependency chain

    Committers: 1


    ... (truncated)


    Sourced from @​vue/cli-service's changelog.

    5.0.7 (2022-07-05)

    • @vue/cli-service
    • @vue/cli-ui
      • #7210 chore: upgrade to apollo-server-express 3.x

    Committers: 2

    5.0.6 (2022-06-16)

    Fix compatibility with the upcoming Vue 2.7 (currently in alpha) and Vue Loader 15.10 (currently in beta).

    In Vue 2.7, vue-template-compiler is no longer a required peer dependency. Rather, there's a new export under the main package as vue/compiler-sfc.

    5.0.5 (2022-06-16)

    :bug: Bug Fix

    Committers: 3

    5.0.4 (2022-03-22)

    :bug: Bug Fix

    • @vue/cli-service
    • @vue/cli-shared-utils, @vue/cli-ui
      • 75826d6 fix: replace node-ipc with @achrinza/node-ipc to further secure the dependency chain

    Committers: 1

    ... (truncated)

    • b154dbd v5.0.8
    • 0260e4d fix: add devServer.server.type to useHttps judgement (#7222)
    • 4a0655f v5.0.7
    • beffe8a fix: allow disabling progress plugin via devServer.client.progress
    • 558dea2 fix: support devServer.server option, avoid deprecation warning
    • bddd64d fix: optimize the judgment on whether HTTPS has been set in options (#7202)
    • ef08a08 v5.0.6
    • fcf27e3 fixup! fix: compatibility with Vue 2.7
    • a648958 fix: compatibility with Vue 2.7
    • 98c66c9 v5.0.5
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot use these labels will set the current labels as the default for future PRs for this repo and language
    • @dependabot use these reviewers will set the current reviewers as the default for future PRs for this repo and language
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    • @dependabot use this milestone will set the current milestone as the default for future PRs for this repo and language

    You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the Security Alerts page.

    dependencies javascript 
    opened by dependabot[bot] 1
  • Password Validation js link 500 error

    Password Validation js link 500 error

    On version 6.4.3, using tag {exp:member:validation_url fields="password"} returns a 500 error. The docs suggest that this should be allowed.

    The issue seems to be in mod.member.php line 2719 where function passwordValidate is called dynamically but doesn't exist.

    I'm happy to propose a fix but I'm not sure what the original intention of that code block is - any direction appreciated.

    opened by jHards 0
  • `{if checkboxes-field}` does not work in entry preview mode

    `{if checkboxes-field}` does not work in entry preview mode

    Reported by @PaulBaileyAtChan in

    When I preview entries for a couple of specific channels, it all looks basically okay, except that one field in each case doesn't get displayed. Tracked this down to a conditional apparently not firing as expected. These are both Checkboxes fields. In each case, using a single tag {name-of-field} or a tag pair {name-of-field}whatever{/name-of-field} to display the field values works fine. But if I use a conditional on the entire field, nothing is displayed:

    {if name-of-field}

    If I use exactly the same template to display the same entry outside of preview mode, the conditional works as expected, and the field values are displayed. But using it to preview the entry from within the entry manager, the conditional fails. Only thing I can imagine is that there's something about the template parse in preview mode that's different, and doesn't handle the conditional properly.

    opened by intoeetive 0
  • update GitHub actions and add PSR-12 check

    update GitHub actions and add PSR-12 check

    This PR is updating out GitHub scripts to use latest versions of available actions (and avoid deprecation messages)

    It is (hopefully) fixing the changelog builder script - we need to make sure we add proper labels to the PR, because unlabelled PRs are not included into changelog

    It is also adding PSR-12 check - if the code is failing the standards, it will add annotations to the code on Files tab (the test will not fail though; we could accept non-standartized code if we decide we need to)

    opened by intoeetive 0
  • 7.2.4(Dec 13, 2022)

    Enhancements πŸš€

    • Added indicator to display number of installed add-ons, #1944
      • PR: #1983
    • Added edit_date column in Entry Manager, #1850
      • PR: #1975
    • Added visual indication when viewing entry version; #1897
      • PR: #2357
    • Use original filename of uploaded files as fallback for title; #1660
      • PR: #1668
    • Added CP/Form object layer to generate Shared Form arrays; #2101
      • PR: #2102
    • Improved modals UI
      • PR: #2086
    • Added extension hook to be executed upon cache clearing, #1762
      • PR: #2108
    • Added has_children variable to category tags, #1726
      • PR: #1727
    • Enable exp:search:total_results to be parsed as tag pair, #1193
      • PR: #2066
    • Improved UI for category pages
      • PR: #2094
    • Added support for table alias in SQL joins when using Active Record, #2096
      • PR: #2097
    • Improved UI for editing system message templates
      • PR: #2016
    • Improved UI for category pages
      • PR: #2061

    Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

    • Fixes form validation bug in CLI
      • PR: #2600
    • fixed close button position for Template settings modal
      • PR: #2089
    • Resolved #2331 where saving template revision was causing SQL error when using long table prefix
      • PR: #2333
    • Resolved #2116 where disabling MFA globally could cause redirect loop on login for some users
      • PR: #2323
    • Resolved issue where notices could be shown by Template library when called by add-on in PHP 8.1
      • PR: #2088
    • Resolved #2127 where there was a typo in defintion of Extension model
      • PR: #2249
    • Resolved #2263 where the instructions for adding IP to Blocked list were not correct
      • PR: #2277
    • Resolved #2115 where conditional validation did not work properly on existing objects
      • PR: #2229
    • Resolved #2126 where "add field" button was present for field groups that are not saved yet
      • PR: #2237
    • Resolved #2122 where Live Preview was not working correctly when template was using search on checkboxes column in Grid
      • PR: #2283
    • Resolved #2298 where Publish Layouts were not accessible for member via secondary role
      • PR: #2305
    • Resolved #2285 where exception shown after creating select field populating from other field, but no source field selected
      • PR: #2288
    • Resolved #2431 where Image HTML button should not have been editable
      • PR: #2441
    • Resolved #2430 where editing template by member without settings & access permission was resetting allowed roles
      • PR: #2433
    • Resolved #1429, #2157 where parts of Grid field could be not fully visible
      • PR: #1507
    • Resolved #2131, #913 where moving fields between tabs in Channel Layouts did not work well
      • PR: #2290
    • Resolved #2121 where hitting esc in New Entry slideout modal could case data loss
      • PR: #2328
    • Resolved #2128 where settings of Checkboxes column in Grid field were not saved
      • PR: #2235
    • Resolved #1541 where some fields connected to toggle button were not showing or hiding accordingly
      • PR: #1841
    • Resolved #2348 where saving entry could show PHP error when using PHP 8.1
      • PR: #2369
    • Resolved issue when sometimes avatar could not be uploaded on frontend
      • PR: #2133
    • Resolved #2090 where page leaving warning was displayed when switching upload directory in modal
      • PR: #2124
    • Resolved #1561 where file column in file grid field was not searchable
      • PR: #1976
    • Resolved issue where MetaWeblog could not post if channel_id is not available
      • PR: #2083
    • Resolved issue when SQL error was shown in Channel Form when field limits by member group instead of role
      • PR: #2119
    • Resolved issue when PHP error was shown for non-existing addons
      • PR: #2120
    • Resolved #2248 where emphasized markdown was placed in separate line inside Notes field
      • PR: #2251
    • Resolved #2103 where value column of conditional field settings could be populated with wrong values
      • PR: #2253

    Developers πŸ’»

    • Emit more events on model association manipulations
      • PR: #2100
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
    signature.txt(344 bytes)
  • 6.4.3(Dec 13, 2022)

    Enhancements πŸš€

    • Added indicator to display number of installed add-ons, #1944
      • PR: #1983
    • Added edit_date column in Entry Manager, #1850
      • PR: #1975
    • Added visual indication when viewing entry version; #1897
      • PR: #2357
    • Use original filename of uploaded files as fallback for title; #1660
      • PR: #1668
    • Added CP/Form object layer to generate Shared Form arrays; #2101
      • PR: #2102
    • Improved modals UI
      • PR: #2086
    • Added extension hook to be executed upon cache clearing, #1762
      • PR: #2108
    • Added has_children variable to category tags, #1726
      • PR: #1727
    • Enable exp:search:total_results to be parsed as tag pair, #1193
      • PR: #2066
    • Improved UI for category pages
      • PR: #2094
    • Added support for table alias in SQL joins when using Active Record, #2096
      • PR: #2097
    • Improved UI for editing system message templates
      • PR: #2016
    • Improved UI for category pages
      • PR: #2061

    Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

    • Fixes form validation bug in CLI
      • PR: #2600
    • fixed close button position for Template settings modal
      • PR: #2089
    • Resolved #2331 where saving template revision was causing SQL error when using long table prefix
      • PR: #2333
    • Resolved #2116 where disabling MFA globally could cause redirect loop on login for some users
      • PR: #2323
    • Resolved issue where notices could be shown by Template library when called by add-on in PHP 8.1
      • PR: #2088
    • Resolved #2127 where there was a typo in defintion of Extension model
      • PR: #2249
    • Resolved #2263 where the instructions for adding IP to Blocked list were not correct
      • PR: #2277
    • Resolved #2115 where conditional validation did not work properly on existing objects
      • PR: #2229
    • Resolved #2126 where "add field" button was present for field groups that are not saved yet
      • PR: #2237
    • Resolved #2122 where Live Preview was not working correctly when template was using search on checkboxes column in Grid
      • PR: #2283
    • Resolved #2298 where Publish Layouts were not accessible for member via secondary role
      • PR: #2305
    • Resolved #2285 where exception shown after creating select field populating from other field, but no source field selected
      • PR: #2288
    • Resolved #2431 where Image HTML button should not have been editable
      • PR: #2441
    • Resolved #2430 where editing template by member without settings & access permission was resetting allowed roles
      • PR: #2433
    • Resolved #1429, #2157 where parts of Grid field could be not fully visible
      • PR: #1507
    • Resolved #2131, #913 where moving fields between tabs in Channel Layouts did not work well
      • PR: #2290
    • Resolved #2121 where hitting esc in New Entry slideout modal could case data loss
      • PR: #2328
    • Resolved #2128 where settings of Checkboxes column in Grid field were not saved
      • PR: #2235
    • Resolved #1541 where some fields connected to toggle button were not showing or hiding accordingly
      • PR: #1841
    • Resolved #2348 where saving entry could show PHP error when using PHP 8.1
      • PR: #2369
    • Resolved issue when sometimes avatar could not be uploaded on frontend
      • PR: #2133
    • Resolved #2090 where page leaving warning was displayed when switching upload directory in modal
      • PR: #2124
    • Resolved #1561 where file column in file grid field was not searchable
      • PR: #1976
    • Resolved issue where MetaWeblog could not post if channel_id is not available
      • PR: #2083
    • Resolved issue when SQL error was shown in Channel Form when field limits by member group instead of role
      • PR: #2119
    • Resolved issue when PHP error was shown for non-existing addons
      • PR: #2120
    • Resolved #2248 where emphasized markdown was placed in separate line inside Notes field
      • PR: #2251
    • Resolved #2103 where value column of conditional field settings could be populated with wrong values
      • PR: #2253

    Developers πŸ’»

    • Emit more events on model association manipulations
      • PR: #2100
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
    signature.txt(344 bytes)
  • 7.2.3(Dec 6, 2022)

    Enhancements πŸš€

    • Added indicator to display number of installed add-ons, #1944
      • PR: #1983
    • Added edit_date column in Entry Manager, #1850
      • PR: #1975
    • Added visual indication when viewing entry version; #1897
      • PR: #2357
    • Use original filename of uploaded files as fallback for title; #1660
      • PR: #1668
    • Added CP/Form object layer to generate Shared Form arrays; #2101
      • PR: #2102
    • Improved modals UI
      • PR: #2086
    • Added extension hook to be executed upon cache clearing, #1762
      • PR: #2108
    • Added has_children variable to category tags, #1726
      • PR: #1727
    • Enable exp:search:total_results to be parsed as tag pair, #1193
      • PR: #2066
    • Improved UI for category pages
      • PR: #2094
    • Added support for table alias in SQL joins when using Active Record, #2096
      • PR: #2097
    • Improved UI for editing system message templates
      • PR: #2016
    • Improved UI for category pages
      • PR: #2061

    Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

    • fixed close button position for Template settings modal
      • PR: #2089
    • Resolved #2331 where saving template revision was causing SQL error when using long table prefix
      • PR: #2333
    • Resolved #2116 where disabling MFA globally could cause redirect loop on login for some users
      • PR: #2323
    • Resolved issue where notices could be shown by Template library when called by add-on in PHP 8.1
      • PR: #2088
    • Resolved #2127 where there was a typo in defintion of Extension model
      • PR: #2249
    • Resolved #2263 where the instructions for adding IP to Blocked list were not correct
      • PR: #2277
    • Resolved #2115 where conditional validation did not work properly on existing objects
      • PR: #2229
    • Resolved #2126 where "add field" button was present for field groups that are not saved yet
      • PR: #2237
    • Resolved #2122 where Live Preview was not working correctly when template was using search on checkboxes column in Grid
      • PR: #2283
    • Resolved #2298 where Publish Layouts were not accessible for member via secondary role
      • PR: #2305
    • Resolved #2285 where exception shown after creating select field populating from other field, but no source field selected
      • PR: #2288
    • Resolved #2431 where Image HTML button should not have been editable
      • PR: #2441
    • Resolved #2430 where editing template by member without settings & access permission was resetting allowed roles
      • PR: #2433
    • Resolved #1429, #2157 where parts of Grid field could be not fully visible
      • PR: #1507
    • Resolved #2131, #913 where moving fields between tabs in Channel Layouts did not work well
      • PR: #2290
    • Resolved #2121 where hitting esc in New Entry slideout modal could case data loss
      • PR: #2328
    • Resolved #2128 where settings of Checkboxes column in Grid field were not saved
      • PR: #2235
    • Resolved #1541 where some fields connected to toggle button were not showing or hiding accordingly
      • PR: #1841
    • Resolved #2348 where saving entry could show PHP error when using PHP 8.1
      • PR: #2369
    • Resolved issue when sometimes avatar could not be uploaded on frontend
      • PR: #2133
    • Resolved #2090 where page leaving warning was displayed when switching upload directory in modal
      • PR: #2124
    • Resolved #1561 where file column in file grid field was not searchable
      • PR: #1976
    • Resolved issue where MetaWeblog could not post if channel_id is not available
      • PR: #2083
    • Resolved issue when SQL error was shown in Channel Form when field limits by member group instead of role
      • PR: #2119
    • Resolved issue when PHP error was shown for non-existing addons
      • PR: #2120
    • Resolved #2248 where emphasized markdown was placed in separate line inside Notes field
      • PR: #2251
    • Resolved #2103 where value column of conditional field settings could be populated with wrong values
      • PR: #2253
    • Improved UI of vertically stacked Grid field
      • PR: #2079

    Developers πŸ’»

    • Emit more events on model association manipulations
      • PR: #2100
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
    signature.txt(344 bytes)
  • 6.4.2(Dec 6, 2022)

    Enhancements πŸš€

    • Added indicator to display number of installed add-ons, #1944
      • PR: #1983
    • Added edit_date column in Entry Manager, #1850
      • PR: #1975
    • Added visual indication when viewing entry version; #1897
      • PR: #2357
    • Use original filename of uploaded files as fallback for title; #1660
      • PR: #1668
    • Added CP/Form object layer to generate Shared Form arrays; #2101
      • PR: #2102
    • Improved modals UI
      • PR: #2086
    • Added extension hook to be executed upon cache clearing, #1762
      • PR: #2108
    • Added has_children variable to category tags, #1726
      • PR: #1727
    • Enable exp:search:total_results to be parsed as tag pair, #1193
      • PR: #2066
    • Improved UI for category pages
      • PR: #2094
    • Added support for table alias in SQL joins when using Active Record, #2096
      • PR: #2097
    • Improved UI for editing system message templates
      • PR: #2016
    • Improved UI for category pages
      • PR: #2061

    Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

    • fixed close button position for Template settings modal
      • PR: #2089
    • Resolved #2331 where saving template revision was causing SQL error when using long table prefix
      • PR: #2333
    • Resolved #2116 where disabling MFA globally could cause redirect loop on login for some users
      • PR: #2323
    • Resolved issue where notices could be shown by Template library when called by add-on in PHP 8.1
      • PR: #2088
    • Resolved #2127 where there was a typo in defintion of Extension model
      • PR: #2249
    • Resolved #2263 where the instructions for adding IP to Blocked list were not correct
      • PR: #2277
    • Resolved #2115 where conditional validation did not work properly on existing objects
      • PR: #2229
    • Resolved #2126 where "add field" button was present for field groups that are not saved yet
      • PR: #2237
    • Resolved #2122 where Live Preview was not working correctly when template was using search on checkboxes column in Grid
      • PR: #2283
    • Resolved #2298 where Publish Layouts were not accessible for member via secondary role
      • PR: #2305
    • Resolved #2285 where exception shown after creating select field populating from other field, but no source field selected
      • PR: #2288
    • Resolved #2431 where Image HTML button should not have been editable
      • PR: #2441
    • Resolved #2430 where editing template by member without settings & access permission was resetting allowed roles
      • PR: #2433
    • Resolved #1429, #2157 where parts of Grid field could be not fully visible
      • PR: #1507
    • Resolved #2131, #913 where moving fields between tabs in Channel Layouts did not work well
      • PR: #2290
    • Resolved #2121 where hitting esc in New Entry slideout modal could case data loss
      • PR: #2328
    • Resolved #2128 where settings of Checkboxes column in Grid field were not saved
      • PR: #2235
    • Resolved #1541 where some fields connected to toggle button were not showing or hiding accordingly
      • PR: #1841
    • Resolved #2348 where saving entry could show PHP error when using PHP 8.1
      • PR: #2369
    • Resolved issue when sometimes avatar could not be uploaded on frontend
      • PR: #2133
    • Resolved #2090 where page leaving warning was displayed when switching upload directory in modal
      • PR: #2124
    • Resolved #1561 where file column in file grid field was not searchable
      • PR: #1976
    • Resolved issue where MetaWeblog could not post if channel_id is not available
      • PR: #2083
    • Resolved issue when SQL error was shown in Channel Form when field limits by member group instead of role
      • PR: #2119
    • Resolved issue when PHP error was shown for non-existing addons
      • PR: #2120
    • Resolved #2248 where emphasized markdown was placed in separate line inside Notes field
      • PR: #2251
    • Resolved #2103 where value column of conditional field settings could be populated with wrong values
      • PR: #2253
    • Improved UI of vertically stacked Grid field
      • PR: #2079

    Developers πŸ’»

    • Emit more events on model association manipulations
      • PR: #2100
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
    signature.txt(344 bytes)
  • 7.2.2(Nov 28, 2022)

    Enhancements πŸš€

    • Added indicator to display number of installed add-ons, #1944
      • PR: #1983
    • Added edit_date column in Entry Manager, #1850
      • PR: #1975
    • Added visual indication when viewing entry version; #1897
      • PR: #2357
    • Use original filename of uploaded files as fallback for title; #1660
      • PR: #1668
    • Added CP/Form object layer to generate Shared Form arrays; #2101
      • PR: #2102
    • Improved modals UI
      • PR: #2086
    • Added extension hook to be executed upon cache clearing, #1762
      • PR: #2108
    • Added has_children variable to category tags, #1726
      • PR: #1727
    • Enable exp:search:total_results to be parsed as tag pair, #1193
      • PR: #2066
    • Improved UI for category pages
      • PR: #2094
    • Added support for table alias in SQL joins when using Active Record, #2096
      • PR: #2097
    • Improved UI for editing system message templates
      • PR: #2016
    • Improved UI for category pages
      • PR: #2061

    Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

    • fixed close button position for Template settings modal
      • PR: #2089
    • Resolved #2331 where saving template revision was causing SQL error when using long table prefix
      • PR: #2333
    • Resolved #2116 where disabling MFA globally could cause redirect loop on login for some users
      • PR: #2323
    • Resolved issue where notices could be shown by Template library when called by add-on in PHP 8.1
      • PR: #2088
    • Resolved #2127 where there was a typo in defintion of Extension model
      • PR: #2249
    • Resolved #2263 where the instructions for adding IP to Blocked list were not correct
      • PR: #2277
    • Resolved #2115 where conditional validation did not work properly on existing objects
      • PR: #2229
    • Resolved #2126 where "add field" button was present for field groups that are not saved yet
      • PR: #2237
    • Resolved #2122 where Live Preview was not working correctly when template was using search on checkboxes column in Grid
      • PR: #2283
    • Resolved #2298 where Publish Layouts were not accessible for member via secondary role
      • PR: #2305
    • Resolved #2285 where exception shown after creating select field populating from other field, but no source field selected
      • PR: #2288
    • Resolved #2431 where Image HTML button should not have been editable
      • PR: #2441
    • Resolved #2430 where editing template by member without settings & access permission was resetting allowed roles
      • PR: #2433
    • Resolved #1429, #2157 where parts of Grid field could be not fully visible
      • PR: #1507
    • Resolved #2131, #913 where moving fields between tabs in Channel Layouts did not work well
      • PR: #2290
    • Resolved #2121 where hitting esc in New Entry slideout modal could case data loss
      • PR: #2328
    • Resolved #2128 where settings of Checkboxes column in Grid field were not saved
      • PR: #2235
    • Resolved #1541 where some fields connected to toggle button were not showing or hiding accordingly
      • PR: #1841
    • Resolved #2348 where saving entry could show PHP error when using PHP 8.1
      • PR: #2369
    • Resolved issue when sometimes avatar could not be uploaded on frontend
      • PR: #2133
    • Resolved #2090 where page leaving warning was displayed when switching upload directory in modal
      • PR: #2124
    • Resolved #1561 where file column in file grid field was not searchable
      • PR: #1976
    • Resolved issue where MetaWeblog could not post if channel_id is not available
      • PR: #2083
    • Resolved issue when SQL error was shown in Channel Form when field limits by member group instead of role
      • PR: #2119
    • Resolved issue when PHP error was shown for non-existing addons
      • PR: #2120
    • Resolved #2248 where emphasized markdown was placed in separate line inside Notes field
      • PR: #2251
    • Resolved #2103 where value column of conditional field settings could be populated with wrong values
      • PR: #2253
    • Improved UI of vertically stacked Grid field
      • PR: #2079

    Developers πŸ’»

    • Emit more events on model association manipulations
      • PR: #2100
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
    signature.txt(344 bytes)
  • 6.4.1(Nov 28, 2022)

    Enhancements πŸš€

    • Added indicator to display number of installed add-ons, #1944
      • PR: #1983
    • Added edit_date column in Entry Manager, #1850
      • PR: #1975
    • Added visual indication when viewing entry version; #1897
      • PR: #2357
    • Use original filename of uploaded files as fallback for title; #1660
      • PR: #1668
    • Added CP/Form object layer to generate Shared Form arrays; #2101
      • PR: #2102
    • Improved modals UI
      • PR: #2086
    • Added extension hook to be executed upon cache clearing, #1762
      • PR: #2108
    • Added has_children variable to category tags, #1726
      • PR: #1727
    • Enable exp:search:total_results to be parsed as tag pair, #1193
      • PR: #2066
    • Improved UI for category pages
      • PR: #2094
    • Added support for table alias in SQL joins when using Active Record, #2096
      • PR: #2097
    • Improved UI for editing system message templates
      • PR: #2016
    • Improved UI for category pages
      • PR: #2061

    Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

    • fixed close button position for Template settings modal
      • PR: #2089
    • Resolved #2331 where saving template revision was causing SQL error when using long table prefix
      • PR: #2333
    • Resolved #2116 where disabling MFA globally could cause redirect loop on login for some users
      • PR: #2323
    • Resolved issue where notices could be shown by Template library when called by add-on in PHP 8.1
      • PR: #2088
    • Resolved #2127 where there was a typo in defintion of Extension model
      • PR: #2249
    • Resolved #2263 where the instructions for adding IP to Blocked list were not correct
      • PR: #2277
    • Resolved #2115 where conditional validation did not work properly on existing objects
      • PR: #2229
    • Resolved #2126 where "add field" button was present for field groups that are not saved yet
      • PR: #2237
    • Resolved #2122 where Live Preview was not working correctly when template was using search on checkboxes column in Grid
      • PR: #2283
    • Resolved #2298 where Publish Layouts were not accessible for member via secondary role
      • PR: #2305
    • Resolved #2285 where exception shown after creating select field populating from other field, but no source field selected
      • PR: #2288
    • Resolved #2431 where Image HTML button should not have been editable
      • PR: #2441
    • Resolved #2430 where editing template by member without settings & access permission was resetting allowed roles
      • PR: #2433
    • Resolved #1429, #2157 where parts of Grid field could be not fully visible
      • PR: #1507
    • Resolved #2131, #913 where moving fields between tabs in Channel Layouts did not work well
      • PR: #2290
    • Resolved #2121 where hitting esc in New Entry slideout modal could case data loss
      • PR: #2328
    • Resolved #2128 where settings of Checkboxes column in Grid field were not saved
      • PR: #2235
    • Resolved #1541 where some fields connected to toggle button were not showing or hiding accordingly
      • PR: #1841
    • Resolved #2348 where saving entry could show PHP error when using PHP 8.1
      • PR: #2369
    • Resolved issue when sometimes avatar could not be uploaded on frontend
      • PR: #2133
    • Resolved #2090 where page leaving warning was displayed when switching upload directory in modal
      • PR: #2124
    • Resolved #1561 where file column in file grid field was not searchable
      • PR: #1976
    • Resolved issue where MetaWeblog could not post if channel_id is not available
      • PR: #2083
    • Resolved issue when SQL error was shown in Channel Form when field limits by member group instead of role
      • PR: #2119
    • Resolved issue when PHP error was shown for non-existing addons
      • PR: #2120
    • Resolved #2248 where emphasized markdown was placed in separate line inside Notes field
      • PR: #2251
    • Resolved #2103 where value column of conditional field settings could be populated with wrong values
      • PR: #2253
    • Improved UI of vertically stacked Grid field
      • PR: #2079

    Developers πŸ’»

    • Emit more events on model association manipulations
      • PR: #2100
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
    signature.txt(344 bytes)
  • 7.2.0(Nov 7, 2022)

    Enhancements πŸš€

    • Added indicator to display number of installed add-ons, #1944
      • PR: #1983
    • Added edit_date column in Entry Manager, #1850
      • PR: #1975
    • Added visual indication when viewing entry version; #1897
      • PR: #2357
    • Use original filename of uploaded files as fallback for title; #1660
      • PR: #1668
    • Added CP/Form object layer to generate Shared Form arrays; #2101
      • PR: #2102
    • Improved modals UI
      • PR: #2086
    • Added extension hook to be executed upon cache clearing, #1762
      • PR: #2108
    • Added has_children variable to category tags, #1726
      • PR: #1727
    • Enable exp:search:total_results to be parsed as tag pair, #1193
      • PR: #2066
    • Improved UI for category pages
      • PR: #2094
    • Added support for table alias in SQL joins when using Active Record, #2096
      • PR: #2097
    • Improved UI for editing system message templates
      • PR: #2016
    • Improved UI for category pages
      • PR: #2061

    Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

    • fixed close button position for Template settings modal
      • PR: #2089
    • Resolved #2331 where saving template revision was causing SQL error when using long table prefix
      • PR: #2333
    • Resolved #2116 where disabling MFA globally could cause redirect loop on login for some users
      • PR: #2323
    • Resolved issue where notices could be shown by Template library when called by add-on in PHP 8.1
      • PR: #2088
    • Resolved #2127 where there was a typo in defintion of Extension model
      • PR: #2249
    • Resolved #2263 where the instructions for adding IP to Blocked list were not correct
      • PR: #2277
    • Resolved #2115 where conditional validation did not work properly on existing objects
      • PR: #2229
    • Resolved #2126 where "add field" button was present for field groups that are not saved yet
      • PR: #2237
    • Resolved #2122 where Live Preview was not working correctly when template was using search on checkboxes column in Grid
      • PR: #2283
    • Resolved #2298 where Publish Layouts were not accessible for member via secondary role
      • PR: #2305
    • Resolved #2285 where exception shown after creating select field populating from other field, but no source field selected
      • PR: #2288
    • Resolved #2431 where Image HTML button should not have been editable
      • PR: #2441
    • Resolved #2430 where editing template by member without settings & access permission was resetting allowed roles
      • PR: #2433
    • Resolved #1429, #2157 where parts of Grid field could be not fully visible
      • PR: #1507
    • Resolved #2131, #913 where moving fields between tabs in Channel Layouts did not work well
      • PR: #2290
    • Resolved #2121 where hitting esc in New Entry slideout modal could case data loss
      • PR: #2328
    • Resolved #2128 where settings of Checkboxes column in Grid field were not saved
      • PR: #2235
    • Resolved #1541 where some fields connected to toggle button were not showing or hiding accordingly
      • PR: #1841
    • Resolved #2348 where saving entry could show PHP error when using PHP 8.1
      • PR: #2369
    • Resolved issue when sometimes avatar could not be uploaded on frontend
      • PR: #2133
    • Resolved #2090 where page leaving warning was displayed when switching upload directory in modal
      • PR: #2124
    • Resolved #1561 where file column in file grid field was not searchable
      • PR: #1976
    • Resolved issue where MetaWeblog could not post if channel_id is not available
      • PR: #2083
    • Resolved issue when SQL error was shown in Channel Form when field limits by member group instead of role
      • PR: #2119
    • Resolved issue when PHP error was shown for non-existing addons
      • PR: #2120
    • Resolved #2248 where emphasized markdown was placed in separate line inside Notes field
      • PR: #2251
    • Resolved #2103 where value column of conditional field settings could be populated with wrong values
      • PR: #2253
    • Improved UI of vertically stacked Grid field
      • PR: #2079

    Developers πŸ’»

    • Emit more events on model association manipulations
      • PR: #2100
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
    signature.txt(344 bytes)
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