CodeIgniter 3 + Vue.js 3 + Vite with supported Hot Module Replacement (HMR)


CodeIgniter 3 + Vue.js 3 + Vite

Looking for Vue 2? Please check branch vue2

Just a basic example how to integrating CodeIgniter 3 + Vue.js 3 + Vite with supported Hot Module Replacement (HMR).

If you loves CodeIgniter 3 & Vue.js, you must try this one to make your life easier!

Some changes to make this works!

  1. application/helpers/vite_helper.php
  2. application/controllers/Vue.php
  3. application/config/routes.php
  4. application/views/index.vue.php
  5. frontend/vite.config.js

Running the project

  1. Setting CodeIgniter base_url at application/config/config.php
  2. Open Terminal/CMD and enter to frontend directory
  3. Install vue project dependencies: npm install
  4. Run for development: npm run dev
  5. Run for production: npm run build
  6. Open the browser and go to the project address, e.g. http://localhost/codeigniter-vue-boilerplate/
  7. Enjoy!

Features / ideas

I try to keep this project as simple as possible, so you can making a changes to suit your needs. No need to install a bunch of libraries for making something simple.

Restful API support: response helper, ajax request validation

  • application/config/routes.php
  • application/core/MY_Controller.php
  • application/controllers/api/*
  • Changes: b5f80ab & 88fbda2


  • application/core/MY_Controller.php
  • application/middlewares/*
  • application/helpers/auth_helper.php
  • application/config/config.php
  • application/config/routes.php
  • application/config/autoload.php
  • application/controllers/api/v1/Auth.php
  • application/controllers/api/v1/User.php
  • Changes: 03c8145

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