Voyager - The Missing Laravel Admin


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Voyager - The Missing Laravel Admin

Made with ❤️ by The Control Group

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Laravel Admin & BREAD System (Browse, Read, Edit, Add, & Delete), supporting Laravel 6 and newer!

Want to use Laravel 5? Use Voyager 1.3

Installation Steps

1. Require the Package

After creating your new Laravel application you can include the Voyager package with the following command:

composer require tcg/voyager

2. Add the DB Credentials & APP_URL

Next make sure to create a new database and add your database credentials to your .env file:


You will also want to update your website URL inside of the APP_URL variable inside the .env file:


3. Run The Installer

Lastly, we can install voyager. You can do this either with or without dummy data. The dummy data will include 1 admin account (if no users already exists), 1 demo page, 4 demo posts, 2 categories and 7 settings.

To install Voyager without dummy simply run

php artisan voyager:install

If you prefer installing it with dummy run

php artisan voyager:install --with-dummy

And we're all good to go!

Start up a local development server with php artisan serve And, visit http://localhost:8000/admin.

Creating an Admin User

If you did go ahead with the dummy data, a user should have been created for you with the following login credentials:

email: [email protected]
password: password

NOTE: Please note that a dummy user is only created if there are no current users in your database.

If you did not go with the dummy user, you may wish to assign admin privileges to an existing user. This can easily be done by running this command:

php artisan voyager:admin [email protected]

If you did not install the dummy data and you wish to create a new admin user, you can pass the --create flag, like so:

php artisan voyager:admin [email protected] --create

And you will be prompted for the user's name and password.

  • [Suggestions]


    Well, lately I've been quite interested in this project and I try to contribute as much as I can. My memory tends to fail very often, so I'll write a list of suggestions I CONSIDER necessary.


    1. :warning: Remove resources/views/users views so it makes use of default BREAD views, and properly configure the data rows to make use of Input details JSON api.
    2. Allow "server-paginated" BREAD tables to be ordered by column
    3. Implement the use of filters for "server-paginated" BREAD tables
    4. This
    5. Update the docs. And probably include a new section for "Input JSON API" or something like that, since the number of available options are increasing.
    6. ~~Implement some library like a little code editor, to make the writting of JSON code while creating BREADs, less painful.~~ #697
    7. Make use of bootstrap-datetimepicker (or better) library... It is there! But we are not using it at all :sweat_smile:
    8. ~~Make login screen responsive, add bootstrap library, and use Voyager::setting('logo') (if isset) instead of the default blank wheel~~ #697
    9. ~Think on something to allow administrator changing loading icon.~ It has always been there
    10. all the image inputs, should read from the media manager instead of using the default html file uploader.
    11. show view/edit/delete according to permissions, so the user dont click on it and get an error which is bad user exp.
    12. Create TestCase for parsed/resolved relationships #638
    13. Enabling selecting items from the Media Manager in rich_text_area
    14. :warning: The new way to name BREAD files media/{BREAD}/589c6c66.jpg.
    15. ~:warning: Ability to register formFields like Voyager::addFormField(DateHandler::class);~

    What do you think?

    type:enhancement discussion open for suggestions 
    opened by Frondor 55
  • Voyager can't find app.css, app.js, and images

    Voyager can't find app.css, app.js, and images

    Version information

    • Laravel: latest
    • Voyager: latest
    • PHP: 7.2
    • Database: MySQL-5.6


    Voyager can't find app.css, app.js, and images. It tries to find it in this directory: http://projectname/admin/assets/css/app.css. But I have some previous projects with voyager and there is another path: http://projectname/vendor/tcg/voyager/assets/js/app.css. Also in my current project there is no such a folder: domains\projectname\public\vendor\tcg\voyager\assets, but it should be there, because it is in my previous projects. I reinstall laravel project and voyager several times, but it didn't help. My env: APP_URL=http://shop.project

    Additional context

    Please help me

    opened by Andrey-p23 49
  • Images not showing up, Symlink works

    Images not showing up, Symlink works

    • Laravel Version: 5.3
    • Voyager Version: v0.10.11
    • PHP Version: 5.6
    • Database Driver & Version: MySQL, 10.1.18-MariaDB-cll-lve - MariaDB Server


    Images not showing up in Voyager. Paths are missing "public/" before each image. Symlink is working and displaying all images on front end.

    If I add "public/" in chrome Inspect before the image, the image shows up.

    Steps To Reproduce:

    Project uploaded to shared hosting with default directory structure with 2 changed lines in ".htaccess":

    DirectoryIndex public/index.php RewriteRule ^ public/index.php [L]

    I do have to get this site working asap, so please help me.

    opened by troix1 48
  • Add multilingual

    Add multilingual


    • [x] Add translations migration
    • [x] Add Translatable trait
    • [x] Add method to get translated value
    • [x] Add method to translate the whole model
    • [x] Enable saving directly to the translator
    • [x] Enable checking if a model is translatable
    • [x] Create view to input translated values (#873)
    • [x] Make method to get original model from translator
    • [x] Make method to create translation
    • [x] Make method to update translation
    • [x] Make method to delete translation
    • [x] Make method to get meta data for translation
    • [x] ~Make method to get rows that have translations~~ (can come later as a PR)
    • [x] ~Make method to get rows that does not have translations~~ (can come later as a PR)
    • [x] Make tests
    • [x] ~Turn this into a plugin for Voyager~ (Cancelled)


    In order to use this multilingual, you must set some extra languages in the configuration. It will not work where there are only the default language.

    Then you must ensure that the models you wish to use the multilingual support for have the TCG\Voyager\Translatable trait. Along with that you must define the translatable attributes in the model as so

    class Page extends Model
        protected $translatable = ['title', 'body'];


    Eager load translations

    // Loads all translations
    $posts = Post::with('translations')->get();
    // Loads all translations
    $posts = Post::all();
    // Loads all translations
    $posts = Post::withTranslations()->get();
    // Loads specific locales translations
    $posts = Post::withTranslations(['en', 'da'])->get();
    // Loads specific locale translations
    $posts = Post::withTranslation('da')->get();
    // Loads current locale translations
    $posts = Post::withTranslation('da')->get();

    Get default language value

    echo $post->title;

    Get translated value

    echo $post->getTranslatedAttribute('title', 'locale', 'fallbackLocale');

    If you do not define locale, the current application locale will be used. You can pass in your own locale as a string. If you do not define fallbackLocale, the current application fallback locale will be used. You can pass in your own locale as a string. If you want to turn the fallback locale off, pass false. If no values are found, null is returned.

    Translate the whole model

    $post = $post->translate('locale', 'fallbackLocale');
    echo $post->title;
    echo $post->body;
    // You can also run the `translate` method on the Eloquent collection
    // to translate all models in the collection.
    $posts = $posts->translate('locale', 'fallbackLocale');
    echo $posts[0]->title;

    If you do not define locale, the current application locale will be used. You can pass in your own locale as a string. If you do not define fallbackLocale, the current application fallback locale will be used. You can pass in your own locale as a string. If you want to turn the fallback locale off, pass false. If no values are found for the model for a specific attribute, either for the locale or the fallback, it will set that attribute to null.

    Check if model is translatable

    // with string
    if (Voyager::translatable(Post::class)) {
        // it's translatable
    // with object of Model or Collection
    if (Voyager::translatable($post)) {
        // it's translatable

    Save changes

    $post = $post->translate('da');
    $post->title = 'foobar';

    This will update or create the translation for title the post with the locale da. Please note that if a modified attribute is not translatable, then it will make the changes directly to the model itself. Meaning that it will overwrite the attribute in the language set as default.

    Feedback, questions and pull requests are more than welcome.

    discussion feature 
    opened by marktopper 48
  • Images not loading in admin panel

    Images not loading in admin panel

    • Laravel Version: 5.2.0
    • Voyager Version: latest
    • PHP Version:5.6
    • Database Driver & Version:


    I have an issue in uploading and viewing images on admin panel. The admin panel avatar is not shown. Also when i upload an image it is not uploaded.

    Steps To Reproduce:

    opened by basmaseyam 37
  • BelongsTo ServerSide Search

    BelongsTo ServerSide Search

    Version information

    • Laravel: v5.4
    • Voyager: v1.1.3
    • PHP: 7.1
    • Database: MySQL 5.6.4


    Can't search BelongTo items on Browse view in Server-Side Search

    Steps To Reproduce

    Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Go to BREAD
    2. Create a new BelongsTo relationship.
    3. Select Server-Side pagination
    4. Go to the model Browse View
    5. Try to search content based on the Related table.

    Expected behavior

    What is needed here, is to customize the seach-key dropdown filter, so it is possible to search based on the related model data.



    opened by guillermovergara88 36
  • Search in bread

    Search in bread

    In other day I see someone request search in bread and I'm trying implement it I dont know if this is the best way but I'm open to suggestions :) 1

    If this is acceptable I will implement in others

    ps. forget my tables not styled

    type:enhancement feature 
    opened by turtuga 36
  • Uploaded images not working

    Uploaded images not working

    • Laravel Version: 5.5
    • Voyager Version: latest
    • PHP Version: 7.1


    When i upload a new image or file, its not showing on browser, but the image is correctly on my filesystem. Primary images from install are correctly display

    Already tried

    • Change my APP_URL in .env
    • Try if existis on /storage/app/public/posts

    Steps To Reproduce:






    opened by leocarmo 35
  • Multilingual support

    Multilingual support

    It would be really nice if Voyager had multilingual support.

    This however would require a lot of modifications in the current system:

    • [ ] Language Switcher on front-end
    • [x] Language Switcher on admin panel
    • [ ] Enable/Disable Language Switcher from the front-end/admin panel
    • [x] The current views should use language translations
    • [ ] We should be able to select which languages can be used
    • [x] Menu builder should support multilingual, in that way that it should be possible to add other strings/urls for different menu items
    • [x] The current page system should support multilingual, in that way that the fields can be translated
    • [ ] Configuration for defining language routes, some people might want the routes to be the same like ( should be the same url for all languages, however it translate the language according to a language set for that user somehow) or prefixed with the language code like ( and
    • [x] Categories should support multilingual for fields
    • [x] Posts should support multilingual for fields
    opened by marktopper 35
  • many relationship

    many relationship

    • Laravel Version: 5.3
    • Voyager Version: (v0.10.13)
    • PHP Version: PHP 5.6.4-4ubuntu6.4 (cli) (built: Oct 28 2015 01:21:29)
    • Database Driver & Version: mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.0.23-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 5.2


    Tables: certifications - id, name, description clients - certifications_id (multiple select), name, etc

    I have created a BREAD for this, but i can't add or edit multiple values from certifications table.

    The BREAD is { "relationship": { "key": "id", "label": "name" } }


    class Client extends Model { protected $table = 'clients';

    public function certifications_id() { return $this->belongsTo(Certification::class); }


    mySQL: clients:

    id int(10) unsigned Auto Increment type varchar(255) name varchar(255) created_at timestamp NULL updated_at timestamp NULL

    certifications: id int(10) unsigned Auto Increment name varchar(255) indicativ varchar(255) certifications_id varchar(255) created_at timestamp NULL updated_at timestamp NULL

    Steps To Reproduce:



    type:bug help wanted 
    opened by emsici 34
  • Datepicker doesn't show up

    Datepicker doesn't show up

    • Laravel Version: 5.5
    • Voyager Version: 1.0.1
    • PHP Version: 7.0.23
    • Database Driver & Version: MySQL 5.7.19


    Datepicker doesn't show up for date field

    Steps To Reproduce:

    1. Create a table
    2. Add datetime field
    3. Create BREAD and choose date type for this field
    4. Add new record using BREAD

    The field has input type="date" attribute, but datepicker doesn't show up. There are also a lot of warnings and errors in browser console (i.e. jQuery.Deferred exception: r is undefined init@http://xxxxx/vendor/tcg/voyager/assets/js/app.js:77:1613, TypeError: r is undefined in app.js)

    possible bug 
    opened by taiwanleaftea 33
  • The command

    The command "voyager:install" does not exist.

    Laravel version


    PHP version


    Voyager version





    when i call voyager:install from Artisan facade like :

    ` public function voyagerInstall(bool $withDummy = false) {

        Artisan::call('voyager:install', [
            '--with-dummy' =>  $withDummy,

    it's throw this exception : Symfony  \  Component  \  Console  \  Exception  \  CommandNotFoundException The command "voyager:install" does not exist.

    Steps to reproduce

    no solution

    Expected behavior




    Additional context


    possible bug 
    opened by elmarzouguidev 0
  • Updating user database andd bread does not update edit-add.blade.php

    Updating user database andd bread does not update edit-add.blade.php

    Laravel version


    PHP version


    Voyager version



    MYSQL 5.7.40


    I have added a number of text fields to User. I have also updated the bread accordingly. the changes have been reflected in the database and are also visible on the /users table on the admin portal however when trying to add or edit a user, the new fields are not there. I saw another thread saying that edit-add.blade.php was not updating, however, their fix of simply dragging around some fields on the bread editor did not seem to fix the issue.

    Steps to reproduce

    Add field to User Update bread

    Expected behavior

    New fields to be available when adding and editing users.


    No response

    Additional context

    No response

    possible bug 
    opened by ItsMattNorman 1
  • Import and Export Feature Here

    Import and Export Feature Here

    Laravel version

    8.0 or later

    PHP version

    7.3 or later

    Voyager version


    Description of problem

    Check this package: 😊

    Proposed solution

    Check this package: 😊

    Alternatives considered

    No response

    Additional context

    No response

    opened by vanchao0519 0
  • Bad quote in doc example

    Bad quote in doc example

    In the doc, be carefull with the example. I checked for some hours to know why it was not working ! It's because bad ` in place of good '

    opened by toto975 0
  • Improve Rich text box read view using TinyMCE Readonly mode

    Improve Rich text box read view using TinyMCE Readonly mode


    Instead of displaying the rich text box data as it is (HTML String), please use the default TinyMCE Readonly mode to keep the consistency between add/edit & read page.




    • There's no overlapping style with Voyager Admin CSS
    • Consistency style between add/edit & read page
    • There's no TinyMCE Toolbar


    Related Issues

    • Closes #5596
    • #3706
    • #3313

    @emptynick @MrCrayon

    opened by lamualfa 0
  • v1.6.0(Oct 20, 2022)

  • v1.5.2(Nov 9, 2021)


    • Belongs-to-many relationship failed when having an ID field in the pivot table (,
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.5.1(Oct 18, 2021)


    • Don't load all relationship results (#5465)


    • Fix docblock (#5461)
    • Dont allow extensions to be changed in media manager (

    Language updates:

    • Ukrainian (#5448)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.5.0(Aug 31, 2021)

    Please make sure to read the upgrade guide when updating to version 1.5!


    • Remove hooks functionality (
    • Show/Hide action buttons per-row based on a user defined condition (#5355)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.4.3(Aug 28, 2021)


    • Fix picking media not updating thumbnails (#4970)
    • Fix setSettingsAttribute for null values (#4981)
    • Fix multiple orderBy calls in menu (#4985)
    • Delete old images when new ones are uploaded (#5196)
    • Scopes not working with withTrashed (#5195)
    • Order button was showing when order-column is set to empty string (#5003)
    • Fix hasOne and hasMany setting in BREAD (#5194)
    • Fix radio button with zero value (#5223)
    • Don't search or order accessors (#5245)
    • Don't fail when not uploading files to a media-picker (#5336)


    • Add a clickable label to multiple checkbox (#4992)
    • Refactor login page to allow template usage (#4964)
    • Don't allow ordering of relationships, checkboxes and actions when browsing (#4643)
    • Force-create user when running php artisan voyager:admin (#4604)
    • Declare visibility on all constants (#5104)
    • PHP 8 support (#5150)
    • Only allow images to be uploaded to media-manager by default (#5189)
    • Let user choose if relationship is required (#5192)
    • Hide text for buttons for small screens in read view (#5105)
    • Check user permissions before uploading file (#5072)
    • Server side order and search for belongsto field (#5185)
    • Only search browsable fields (#5281)
    • Make installing on Windows work (#5280)

    Language updates:

    • French (#5182)
    • Spanish (#5101)
    • Catalan (#5291)
    • Turkish (#5404)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.4.2(Jul 2, 2020)


    • Fix validation for array elements (#4922)
    • Fix additional attributes when using local scope (#4875)
    • Fix slugify not replacing when character is empty (#4901)
    • Make media-pickers expanded attribute a property (#4986)


    • Fix filter null values when array does not start with 0 (#4937)
    • Load translations only when needed (#4955)


    • Bump dependencies (#4913, #4931, #4934 and #4974)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.4.1(Apr 14, 2020)


    • Fix models not returning save result (#4881)
    • Fix additional attribute not listed in relationships (#4884)
    • Fix exception occuring when rolling-back settings-migration (#4838)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.4.0(Apr 7, 2020)

    Please read the upgrade guide to upgrade from Voyager 1.3 to 1.4

    New features:

    • Dropped Laravel 5.* support
    • Added Laravel 7 support
    • Scope relationship options (#4851)
    • Sort relationship options (#4858)
    • Cloud storage support (#4565)


    • Add "Select all" button to media-picker (#4821)
    • Allow customization of TinyMCE init options (#4727)


    • Fixed roles not being stored when editing
    • Order settings by order-column (#4764)
    • Fix relationships pagination repeating None (#4870)
    • Fix "Call to a member function getTranslatedAttribute() on null" (#4782)
    • Prevent scope-filtered records being able to be updated (#4852)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.3.2(Mar 10, 2020)


    • Media-picker breadcrumbs (#4687)
    • Fix display name for new BREAD field (#4666)
    • Remove duplicate route "voyager.roles.update" (#4669)
    • Fix validation for arrays (#4648)
    • Upload file removes previous files (#4649)
    • BREAD ordering direction (#4557)
    • Belongs-To doesn't keep value after validation error (#4696)
    • Slugify merge settings map (#4707)
    • Show language-picker when browsing a BREAD (#4768)


    • Remove Route in InstallCommand (#4692)
    • Assign Controller to DataTypes roles (#4670)
    • Enhance Widget Layout (#4559)
    • Orientate all images (#4770)
    • Select keys for relationships (#4702)
    • Check delete permission against model not DataType (#4780)
    • Eagerload Menu Items translations (#4720)
    • Eagerload data rows translations (#4719)


    • Add Vietnamese Language (#4497)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.3.1(Dec 27, 2019)

    Security bugfixes

    • Voyager assets loading (#4574)


    • Creating thumbs in subfolders with Media Picker (#4502)
    • Code editor plugin loading other languages (#4522)
    • Fix check if a relationship is taggable (#4496)
    • Properly load ACE-Editor plugins (#4522)
    • Relation method (#4539)
    • BelongsTo field loosing selection on validatation error (#4601)
    • BelongsToMany field loosing selection on validatation error (#4602)
    • Date for Safari (#4566)
    • Delete bread action (#4587)
    • Routes with empty required parameters (#4606)
    • Prevent loading extraordinary assets (#4569)
    • Routes with UTF-8 characters (#4605)
    • Reference to Intervention\Image service provider in Install command (#4638)
    • Ability to delete uploaded file (#4550)
    • Delete multiple uploaded images (#4552)
    • Array validation (#4624)
    • re-align custom formfield views with defaults (#4628)
    • remove translation duplication for RTE (#4647)


    • Escaping in templates (#4545)
    • Select2 search on additional attribute (#4562)
    • Update edit-add template for Posts (#4603)
    • Added bulgarian (bg) translations (#4619)
    • Load relationships based on action (edit/add) (#4539)
    • Policies now properly support soft-delete (#4563)
    • Support global database prefix (#4546)
    • Added tests for uploaded media (#4553)
    • Support adding new locales in app itself (#4621)
    • Add details field for relationships (#4633)

    Translation updates:

    • RU fixes (#4535, #4536)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.3.0(Oct 17, 2019)

    Please read the upgrade guide to upgrade from Voyager 1.2 to 1.3

    New features:

    • Laravel 6 support


    • Select all BREAD-entries wasn't working (#4370)
    • Multilanguage changed other fields in a menu-item (#4369)
    • Files getting removed from Settings on update (#4309)
    • Delete uploaded files in BREADs (#4113)
    • Media-Picker was always collapsed (#4363)
    • Make markdown formfields translatable (#4361)
    • Relationship-tagging not working (#4397)
    • Clicking "None" in relationships didn't remove the already selected entries (#4397)
    • Custom guards didn't work with gates and permissions (#4384)
    • TinyMCE now loads correctly over HTTPS (#4464)
    • RTL layout fixes (#4479)
    • Multiple checkbox not displaying correct data (#4484)
    • Datatable ordering broken on browse with no checkboxColumn (#4460)


    • Remember old input in User-BREAD (#4348)
    • Validate fields without Ajax for Roles (#4351)
    • Replace hardcoded id to getKey() in formfields (#4317)
    • Remove uploaded file in settings (#4310)
    • Redirect after saving based on permissions (#4453)
    • Better Coordinates formfield (#4474)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.7(Sep 6, 2019)

    v1.2.7 is the last version in v1.2


    • Display names for BREADs and field-titles can now be translated (#4057)
    • Show display names in search form (#4284)
    • Allows NULL for relationships (#4249)
    • Use correct fieldname in belongsTo relationships (#4228)
    • Allow tables with enum-fields to be saved (#4234)
    • Keep translated-values when errors occur durring add (#4076)
    • Hide delete button when user has no permission in settings (#4292)
    • Show checkboxes column if mass action is displayed (#4151)
    • Change sidebar logo size (#4163)


    • User FQCN for Model class (#4226)
    • Order sub-menu-items (#4186)
    • Use custom guard inside postLogin & authorize (#4197)

    Language updates:

    • Spanish (#4241, #4276, #4307)
    • Turkish (#4221, #4220, #4209)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.6(Jun 6, 2019)

  • v1.2.5(Jun 6, 2019)


    • Remove empty translations from $translations array (#4049)
    • RTL layout improvements (#4111)
    • Customize Favicon using admin.icon_image setting (#4051)
    • Html tooltips for fields description (#4161)
    • Rename assets to voyager-assets (#4176)


    • Files getting removed from DB when no new files are uploaded (#4158)
    • Settings not using options (#4178)
    • Fix selected filter for serverside and set default_search_key (#4142)
    • Media picker ordering (#4174)
    • Relationship load fails when user has no role (#4175)

    Language updates:

    • Swedish (#4173)
    • Turkish (#4180)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.4(May 31, 2019)

    Please clear your browser-cache after upgrading to 1.2.4


    • Vietnamese slug-characters (#4091)
    • Attributes for number field (#4117)
    • Add watermarking/thumbnails to media-picker and media-manager (#4084)
    • Make admin-menu a Vue component (#4064)
    • Disable sidebar on refresh for mobile (#4061)


    • Clear menu-cache when deleting items (#4083)
    • Fix glyphicons not found (#4146)
    • Richtextbox not saving multi-language (#4157)
    • Remember old input upon form submit (#4104)
    • Fix translation-seeder (#4140)
    • Relationship not showing data when edit is disabled (#4017)

    Language updates:

    • French (#4080)
    • Spanish (#4089)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.3(Apr 6, 2019)


    • Fixed multiple select in read-view (
    • user_belongsto_role_relationship id could be injected into the profile page (
    • Fixed multiple issues in Media Manager (#4000)
    • Fix server-side side pagination sorting (#4015)
    • Fix assets not loading when using Nginx or overriding all controllers (#4004)
    • Dont show top-menus if there are no children (#4016 and #4022)
    • Fix menu-links being relative (#4008)


    • Added remember me checkbox to login (#3999)

    Language updates:

    • Brazilian Portuguese (#4010)
    • Armenian (#4028)
    • Russian (#4021)
    • Polish (#4053)
    • French (#4059)
    • Italian (#4058)
    • German (#4060)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.2(Mar 11, 2019)

  • v1.2.1(Mar 6, 2019)

  • v1.2.0(Mar 5, 2019)

    New features:


    • Checkboxes are now validated properly (#3474)
    • BREAD validation working in IE and Edge (#3546)
    • Rolling-back migrations failed (#3073)
    • Compass security fixes (#3823)
    • RTL user-dropdown didn't open (#3754)
    • Skip invalid images (#3125)
    • Breadcrumbs and menu-dropdowns didn't work when using nested admin-prefix or no prefix at all (#3850)
    • An entry could not be deleted from the read-view (#3955)
    • Deleting a menu-item didn't work properly (#3953)
    • Radio buttons didn't use the display-text, but the key instead (#3909)
    • Use empty() instead of count() for multiple-select (#3909)
    • Replaced hardcoded "BREAD" (#3909)
    • Lost order-params when searching and lost search params when ordering (#3909)
    • Added default prop to number formfield (#3909)
    • Renamed Model namespace to Fully qualified Model name (#3909)
    • Fix edit multiple images (#3922)


    • Menu now supports 3rd level items (#3620)
    • Removed readmore JS plugin from BREAD browse (#3671)
    • Config file now respects env-filesystem (#3377)
    • Non-squared avatars showing correct (#3355)
    • Update DateTime picker (#3334)
    • Cache settings (#2426)
    • Setup-callback for TinyMCE (#3145)
    • List-bullets were visible below checkboxes in some browsers (#3284)
    • Don't show a widget if it's not accessible for the current user (#3058)
    • Remove Youtube plugin from TinyMCE (#3824)
    • Define uploadable mimetypes in Media-Manager (#3820)
    • Cache admin-menu (#3125)
    • Load relationships with Ajax (#3586)
    • Dynamically load assets without publishing (#3834)
    • RTL is now determined based on the locale (#3842)
    • Query translatable models (#3417) (Documentation)
    • Asset clean-up (#3832)
    • BREAD-Accessors (#3856) (Documentation)
    • Media-Manager upload keeps original names (#3860)
    • Ajax validation was removed (#3890)
    • Added an event for media file uploads (#3884)
    • Checkbox checked-value can now be a string or bool (#3934)
    • Make dropdown-items translatable (#3867)
    • Use desired field for belongsto-query (#3893)
    • Uploaded images were not oriented (#3906)
    • Add force-flag to installation (#3897)
    • Simplified edit/add condition in bread-view. (#3909)
    • Action specific validation rules (#3909)
    • Advanced installation docs (#3909)
    • Replaced user-models settings cast with an accessor/mutator-pair (#3909)

    Language updates:

    • Lithuanian slugify (#3361)
    • Renamed czech language files from cz to cs (#3446)
    • Arabic (#3867)

    Deprecated: The methods can, canOrFail and canOrAbort were deprecated in v1.0.12 and have been removed now in favor of Policies and Gates.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.1.12(Mar 5, 2019)

  • v1.1.11(Dec 28, 2018)


    • File-formfield stores [] when not uploading new files (#3521)
    • Problem when installing with Laravel > 5.7.14 because of locked DBAL version (#3775)
    • Removed required attribute from Richtextbox (#3777)
    • Fixed relationship required condition (#3785)
    • Fixed BREAD-editor breadcrumbs (#3779)
    • Coordinates formfield containing invalid HTML (#3798)
    • AlertTrait used wrong translation string (#3797)
    • MediaManager throws Forbidden error in browser-console (#3807)
    • Additional relationships for Posts not working (#3822)
    • Delete images from posts (#3809)
    • Keep old images when not uploading new images (#3070)
    • Check permissions for all media-manager methods (#3821)
    • Publish avatar when not using dummy data (#3818)
    • Clear multiselects (#3547)


    • Use mb_substr(..) instead of substr(..) (#3667)
    • Remove codeclimate/php-test-reporter (#3699)
    • Remove menu item when BREAD is deleted (#3621)
    • Set default order for browsing BREADs (#3781) (Documentation)
    • Delete MenuItem when BREAD is deleted (#3621)
    • Removed unnecessary margin from browse-buttons (#3762)
    • Replaced some hardcoded strings with translations (#3808)
    • Support single/multi file removal (#3240)
    • Added missing order updated language-string (#3780)
    • Raise timeout for dropzone uploads (#3704)
    • Display images on order-page (#3814)
    • Select a default search-column (#3549)

    Language updates:

    • Japanese (#3674)
    • Traditional Chinese (#3694)
    • Chinese (#3718)
    • Portuguese (#3692)
    • Kurdish (#3720)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.1.10(Oct 21, 2018)


    • Fix browse.blade.php (#3660)
    • Fix edit-add.blade.php (#3661)
    • Handle default value when rendering JSON details field (#3662)

    Language updates:

    • Turkish update (#3658)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.1.9(Oct 20, 2018)

  • v1.1.8(Oct 18, 2018)


    • Relationship accessor fix (#3444)


    • Docs are now hosted on Github/Gitbook (#3629)
    • menu() can now return an array (#3571) -- Documentation
    • Permission-roles relationship is now belongsToMany (#3618)
    • Tweaking usage of JSON "details" field (#3637)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.1.7(Oct 2, 2018)

  • v1.1.6(Oct 1, 2018)


    • Fix menu permissions issue (#3570)
    • Added null check around json_decode (#3580)
    • Fix for "file" type Settings being overwritten when saving (#3587)
    • Refactoring usage of DataType name field to use Model $table property instead (#3592)

    Language updates:

    • Spanish update (#3588)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.1.5(Sep 18, 2018)

  • v1.1.4(Sep 15, 2018)


    • Missing parameters for Image Content-Type (#3473)
    • Undefined variable: path in File Content-Type (#3463)
    • Missed instance converting $options to $this->options (#3508)
    • Using Intervention Image facade instead of static class (#3525)
    • Removed extra curly braces (#3526)
    • Properly handle edge-cases with decoding JSON options (#3500)


    • Laravel 5.7 support (#3544)
    • Menu-builder modal button labels (#3390)
    • Only hide ID field for belongsTo relationships (#3451)
    • Resizeable support for multiple images (#3288)
    • preserveFileUploadName also for files (#3164)
    • Explicit cast to bool for the required attribute in datatypes (#3117)
    • MenuItemPolicy no longer uses hard-coded browse permission (#3501)
    • Various enhancements (#3099)

    Language updates:

    • Russian compass translations (#3409)
    • Russian seeder translations (#3466)
    • Portuguese (#3465)
    • Farsi (#3391)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.1.3(Jun 26, 2018)


    • Posts body not translatable (#3265)
    • Changing exception type for canOrFail (#3274)
    • Removing options from a Select Dropdown may cause an exception (#3266)


    • Tables created by Voyager now use the configured charset (#3280)
    • Database-Tool table enhancement (#3260)

    Language updates:

    • Turkish (#3348)
    • French (#3269)
    • Galician (#3324)
    • Russian (#3257)
    • Farsi (#3289)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.1.2(May 30, 2018)


    • Class name Image already in use (#3182)
    • Fixed some broken URLs (#3003)
    • Fixed settings loosing images when saving (#3060)
    • Fixed HTML strings displayed escaped in relationship-modal(#3221)
    • Fixed translations not working in menu-builder (#3199)


    • Added missing Portuguese translations (#3143)
    • Added missing Farsi translations (#3218)
    • Added None option to relationships (#3170)
    • Textareas can now have a rows option (#3241)
    • User-model fallback now is auth.providers.users.model config-option (#3192 and #3207)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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