PHPStorm Magento 2 File Templates
Useful file templates for working with Magento 2.
To install, place the files directly in the appropriate folder. Note that [Version] corresponds to the version of PhpStorm you have installed.
Mac OS
PhpStorm 2020 or newer: ~/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/PhpStorm[VERSION]/fileTemplates/
PhpStorm 2019 and below: ~/Library/Preferences/PhpStorm[VERSION]/fileTemplates/
PhpStorm 2020 or newer: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\JetBrains\PhpStorm[VERSION]/fileTemplates/
PhpStorm 2019 and below: %USERPROFILE%.PhpStorm[VERSION]\config\fileTemplates/
PhpStorm 2020 or newer: ~/.config/JetBrains/PhpStorm[VERSION]/fileTemplates/
PhpStorm 2019 and below: ~/.PhpStorm[VERSION]/config/fileTemplates/
Create the directories if they are not present.
Note that you must put the templates directly in the above folders, do not put them in a subfolder.
How to Use
Once the templates are installed, you can access them by right-clicking on a folder and selecting New, then From File Template. If you do not see this option, you may have to change your project schema for file templates.
Navigation to Preferences, Editor, File Templates. In that dialog, select Default under Schema. You should see the templates listed in the panel.