CodeIgniter 4 + Vue3 App Starter


CodeIgniter 4 + Vue3 Application Starter


  • 💡 Super fast single page application (SPA).
  • 🔥 Hot Module Replacment (HMR).
  • 🧩 Easy to install and update.
  • 🪓 Easy to customize.
  • 🔧 Zero Configuarations.
  • Progressive web application (PWA).
  • And much more...


Note: none of these plugins or frameworks are required, feel free to remove or replace them as you like.

  • Windicss: on-demand alternative to Tailwind, with bunch of additional cool features and much faster, (you can replace it with whenever css framework you like).
  • Axios: A simple promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js.
  • Vue Router: official vue router plugin.
  • Vite Plugin Pages: a lightweight file system based routing.
  • Vite Plugin PWA: zero config PWA plugin.


Make sure your server meets CI4 requirements.

run the following command to create a project:

composer create-project mihatori/ci-vue-appstarter


  • Copy env to .env.
  • Run: npm intall to install node dependencies.
  • Run: npm run dev to serve your assets.
  • Now start you CI server: php spark serve or access it through you virtual host.


after the installation, there will be no bundled assets, so make sure to run npm run dev to serve them or just build them with npm run build command.


This project uses CodeIgniter Vite package, read more about it.

Something doesn't work fine:

Please feel free to open an issue and we will try to fix it on the fly.


Literally any help will be appreciated, feel free to use PRs, and thanks in advance.


MIT License © 2022 Mihatori Kei

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