299 Repositories
PHP vue-element-admin Libraries
TweetNow is a Twitter clone created with Vue.js and Laravel. It is a social media platform that allows users to post short messages, follow other users, and engage in conversations through comments and likes.
TweetNow TweetNow is a opensource social media created with Vue.js+Inertia SSR and Laravel. It is a social media platform that allows users to post sh
A job board made with Laravel 8.x, Vue 3.x and ElasticSearch 7.x
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Electrik is a full-featured, open-source, starter-kit to help you build you your SaaS application.
Electrik Electrik is a full-featured and open-source stater-kit for for your next SaaS application. It's built on top of Laravel, Livewire, neerajsoha
This is Laravel-Vue project
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Repositorio del tutorial CRUD Laravel 9 y Vue 3 usando Vite
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Description: A simple plugin that sets the current admin page to always be at the top of the admin menu.
=== Sticky Admin Menu === Contributors: sc0ttkclark Donate link: https://www.scottkclark.com/ Tags: admin menu, sticky Requires at least: 4.4 Tested u
PHP Website script that allows users to sell files for Bitcoin. Admin panel included. (earn from fees)
SatoshiBox Clone PHP Website script that allows users to sell files for Bitcoin. Admin panel included. Setup You will need a MySQL database, an operat
The admin (Backend Dashboard) for Charcoal
Charcoal Admin Module The standard Charcoal Admin Control Panel (Backend Dashboard). How to install The preferred (and only supported) way of installi
A Simple & Beautiful Pluggable Exception Viewer for FilamentPHP's Admin Panel
Filament Exception Viewer A Simple & Beautiful Exception Viewer for FilamentPHP's Admin Panel Installation You can install the package via composer: c
Easily add Laravel Telescope and Horizon to Filament admin panel.
Filament Debugger This is where your description should go. Limit it to a paragraph or two. Consider adding a small example. Installation You can inst
A simple job posting application using PHP with an Admin Panel. Register, Login and create the job in apnel. The job gets posted on index page.
Jobee A simple job posting application using PHP with an Admin Panel. Register, Login and create the job in apnel. The job gets posted on index page.
Laravel Vue Spa 🌄 BoilerPlate 🌄
Laravel-Vue-Spa-Boilerplate Getting started Introduction This is a Laravel (5.5) Vue js SPA(Single page application) Boilerplate Project with JWT Auth
Free WordPress plugin to generate Admin Settings Page.
ClioWP Settings Page ClioWP Setting Page is a free WordPress Plugin which creates a sample Settings Page. This “test” page contains almost any type of
It's Pimcore Bundle to send notifications to Google Chat, Slack or Email from admin panel inside Pimcore
Send notifications to Discord, Google Chat, Slack and more from Pimcore It's Pimcore Bundle to send notifications to Discord, Google Chat, Slack, Tele
Ethereal Billing System is meant to be used as a personal alternative to WHMCS.
Ethereal Billing System is meant to be used as a personal alternative to WHMCS. In no way is this as good or even better than WHMCS apart from the fact that is free and open source to the public.
Filament Admin Panel application installer.
Filament Installer Install globally with composer. composer global require awcodes/filament-installer Now you can run the new command to quickly set u
Magic admin PHP SDK makes it easy to leverage Decentralized ID tokens to protect routes and restricted resources for your application.
Magic Admin PHP SDK The Magic Admin PHP SDK provides convenient ways for developers to interact with Magic API endpoints and an array of utilities to
Meridian is a simple to use SAAS invoicing and Purchasing platform for customers to signup with credit card via stripe subscriptions.
Codekerala - Meridian NOTE This project is no longer maintained. Meridian is a simple to use SAAS invoicing and Purchasing platform for customers to s
Starter - Laravel, Vue, Inertia, Tailwind, Vite
Starter - Laravel, Vue, Inertia, Tailwind, Vite Laravel-vite preset Laravel 9 Vue 3 Inertia Tailwind Vite Including Sail (Docker). php 8.1 mysql 8.0 p
Mazer is a Admin Dashboard Template that can help you develop faster. We bring Mazer with Laravel starter project.
Mazer is a Admin Dashboard Template that can help you develop faster. We bring Mazer with Laravel starter project. It's completely free and you can use it in your projects.
Php mongodb admin, use new mongodb extension.
EasyMongo EasyMongo is a Mongodb web management application. This project is based on iwind/RockMongo, uses the latest mongodb-extension + mongo-php-l
My aim is to make a complete website that should have all the essential parts a website should have.
Gaming-Ninja I aim to make a complete website that should have all the essential parts a website should have. https://gamingninja-3399.000webhostapp.c
This template should help get you started developing with laravel 9 + Vue 3 in Vite + Tailwind
simple-project This template should help get you started developing with laravel 9 + Vue 3 in Vite + Tailwind
This package provides a Filament resource to view all Laravel sent emails.
This package provides a Filament resource to view all Laravel outgoing emails. It also provides a Model for the database stored emails. Installation Y
dcat-admin's extension that was build in one package by vue
Dcat Admin Extension 此扩展为大合一扩展,以后使用vue3构建的组件都将合并在一起 演示地址 demo: http://dcat.weiwait.cn (admin:admin) 依赖扩展 freyo/flysystem-qcloud-cos-v5 overtrue/larave
Plugin for Filament Admin that adds a dropdown menu to the header to quickly create new items.
Filament Quick Create Plugin for Filament Admin that adds a dropdown menu to the header to quickly create new items from any page. Installation Instal
CodeIgniter 4 + Vue3 App Starter
CodeIgniter 4 + Vue3 Application Starter Features: 💡 Super fast single page application (SPA). 🔥 Hot Module Replacment (HMR). 🧩 Easy to install and
The Online Shopping System in PHP using XAMPP as virtual Server.
Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to directly buy goods or services from a seller over the Internet using a web browser or a mobile app.
A simple twitter-feed-style RSS aggregator written in PHP, Laravel, Inertia.js, Tailwind and Vue.js
RSS A simple, opinionated, RSS feed aggregator. Features The following features are built into the application: Supports RSS and ATOM formats. Regular
Pagekit is a modular and lightweight CMS built with Symfony components and Vue.js.
Pagekit Pagekit is a modular and lightweight CMS built with Symfony components and Vue.js. Homepage - Learn more about Pagekit Documentation - User an
Integrates the ClassicPress Plugin Directory and any plugin stored in GitHub (tagged with classicpress-plugin) in the ClassicPress Admin
ClassicPress Plugin Directory Adds a new screen in a ClassicPress Install where you can browse, install, activate, deactivate, update, delete and pagi
A mostly useless package to display framework versions at the bottom of the Admin navigation panel.
A mostly useless package to display framework versions at the bottom of the Filament Admin navigation panel and an optional widget to do the same in the dashboard or custom pages.
Laravel Ajax Datatable is a nice laravel admin panel which includes authentication, CRUD and Ajax datatable.
Laravel Ajax Datatable is a nice laravel admin panel which includes authentication, CRUD and Ajax datatable. the datatable is created with laravel & ajax so No need to install another package, yout can do search, sort, paginate and show records per page fastly.
A media picker plugin for Filament Admin.
Filament Curator A media picker plugin for Filament Admin. ‼️ This package is still in development ‼️ This package does not work with Spatie Media Lib
This is a laravel Auth Starter Kit, with full user/admin authentication with both session and token auth
About Auth Starter It's a Laravel 8 authentication markdown that will help you to understand and grasp all the underlying functionality for Session an
Lara-zeus sky is simple CMS for your website. it include posts, pages, tags, and categories.
Lara Zeus Sky Lara-zeus sky is simple CMS for your website. it include posts, pages, tags, and categories. small tasks can be time-consuming, let us b
GUI manager for RBAC (Role Base Access Control) Yii2. Easy to manage authorization of user
RBAC Manager for Yii 2 GUI manager for RBAC (Role Base Access Control) Yii2. Easy to manage authorization of user 😄 . Documentation Important: If you
Generate Admin Panels CRUDs and APIs in Minutes with tons of other features and customizations with 3 different themes
InfyOm Laravel Generator Generate Admin Panels CRUDs and APIs in Minutes with tons of other features and customizations with 3 different themes. Docum
Specially customized Laravel jetstream's scaffolding for Frest html + laravel admin Template
frest-html-laravel-jetstream Specially customized Laravel jetstream's scaffolding for Frest html + laravel admin Template. It'll not work with any oth
sGallery Plugin for attaching Images and Video clips (YouTube) to a resource in the Evolution CMS admin panel.
sGallery for Evolution CMS 3 sGallery Plugin for attaching Images and Video clips (YouTube) to a resource in the Evolution CMS admin panel. Features U
JSON Editor for Laravel-admin
JSON Editor extension for laravel-admin This is a laravel-admin extension that integrates JSON Editor into laravel-admin. DEMO Login using admin/admin
Project template for starting your new project based on the Sulu content management system
Sulu is a highly extensible open-source PHP content management system based on the Symfony framework. Sulu is developed to deliver robust multi-lingua
Creating authentication using sanctum, laravel and VUE
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
📦 Flatpack: Administration panel for Laravel, ready to assemble.
Flatpack 📦 Administration panel for Laravel, ready to assemble. Quickly create CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) interfaces for your Eloquent model
Laravel-admin grid-sortable
laravel-admin grid-sortable This extension can help you sort by dragging the rows of the data list, the front end is based on jQueryUI sortable, and t
Access laravel log through Filament admin panel
Access laravel log through Filament admin panel Features Syntax highlighting Quickly jump between start and end of the file Refresh log contents Clear
Generates a vue-i18n compatible include file from your Laravel translations
This is fork of martinlindhe/laravel-vue-i18n-generator to give Laravel 8+ support for this excellent package.
A seamless django like admin panel setup for Laravel. Simple, non-cms table manager for admins.
Seamless Admin Panel A seamless Django-like admin panel setup for Laravel. Simple, non-cms table manager for admins. Installation steps Require the Pa
REDAXO-Addon mit nützlichen Methoden im Umgang mit dem Picture-Element, Responsive Bilder, SVG-Ausgabe, u.v.m.
REDAXO-Addon mit nützlichen Methoden im Umgang mit dem Picture-Element, Responsive Bilder, SVG-Ausgabe, u.v.m.
Admin user, role and permission management for Laravel Filament
Filament Access Control Opinionated setup for managing admin users, roles and permissions within Laravel Filament Features Separate database table for
A simple and clean boilerplate to start a new SPA project with authentication and more features from fortify
A simple and clean boilerplate to start a new SPA project with authentication and more features from fortify. Its like the little sister of Jetstream, but as SPA.
Tabulation System using Laravel 9, Vue 3, and Vite. #100DaysOfCode
Tabulation System using Laravel 9, Vue 3, and Vite. #100DaysOfCode
Simple RBAC Manager for Yii2 (minify of yii2-admin)
Yii2 Mimin Simple RBAC Manager fo Yii 2.0. Minify of yii2-admin extension with awesome features Attention Before you install and use this extension, t
RageFrame 2.0 重量级全栖框架,为二次开发而生 前言 这是一款现代化、快速、高效、便捷、灵活、方便扩展的应用开发骨架。 RageFrame 创建于 2016 年 4 月 16 日,一个基于 Yii2 高级框架的快速开发引擎,目前正在成长中,目的是为了集成更多的基础功能,不再为相同的基础功
Symfony bundle that provides Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF or XSRF) protection for client-side applications
CSRF Cookie Bundle This Symfony bundle provides Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF or XSRF) protection for client-side applications requesting endpoints
Fullcycle Course - Microservice Admin Videos Laravel
Fullcycle Course - Microservice Admin Videos Laravel
Simply removes the applcation's front-end and redirects it to the admin area.
Simply removes the application's front-end and redirects it to the admin area.
Admin Theme based on the AdminLTE Template for easy integration into symfony
Admin Theme based on the AdminLTE Template for easy integration into symfony
A PocketMine-MP plugin that lets you teleport among offline players
OfflinePlayerTP A PocketMine-MP plugin that lets you teleport among offline players. Commands Command Description /otp player Teleport to (offline)
School Management System Ver 1.0 with login and registration and admin panel
School Management System Ver 1.0 with login and registration and admin panel
REDAXO-Addon mit nützlichen Methoden im Umgang mit dem Picture-Element, Responsive Bilder, SVG-Ausgabe, u.v.m.
REDAXO-Addon mit nützlichen Methoden im Umgang mit dem Picture-Element, Responsive Bilder, SVG-Ausgabe, u.v.m.
Eduwork - Kelas Laravel Vue dengan Reza Nurfachmi
Eduwork - Kelas Laravel Vue dengan Reza Nurfachmi Ini adalah repositori yang harus di-clone oleh setiap siswa yang berfungsi untuk menjadi wadah pengu
Laravel 9 Vue Js flash message example
Laravel 9 Vue Js flash message example; Through this tutorial, i am going to show you how to display a flash messages with vue js components in laravel vue js apps.
A simple News/Bloging Website Build Using Vue and Inertia with Laravel
Laravel Vue and Inertia News Site This is a simple News/Bloging Website Build Using Vue and Inertia with Laravel.
A convenient helper for using the laravel-seo package with Filament Admin and Forms
Combine the power of Laravel SEO and Filament PHP. This package is a convenient helper for using the laravel-seo package with Filament Admin and Forms
All in one tool for Information Gathering and Vulnerability Scanning
All in one tool for Information Gathering, Vulnerability Scanning and Crawling. A must have tool for all penetration testers
A simple extension that adds the a CMS Edit link to an element that is inline-editable
SilverStripe Elemental Advanced Edit A simple extension that adds the a CMS Edit link to an element that is inline-editable. Created as work-around to
Laravel Boilerplate / Starter Kit with Gentelella Admin Theme
Laravel Boilerplate Project Laravel Boilerplate provides a very flexible and extensible way of building your custom Laravel applications. Table of Con
Super2Do Apps menggunakan Laravel + Vue JS
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Magento 2 Preview/Visit Catalog allows the store owner to quickly preview the catalog (product & category) pages from the admin panel.
Magento 2 Preview/Visit Catalog Overview Magento 2 Preview/Visit Catalog allows the store owner to quickly preview the catalog (product & category) pa
Hotel Management App using Laravel & Orchid for admin
Hotel Management System Installation Open a terminal session in the project's root. Install dependencies by running the command: composer install Run
A Faster Lightweight Full-Stack PHP Framework
A Faster Lightweight Full-Stack PHP Framework 中文版 Docker env Just one command to build all env for the easy-php How to build a PHP framework by ourse
Vueform Laravel + Vue 3 + TailwindCSS 3 Boilerplate
Vueform Laravel + Vue 3 + TailwindCSS 3 Boilerplate Last tested with Laravel 8.75. Installation Clone this repo with: git clone https://github.com/vue
Tech-Admin is Laravel + Bootstrap Admin Panel With User Management And Access Control based on Roles and Permissions.
Tech-Admin | Laravel 8 + Bootstrap 4 Tech-Admin is Admin Panel With Preset of Roles, Permissions, ACL, User Management, Profile Management. Features M
A Laravel Admin Starter project with Page Builder, Roles, Impersonation, Analytics, Blog, News, Banners, FAQ, Testimonials and more
Laravel CMS Starter Project A Laravel CMS Starter project with AdminLTE theme and core features. Preview project here User: github@bpocallaghan.co.za
Customize Login and Register Page for User/Admin in Laravel v8
Customize Login and Register Page for User/Admin in Laravel v8
WordPress Vue.js Multistep Form
WordPress Vue.js Multistep Form Universal ACF PRO based multistep form implementation This form is created with Vue.js and it fully prepared to be eas
A Event Management system - EMS build with Laravel and Vuejs
Event Management system - EMS A Event Management system - EMS build with Laravel and Vuejs Both FE & BE project folders has own README.md files for in
This library provides HTML5 element definitions for HTML Purifier, compliant with the WHATWG spec
HTML5 Definitions for HTML Purifier This library provides HTML5 element definitions for HTML Purifier, compliant with the WHATWG spec. It is the most
MenuCard - Employees can login with already made admin accounts
MenuCard Symfony 5.4.2 application Employees can login with already made admin accounts. Employees can manages create new accounts for new employees.
a hub for American soccer clubs of all levels, built with Laravel and Vue 3
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
phpSleekDBAdmin - a web-based SleekDB database admin tool written in PHP
phpSleekDBAdmin is a web-based SleekDB database admin tool written in PHP. Following in the spirit of the flat-file system used by SleekDB, phpSleekDBAdmin consists of a single source file, phpsleekdbadmin.php. The interface and user experience is comparable to that of phpLiteAdmin and phpMyAdmin.
With the help of the Laravel eCommerce CashU Payment Gateway, the admin can integrate the CashU payment method in the Bagisto store.
Introduction Bagisto CashU Payment add-on allow customers to pay for others using CashU payment gateway. Requirements: Bagisto: v1.3.2 Installation wi
The Laravel eCommerce ABA Payment Gateway module allows the admin to integrate the ABA payment gateway to the online store.
Introduction Bagisto ABA Payment Gateway. Requirements: Bagisto: v1.3.2. Installation with composer: Run the following command composer require bagist
The Laravel eCommerce Image Gallery allows the admin to add/manage images into various galleries and galleries into various groups according to requirements.
The Laravel eCommerce Image Gallery allows the admin to add/manage images into various galleries and galleries into various groups according to requirements.
A Polymer e-commerce element for Magento 2
magento-collect Master branch | Develop branch --- | --- | --- | Note: this element is still in progress, watch it to follow the progress. This is lik
Magento 2 Blog Extension is a better blog extension for Magento 2 platform. These include all useful features of Wordpress CMS
Magento 2 Blog extension FREE Magento 2 Better Blog by Mageplaza is integrated right into the Magento backend so you can manage your blog and your e-c
Admin Autologin for Magento 2
Admin Autologin for Magento 2 The simple extension that allows to perform admin log in automatically without asking for login/password. Useful for dem
Reset UI Bookmarks allows admin users to reset their own UI bookmarks such as state of filters, column positions and applied sorting ( e.g Sales Orders ).
Reset Ui Bookmarks Reset UI Bookmarks becomes an invaluable tool while working daily in the admin panel, especially on Magento® instances with a large
Magento 2 Extension to cleanup admin menu and Store Configuration area by arranging third party extension items.
Clean Admin Menu - Magento 2 Extension It will merge all 3rd party extension's menu items in backend's primary menu to a common menu item named "Exten
Magento 2 Grid Colors module for colorizing admin grids. Supports saving of states with the help of grid's bookmarks.
Magento 2 Grid Colors Overview The module adds extra coloring features to admin grids at the Sales section. With help of this module, it is possible t
Magento 2 Product Allocation extension allows the to admin manage all products in an order
Magento 2 Product Allocation extension allows the to admin manage all products in an order, making sure that products can only be moved to cart if sufficient allocation is available.
Testes com Laravel e Vue.
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
It's basically a dynamic web browser extension that can display notifications with the help of an admin-controlled dynamic API.
D-NOTIFIER A self controlled dynamic API based web browser extension built by Sahil Kumar How It Works? It's basically a dynamic web browser extension
Patchstack Test task Laravel&Vue CRUD
Patchstack Test Task - Laravel & Vue CRUD SPA Written with Laravel and Vue2 using mix. Installation Clone this repository Run "composer update" comman
Building Student Management CRUD with LARAVEL VUE and INERTIA
Building Student Management CRUD with LARAVEL VUE and INERTIA. the amazing thing about I got by combining these technologies is we ca build single page application or SPA .
Give your Magento Admin a facelift.
Installation on Magento 1.7.x, 1.8.x, 1.9.x Install with modgit: $ cd /path/to/magento $ modgit init $ modgit clone admin-theme https://github.com/jre
Arc admin comment preview - Simple Textpattern plugin that adds a comment preview to admin
arc_admin_comment_preview This is a Textpattern plugin for adding comment previews to the admin comment edit pages. Requirements Textpattern 4.0.8+ In
Textpattern-jquery-ui-theme - The jQuery UI theme used within the Textpattern CMS admin-side.
Textpattern jQuery UI theme The jQuery UI theme used within the Textpattern CMS admin-side. Supported web browsers Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari and O