dcat-admin's extension that was build in one package by vue


Dcat Admin Extension



demo: http://dcat.weiwait.cn (admin:admin)





通过 composer 安装扩展

  composer require weiwait/dcat-vue


    public function index(Content $content): Content
        $tab = Tab::make();
        $tab->add('文件存储', new \Weiwait\DcatVue\Forms\FilesystemConfig());

        return $content->title('配置')





    // 默认替换了原有的组件

Dcat-admin 扩展列表

  1. 单图裁剪
  2. 区划级联+坐标拾取
  3. smtp快速便捷配置
  4. sms channel 快速便捷配置
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