This library provides an object-oriented wrapper of the PHP cURL extension

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HTTP php curl

PHP Curl Class

This library provides an object-oriented wrapper of the PHP cURL extension.

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If you have questions or problems with installation or usage create an Issue.


In order to install this library via composer run the following command in the console:

composer require curl/curl

or add the package manually to your composer.json file in the require section:

"curl/curl": "^2.0"

Usage examples

$curl = new Curl\Curl();
$curl = new Curl\Curl();
$curl->get('', array(
    'q' => 'keyword',
$curl = new Curl\Curl();
$curl->post('', array(
    'username' => 'myusername',
    'password' => 'mypassword',
$curl = new Curl\Curl();
$curl->setBasicAuthentication('username', 'password');
$curl->setHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest');
$curl->setCookie('key', 'value');

if ($curl->error) {
    echo $curl->error_code;
else {
    echo $curl->response;

$curl = new Curl\Curl();
$curl = new Curl\Curl();
$curl->put('', array(
    'first_name' => 'Zach',
    'last_name' => 'Borboa',
$curl = new Curl\Curl();
$curl->patch('', array(
    'image' => '@path/to/file.jpg',
$curl = new Curl\Curl();
$curl->delete('', array(
    'id' => '1234',
// Example access to curl object.
curl_set_opt($curl->curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1');
// Example of downloading a file or any other content
$curl = new Curl\Curl();
// open the file where the request response should be written
$file_handle = fopen($target_file, 'w+');
// pass it to the curl resource
$curl->setOpt(CURLOPT_FILE, $file_handle);
// do any type of request
// disable writing to file
$curl->setOpt(CURLOPT_FILE, null);
// close the file for writing


In order to test the library:

  1. Create a fork
  2. Clone the fork to your machine
  3. Install the depencies composer install
  4. Build and start the docker image (in tests/server) docker build . -t curlserver start docker run -p 1234:80 curlserver
  5. Run the unit tests ./vendor/bin/phpunit tests
  • json post

    json post

    In version 2, you force post data to be array. That prevents you from sanding raw json post requests. I guess that CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS can also take string values.

    discussion accepting pull request 
    opened by MichaelKubovic 8
  • PHP 8

    PHP 8

    @amouhzi We should change or remove php version restrictions, since php 8 has been released.

    opened by nadar 5
  • CurlFile fix

    CurlFile fix

    We are facing the same problem with CurlFile Uploads (

    Please take a closer look at the fix in order to ensure its backwards compatible.

    opened by nadar 5
  • PUT does not send data as content body

    PUT does not send data as content body

    I am using this class to integrate my REST API, now I get to the problem, that my application expects the data, which gets sent through PUT, to update an ressource in the content-body of the Request. (Using Symfony2 HTTP Components to parse Request)

    As the RFC ( indicates that the "enclosed entity" should be saved at the given URI, I would guess it should be within the Request body. It also states, that the "fundamental difference between the POST and PUT" methods are, that POST creates a new entity stored at the given endpoint and PUT updates the entity the URI points at.

    Last-but-not-least I will reference to which also states, that the entity should be within the request body.

    Am I wrong somewhere and Curl already does this in the background and the "fail" is on my side? As in the current implementation you append the data to the URI with http_build_query.

    opened by Blackskyliner 5
  • Added PHPDocs

    Added PHPDocs


    • added basic phpdocs
    • udpate readme
    • add files to ignore list
    • used php-cs-fixer


    • marked setReferrer as deprecated but added setReferer


    • I was not able to make local testings, maybe adding a guide, or refractor the testing suite, as its seems a bit outdated.
    • Add version informations for deprecated methods, e.g. lets say will be removed in 2.0.0 and then removed them as well in version 2.0.0 ;-)

    closes #18

    opened by nadar 4
  • Cannot send boolean value

    Cannot send boolean value

    I passed following data to post method.

    array(4) {
      string(3) "JPY"
      string(28) "tok_SMJhkoibbHr9CYsv2wwcZ1Ik"

    However the value of capture is changed from false to 0.

    string(67) "amount=900&currency=JPY&card=tok_SMJhkoibbHr9CYsv2wwcZ1Ik&capture=0"

    This is caused http_build_query inside of post method.

    This case of scenario is missing in test cases.

    opened by matsubo 4
  • Verbose mode is not working

    Verbose mode is not working

    Verbose mode is not working because of $this->setOpt(CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, true); in init function. even if you will try to set to false verbose will not work. you must not set it at all if you need verbose output.

    discussion accepting pull request 
    opened by jokaorgua 3
  • Post files does not work (php7.1)

    Post files does not work (php7.1)

    POSTing files does not work as intended.

    This is what I'd like to do:

    $file = new \CURLFile($filePath, mime_content_type($filePath), 'file_post_name');
    $data = array(
    	'mode' => 'import',
    	'file' => $file,
    $this->curl->setHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
    $this->curl->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    $this->curl->post('', $data);

    However what is posted is a string representation of the data, including the CURLFile instance, not the actual file. I.e:


    This is due to the preparePayload method - that runs http_build_query on the data. If I remove those lines everything works as expected.

    The library should include a way to skip http_build_query, or a special method for adding a file to the posted data.


    opened by danielsetreus 3
  • Add Travis badge to GitHub README

    Add Travis badge to GitHub README

    Nice to see this library is covered with Travis. Would it be possible to add a build badge to the README for this?

    Looks like some fixing is necessary anyway - PHP 7 and HHVM builds are broken presently.

    opened by halfer 3
  • Basic Usage Help

    Basic Usage Help

    I'm trying to figure out how to do this CURL command:

    -u sk_test_OCHANGEDPcDr0:
    -F purpose=identity_document
    -F file="@/path/to/a/file.jpg"

    With this PHP script? What would be the equivalent PHP command?

    opened by JordashTalon 3
  • Update


    Adding a short description to the readme of how to install the library. Otherwise people must open the composer.json or find the library on packagist to add them to the project.

    opened by nadar 3
  • Automatically set header in `prepareJsonPayload`

    Automatically set header in `prepareJsonPayload`

    I would suggest to automatically set header Content-type: application/json when calling prepareJsonPayload. Typically when doing post as json. What do you think? I could prepare PR for this change.

    accepting pull request 
    opened by mskocik 1
  • Error Message

    Error Message

    The library provides to many error message properties. They need either a better documentation or we should provide the user an error message function which returns the right message. The following error message properties are available:

    • curl_error_message
    • http_error_message
    • error_message
    • getErrorMessage()

    I assume that error_message contains the what users are looking for, either its a curl error or a http request error but there is also getErrorMessage() which is equals to curl_error_message.

    What could we do to improve the developer experience?

    opened by nadar 3
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