Tech-Admin is Laravel + Bootstrap Admin Panel With User Management And Access Control based on Roles and Permissions.


Tech-Admin | Laravel 8 + Bootstrap 4

Tech-Admin is Admin Panel With Preset of Roles, Permissions, ACL, User Management, Profile Management.


  • Mobile Responsive Bootstrap 4 Design
  • User Management with Roles
  • Role Management
  • Permissions Management
  • Access Control List (ACL)
  • Laravel 8 + Bootstrap 4

Tech Stack

Client: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, VueJs, Bootstrap 4

Server: PHP, Laravel 8

DataBase: MySql


Install Tech-Admin With Simple Steps

git clone
cd techtool-laravel-admin

Install All Packages of laravel

composer install

Install NPM Dependencies

npm install && npm run dev

Create .env file

cp .env.example .env

Generate Application key

php artisan key:generate

Update .env File with Database credentials and run migration with seed.

php artisan migrate --seed

All Set ! now serve laravel app on local and open app in browser.

Login With Admin

Username - [email protected]
Password - Admin@123#


App Screenshot

App Screenshot

App Screenshot

App Screenshot

App Screenshot


If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at [email protected]


For support, email [email protected] or join our facebook chanel

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