Laravel-admin grid-sortable


laravel-admin grid-sortable

This extension can help you sort by dragging the rows of the data list, the front end is based on jQueryUI sortable, and the back end is based on eloquent-sortable

这个插件可以帮助你通过拖动数据列表的行来进行排序,前端基于jQueryUI sortable, 后端基于eloquent-sortable

Kapture 2019-06-25 at 10 14 51


composer require laravel-admin-ext/grid-sortable -vvv

Publish asserts

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Encore\Admin\GridSortable\GridSortableServiceProvider"


Define your model

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Spatie\EloquentSortable\Sortable;
use Spatie\EloquentSortable\SortableTrait;

class MyModel extends Model implements Sortable
    use SortableTrait;

    public $sortable = [
        'order_column_name' => 'order_column',
        'sort_when_creating' => true,

Use in grid

$grid = new Grid(new MyModel);


This will add a column to the grid. After dragging one row, a Save order button will appear at the top of the grid. Click to save order.


The default text for the button is Save order. If you use an other language, such as Simplified Chinese, you can add a translation to the resources/lang/zh-CN.json file.

    "Save order": "保存排序"


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Licensed under The MIT License (MIT).

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  • Change

    Change "Save order" button to different language

    I put 'Save order' => "並び順を保存", in my lang/ja/admin.php file but still It's in English. How do I change it to Japanese?

    my lang/ja/admin.php file:

    return [
        'online'                => 'オンライン',
        'login'                 => 'ログイン',
        'logout'                => 'ログアウト',
        'setting'               => '設定',
        'name'                  => '名称',
        'username'              => 'ユーザーID',
        'password'              => 'パスワード',
        'password_confirmation' => '確認用パスワード',
        'remember_me'           => 'ログイン状態を記憶',
        'user_setting'          => 'ユーザー設定',
        'avatar'                => 'アバター',
        'list'                  => '一覧',
        'new'                   => '新規',
        'create'                => '作成',
        'delete'                => '削除',
        'remove'                => '消去',
        'edit'                  => '編集',
        'view'                  => '表示',
        'continue_editing'      => '編集を続ける',
        'continue_creating'     => '作成を続行する',
        'detail'                => '詳細',
        'browse'                => '参照',
        'reset'                 => 'リセット',
        'export'                => '出力',
        'batch_delete'          => '一括削除',
        'save'                  => '保存',
        'refresh'               => '再読込',
        'order'                 => '順序',
        'expand'                => '展開',
        'collapse'              => '縮小',
        'filter'                => 'フィルタ',
        'search'                => 'サーチ',
        'close'                 => '閉じる',
        'show'                  => '表示',
        'entries'               => '件',
        'captcha'               => 'Captcha',
        'action'                => '操作',
        'title'                 => 'タイトル',
        'description'           => '概要',
        'back'                  => '戻る',
        'back_to_list'          => '一覧へ戻る',
        'submit'                => '送信',
        'menu'                  => 'メニュー',
        'input'                 => '入力',
        'succeeded'             => '成功',
        'failed'                => '失敗',
        'delete_confirm'        => '本当に削除しますか?',
        'delete_succeeded'      => '削除しました!',
        'delete_failed'         => '削除に失敗しました!',
        'update_succeeded'      => '更新しました!',
        'save_succeeded'        => '保存しました!',
        'refresh_succeeded'     => '更新しました!',
        'login_successful'      => 'ログインしました!',
        'choose'                => '選択',
        'choose_file'           => 'ファイルを選択',
        'choose_image'          => '画像を選択',
        'more'                  => '続き',
        'deny'                  => '権限がありません。',
        'administrator'         => '管理者',
        'roles'                 => '役割',
        'permissions'           => '権限',
        'slug'                  => 'スラッグ',
        'created_at'            => '作成日時',
        'updated_at'            => '更新日時',
        'alert'                 => '注意',
        'parent_id'             => '親ID',
        'icon'                  => 'アイコン',
        'uri'                   => 'URI',
        'operation_log'         => '操作ログ',
        'parent_select_error'   => '親ID選択エラー',
        'pagination'            => [
            'range' => '全 :total 件中 :first - :last 件目',
        'role'                  => '役割',
        'permission'            => '権限',
        'route'                 => 'Route',
        'confirm'               => '確認',
        'cancel'                => '取消',
        'http'                  => [
            'method' => 'HTTP method',
            'path'   => 'HTTP path',
        'all_methods_if_empty'  => '空欄の場合は全て',
        'all'                   => '全て',
        'current_page'          => '現在のページ',
        'selected_rows'         => '選択行のみ',
        'upload'                => 'アップロード',
        'new_folder'            => '新規フォルダ',
        'time'                  => '日時',
        'size'                  => 'サイズ',
        'listbox'               => [
            'text_total'         => '計 {0} 個のアイテム',
            'text_empty'         => '空のリスト',
            'filtered'           => '{0} / {1}',
            'filter_clear'       => '全て表示',
            'filter_placeholder' => 'フィルタ',
        'menu_titles'           => [],
        'Save order' => "並び順を保存",
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  • Multi sortable grid in single page supported!

    Multi sortable grid in single page supported!

    What‘s New?

    使用ID Selector替代了SaveOrderBtn中的Class Selector


    当需要在一个Form中添加多个Sortable Grid时, 由于之前使用Class Selector导致点击’Save Order‘后触发重复提交。现在使用Grid Name区分不同按钮,如果一个页面中只存在一个Sortable Grid则用法保持不变,存在多个Sortable Grid时通过$grid->setName('xxx');提供标识从而避免重复提交

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    namespace App\Models;
    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes;
    use Spatie\EloquentSortable\Sortable;
    use Spatie\EloquentSortable\SortableTrait;
    class Product extends Model implements Sortable
        use SoftDeletes,SortableTrait;
        protected $table = 'product';
        public $sortable = [
            'order_column_name' => 'order',
            'sort_when_creating' => true,
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