After clicking "needs to be upgraded" the server did not respond anymore.
Error log says:
[21-Jun-2015 13:14:59] PHP Question2Answer MySQL query error 1054: Unknown column '' in 'field list' - Query: (SELECT '0' AS selectkey, qa_posts.postid, qa_posts.categoryid, qa_posts.type, LEFT(qa_posts.type, 1) AS basetype, INSTR(qa_posts.type, '_HIDDEN')>0 AS hidden, qa_posts.acount, qa_posts.selchildid, qa_posts.closedbyid, qa_posts.upvotes, qa_posts.downvotes, qa_posts.netvotes, qa_posts.views, qa_posts.hotness, qa_posts.flagcount, qa_posts.title, qa_posts.tags, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(qa_posts.created) AS created,, qa_categories.title AS categoryname, qa_categories.backpath AS categorybackpath, CONCAT_WS(',', qa_posts.catidpath1, qa_posts.catidpath2, qa_posts.catidpath3, qa_posts.categoryid) AS categoryids, qa_posts.userid, qa_posts.cookieid, INET_NTOA(qa_posts.createip) AS createip, qa_userpoints.points, qa_users.flags, qa_users.level, AS email, qa_users.handle AS handle, BINARY qa_users.avatarblobid AS avatarblobid, qa_users.avatarwidth, qa_users.avatarheight, NULL AS obasetype, NULL AS ohidden, NULL AS opostid, NULL AS ouserid, NULL AS ocookieid, NULL AS oname, NULL AS oip, NULL AS otime, NULL AS oflagcount, NULL AS oflags, NULL AS olevel, NULL AS oemail, NULL AS ohandle, NULL AS oavatarblobid, NULL AS oavatarwidth, NULL AS oavatarheight, NULL AS opoints, NULL AS parentid, NULL AS qcount, NULL AS position, NULL AS childcount, NULL AS content, NULL AS backpath, NULL AS action, NULL AS period, NULL AS count, NULL AS pageid, NULL AS permit, NULL AS nav, NULL AS heading, NULL AS widgetid, NULL AS place FROM qa_posts LEFT JOIN qa_categories ON qa_categories.categoryid=qa_posts.categoryid LEFT JOIN qa_users ON qa_posts.userid=qa_users.userid LEFT JOIN qa_userpoints ON qa_posts.userid=qa_userpoints.userid JOIN (SELECT postid FROM qa_posts WHERE type='Q' ORDER BY qa_posts.created DESC LIMIT 0,30) y ON qa_posts.postid=y.postid) UNION ALL (SELECT '1', qa_posts.postid, qa_posts.categoryid, qa_posts.type, LEFT(qa_posts.type, 1), INSTR(qa_posts.type, '_HIDDEN')>0, qa_posts.acount, qa_posts.selchildid, qa_posts.closedbyid, qa_posts.upvotes, qa_posts.downvotes, qa_posts.netvotes, qa_posts.views, qa_posts.hotness, qa_posts.flagcount, qa_posts.title, qa_posts.tags, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(qa_posts.created),, qa_categories.title, qa_categories.backpath, CONCAT_WS(',', qa_posts.catidpath1, qa_posts.catidpath2, qa_posts.catidpath3, qa_posts.categoryid), qa_posts.userid, qa_posts.cookieid, INET_NTOA(qa_posts.createip), qa_userpoints.points, qa_users.flags, qa_users.level,, qa_users.handle, BINARY qa_users.avatarblobid, qa_users.avatarwidth, qa_users.avatarheight, LEFT(aposts.type, 1), INSTR(aposts.type, '_HIDDEN')>0, aposts.postid, aposts.userid, aposts.cookieid,, INET_NTOA(aposts.createip), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(aposts.created), aposts.flagcount, ausers.flags, ausers.level,, ausers.handle, BINARY ausers.avatarblobid, ausers.avatarwidth, ausers.avatarheight, auserpoints.points, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL FROM qa_posts LEFT JOIN qa_categories ON qa_categories.categoryid=qa_posts.categoryid LEFT JOIN qa_users ON qa_posts.userid=qa_users.userid LEFT JOIN qa_userpoints ON qa_posts.userid=qa_userpoints.userid JOIN qa_posts AS aposts ON qa_posts.postid=aposts.parentid LEFT JOIN qa_users AS ausers ON aposts.userid=ausers.userid LEFT JOIN qa_userpoints AS auserpoints ON aposts.userid=auserpoints.userid JOIN (SELECT postid FROM qa_posts WHERE type='A' ORDER BY qa_posts.created DESC LIMIT 0,50) y ON aposts.postid=y.postid WHERE qa_posts.type='Q') UNION ALL (SELECT '2', qa_posts.postid, qa_posts.categoryid, qa_posts.type, LEFT(qa_posts.type, 1), INSTR(qa_posts.type, '_HIDDEN')>0, qa_posts.acount, qa_posts.selchildid, qa_posts.closedbyid, qa_posts.upvotes, qa_posts.downvotes, qa_posts.netvotes, qa_posts.views, qa_posts.hotness, qa_posts.flagcount, qa_posts.title, qa_posts.tags, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(qa_posts.created),, qa_categories.title, qa_categories.backpath, CONCAT_WS(',', qa_posts.catidpath1, qa_posts.catidpath2, qa_posts.catidpath3, qa_posts.categoryid), qa_posts.userid, qa_posts.cookieid, INET_NTOA(qa_posts.createip), qa_userpoints.points, qa_users.flags, qa_users.level,, qa_users.handle, BINARY qa_users.avatarblobid, qa_users.avatarwidth, qa_users.avatarheight, LEFT(cposts.type, 1), INSTR(cposts.type, '_HIDDEN')>0, cposts.postid, cposts.userid, cposts.cookieid,, INET_NTOA(cposts.createip), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(cposts.created), cposts.flagcount, cusers.flags, cusers.level,, cusers.handle, BINARY cusers.avatarblobid, cusers.avatarwidth, cusers.avatarheight, cuserpoints.points, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL FROM qa_posts LEFT JOIN qa_categories ON qa_categories.categoryid=qa_posts.categoryid LEFT JOIN qa_users ON qa_posts.userid=qa_users.userid LEFT JOIN qa_userpoints ON qa_posts.userid=qa_userpoints.userid JOIN qa_posts AS parentposts ON qa_posts.postid=(CASE LEFT(parentposts.type, 1) WHEN 'A' THEN parentposts.parentid ELSE parentposts.postid END) JOIN qa_posts AS cposts ON parentposts.postid=cposts.parentid LEFT JOIN qa_users AS cusers ON cposts.userid=cusers.userid LEFT JOIN qa_userpoints AS cuserpoints ON cposts.userid=cuserpoints.userid JOIN (SELECT postid FROM qa_posts WHERE type='C' ORDER BY qa_posts.created DESC LIMIT 0,50) y ON cposts.postid=y.postid WHERE qa_posts.type='Q' AND ((parentposts.type='Q') OR (parentposts.type='A'))) UNION ALL (SELECT '3', NULL, qa_categories.categoryid, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, qa_categories.title, qa_categories.tags, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, qa_categories.parentid, qa_categories.qcount, qa_categories.position, COUNT(child.categoryid), qa_categories.content, qa_categories.backpath, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL FROM qa_categories JOIN (SELECT NULL AS parentkey UNION SELECT grandparent.parentid FROM qa_categories JOIN qa_categories AS parent ON qa_categories.parentid=parent.categoryid JOIN qa_categories AS grandparent ON parent.parentid=grandparent.categoryid WHERE qa_categories.backpath='' UNION SELECT parent.parentid FROM qa_categories JOIN qa_categories AS parent ON qa_categories.parentid=parent.categoryid WHERE qa_categories.backpath='' UNION SELECT parentid FROM qa_categories WHERE backpath='' UNION SELECT categoryid FROM qa_categories WHERE backpath='') y ON qa_categories.parentid<=>parentkey LEFT JOIN qa_categories AS child ON child.parentid=qa_categories.categoryid GROUP BY qa_categories.categoryid ORDER BY qa_categories.position) UNION ALL (SELECT 'pending_iplimits', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, action, period, count, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL FROM qa_iplimits WHERE ip=COALESCE(INET_ATON(''), 0)) UNION ALL (SELECT 'pending_navpages', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, title, tags, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, flags, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, position, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, pageid, permit+0, nav, heading, NULL, NULL FROM qa_pages WHERE nav IN ('B','M','O','F') ORDER BY position) UNION ALL (SELECT 'pending_widgets', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, title, tags, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, position, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, widgetid, place FROM qa_widgets ORDER BY position)
Admin panel said before the upgrade: Q2A database version: 47