This is a lightweight package that allows you assign roles and permissions to any Laravel model, or on a pivot table (many to many relationship).


Simple Laravel roles and permissions



This package allows you to assign roles and permissions to any laravel model, or on a pivot table (many to many relationship).

Built and written by Ajimoti Ibukun


You can read the proper documentation here

Quick Samples

On a Model

The example below explains how to use the package on a model after installation.

use App\Enums\Role;
use App\Enums\Permission;

// Assign a 'Super Admin' role to this user

// Check if the user has the role
// Or 
$user->isSuperAdmin(); // returns true

// Check if the user can perform a operation
// Or 

// Check if the user has multiple permissions
$user->holds(Permission::DeleteTransactions, Permission::BlockUsers);

Pivot table (many to many relationship)

This demonstrates how to use the package on a many to many relationship. In this example, we assume we have a merchant relationship in our User model. And this relationship returns an instance of Laravel's BelongsToMany class.

Import the App\Enums\Role and App\Enums\Permission class.

use App\Enums\Role;
use App\Enums\Permission;

// Sample merchant
$merchant = Merchant::where('name', 'wallmart')->first();

// Assign a 'Super Admin' role to this user on the selected merchant (wallmart)

// Check if the user has a super admin role on the selected merchant (wallmart)

// Check if the user can 'delete transactions' on the selected merchant (wallmart)

// Check if the user has multiple permissions on the selected merchant (wallmart)
$user->of($merchant)->holds(Permission::DeleteTransactions, Permission::BlockUsers);

We used the user model to make the example explanatory, similar to the examples above the package will work on any model class.


  • PHP 8.0 or higher
  • Laravel 8.0 or higher
  • Upon installation, the package publishes a config/roles-and-permissions.php file, ensure you do not have a file with the same name in your config directory.


  • The package can be used on any model, i.e any model can be assigned roles, and permissions.
  • Roles can be given multiple permissions.
  • Models have permissions via roles.
  • Models can be assigned multiple roles.
  • A many to many relationship can be assigned roles. (i.e the package can be used on a pivot table).
  • Supports role hierarchy. (A higher level role can be configured to have the permissions of lower level roles).


  • Permissions cannot be assigned directly on a many to many relationship.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require ajimoti/roles-and-permissions

If you have existing pivot tables that you want to apply the package on, you can add the table names to the pivot.tables array in the config/roles-and-permissions.php config file. The command below will add a role column to every pivot table provided in the array.

Run the command below, then you are set to use the package.

php artisan roles:install


Visit to better understand how to use the package.

  • 1.1.2(Jan 24, 2022)

    ** Minor Changes**

    • [ ] Merged traits folder content into concerns folder
    • [ ] Fetched all roles and permissions outside loops.

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.1(Jan 22, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Update readme file to reflect the new change by @ajimoti in
    • Updated readme file to contain information about tests by @ajimoti in
    • Introduce a new trait that acts as an interface for other traits that Interacts with models by @ajimoti in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.0(Jan 15, 2022)

    For example:

    After a model has been assigned a role, we shouldn't have to always use the ->hasRole() method to check if the user has a specific role. Or the holds() method to check if the model holds a permission. Developers should be able to prepend is with the role key and make a call on the model like so:

    // $model->is{role_key}()
    $model->isSuperAdmin(); // returns bool
    // Or on a many-to-many relationship

    Similarly, perpend can with the permission to check if the model has permission:

    // $model->can{permission_key}()
    $model->canDeleteTransactions(); // returns bool
    // Or on a many-to-many relationship

    What's Changed

    • Include support for magic calls. by @ajimoti in

    New Contributors

    • @ajimoti made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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