A dockerized magento 2 community environment ready for development or production.


Painless Magento 2 & 1


A dockerized magento 2 community environment ready for development or production. It supports magento 1.9.x for development

Inspired from dockerize-magento2


  1. All containers run on Alpine Linux. As a result, the images are smaller, faster and all the containers work with the same rules.

  2. Magento is totally independant from Painless Magento 2. Magento lives inside the src directory. This is a volume in the php container, so you can use Painless Magento 2 to develop stores, websites or Magento extensions. After, you can use the same system for production or take your code from the source directory to use as you need.

  3. Composer runs out the containers. Composer is left outside on purpose to keep the containers small and facilitate their use. You always have access to the code in the volume src. You should use Composer in the host machine. You can apply your changes without stoping the containers. To run compose commands, go to src directory.

    ex: install Fooman Goolge Analytics.

     cd src
     composer require fooman/googleanalyticsplus-m2
     cd ..
     sh bin/console.sh mage setup:upgrade
  4. It includes, alpine latest, php 7,2 , nginx run by socket, mariadb, redis, opcache and let's encrypt; xdebug is only install when the enviroment is set in .env file as developer.

Software Requirements

For Linux users you must have a recent version of docker and docker-compose installed.

If you are a Mac or Windows user, use Docker Desktop or Docker Toolbox.

  • Docker Desktop: nginx container needs the port 80 in your machine, please verify it is free. Many times in windows the problem is the W3SVC service (World Wide Web Publishing Service) , please disable it.

You need to have php and composer installed on your host machine.

You need to have all php extensions required by magento installed on your host machine :

  • ext-bcmath

  • ext-ctype

  • ext-curl

  • ext-dom

  • ext-gd

  • ext-hash

  • ext-iconv

  • ext-intl

  • ext-mbstring

  • ext-openssl

  • ext-pdo_mysql

  • ext-simplexml

  • ext-soap

  • ext-spl

  • ext-xsl

  • ext-zip

  • lib-libxml


The instalation process is the same for development, staging or production. The difference is in the information you use to fill the .env file.

To start, use .env.sample to create this file.

  cp .evn.sample .env

Open the file and fill each variable. Each variable has values by default, you can use them as it for development but please for your own safety change all for your installation in production.

  • Old Magento projects:

    • take a backup from your data base.

    • Add your existing Magento 2 code inside the src directory.

    • Magento 2 only: In the root directory of this project run the installer.

      sh bin/console.sh install
    • Connect with the phpadmin you just install and use your data base backup for apply your last version. Just use the port you set on .env file.

      • If you prefer, you can use docker-compose exec comand in the mariadb container and apply your backup using mysql, you should add your backup in the directory config/backups it will appears inside container at the address /backups
        docker-compose exec mysql sh -c="mysql -u $DATABASE_USER -p $DATABASE_NAME < /backups/$BACKUP_FILE_NAME"
    • Done, you can start to use or develop your old magento project.

  • Magento 2 from scratch

    • In the root directory of this projet, run this line:

       rm src/.gitkeep && composer create-project --repository=https://repo.magento.com/ magento/project-community-edition src && touch src/.gitkeep

      The first time it will ask for your magento authentication keys, click here for obtain yours if you don't have ones.

    • In the root directory of this project run the installer.

      sh bin/console.sh install
    • Done, you can start to use or develop magento 2


Painless Magento 2 comes with bin/console.sh script that can be used to install Magento, execute Magento's commands, create config files and manage docker containers:

Trigger the Magento 2 installation process:

sh bin/console.sh install

Start the docker containers:

sh bin/console.sh start

Stop the docker containers:

sh bin/console.sh stop

Execute bin/magento inside the docker container:

sh bin/console.sh mage [arguments]

For more information on how to use docker-compose visit: https://docs.docker.com/compose/


You can customize them in the .env file before run the instalation

Variable Default Value Notes
MAGE_DOMAIN painlessmagento.test
patch for use volumes, outsite c:/Users in windows,
1) add the project's directory to the shared directories in your VM.
2) uncomment ROOT_PROJECT line and write the address you add inside the VM.
U_ID 33 Use the uid of the host owner of /src directory
Using bash or bash for windows you can get this using
echo $UID
WEB_USER www-data Using bash or bash for windows you can get this using
NETWORK_BASE 169.254.81 first 3 parts of local ip network you like to use
PHPMYADMIN_PORT 8080 You can access phpmyadmin using http://MAGE_DOMAIN:PHPMYADMIN_PORT
TODO: add phpadmin to nginx adding a subdomain and add SSL certification
ENVIROMENT developer Magento accepts this three enviroments:
- default
- developer
- production
DATABASE_NAME painlessmagento
ADMIN_EMAIL johndoe@example.com
EMAIL_SENDER sales@painlessmagento.test
SMTP_SERVER smtp.mailtrap.io I like use mailtrap for development
SMTP_PASS Your_Password


Use at your own risk, no waranties included.

You can use the default enviroment values for development, it's not big deal but.

I strongly recomemnd change ALL the values in the .env when you use PainlessMagento for production.


Painless Magento 2 is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for the full license text.

References and Lectures

starting point and base of this project:


use docker in windows home:


docker-compose file reference:


Handling permissions with docker volumes:


docker nginx, let's encrypt configuration:


Add users in alpine linux:


Redis configuration:



magento cli instalation guide:


set cronjob in bash file:


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    • phpMyAdmin: alpine
    • mariadb: alpine
    • nginx: alpine
    • php7.2-fqm-alpine run with socket
    • redis: alpine
    • let's encrypt: alpine
    • an script bin/console for facilitate the use.
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