168 Repositories
PHP phpunit-architecture-test Libraries
A career recommender website based on RIASEC test.
Web Based Career Recommender A career recommender website based on RIASEC test. Installation Download zip file or clone this whole repository. Setup y
Food delivery app :fries: that allows users to order food from different restaurants. The project is built using a microservice architecture. :boom:
Food Delivery App Description 👋 This is a food delivery app 🍟 that allows users to order food from different restaurants. The project is built using
💨 Smoke testing tool written in PHP
Cigar A smoke testing tool inspired by symm/vape Similar tools include: Blackfire Player Installation Install via composer: composer require brunty/ci
Awesome Set of Packages for Laravel
Awesome Set of Packages for Laravel The set provides best practices to make development more fun and classes/services that I found very useful while w
Fully covered with tests, documented by Swagger and dockerized API based on enterprise-level framework with optional queue worker.
symfony-api Fully covered with tests, documented by Swagger and dockerized API based on enterprise-level framework with optional queue worker. ⚙️ Depl
Simple HTTP smoke testing for your Symfony application
Shopsys HTTP Smoke Testing This package enables you to do simple HTTP smoke testing of your Symfony application. Basically, it generates a HTTP reques
Testing utilities for the psr/log package that backs the PSR-3 specification.
FIG - Log Test Testing utilities for the psr/log package that backs the PSR-3 specification. Psr\Log\Test\LoggerInterfaceTest provides a base test cla
Learn unit testing with PHPUnit.
PHPUnit Exercise Running PHPUnit ./vendor/bin/phpunit # with filter which tests to run ./vendor/bin/phpunit --filter pattern Running Pint ./vendor/
Laravel-OvalFi helps you Set up, test, and manage your OvalFi integration directly in your Laravel App.
OvalFi Laravel Package Laravel-OvalFi helps you Set up, test, and manage your OvalFi integration directly in your Laravel App. Installation You can in
Implementation of the test task from iTexUS.
👍 Тестовое задание от iTexUS Демонстрация: itexus.nextwell.top 🔥 Задача Условия, требования и ТЗ: Реализовать MVC + route приложение на PHP. Реализо
Ecotone Framework is Service Bus Implementation. It enables message driven architecture and DDD, CQRS, Event Sourcing PHP
This is Read Only Repository To contribute make use of Ecotone-Dev repository. Ecotone is Service Bus Implementation, which enables message driven arc
Test and enforce architectural rules in your Laravel applications. Keep your app's architecture clean and consistent!
Laravel Arkitect Laravel Arkitect lets you test and enforce your architectural rules in your Laravel applications, and it's a PHPArkitect wrapper for
FFCMS 3 version core MVC architecture. Build-on use with ffcms main architecture builder.
FFCMS 3 version core MVC architecture. Build-on use with ffcms main architecture builder.
Clean Architecture, DDD and CQRS using Symfony 6
Task manager system using Clean Architecture, DDD and CQRS. Environment setup Install Docker Clone the project: git clone https://github.com/k0t9i/Tas
Because every Wedding RSVP website needs to follow DDD, CQRS, Hexagonal Architecture, Event Sourcing, and be deployed on Lambda.
Our Wedding Website Because every Wedding RSVP website needs to follow DDD, CQRS, Hexagonal Architecture, Event Sourcing, and be deployed on Lambda. ?
Orkestra is a library of infrastructure and architecture helpers for creating CQRS applications
Orkestra Orkestra is an opinionated framework with a plethora of recommendations on architectural design that we use internally at Morebec to develop
Test case to reproduce a PHP segmentation fault involving Xdebug, streams, and dates
The code in this repository causes a segmentation fault when run with PHP 8.0.6 on Fedora 33. This issue was originally reported to the Xdebug project
Additional PHPUnit assertions and helper functions
Jasny PHPUnit extension Additional functionality for PHPUnit. Callback mock - assert that callback is called with correct arguments. Safe mocks - disa
Removes final keywords from source code on-the-fly and allows mocking of final methods and classes
Removes final keywords from source code on-the-fly and allows mocking of final methods and classes. It can be used together with any test tool such as PHPUnit or Mockery.
A Symfony project made with DDD, CQRS and Hexagonal Architecture
Symfony Blog DDD + CQRS + Hexagonal Architecture A Symfony blog project made with CQRS, Hexagonal Architecture and DDD Docker integration This project
A Laravel test build by Incline Start-up Agency. Testing Git and framework functions.
Incognito-Confessions A laravel test build by Incline Start-up Agency. Testing Git and framework functions. Description A laravel starter for future t
Comprehensive Plugin for composer to execute PHP Quality assurance Tools
NOT MAINTANED ANYMORE The development of composer-plugin-qa was dropped in favor of phpqa which is actively maintained. The project use docker and can
Toxiproxy PHP Client - Toxiproxy makes it easy and trivial to test network conditions, for example low-bandwidth and high-latency situations
Toxiproxy makes it easy and trivial to test network conditions, for example low-bandwidth and high-latency situations. toxiproxy-php-client includes everything needed to get started with configuring Toxiproxy upstream connection and listen endpoints.
Test requests in Laravel without all the boilerplate.
Request Factories Test requests in Laravel without all the boilerplate. 💡 Psst. Although our examples use Pest PHP, this works just as well in PHPUni
QaraTMS is open source test case, test suites, test plans and test runs management tool.
QaraTMS - Open Source Test Management System QaraTMS is open source test management software for managing test suites, test cases, test plans, test ru
Dockerise Symfony Application (Symfony 6 + Clean Architecture+ DDD+ CQRS + Docker + Xdebug + PHPUnit + Doctrine ORM + JWT Auth + Static analysis)
Symfony Dockerise Symfony Application Install Docker Install Docker Compose Docker PHP & Nginx Create Symfony Application Debugging Install Xdebug Con
Essence is a very flexible BDD style assertion framework for PHP that fits into existing PHPUnit projects nicely
Essence 1.5.1 Essence is a very flexible BDD style assertion framework for PHP that fits into existing PHPUnit projects nicely. Installation composer
Integration testing helpers for the Slim Framework
Slim Test Helpers Integration testing helpers for the Slim Framework 3 For a full example, please see the companion repo at there4/slim-unit-testing-e
Set of polyfills for changed PHPUnit functionality to allow for creating PHPUnit cross-version compatible tests
PHPUnit Polyfills Set of polyfills for changed PHPUnit functionality to allow for creating PHPUnit cross-version compatible tests. Requirements Instal
A research raw data repository for researchers of Arba Minch University built using Codeigniter which follows MVC architecture. The front-end is build using Bootstrap.
Arba Minch University Dataset Repository This system is a research dataset repository for Arba Minch University researchers and is build using Codeign
Hozokit - Theme Building Framework for WordPress
Hozokit - Theme Building Framework for WordPress Hozokit gives you the power to create unique WordPress themes without the WordPress hassle.
PHP Test Generator - A CLI tool which generates unit tests
This project make usages of PHPStan and PHPParser to generate test cases for a given PHP File.
L'organisation "nous les femmes " vous demande de lui réaliser une application qui permettra de gérer l'ensembles des organisations partenaires.
OSC-Femme Architecture du projet Modèle-vue-contrôleur ou MVC est un motif d'architecture logicielle destiné aux interfaces graphiques lancé en 1978 e
This repository aims to build a fairly complete CI/CD example using GitHub workflows and actions.
CI/CD example This repository aims to build a fairly complete CI/CD example using GitHub workflows and actions. Keep in mind that the toolset used in
Prevent none-test output in your Pest tests.
Pest Plugin Silence Often, when writing tests, we echo and dump test code to debug and check everything is working correctly. It can be easy to forget
Satisfy the Type APIs for the WordPress schema when running PHPUnit tests
Satisfy the Type APIs for the WordPress schema when running PHPUnit tests
PHPStan PHPUnit extensions and rules
PHPStan PHPUnit extensions and rules PHPStan PHPUnit This extension provides following features: createMock(), getMockForAbstractClass() and getMockFr
Report high memory usage PHPUnit tests: Managed by opg-org-infra & Terraform
phpunit-memory-usage Report high memory usage PHPUnit tests: Managed by opg-org-infra & Terraform Configuration Add into the phpunit.xml extensions se
Create and manage A Domain Driven Design (DDD) in your Laravel app, simply and efficiently.
Create and manage A Domain Driven Design (DDD) in your Laravel app, simply and efficiently.
Example repo for writing tests in Drupal (using DDEV)
Drupal Test Writing This is a test D9 site which can be used for practicing test writing and running.
Examination tasks to test backend knowledge (for junior level)
Task 1 The website of one of our old clients was hacked. After hacking, a strange red bar appeared on the site at the bottom of the page (https://imgu
A PHP 7.4+ library to consume the Confluent Schema Registry REST API
A PHP 7.4+ library to consume the Confluent Schema Registry REST API. It provides low level functions to create PSR-7 compliant requests that can be used as well as high level abstractions to ease developer experience.
Extension to use built-in PHP server on Behat tests
Extension to use built-in PHP server on Behat tests Instalation composer require libresign/behat-builtin-extension Configuration Add the extension to
Create a web service for discussion and comments of articles.
Test technique But Créer un service web de discussion et de commentaires d’articles. Fonctionnalités Les fonctionnalités attendus sont les suivantes :
A tool to run migrations prior to running tests
cakephp-test-migrator A tool to run migrations prior to running tests The Migrator For CakePHP 3.x composer require --dev vierge-noire/cakephp-test-mi
The Phoronix Test Suite is the most comprehensive testing and benchmarking platform
The Phoronix Test Suite is the most comprehensive testing and benchmarking platform available for Linux, Solaris, macOS, Windows, and BSD operating systems.
The tool converts different error reporting standards for deep compatibility with popular CI systems (TeamCity, IntelliJ IDEA, GitHub Actions, etc).
JBZoo / CI-Report-Converter Why? Installing Using as GitHub Action Example GitHub Action workflow Available Directions Help description in terminal Co
Test your Laravel applications with phpspec
phpspec Laravel Extension phpspec extension for testing Laravel applications. Versions Depending on the version of Laravel and/or Phpspec you're using
🐘 🎯 Hexagonal Architecture, DDD & CQRS in PHP
🐘 🎯 Hexagonal Architecture, DDD & CQRS in PHP Example of a PHP application using Domain-Driven Design (DDD) and Command Query Responsibility Segrega
Test Doubles for the PSR-3 Logger Interface
PSR Log Test Doubles Test Doubles for the PSR-3 Logger Interface Motivation In PHP world, most people create Test Doubles via PHPUnits mocking framewo
SlimJim was born out of a need for a simple auto update script which would update multiple development/test environments every time someone
SlimJim WHY? SlimJim was born out of a need for a simple auto update script which would update multiple development/test environments every time someo
The objective of ParaTest is to support parallel testing in PHPUnit
The objective of ParaTest is to support parallel testing in PHPUnit. Provided you have well-written PHPUnit tests, you can drop paratest in your project and start using it with no additional bootstrap or configurations!
SNIA SSS PTS test suite based on SNIA's Solid State Storage Performance Test Specification for Transcend products
SNIA-SSS-PTS ABSTRACT SNIA SSS PTS describes a solid state storage device-level performance test methodology, test suite and reporting format intended
Mockery - Designed as a drop in alternative to PHPUnit's phpunit-mock-objects library
Mockery Mockery is a simple yet flexible PHP mock object framework for use in unit testing with PHPUnit, PHPSpec or any other testing framework. Its c
SIMPLE DONATIONS SITE TO TEST DARAJA 2.0(MPESA) API MPESA FILES donation.php requires pay.php which has the two functions: customerMpesaSTKPush($phone
Laravel API architecture builder based on artisan commands.
🧑🔬 API-Formula Laravel API architecture builder based on artisan commands. This package provides a nice and fluent way to generate combined control
Skeleton for creating a new Command Line Interface application with a minimum of dependencies.
Skeleton for creating a new Command Line Interface application with a minimum of dependencies.
The query filter bundle allows you to filter data from QueryBuilder and the Database
The query filter bundle allows you to filter data from QueryBuilder and the Database. you can filter multiple columns at the same time and also you can filter relation fields with two-level deep and without any join in your query builder.
A DDD microservice did in laravel, to test infrastructure
A DDD microservice did in laravel, to test infrastructure
Quickly and easily preview and test your Magento 2 order confirmation page, without hacks or spending time placing new order each time
Preview Order Confirmation Page for Magento 2 For Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x and 2.3.x Styling and testing Magento's order confirmation page can be a
A place where Magento architectural discussions happen
This repository is created by initiative of Magento architects to discuss with the Magento community any open questions around Magento 2 architecture
Magento PHPUnit Integration
Magento PHPUnit Integration Magento is a quite complex platform without built in unit test suite, so the code is not oriented on running tests over it
A study of the design, implementation, and management of enterprise information systems.
Enterprise-Architecture A study of the design, implementation, and management of enterprise information systems. Organization: University of North Ala
Mock implementation of the Translation package, for testing with PHPUnit
PoP Translation - Mock Mock implementation of the Translation package, for testing with PHPUnit Install Via Composer composer require getpop/translati
🧾 Online test site with the human sciences theme. Using: HTML5, CSS3, Js., PHP7 and MySQL. 🚀
form-ciencias-humanas 🚀 Technologies Lunacy HTML5 CSS3 PHP7 MYSQL Animate.css Illustrations from icons8: Earth care from Anna Antipina Earth and Moon
Patchstack Test task Laravel&Vue CRUD
Patchstack Test Task - Laravel & Vue CRUD SPA Written with Laravel and Vue2 using mix. Installation Clone this repository Run "composer update" comman
A plugin to test Server-getPlayerExact() vs Mapusername, Player performance
PeformanceTests A plugin to test Server-getPlayerExact() vs Mapusername, Player performance Timings with Server-getPlayerExact() https://timings.p
Qase-phpunit - Qase TMS PHPUnit reporter.
Qase TMS PHPUnit reporter Publish results simple and easy. How to integrate composer require qase/phpunit-reporter Example of usage The PHPUnit report
This is a public repository developed to Mooven for test.
How to start First Step: Clone repository to your PC Second Step: Run the command: composer dumpautoload Third Step: IMPORTANT STEP! Now you have to c
The Lucid Architecture for Scalable Laravel Applications.
Website: https://lucidarch.dev Documentation: https://docs.lucidarch.dev Social: we share updates & interesting content from the web Twitter: @lucid_a
Docker image that provides static analysis tools for PHP
Static Analysis Tools for PHP Docker image providing static analysis tools for PHP. The list of available tools and the installer are actually managed
⚓️ Easily test HTTP webhooks with this handy tool that displays requests instantly.
Webhook.site With Webhook.site, you instantly get a unique, random URL that you can use to test and debug Webhooks and HTTP requests, as well as to cr
Get a grip on your finances.
Budget Budget is an open-source web application that helps you keep track of your finances. You can use Budget by hosting it yourself, or using the in
Laravel FREE E-Commerce Software
Get discount on Digital Ocean Sign-up with Digital Ocean and get $10 discount! Laravel FREE E-Commerce Software Features Provided Products Cart Checko
My Shop E-commerce Backend API Service
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
test listmonk & smtp application api
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Behat is a BDD framework for PHP to help you test business expectations.
Behat is a BDD framework for PHP to help you test business expectations. Installing Behat The easiest way to install Behat is by using Composer: $ co
PHP Mocking Framework
Phake Phake is a framework for PHP that aims to provide mock objects, test doubles and method stubs. Phake was inspired by a lack of flexibility and e
PHPUnit extension for database interaction testing.
This extension is no longer maintained DbUnit PHPUnit extension for database interaction testing. Installation Composer If you use Composer to manage
PHP libraries that makes Selenium WebDriver + PHPUnit functional testing easy and robust
Steward: easy and robust testing with Selenium WebDriver + PHPUnit Steward is a set of libraries made to simplify writing and running robust functiona
Samsui is a factory library for building PHP objects useful for setting up test data in your applications.
#Samsui Samsui is a factory library for building PHP objects useful for setting up test data in your applications. It is mainly inspired by Rosie for
Lumen rest api demo with Dingo/Api, JWT, CORS, PHPUNIT
lumen-api-demo 这是一个比较完整用 lumen 5.7 写的的 REST API 例子。使用了 dingo/api ,jwt 实现登录,功能上很简单,登录,注册,发帖,评论,单元测试(正在补充)。 lumen5.x 请看对应的分支 有需要随时联系我 lumen/laravel/rest
A Composer script to run a 'test' or 'spec' Composer script against multiple PHP versions.
composer-multitest composer-multitest is a Composer script that runs a test or spec Composer script against multiple PHP versions managed by PHPBrew o
Laravel 8 + Vue 2 + AdminLTE 3 based Curd Starter template
Laravel 8 + Vue 2 + AdminLTE 3 based Curd Starter template
Learning about - Basic HTML & CSS, JSON, XML, Session & Cookies, CRUD Operations in Php using MySQL and Create MVC from scratch
This Project is based on course CSC 3215. Learning about - Basic HTML & CSS, JSON, XML, Session & Cookies, CRUD Operations in Php using MySQL and Create MVC (Model–View–Controller) from scratch. Just learning about web technologies, Not focusing on UI (Bootstrap or other 3rd-Party UI libraries or frameworks).
The full-stack test project for Personnel LTD.
personnel-ltd The full-stack test project for Personnel LTD. Clone and install composer dependencies. $ git clone git@github.com:arsovskidev/personnel
Lumen on Docker - Skeleton project with Nginx, MySQL & PHP 8 | Aws ECS, Google Kubernates, Azure Container Engine
Docker infrastructure for Lumen Description Microservice Lumen is a starting skeleton based on Docker and Lumen Framework. This project helps to devel
Sample code for several design patterns in PHP 8
DesignPatternsPHP Read the Docs of DesignPatternsPHP or Download as PDF/Epub This is a collection of known design patterns and some sample codes on ho
Contains a few tools usefull for making your test-expectations agnostic to operating system specifics
PHPUnit Tools to ease cross operating system Testing make assertEquals* comparisons end-of-line (aka PHP_EOL) character agnostic Make use of EolAgnost
A payment gateway plugin for WooCommerce to see if your checkout works.
=== Order Test For All for WooCommerce === Contributors: ikamal Donate link: https://kamal.pw/ Tags: wc order test, wc order, woocommerce, woocommerce
Provides generic data providers for use with phpunit/phpunit.
data-provider Installation Run composer require --dev ergebnis/data-provider Usage This package provides the following generic data providers: Ergebni
Allows the running of PHPUnit within ExpressionEngine
EE Unit Tests EE Unit Tests is an Add-on for ExpressionEngine that allows developers to execute unit tests from the Command Line. EE Unit Tests uses P
A video course for laravel artisan to learn creating API using testing
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
POC d'un projet Clean Architecture + DDD
Proof Of Concept - Clean Architecture & DDD Installation Dans un premier temps, cloner le repository : git clone https://github.com/TBoileau/rse cd rs
Test with laravel framework
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
This is a simple invoice page that user can add product to his/her basket with qty.
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Static testing tool for psalm plugins
Psalm test Static testing tool for psalm plugins. Installation $ composer require --dev klimick/psalm-test $ vendor/bin/psalm-plugin enable klimick/ps
Fearless refactoring, it does a lot of smart checks to find certain errors.
Find Bugs Before They Bite Built with ❤️ for lazy laravel developers ;) Why repeat the old errors, if there are so many new errors to commit. (Bertran
Lightflows Technical Test
Installation git clone composer install cp .env.example .env php artisan key:generate setup database in .env php artisan migrate --seed php artisan pa