Magic admin PHP SDK makes it easy to leverage Decentralized ID tokens to protect routes and restricted resources for your application.


Magic Admin PHP SDK

The Magic Admin PHP SDK provides convenient ways for developers to interact with Magic API endpoints and an array of utilities to handle DID Token.

Table of Contents


See the Magic doc!



You can install the bindings via Composer. Run the following command:

composer require magiclabs/magic-admin-php

To use the bindings, use Composer's autoload:

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

Manual Installation

If you do not wish to use Composer, you can download the latest release. Then, to use the bindings, include the init.php file.

require_once __DIR__ . '/path/to/magic-admin-php/init.php';


The bindings require the following extensions in order to work properly. If you use Composer, these dependencies should be handled automatically. If you install manually, you'll want to make sure that these extensions are available.

For optimal performance ensure that your platform has the gmp extension installed. If your platform does not support gmp then bcmath may be used as an alternative, but note that bcmath is significantly slower than gmp.

Since gmp is a required dependency you may need to use the --ignore-platform-reqs flag when runnining composer install on a platform without the gmp extension.


PHP 5.6.0 and later.

Quick Start

Simple usage for login:

  require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

  $did_token = \MagicAdmin\Util\Http::parse_authorization_header_value(

  if ($did_token === null) {
    // DIDT is missing from the original HTTP request header. You can handle this by
    // remapping it to your application error.

  $magic = new \MagicAdmin\Magic('<YOUR_API_SECRET_KEY>');

  try {
    $issuer = $magic->token->get_issuer($did_token);
  } catch (\MagicAdmin\Exception\DIDTokenException $e) {
    // DIDT is malformed. You can handle this by remapping it
    // to your application error.

Configure Network Strategy

The Magic object also takes in retries, timeout and backoff as optional arguments at the object instantiation time so you can override those values for your application setup.

$magic = new \MagicAdmin\Magic(
  5,    // timeout
  3,    // retries
  0.01  // backoff

See more examples from Magic PHP doc.


Get Composer. For example, on Mac OS:

brew install composer

Install dependencies:

composer install

Install dependencies as mentioned above (which will resolve PHPUnit), then you can run the test suite:

./vendor/bin/phpunit tests/

Or to run an individual test file:

./vendor/bin/phpunit tests/MagicTest.php

The library uses PHP CS Fixer for code formatting. PHP CS Fixer must be installed globally. Code must be formatted before PRs are submitted. Run the formatter with:

php-cs-fixer fix -v --using-cache=no .


See Changelog


See License

  • Add support for runtimes without gmp

    Add support for runtimes without gmp

    📦 Pull Request

    This pull implements an alternate ecRecover process internally as opposed to using digitaldonkey/ecverify. This is due to the reasons described in this issue. In summary this pull will allow this package to support runtimes that do not have the gmp extension installed as long as the bcmath extension is installed.

    No new functionality has been introduced.

    One thing to note is that although calls to $magic->token->validate() will work without gmp as long as bcmath is installed, there is a significant performance difference between the two. This is why the simplito/bigint-wrapper-php sub-dependency is designed to work with gmp first and bcmath as a fallback.

    On average calls to $magic->token->validate() took about 17ms with gmp versus 320ms with bcmath. In apps where validate is being called on every request this may be a showstopper for some users.

    Users should be encouraged to install gmp whenever possible, but also made aware that the package will work with bcmath as an alternative. Currently there are various hosting platforms that do not support gmp, like Laravel Vapor for example.

    🗜 Versioning

    (Check one!)

    • [x] Patch: Bug Fix?
    • [ ] Minor: New Feature?
    • [ ] Major: Breaking Change?
    opened by brianrlewis 2
  • Support mult-chain wallets in get_metadata calls

    Support mult-chain wallets in get_metadata calls

    📦 Pull Request

    The current implementation of magic-admin-php for metadata retrieval returns the Ethereum public_address.

    We are adding functionality to query wallet(s) for any chain tied to the end-user.

    Example (queries all Solana wallets created for the user if applicable): $meta = $magic->user->get_metadata_by_token_and_wallet($did_token, \MagicAdmin\Resource\Wallet::SOLANA);

    Example (queries all wallets created for the user if applicable): $meta = $magic->user->get_metadata_by_token_and_wallet($did_token, \MagicAdmin\Resource\Wallet::ANY);

    Please see supported wallet types in lib/Resource/Wallet.php.

    🗜 Versioning

    (Check one!)

    • [ ] Patch: Bug Fix?
    • [x] Minor: New Feature?
    • [ ] Major: Breaking Change?

    ✅ Fixed Issues

    • [List any fixed issues here like: Fixes #XXXX]

    🚨 Test instructions

    ./vendor/bin/phpunit tests  3.0.0 02:30:07 PM PHPUnit 8.5.31 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

    .................................................. 50 / 50 (100%)

    Time: 74 ms, Memory: 8.00 MB

    OK (50 tests, 83 assertions)

    ⚠️ Update

    • [x] I have updated the Upcoming Changes section of with context related to this Pull Request.
    opened by justinnout 1
  • Release v0.1.3

    Release v0.1.3

    📦 Pull Request

    Release v0.1.3

    🗜 Versioning

    (Check one!)


    ✅ Fixed Issues


    🚨 Test instructions

    [Describe any additional context required to test the PR/feature/bug fix.]

    ⚠️ Update

    • [X] I have updated the Upcoming Changes section of with context related to this Pull Request.
    opened by brianrlewis 0
  • Release v0.1.2

    Release v0.1.2

    📦 Pull Request

    Release v0.1.2

    🗜 Versioning

    (Check one!)


    ✅ Fixed Issues


    🚨 Test instructions

    [Describe any additional context required to test the PR/feature/bug fix.]

    ⚠️ Update

    • [x] I have updated the Upcoming Changes section of with context related to this Pull Request.
    opened by FYJen 0
  • Use isset to check if a key exists in the claim array to support PHP7.4

    Use isset to check if a key exists in the claim array to support PHP7.4

    📦 Pull Request

    Use isset to check if a key exists in the claim array to support PHP7.4

    🗜 Versioning

    (Check one!)

    • [x] Patch: Bug Fix?
    • [ ] Minor: New Feature?
    • [ ] Major: Breaking Change?

    ✅ Fixed Issues

    • Fixes

    🚨 Test instructions

    • Tests passed
    • Manually verified with PHP7.4

    ⚠️ Update

    • [x] I have updated the Upcoming Changes section of with context related to this Pull Request.
    opened by itprodev 0
  • Exception: Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated in PHP 7.4

    Exception: Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated in PHP 7.4

    ✅ Prerequisites

    • [X] Did you perform a cursory search of open issues? Is this bug already reported elsewhere?
    • [X] Are you running the latest SDK version?
    • [x] Are you reporting to the correct repository (magic-admin-php)?

    🐛 Description

    /lib/Resource/Token.php:26 throws an exception in PHP 7.4:

    ErrorException: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead

    Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated in PHP 7.4.

    🧩 Steps to Reproduce

    1. composer require magiclabs/magic-admin-php
    2. (Get $did_token from client)
    3. $magic = new \MagicAdmin\Magic(env('MAGIC_SECRET'));
    4. $magic->token->validate($did_token); or $issuer = $magic->token->get_issuer($did_token);

    🤔 Expected behavior

    Validate or get issuer from the DID token

    😮 Actual behavior

    ErrorException: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead

    💻 Code Sample

    $magic = new \MagicAdmin\Magic(env('MAGIC_SECRET_KEY'));
    try {
        $issuer = $magic->token->get_issuer($did_token);
    } catch (\MagicAdmin\Exception\DIDTokenException $e) {

    🌎 Environment

    | Software | Version(s) | | ------------------- | ---------- | | magic-admin-php | 0.1.0 | | php | 7.4.12 | | Operating System | macOS 10.15.7 |

    🐛 Bug Report 
    opened by ArcadeCityMayor 0
  • Fix composer autoload issue

    Fix composer autoload issue

    📦 Pull Request

    An attempt to fix composer autoload issue

    🗜 Versioning

    (Check one!)

    • [x] Patch: Bug Fix?
    • [ ] Minor: New Feature?
    • [ ] Major: Breaking Change?

    ✅ Fixed Issues

    • N/A

    🚨 Test instructions


    ⚠️ Update

    • pre-release
    opened by FYJen 0
  • Include provenance and more to user meta data

    Include provenance and more to user meta data

    ✅ Prerequisites

    • [x] Did you perform a cursory search of open issues? Is this feature already requested elsewhere?
    • [x] Are you reporting to the correct repository (magic-admin-php)?

    ✨ Feature Request

    Hi, could you include more data to /v1/admin/auth/user/get and let end users (us) decide which specific piece of data should be made useful. From the perspective of single-responsibility principle, it makes sense that provenance, signup_ts and more belong to user meta data. Also adding them wouldn't break any existing functionalities.

    Or you already have APIs available for more user data?

    🧩 Context

    This feature request is to accommodate the inability of linking email and social logins on your platform. In our system, we'd like to direct all logins with the same email address to one account. We've managed to associate link login and social logins to one account on our end, but there is a security issue in which it is possible to generate a Magic token from social login and use the token to access the API for link login. We need to check provenance to make sure users do not abuse our APIs.

    Another way is to make use of the add field in a DID token, which is not available to us neither

    A hard way is to maintain a table on our own and sync with[MAGIC_CLIENT_ID]=&limit=10&offset=50&include_count=1 which gives us provenance. It's impossible to happen due to the complexity, it would also double the time spent on login.

                    "id": [EMAIL_ADDR]',
                    "magic_client_id": [CLIENT_ID],
                    "provenance": "LINK",
                    "signup_ts": 1625162812
                    "id": [EMAIL_ADDR]',
                    "magic_client_id": [CLIENT_ID],
                    "provenance": "apple",
                    "signup_ts": 1625162812

    💻 Examples

        "data": {
            "email": [EMAIL],
            "issuer": [ISSUER],
            "public_address": [PUBLIC_ADDRESS],
            "provenance": [PROVENANCE],
    ✨Feature Request 
    opened by captain-melanie 0
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