Laravel Ajax Datatable is a nice laravel admin panel which includes authentication, CRUD and Ajax datatable.



Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Contact

About The Project

Laravel Ajax Datatable is a nice laravel admin panel which includes authentication, CRUD and Ajax datatable. the datatable is created with laravel & ajax so No need to install another package, yout can do search, sort, paginate and show records per page fastly.

What parts have been worked on it?

  • Authentication and Custom Middleware
  • Laravel localization
  • Routing and Laravel validation
  • Bootstrap 5
  • JavaScript Sweet Alert plugin for showing message
  • JavaScript Select2 plugin for select dropdown

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Built With

this project is created with Laravel 8 and Ajax

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  1. Clone the project

    git clone
  2. run composer update command

    composer update
  3. Create database and name it

  4. migrate the database

     php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
  5. run artisan command

     php artisan serve
  6. Use this credintial to login.


password: password

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its a ready laravel project has nice admin panel design and high performance,If you are new in laravel, or want to create an Ajax datatable without using any package, this admin panel is a good sample for you. I recommend it.

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Jumah Mohammadi - @jumah-mohammadi -

Project Link:

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